单词 | 中音 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 中音 adjective —midrange adjExamples:男中音—baritone 中央音乐学院—Central Conservatory of Music
中央服务部门的大多数合同与公众宣传局的活动有关(342 份合同中的 223 份):其中 音像活 动和出版物占大多数,按数量计占 [...] 87%,按金额计占 76%。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The majority of the contracts in Central Services are related to [...] BPI activities (223 contracts out of 342): [...] among these, audiovisual activities [...]and publications accounted for the majority [...]by number (87%) and by amount (76%). unesdoc.unesco.org |
全新的高中音樂會設有特定主題,能作為新高中課程的「其他學習經歷(OLE)」。 hkphil.org | NEW – Our [...] senior secondary concerts have a specific [...]theme, stimulating ‘Other Learning Experience’ for your classes. hkphil.org |
Dolby Volume [...] 可保留在较低播放级别下可能丢失的细节 (如环绕氛围),并维持中音元素(如声乐)与其余混 音的重要关联。 analog.com | Dolby Volume preserves details like surround ambience that can get lost at [...] lower playback levels, and maintains the critical relationship of mid-range [...] elements, like vocals, to the rest [...]of the mix. analog.com |
在扬声器的中部,密封的压力室内有一个 5 [...] 英寸大的特殊设备,它以卓越的 Bang & Olufsen 方式对重要的中音进行处理。 bang-olufsen.com | In the middle of the speaker sits an exceptional [...] 5-inch unit in a sealed pressure chamber, handling the important mid-range in the [...] familiar, superior Bang & Olufsen fashion. bang-olufsen.com |
BeoLab 12-1 是 BeoLab 12 系列中的最新成員,包含一個高音與 中音 組 合 式單體,及一個位於後方的低音單體。 bang-olufsen.com | BeoLab 12-1, the latest member of the BeoLab 12 family, includes a combined upper- and mid-range speaker driver unit as well as one woofer positioned at the back. bang-olufsen.com |
选择您想从实践说明中音谱号,低音 谱 号 , 中音 谱 号,高音谱号,或任何四个组合。 cn.moba-app.com | Choose if you would like to practice notes from the alto clef, bass clef, tenor clef, treble c... moba-app.com |
对于入墙式扬声器,您可以选择 [...] CWM 8180(具有高端规格,包括一个 Kevlar FST 中音驱动器和一个 200 毫米 Rohacell 低音驱动器)或者 [...]CWM DS8(只需按一下遥控器按钮,您就可以在偶极模式和传统环绕声模式之间随意切换)。 bowers-wilkins.cn | For in-wall speakers, you could choose between the CWM 8180, with [...] its high-end spec including a [...] Kevlar FST midrange driver and 200mm Rohacell bass driver, or [...]the CWM DS8, which can switch between [...]dipole and conventional surround modes at the push of a remote-control button. bowers-wilkins.eu |
因此,尽管我们知道 Kevlar® [...] 材料可以比其他材料提供更好的音质效果,特别是在至关重要 的 中音 上 , 但我们并不清楚有关振膜如何真正高效工作的任何真实细节。 bowers-wilkins.cn | So although we knew that Kevlar could give better results than other [...] materials around at the time, especially in [...] the critical midrange, we didn't know [...]in any real detail how the cones were actually [...]behaving – in effect why they sounded better. bowers-wilkins.eu |
透過此三音路的設計,SP-HF1800A利用Hi-Fi分音技術使每一個揚聲器單體都能清楚地呈現 高 音 、 中音 及 低 音。 geniusnetusa.com | With this 3-way design, SP-HF1800A uses Hi-Fi crossover technology that makes each speaker [...] unit respond to high, middle and low frequency [...]respectively. geniusnetusa.com |
明亮及反應快速,Selmer Super Action 80系列III降B次中音薩克 斯管TS/III集合了多項Selmer 薩克斯管的舊有特質。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Bright and responsive, the Selmer Super Action 80 Series III Bb tenor saxophone TS/III integrates many features of previous Selmer saxophones. tomleemusic.com.hk |
