单词 | 中箭落马 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 中箭落马 —suffer a serious setback [idiom.]lit. be struck by an arrow and fall from one's horseSee also:落马—lit. fall from a horse • fig. suffer a setback • come a cropper
仅在过去一周里,哈马 斯火箭弹就落在了 一所学校和一个幼儿园内。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the past [...] week alone, Hamas rockets have landed on a school [...]and on a kindergarten. daccess-ods.un.org |
本案 例研究审查了人阵资金的一个潜在途径:从美国经迪拜和内罗 毕 落 入 索 马 里和 非洲之角的武装反对派团体手中。 daccess-ods.un.org | This case study examines one potential route of PFDJ funds: from the [...] United States, through Dubai [...] and Nairobi, into the hands of armed opposition group groups in Somalia and the Horn [...]of Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
視乎進一步研究的結果,保護/預留工程或需進行,以確 保沙中線建造前已落成的 建築物結構無損, 沙 中 線 之 後進行的項目仍 然可行,同時避免受到上述項目影響的地區造成長時間干擾。 legco.gov.hk | Subject to further study, protection/enabling works may be [...] required to ensure that [...] the structural integrity of the structures put in place before the SCL and the feasibility [...]of the projects [...]to be implemented after the SCL would not be affected, as well as to avoid prolonged disruption to the areas affected by these projects. legco.gov.hk |
高级专员敦促危地马拉政府彻底落实 去 年提出的各项建议,同时提出一套旨 在加强法律框架的新建议,以保护人权、在不安全局 势 中 保 护生命权、巩固法治 和打击有罪不罚现象、有效保护土著人民权利和妇女权利、促进享有经济、社会 和文化权利,并确保有效地搜集、整理和使用有关人权的资料和统计数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The High Commissioner urges the Government of Guatemala to fully implement the recommendations put forward last year, and presents a new set of recommendations to strengthen the legislative [...] framework for the protection [...]of human rights, protect the right to life in the face of insecurity, consolidate the rule of law and combat impunity, effectively protect the rights of indigenous peoples and women’s rights, improve the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, and ensure the effective collection, coordination and use of information and statistics pertaining to human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
6.30 專責委員會認為,鑒於梁先生過往在政府任職期間曾 以其建築事務監督的身份,在管制和規管樓宇發展方面行使酌 情權,而其行使酌情權的性質及範圍與房地產行業息息相關, 當中包括 :批核建築圖則(包括修改建築圖則申請)、決定是否 及何時向新落成建 築物發出佔用許可證、向違規或危險的建築 物或建築工程發出拆卸命令、批核改變建築物用途的申請,以 及批核建築樓面面積豁免申請(結果或會使有關地產發展項目 的建築樓面面積有所增加)等42 ,因此,梁先生在離職後加入房 地產機構工作,確會影響公眾對建築事務監督行使其酌情權是 否公平公正的信心。 legco.gov.hk | 6.30 The Select Committee considers that given that Mr LEUNG had exercised the discretionary power in his capacity as BA in controlling and regulating building developments during his government service, and the nature and areas of the discretionary power he exercised were closely related to the real estate sector, including approval of building plans (including the application for revisions), determination of whether and when occupation permits were to be issued to new buildings, issue of orders for demolition of unauthorized or dangerous buildings or building works, approval of applications for change in use of buildings, and approval of applications for GFA exemption (which might result in an increase of the GFA of the development concerned)42 , his taking up of post-service work with real estate organizations would indeed impact on the public's confidence in the fairness and impartiality of BA in his exercise of discretionary power. legco.gov.hk |
如果我们允许以色列的宣传机器描述以色列南 部一些居民由于哈马斯火箭弹袭 击承受心理影响的 情况,我们又怎么可能忽视由于以色列的军事占领和 [...] 对在数百万巴勒斯坦人必须生活地区的彻底封锁,整 个巴勒斯坦人口正在承受的人道主义悲剧呢? daccess-ods.un.org | If we allow the Israeli propaganda machine to describe the situation regarding the psychological repercussions [...] suffered by some inhabitants of southern [...] Israel because of Hamas rocket attacks, how can [...]we possibly ignore the humanitarian tragedy [...]to which the entire population of Palestine is subject due to the military Israeli occupation and the complete blockade within which millions of Palestinians have to live? daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年,巴勒斯坦武装团体对 8 起与接受教育有关的事件负责,其中 包括2 起袭击近东救济工程处位于加沙的夏令营事件,1 起事件是向以色列发射火箭 弹,火箭弹落在阿 什克伦的一所幼儿园附近。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2010, Palestinian armed groups were responsible for [...] eight incidents related to access to [...] education, including two attacks on UNRWA summer schools in Gaza and one incident of a rocket that was fired into Israel and landed near a kindergarten in Ashkelon. daccess-ods.un.org |
旅舍套房坐落在马德里的商业中心;在 厄瓜多尔的瓜亚基尔市的金融体系。 instantworldbooking.com | Hostal Suites Madrid Is located in the commercial Heart ;and financial system in the city of Guayaquil. instantworldbooking.com |
