

单词 中财



Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing

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本报中财务问 题 一节表明,在上届行政当局执政期间,相当多的石油收入由总统府直接控制并被 [...]
As illustrated in the finance section of the [...]
present report, during the previous administration, considerable amounts of
oil revenue were directly handled by the Presidency and used to purchase arms.
在关于框架增设功能的建中,财务合 作和能力建设最为常见——作为技术合作的补充和对创新的支持。
Among the most frequent suggestions for additional functions of the
[...] framework were: financial cooperation and [...]
capacity-building, to complement technical
cooperation, and support for innovation.
被占领的巴勒斯坦领土加沙城,2012年12月11日 —— 一名穿着校服的女孩在墙边被炸毁的破碎家具里找寻 中财 物。
GAZA CITY, occupied Palestinian territory, 11 December 2012 – A girl in school uniform searches for belongings among pieces of furniture hurled against the walls by a blast.
的确,即使是发达国中财力丰 富的图书馆在维持师生所 期待的品种齐全的杂志方面也面临巨大的困难。
Indeed, even well resourced libraries in developed countries are experiencing extreme difficulty in continuing to stock the full range of journals their academics and students expect.
联合国共同国家方案的发展面临着一些挑战:首先是国内的政治形势,特别是对人权 问题的日益关注以及政府对人权的敏感,所以很难制订由国家工作队和政府共享的共同国家 方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在中财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不情愿和技术障碍。
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country programmes: firstly, the domestic political situation, especially the growing concern over human rights issues and the government’s sensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint United Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities.
有必要看到,大会在其第三十届会议上(1999 年)认为,更换教科文组织的预算、财 务、人力资源和发放工资等系统所需要的预算总额约为 1,900 万美元,中财务和预算系统 所需要的大约 1,070 万美元的预算将在 2000--2001 年期间执行(第 30C/84 号决议)。
It will be recalled that at its 30th session (1999), the General Conference estimated the total budget to replace
UNESCO’s systems for
[...] budget, finance, human resources and payroll to be in the range of $19 million, including some $10.7 million for the finance and budget [...]
system to be implemented
in 2000-2001 (30 C/Resolution 84).
谷歌财经不搜索 行动公司收入中,财政和 投资有关的其他信息。
Google Finance does about search actions, Companies that are in the bag and other information about finances and investments.
[...] 为承包者提供以下各方面的指导:按照《规章》应保存的账簿、账目和财务记录; 指明国际公认的会计原则;年度报 中财 务 资料的列报格式;实际和直接勘探成 [...]
The purpose of these recommendations is to provide guidance to contractors in relation to the books, accounts and financial records to be maintained in accordance with the Regulations, the identification of internationally accepted
accounting principles, the format for the
[...] presentation of financial information in [...]
the annual report, the definition of the
actual and direct costs of exploration, and the form of certification of actual and direct exploration expenditures.
[...] 1905(2009)号决议规定最迟于 2010 年 7 月 1 日提交的报中,财务专 家委员会将向安全理 事会介绍该制度成功率的有关情况。
In the report to be presented by 1 July 2010, pursuant to the
provisions of resolution 1905 (2009), the
[...] Committee of Financial Experts will [...]
seek to provide the Security Council with
information on the system’s success rate.
在公共财政领域,该区域各国 2012 年的预中,财政账户略有恶化,基本 盈余相当于国内总产值的 0.2%,总体赤字相当于国内总产值的 1.7%,主要是因 为财政收入不断减少。
In the public finances arena, the 2012 budgets of the countries in the region point to a slight deterioration in the fiscal accounts, with a primary surplus equal to 0.2 per cent of GDP and an overall deficit equal to 1.7 per cent of GDP, essentially owing to declining fiscal revenue.
在“水服务公司”方中,财务安 排和供水结构的中心是围绕 提供可持续水服务的48。
A ‘water service company’ approach would put the provision of sustainable water services at the centre of the companies’ delivery and their reward structure22 .
