单词 | 中肯 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 中肯 —pertinentless common: apropos Examples:发言中肯—hit the nail on the head [idiom.] See also:肯—consent • agree • be ready (to do sth)
但是本报告的意见总体上还是比较 中肯 的 , 以此可以促进教育部门新组织框架的有效 落实。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Nevertheless, the findings of this report remain largely pertinent and can contribute to implementing the Education Sector’s new organization effectively. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在上述案件中法国和苏丹之间存在合作,而本 案 中肯 尼 亚 当局并没有与土耳其当 局合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whereas in the aforementioned case there had been cooperation [...] between France and the [...] Sudan, the Kenyan authorities had not cooperated with the Turkish authorities in the instant case. daccess-ods.un.org |
在一项专门讨论加强《全面禁试条约》的决议草 案中肯定《不扩散条约》及其最近举行的审议大会有 可能破坏《全面禁试条约》及其目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Acknowledging the NPT and its recently held Review Conference in a draft resolution devoted to the strengthening of the CTBT could undermine the CTBT and its goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
這些年來,很多委員對房署的品質管理制度的改革,提過不 少 中肯 和 有 用的意見。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Over the years, many Members have put forward a lot of pertinent and useful opinions on the reform [...] of HD¡¦s quality management system. housingauthority.gov.hk |
行政長官 在《二零一零至一一年施政報告》宣布一系列新措施,包括推行大廈 管理專業顧問服務計劃,為舊樓業主提供有關大廈管理的專業意見和 服務;透過為法團幹事提供有系統的培訓,推廣妥善保養大廈的工作, 以及成立一個顧問小組就大廈管理糾紛為業主提 供 中肯 和 權 威的意 見。 legco.gov.hk | CE announced in the 2010-11 Policy Address a series of new initiatives which include the implementation of the Building Management Professional Advisory Service Scheme (BMPASS) to provide professional advice and services on building management to owners of old buildings, the promotion of building care campaign by organising structured training to office-bearers of OCs, and the establishment of a panel of advisors to provide owners with impartial and authoritative advice on building management disputes. legco.gov.hk |
苏丹政府代表在发言中肯定了与南方 的密切合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of the Government of the Sudan, in his statement, affirmed a close cooperation with the South. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天我要强调,这些话是中肯的, 它鲜明地反映并毫 不含糊地确认了安理会成员几周前刚刚访问海地时 所观察到的局势。 daccess-ods.un.org | I wish today to highlight the relevance of those words, which dramatically reflect and unambiguously confirm a situation that Council members were able to observe during their recent visit to Haiti a couple of weeks ago. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此方面,联合国关于联合国在卢 旺达种族灭绝事件中的作用的评估报告(见 S/1999/1257)和关于联合国在斯雷布 雷尼察陷落中的作用的评估报告(A/54/549)都 很 中肯。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations assessment reports on its performance in relation to the Rwandan genocide (see S/1999/1257) and the fall of Srebrenica (A/54/549) were candid in this regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合检查组(CCI)报告对教科文组织的评估 是 中肯 的 , 因此要求将这些报告连同总 干事的评论一并提交执行局。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Committee asked for JIU reports considered to be of relevance to UNESCO to be submitted to the Board together with the Director-General’s observations thereon. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我也要感谢 我的朋友、建设和平委员会主席欧仁-理查德·加萨 纳先生的发言,感谢萨拉·克利夫女士就冲突问题提 出了高质量的报告并作了很中肯的发 言。 daccess-ods.un.org | I also wish to thank my friend, Mr. Eugene-Richard Gasana, Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission, for his statement, and Ms. Sarah Cliffe for the quality of her report on conflicts and for the relevance of her statement. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本分析中,「肯定票源」是指擬投票選民中已決定如何投票者;「游離票源」是指擬投票選民中仍未決定如何投票者,或因為不支持任何候選人而可能投白票者。 hkupop.hku.hk | In this analysis, "firm votes" is defined as likely voters who have already decided [...] how to vote, while "stray votes" is [...]defined as likely voters who have not decided how they would vote, or those who would not support any candidates and might cast blank votes. hkupop.hku.hk |