在今天另一个事件中,加 沙地带的恐怖分子发射一枚“冰雹型”卡秋莎 火箭 弹,该弹落在以色列的阿什杜德市附近——该市人口 20 多万——并将大约 8 枚 迫击炮弹射进以色列南部 Eshkol 和 Sha’ar Hanegev 两个地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | In another incident today, [...] terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired a Grad-type Katyusha rocket that landed in close proximity to the Israeli City of Ashdod [...] [...]— a city of more than 200,000 people — and launched some eight mortars into the areas of Eshkol and Sha'ar Hanegev in southern Israel. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着科尔马之间错落有致的葡萄园,莱茵河流域的Route du Vin的一个工业城市,虽然保持了它的魅力与古朴的半木结构房屋和美丽的小 镇 中 心。 leapfrog-properties.com | Along the Route [...] du Vin amongst the patchwork of vineyards in the Rhine valley is Colmar which although an industrial city maintains its charm with its quaint half-timbered houses and pretty town centre. leapfrog-properties.com |
贵国对在境内生产的武器和弹药有何保障措施,确保不 转 落 到 乌 萨 马 · 本 · 拉 丹、基地组织和塔利班成员和其他与他们有联系的个人、团体、事业和实体的 手中或被他们使用? daccess-ods.un.org | Do you have any safeguards that the weapons and ammunition produced within your country will not be diverted/used by Osama bin Laden, members of the Al-Qaida organization and the Taliban another individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated? daccess-ods.un.org |
當然,建築物效能低落的衝 擊,在文獻裡亦鉅細靡遺,「環境暨能源研究院」提到,建築物占美國三分之一碳排放量,IBM公司類似研究顯示,商業建築使用全球42%電力,亦浪費 其 中 半 數 ,相當於數千億美元。 thisbigcity.net | According to the Environmental and Energy Study Institute, buildings are responsible for one-third of carbon emissions in the United States; a similar study by IBM reveals that commercial buildings utilize roughly 42% of the electricity produced worldwide – and still manage to waste half of it. thisbigcity.net |
同時,Apollo亦精通箭術,百發百中, 從 未射失;故曜越太陽神即以其為象徵,代表團隊光明 磊 落 與 熱 情,甫以前頭冠以集團名稱及隊中有多名選手,稱為曜越太陽神(Thermaltake Apollos)。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | Apollo also mastered in archery; he could shoot with unfailing accuracy. This was where Tt APOLLOS got the name from, symbolizing [...] integrity and passion of the team. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
无休止地向以色列倾泻火箭弹的是哈 马 斯 , 蓄意 将加沙平民置于危险之中的也是哈马 斯。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is Hamas that unceasingly rains rockets down on Israel, and it is Hamas that deliberately endangers [...] Gaza’s civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
至於在某段期間後才興建的建築 物,會否視為早前已落成的建築發展 項目的一部分,須視乎有關個案的事 實根據而定。 政府當局須說 明第3(1)(a)條是 否訂有適用期 限,以致在經過 一段時間後才 興建的建築物 不會被視為早 前已落成的建 築發展項目的 一部分,即使兩 者有類似的工 程、結構或建築 上的關連亦然。 legco.gov.hk | As to whether a building constructed after a certain period of time would be regarded as a part of a development with buildings constructed some time ago, it would depend on the facts of the case concerned. there was a time limit for application of clause 3(1)(a) such that buildings constructed after a certain period of time would not be regarded as a part of a development with buildings constructed some time ago even if they had similar engineering, structural or architectural connection. legco.gov.hk |
委員亦籲請政府當局制訂具體時 間表,以檢討《設計手冊2008》中有關 符合最新標準的規定, 並考慮立法修訂《建築物條例》,規定於1997年 前 落 成 的 建築物 須加建無障礙設施和遵循《設計手冊》所訂的最新標準。 legco.gov.hk | Members have also called on the Administration to draw up a concrete timetable for reviewing the requirements under DM 2008 to meet the latest standards and consider introducing legislation to amend BO with a view to requiring pre-1997 buildings to incorporate barrier-free facilities and to comply with the latest standards under DM. legco.gov.hk |
阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、阿根廷、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、比利时、贝宁、保加利 亚、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中国、 刚果、刚果民主共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米 尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、危 地 马 拉 、冰岛、印度、爱尔兰、以色列、 意大利、日本、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦 、 马 里 、 摩洛哥、波兰、大韩民国、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、西班牙、泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其 顿共和国、土耳其、乌克兰、美利坚合众国和津巴布韦随后加入为提案国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequently, Albania, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, China, [...] Congo, the [...] Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Morocco, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, [...]Spain, Thailand, the [...]former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, the United States of America and Zimbabwe joined the co-sponsors. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中一枚火箭落在以色列 Nahariyya 养老院内,一名居住者受轻伤,另一枚 [...] 落在以色列 Matsuva 村附近的森林中。 daccess-ods.un.org | One of the rockets struck inside a [...] home for the elderly in Nahariyya, Israel, lightly injuring one resident, while the second [...]landed in a forest near the Israeli village of Matsuva. daccess-ods.un.org |