在创作的最初阶段,莫扎特通常只写下旋律部分、低音部分以 及 中音 部 分 的几个对整体结构非常重要的音型。 wdl.org | During the initial phase of work, Mozart normally wrote only the melody [...] portion and the bass line, as well [...]as several structurally significant figures in the middle range. wdl.org |
有关文化市场服务平台移动应用 电视台台新闻报导, 可参考以下链接http://youtu.be/CVjDgvJ1lbY 其他转载自广州电视台新闻报导内容及信息时报的文字,兹综合报导 如下: [...] 其他转载自广州电视台新闻报导内容及信息时报的文字,兹综合报导 如下:市民可通过手机终端查询正版、举报侵权 [...] 据广州市文化市场管理工作领导小组办公室相关负责人介绍,目前盗版市场猖獗,去年,广州市文化市场管理部门共查获非法出版物846万册, 其 中音 像 制 品820多万张,纸质书籍26万册。 timeless.com.hk | For related TV news coverage, please refer to the link below:http://youtu.be/CVjDgvJ1lbY The other news coverage from Guangzhou TV station and “Information Times” was summarized as follow: Citizens could enquire Genuine copies and report piracy through Mobile Phone “Last Year, Guangzhou Cultural Market Management Office seized a total of 8.46 million [...] copies of illegal [...] publications, of which audio products accounted [...]for 8.2 million whereas paper publications amounted to 260,000 copies. timeless.com.hk |
斯泰纳的沙哑男中音是他 那种以吉他伴奏为驱动的另类摇滚的核心与灵魂。 norway.org.cn | Hjelmbrekke’s rough baritone is at the heart [...] and center of his guitar-driven alt rock. norway.cn |
當您啟用 「舒適」模式時,所有媒體和電視頻道的高低音量都會自動調整到 適 中音 量,使您在切換媒體格式時音量不致變得太大或太小。 seagate.com | When Comfort mode is enabled, high and low volume levels of all media and TV channels are automatically moderated so that the volume becomes neither too loud nor too soft when you change from one media format to another. seagate.com |
在世博会开幕式中,音频系 统处于最重要的地位,在黄浦江两岸放置了超过450只喇叭,沿江使用的功放超过了300千瓦。 acehk.com | In the opening ceremony [...] of the Expo, the audio system is the most [...]important level in the two sides of Huangpu River have [...]placed more than 450 loudspeakers, along with the amplifiers more than 300 kilowatts. acehk.com |
13) 盗版对相关利益主体的影响:75%的受访电影生产企业、67%的受访电影发行 放映企业、100%的受访音像企业都曾经采取过预防/打击盗版行为的措施,其 中,音像企业打击盗版电影的积极性高于其它电影相关企业,这说明,音像行 业是盗版的最直接打击对象,它们受到的经营压力要高于电影制片企业和发行 放映企业。 uschina.org | 13) Impact of piracy on stake holders: 75 percent of the movie production enterprises interviewed, 67 percent of the movie distribution and projection enterprises and 100 percent of audiovisual enterprises responded that they have taken some measures to prevent/crack down on piracy. uschina.org |
FREY WILLE貴為音樂及文化之都奧地利維也納的奢華品牌,對能與香港歌劇院(Opera Hong [...] Kong)攜手呈獻莫札特(W. A. [...] Mozart)的經典歌劇「魔笛」而雀躍;這正是一次東與西的文化交滙,本公司熱切期待來自維也納的 男 中音 保 羅 •埃德爾曼(Paul Edelmann) [...]及女高音黃英(Huang Ying)於十一月七日晚上的精彩演出。 ipress.com.hk | As a brand from Vienna (Austria), a city with a rich [...] artistic and cultural heritage, especially [...] in the field of music, FREY WILLE is [...]delighted having the opportunity to join hands [...]with the Opera Hong Kong in this, ‘The Magic Flute? ipress.com.hk |
研究顯示,只有寬廣的 IDR 才可在噪音中實現足夠的語音感知。 vibrant-medel.com | Studies show that only a wide IDR allows for [...] adequate speech perception in noise. vibrant-medel.com |
我们 还掌握这些人的录音,他们在录音中 承 认 ,他们是恐 怖分子,并且已进入我国以便开展恐怖主义行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | We also have recordings of those same individuals confessing that they are terrorists and had entered the country to carry out terrorist operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
以Kerry King喜愛的JCM800 head為藍本,Kerry稱這擴音器為「The Beast」(野獸);2203KK曾是Kerry多年於現場和 錄 音中 的 擴 音 主 要部件,直至我們把2203KK原型介紹給他。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Kerry calls this amplifier 'The Beast'; It was the amp that had been at the core of Kerry's sound for many years both live and in the studio until we presented him with the first 2203KK prototype. tomleemusic.com.hk |