行政当局还告知审计委员会,已经加强了《公 共部门会计准则》和企业资源规划两个项目小组之间的协作,以确保两个项目更
[...] 加统一,包括临时安排工作人员同地办公以及指定方案规划、预算和账户厅一名 管理人员完成企业资源规划系统设 中财 务 方面的待定内容。
The administration also informed the Board that collaboration between the IPSAS and ERP project teams has been intensified with the aim of ensuring greater harmonization between the two projects, including temporarily co-locating staff members and appointing a manager from the Office of Programme
Planning, Budget and Accounts to complete the pending
[...] elements of the financial aspects of the [...]
design of the ERP system.
1.3 公司董事长兼首席执行官曾南先生、财务总监罗友明先生以及财务机构负责人黄燕兵先生声明: 保证季度报中财务报 告的真实、完整。
iii Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Company Mr. Zeng Nan, CFO Mr. Luo Youming, and Principle of the
Financial Department Mr. Huang Yanbin hereby
[...] confirm that the Financial Report of the [...]
First Quarter Report 2012 is true and complete.
肖烽 公司负责人王昌顺、主管会计工作负责人樊澄及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)肖烽声明: 保证本季度报中财务报 告的真实、完整。
Wang Changshun (legal representative of the Company), Fan Cheng (person in charge of accounting function), and Xiao Feng (person in charge of accounting department
(accounting superintendent)) hereby jointly
[...] declare that the financial statements set [...]
out in this quarterly report is true and complete.
通过审查特派团支助结构,特别是关于 中财 务 科 的区域财务员额做法, 拟议将区域协调科的 5 个财务助理员额(2 个外勤事务人员和 3 个本国一般事务人 员)调至财务科。
In line with the review of the mission support structure, specifically with respect to centralizing the regional finance posts in the Finance Section, it is proposed that five posts of Finance Assistant (2 Field Service and 3 national General Service) be redeployed to the Finance Section from the Regional Coordination Section.
[...] Vorwerk公司一样多元化。2010年是它130年经营 中 , 财 政业 绩最成功的一年。
In fact, few other multinationals are as diversified as Vorwerk – which in 2010 recorded the
[...] most successful fiscal of its 130-year [...]
在 2009/10 年国家预中,财政部 宣布,如果经济衰退继续,它将动用政府 [...]
In the national budget for 2009/10,
[...] the Ministry of Finance announced that [...]
it had marshalled all resources at the disposal
of the Government for the implementation of economic and financial contingency plans, should that become necessary in the case of a prolonged recession.
法律厅在一般性评中指出,财务细 则 101.2 界 定的术语也在财务条例中使用,法律厅接着指出,财务条例由执行局颁布,所以 在规范等中,财务条 例的地位高于执行主任颁布的财务细则。
In its general comments, the OLA notes that the terms defined in Financial Rule 101.2 are also used in the Financial Regulations, and goes on to explain that since Financial Regulations are promulgated by the Executive Board, their position in the hierarchy of norms is higher than that of the Financial Rules which [...]
are promulgated by the Executive Director.
在这一 过中,财务和 行政管理司将与全球学习中心协商确定这几个地方的额外培训需 求。
In this process, the Division of Financial and Administrative Management (DFAM) will consult [...]
with the Global Learning Centre
(GLC) to determine the additional training needs required in these locations.
然而,在过去的两个审计周中,财 务 管 理、设备/存货的管理和使用,以及记 录保存系统和控制方面的问题有所减少。
Over the last two audit cycles,
however, there was a decrease in issues
[...] in the area of financial management, management [...]
and use of equipment/inventory,
and record-keeping systems and controls.
高博士曾在中国海洋石油有限公司(中国主要石油公司之一)担任高级副总裁、董事会秘书以及总法律顾问,负责公司海外兼并收购以及其他事务; 中财 国 企 投资有限公司(中国主要投资公司之一)担任执行总裁;并兼任重庆长安汽车股份有限公司独立董事(美国福特汽车在中国的合资企业)、欧美同学会商会理事、美国耶鲁法学院中国协会主席和美国耶鲁大学北京校友会副主席,并于2004年1月被北京市市长王岐山聘为北京市政府投资银行顾问。
Mr. Gao was formerly Senior Vice President, Company Secretary, and Chief Legal Advisor of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), one of China's major petroleum companies, responsible for overseas mergers and acquisitions and other company affairs, and Chief Executive Officer of China State-Owned Enterprise Investment Corporation, one of China's major investment companies, and Director of Chongqing Changan Automobile Corporation (which has a joint venture with Ford Motors).