尽管特别报告员的报告结尾处提出的部分建议是专 门针对理事会程序的,但他认为将这些建议提交给 大会是非常中肯的做 法,因为大多数内容涉及的不 仅是人权领域的联合国机构,还包括负责反恐的机 构。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although some of the recommendations made at the end of his report concerned the Council’s procedures directly, he believed it was appropriate to submit them to the General Assembly because several aspects were of interest to United Nations actors, beyond the field of human rights, including those responsible for counterterrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了提供一个确切的犯罪定义,并将《联合国 海洋法公约》和《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》的规定纳入 其 中 , 肯尼 亚于 2009 年底通过了新《商船法》。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to provide a precise definition of the offence and incorporate the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Convention for the [...] Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of [...] Maritime Navigation, Kenya adopted a new Merchant Shipping Act in late 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
誠然,並非所有輪候冊上的家庭均有能力當上業主,但在選擇置業的家 庭 中 , 肯 定 有不少在從前只能把置業視為夢想。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Not all families on the waiting list will be able to afford this option, but many will who previously could only dream of ownership. housingauthority.gov.hk |
在本分析中,「肯定票 源」是指在訪問中既表示肯定或多數會投票,又表示已決定如何投票的選民;「游離票源」是指被訪者雖然表示肯定或多數會投票,但沒有表示如何投票者;而「可撇除票源」則是泛指餘下的被訪者。 hkupop.hku.hk | In this analysis, "firm votes" is defined as voters who said they would definitely or very likely [...] vote, and have already [...]decided how to vote, while "stray votes" is defined as voters who said they would definitely or very likely vote, but have not decided how they would vote. hkupop.hku.hk |
宪法》在第1 条中肯定这一事实,明确保障每一个 人均享有良心自由和宗教教义自由权,此外,还享有伴随而来通过崇拜、教诲或 仪式宣扬其宗教或教义并加以传播的权利,以及举行宗教礼拜仪式的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Constitution affirms this fact in article 1 and clearly guarantees to every individual the right of freedom of conscience and religious creed, in addition to the associated right of manifesting his religion or creed and disseminating it through worship, teaching or practice, and the right to perform religious ceremonies or rites. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們竭誠為您提供中肯建議 及高效益方案。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | We will always provide you with good advice and economical solutions. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
許 多 因 素 都 可 能 令 配 偶 不 願 為 同 案 被 告 作 證,其 中 肯 定 會 包 括 恐 怕 連 累 配 偶 的 心 理 , 而 單 是 這 個 原 因 , 已 有 足 夠 理 由 拒 絕 實 施 可 強 制 作 證 的 法 規 。 hkreform.gov.hk | They certainly include the fear of incriminating the spouse, and on that ground alone, there is sufficient justification for refusing to implement a rule of compellability. hkreform.gov.hk |
传统观点认为,地雷危险教育是一种单向的大众信息传播方式。缔约国指 出,尽管在紧急状况中以及在社区意识被评估为可忽略不计的个别个案中,这一 观点依然中肯、有 益,但在多数情况下,这种观点本身已不再被视作最佳办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The States Parties have noted that the traditional view of MRE, as a one-way mass communication of information, though still relevant and beneficial in emergency situations and in isolated incidents where community awareness is assessed as negligible, is no longer considered the best approach on its own in most situations. daccess-ods.un.org |
吾等亦已假設董事於通函表達之所有 信念、意見及意向陳述均經審慎周詳查詢及 以 中肯 意 見為基礎合理作出。 cigyangtzeports.com | We have also assumed that all statements of belief, opinion and intention made by [...] the Directors in the Circular were reasonably made after due and careful enquiry and [...] are based on honestly-held opinions. cigyangtzeports.com |
仲裁庭根据《民事诉讼程序法》第 1040 (3)节在 初步裁定中肯定其 有管辖权,据此,申请人(仲裁程序中的被申请人)提出撤 销法院诉讼。 daccess-ods.un.org | The arbitral tribunal affirmed its jurisdiction in a preliminary ruling pursuant to Sec. 1040 (3) CCP against which the applicant (the respondent in the arbitral proceedings) initiated setting aside proceedings in the courts. daccess-ods.un.org |