到此阶段,他们的听觉已充分发育,但要听出声音如混合 辅 音中 的 细 微 差别(此为掌握语言中混合语音情况的必要步骤),则大多数小孩还要等到 [...] 6 岁才可以。 cpsc.gov | Their sense of hearing is well developed by this [...] age, but their ability to [...] perceive subtle phonological distinctions in sounds, such as [...]consonant blends (this is necessary [...]for mastering the phonetic combinations of language), is not developed until about age 6 in most children. cpsc.gov |
AW-MOHAMMED 把吉布提和平进程斥之为外国阴谋,而且他在 [...] 2009 年 5 月给 索马里媒体的一段录音中承认 ,他的部队参加了最近在摩加迪沙的战事。 un.org | AW-MOHAMMED has denounced the Djibouti [...] peace process as a foreign conspiracy, [...] and in a May 2009 audio recording to Somali [...]media, he acknowledged that his forces [...]were engaged in recent fighting in Mogadishu. un.org |
耶稣在马太 福音 10:37 中曾经 警告过我们,爱自己的家庭胜过爱基督的人不配跟从祂。 sallee.info | Jesus warned in Matthew 10:37 that anyone who loves his family more than Christ is not worthy of Him. sallee.info |
通过将录音中的咕 噜声和口哨声与已知的鱼类声音对比,南佛罗里达大学的研究人员发现,红石斑鱼(如图所示Epinephelus morio)和蟾鱼 (Opsanus spp.) 的声音出现的最为频繁。 chinese.eurekalert.org | By comparing the grunts and whistles on their recordings to known fish calls, University of South Florida researchers found red grouper (shown, Epinephelus morio) and toadfishes (Opsanus spp.) were the most frequent fish sounds recorded, the team reports this month in Marine Ecology Progress Series. chinese.eurekalert.org |
一位好奇的章节给出了丢失的摩洛序幕,或马拉的,主教阿弥陀(1叙利亚作家的作品似乎已经),而他的版本四 福 音中 的 希腊,以该作家的好奇心作为追加的pericope通奸的女子采取(约翰8),其中有佳能摩洛插在第89,“这不是建立在其他手稿”书第八,三,赋予- [...] [...] Arsham也门烈士的信拜特哈西缅,或许是杜撰的文件。 mb-soft.com | A curious chapter gives the Prologue of Moro, or Mara, Bishop of Amida (a Syriac writer whose [...] works appear to have been lost), to his [...] edition of the four Gospels in Greek, to which [...]the writers appends as a curiosity the [...]pericope of the woman taken in adultery (John 8) which Moro had inserted in the 89th canon; "it is not founded in other manuscripts" Book VIII, iii, gives the letter of Simeon of Beit-Arsham on the martyrs of Yemen, perhaps an apocryphal document. mb-soft.com |
李教授說,在二零零五年十一月的電話 錄 音中 他 向 莫禮時教 授提及關閉教院,他只是說出各種可能性而關閉教院不是一個選擇。 legco.gov.hk | Professor Li said when he mentioned the closing down of HKIEd in the recorded telephone conversation with Professor Morris in November 2005, he was just putting forward a spectrum of possibilities and disbanding HKIEd was not an option. legco.gov.hk |
它有特定的频率响应,即使把话筒戴在身上或藏在衣服里使用, [...] 仍可拾取清晰的语言,带有低频衰减和语音频段提升功能,使其成为在现场 录 音中 产 生更好听感的话筒。 dpamicrophones.com | Its frequency response is customized for maximum vocal clarity in body-worn and concealed applications, [...] with a low-end roll off and presence boost, making [...] this an ideal sounding microphone to [...]use in the field or on the set. dpamicrophones.dk |
真实但可控的环境和交通噪声对于确保有效的基准至关重要,还有距离衰减、摇镜头效果、多普勒频移、源衰减和方向性,所有这些特点都在合成 声 音中 , 如 同在真实世界一样。 bksv.cn | Realistic but controllable ambient and traffic noise is vital to ensure effective benchmarking, as are distance attenuation, pan effects, Doppler shift, [...] source attenuation and directivity, all of which feature in [...] the synthesised sound just as they would [...]in the real world. bksv.com |