作为其宗旨的一部分,并根据第27和31 款可能做出的合作性安排或达成的协议,基金应作 为联合国气候变迁框架公约实施的临时性财务机制,并应作为生物多样性公约实施过 中财 务方面工作的临时性组织机制。
(a) In partial fulfillment of its purposes, the GEF shall, on an interim basis, operate the financial mechanism for the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and shall be, on an interim basis, the institutional structure which carries out the operation of the financial mechanism for the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in accordance with such cooperative arrangements or agreements as may be made pursuant to paragraphs 27 and 31.
玛泽上海执行合伙人刘钰涓博士将于2011年9月8日星期四出席「投资工具:收购和谈判进程」的圆桌会议,并重点谈论国际收购 中财 务 和会计方面的问题。
Dr. Julie LAULUSA, Managing Partner of Mazars Shanghai, will participate to a round table on “investment vehicles: acquisition and negotiation process” on Thursday
8 September 2011. She will give a
[...] special focus on the financial and accounting [...]
aspects of an international acquisition.
在西亚经社会成员中,财政政 策和财政约束差别很大,这意味 着一些国家的财政刺激措施的效果可能会受到严重限制,因为它缺乏区域或全球 的配合。
Among ESCWA member countries, the fiscal stance and fiscal constraints varied significantly, which means the effect of the fiscal stimuli on some countries could be severely limited, given that it occurs without regional or global leverages.
因此,在过去十年 研究的 56 个发展中国中,财富处于最低的 20%的妇女与处于最高的 20%的妇女 相比,平均多生两个子女。
Thus, in 56 developing countries studied over the past decade, women in the lowest wealth quintile had, on average, two children more than women in the upper quintile.3 In Africa, the difference was greater, at 2.8 children, and in Latin America and the Caribbean it was greater still, at 3.8 children.
在随后的讨论中,执行委员会获悉,由于德国议会核准德国的捐款作为 中 期 财政 规 划的一部分,将很难改变变现时间表,可能需要进行非正式讨论以便更好了解德国在政 [...]
In the discussion that followed, the Executive Committee was informed that, as the German
Parliament had approved its contributions as part
[...] of its mid-term fiscal planning, it would [...]
be difficult to change the encashment
schedule, and that informal discussions might be needed to better understand the processes that Germany was undertaking in that regard.
[...] 业,确定淘汰活动的优先次序时,依据的是所选替代方案的可行性,有关次级行 中 企业 的技术财务和 管理能力以及能否提供具有成本效益的备选方案。
For each foam sub-sector, phase-out activities are prioritized according to the
viability of the selected
[...] alternatives; the technical, financial and management capacity [...]
of the enterprises in the sub-sector
concerned; and the availability of cost-effective options.
预算文 件第 29C.35 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出, 中 包 括 :提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行 政管理职责的工作人员的人力财政 资 源管理专门知识;提高秘书处工作人员的 信息技术技能;建立和强化语文能力;支持职业发展和提高实务技能。
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of
training programmes
[...] designed to build and sustain the Organization’s leadership and managerial capacity; improve the human and financial resources management expertise of programme managers and staff with administrative responsibilities; upgrade [...]
the information
technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development and upgrade substantive skills.
恒生银行于一九三三年创立,目前为汇丰集团之主要成员 , 设有一百五 十六间本地分行与自助财中 心 , 在澳门设有一 间 分行,在中国内地则 设有五 间 分行( 位于上海、广州、深圳 、 福州及南京) 、三间 支行(两 间 在上海及一间 在深圳)及三间代表处(位于北京、厦门及 东莞),在 台北亦设有办事处。
Founded in 1933, Hang Seng Bank is a principal member of the HSBC Group. It operates 156 branches and automated banking centres in Hong Kong; a branch in Macau; and a network of five branches (in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Fuzhou and Nanjing), three sub-branches (two in Shanghai and one in Shenzhen) and three representative offices (in Beijing, Xiamen and Dongguan) in mainland China.




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