只有在进行评价时才能核实这种评估是 否 中肯。 multilateralfund.org | The validity of such assessments can only be verified during evaluations. multilateralfund.org |
若本公司清盤(不論為自願或由法院頒令作出),清盤人獲得本公司特別決議案 批准及公司法要求的其他批准後,可將本公司全部或任何部分資產以原物或實物 [...] 形式分發予股東(不論有關資產是否包含同類資產),而清盤人可就此為前述分 配的任何財產釐定其認為中肯的價 值,並可決定股東或不同類別股東之間的分配 [...]方式。 sisinternational.com.hk | If the Company shall be wound up (whether voluntarily or under supervision of or by the court) , the liquidator may, with the sanction of a special resolution of the Company and any other sanction required by the Act, divide amongst the members in specie or kind the whole or any part of the assets of the Company (whether they shall consist of property of the same kind or not) and may, for such [...] purpose, set such value as he deems fair [...] upon any property to be divided as aforesaid [...]and may determine how such division [...]shall be carried out as between the members or different classes of members. sisinternational.com.hk |
他 們 經 過 徹 底 深 入 的 研 究 與 分 析 , 包 括 進 行 詳 盡 的 定 量 與 定 性 分 析 , 提 供 的 資 料 詳 實 中 肯 。 tdwaterhouse.ca | Their in-depth research and analysis includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis that provides you with balanced information. tdwaterhouse.ca |
作者感谢阅读本文、并提出中肯意见 的所有人,包括国际贸易和可持续发展中心知识产权和可持续 发展项目团队。 cgfwatch.org | The author wishes to thank all those who have read this paper critically and provided their inputs and contributions, including the ICTSD Programme team on Intellectual Property Rights and Sustainable Development. cgfwatch.org |
没有人能说哪一方在这场比赛中肯定 胜 出,但我们都知道他们都是为了最后的奖杯。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | No one can say which side has higher stakes in this match, but we all know each one is after the same prize. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
細則規定的收支表及資產負債表須由核數師審查,並與相關簿冊、賬目及會 計憑證比較,且核數師須就此出具書面報告,說明上述報表及資產負債表是 否中肯呈述回顧期間本公司的財務狀況及經營業績,如須徵求董事或本公司 高級人員提供資料,亦說明是否獲提供資料及資料是否符合需要。 gwtd.com.hk | The statement of income and expenditure and the balance sheet provided for by these Articles shall be examined by the Auditor and compared by him with the books, accounts and vouchers relating thereto; and he shall make a written report thereon stating whether such statement and balance sheet are drawn up so as to present fairly the financial position of the Company and the results of its operations for the period under review and, in case information shall have been called for from Directors or officers of the Company, whether the same has been furnished and has been satisfactory. gwtd.com.hk |
(2) 倘於任何董事會會議質疑董事(會議主席除外)權益是否重大或有關董 事(主席除外)有否投票資格,而該董事並無自願同意放棄投票而釋 疑,則該問題由會議主席裁決,而主席對該董事的裁決為最終定案,惟 該董事並無中肯向董 事會披露其權益的性質及程度則除外。 gwtd.com.hk | (2) If any question shall arise at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of the interest of a Director (other than the chairman of the meeting) or as to the entitlement of any Director (other than such chairman) to vote and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting, such question shall be referred to the chairman of the meeting and his ruling in relation to such other Director shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature or extent of the interest of the Director concerned as known to such Director has not been fairly disclosed to the Board. gwtd.com.hk |
还有 Jim Krygowski 和 James Walker,他们从繁忙 的工作日程安排中特意抽出时间,站在 Struts2 以外的视角上,对本 书的内容及连贯性提出了中肯的意见。 docs.huihoo.com | I would like to acknowledge and thank both Jim Krygowski and James Walker for taking time out of their busy schedules to provide an impartial judgment on the continuity and content from a non-Struts2 perspective. docs.huihoo.com |
许多发言 都强调受教育权需 结合《联合国土著人民权利宣言》中肯 定的 其他权利,特别是 自决权、自由、事先 和 知 情 同 意权、条 约权、不 受歧视的权利 和 平等权。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many statements underlined the need not to isolate the right to education from other rights affirmed in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in particular the right to self-determination, free, prior and informed consent, treaties, non-discrimination and equality. daccess-ods.un.org |