也就是说,旅舍坐落在马里博尔在对马里博尔,经济学和商业,自然科学院,法学院学部大学Rectorate近 似 中 心 ,也是附近的大学图书馆,市博物馆,城市大教堂,城市公园和街上购物区中心。 instantworldbooking.com | Namely, the hostel is situated in the centre of Maribor in the approximate vicinity of the Rectorate of the University of Maribor, the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Law and also the University Library, city museum, city cathedrals, city park and to the shoping centers area. instantworldbooking.com |
同样,在捐助者和合作伙伴国家中间 落 实 罗 马 协 调 宣言可 能会提高官方发展援助出资的效率。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Similarly, [...] implementation of the Rome Declaration on Harmonization [...]among donors and partner countries promises to increase [...]the effectiveness of ODA contributions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
两个星期之前,在沙姆沙 伊赫举行的一次四方会议上,以色列外长重申以色 [...] 列承认巴勒斯坦的愿望,并且再次强调了承认以色 列利益,包括其和平与安全生活权利的必要性,而 这一权利由于不断受到哈马斯的火箭 袭 击 而处于十 分危险的境地,而哈马斯的火箭袭击 也遭到了巴勒 斯坦权力机构主席本人的谴责。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two weeks earlier, at a meeting of the Quartet held in Sharm el-Sheikh, the Israeli Foreign Minister had reaffirmed Israel’s recognition of Palestinian aspirations and had again stressed the need to recognize Israel’s interests, including its right to [...] live in peace and [...] security, which continued to be imperilled by rocket attacks by Hamas, denounced by the President of the Palestinian [...]Authority himself. daccess-ods.un.org |
2012BMW中国文化之旅北线探访车队热情参与了当地最具特色的民俗活动,感受草原文化的丰富魅力:如亲身体验摔跤、 射 箭 、 赛 马 等 传 统“那达慕”活动,对古老的蒙古族宫廷音乐——多声部民歌(潮尔道-阿巴嘎潮尔)、蒙古族长调民歌、蒙古族呼麦等一系列具有浓郁草原文化特色的项目进行探访。 bmw.com.cn | The 2012 BMW China Culture Journey fleet enthusiastically participated into the most characteristic local minority activities and experienced the charm of the grassland cultural heritages. Besides taking part in the traditional Naadam activities such as wrestling, archery and horse racing, the fleet [...] members also visited [...]a series of intangible cultural heritage items, including the muti-tone folk music (a kind of ancient Mongolian court music), Mongolian traditional folk Long Song and Mongolian Khoomei. bmw.com.cn |
雅典经济大学校长普拉斯塔科斯(Prastacos)先生 与 中 国 国 家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室副主 任 马箭 飞 共同为学院揭牌。 grpressbeijing.com | Rector of Athens University of Economics and Business, Mr Prastacos, inaugurated the Institute along with Deputy Director of the Chinese Language Council International, Mr Ma Jianfei. grpressbeijing.com |
現時,在新樓宇落成前,所有建築設計,包括建築物㆖安裝的大型懸掛招牌,已經 受建築條例規限,需要審核該等招牌是否穩固及合乎安全標準,但對於在樓宇入伙 後才安裝的招牌,則沒有此種規限,因此良莠不齊,安全水準參差,對路㆟安全並 沒有保障,尤其是在颱風吹襲本港期間,經常有招牌墮㆘的現象。 legco.gov.hk | However, there is no such requirement in respect of those signboards which are fitted to the buildings after their occupation. Since the safety standard of these signboards varies from one to another, the safety of pedestrians is being threatened, particularly during typhoons when collapses of signboards are commonplace. legco.gov.hk |
因此,主席,我希望政 府正面回答我主 體 質詢的第一部 分 , 即 自 機 場 遷離九 龍城後 , 有否新 近 或即將 落 成的建 築 物,阻 擋 了 獅 子 山 的 山脊 ? legco.gov.hk | Therefore, Madam President, I hope that the Government can answer the first part of my main question directly — that is, since the relocation of the airport, are there any newly or almost completed buildings which are blocking or will block the visibility of the ridgelines of the Lion Rock? legco.gov.hk |
他詢 問,為1 440幢在1950年以前落成的 文物建築進行評估的程序預 計何時完成,以及政府當局會否加快有關程序,以期增加獲保 存的文物建築/構築物的數目。 legco.gov.hk | He enquired about the timetable within which the assessment process for 1 440 heritage buildings constructed before 1950 was expected to be completed, and whether the Administration would expedite the process with a view to increasing the number of heritage buildings/structures to be preserved. legco.gov.hk |
在 5 月 9 日第 1 次全体会议上,会议决定任命下列国家为全权证书委员会成 员:巴哈马、中国、 芬兰、加蓬、危地马拉、肯尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、新加坡和美 利坚合众国。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the 1st plenary meeting, on 9 May, the Conference decided to appoint the following countries as members of the Credentials Committee: Bahamas, China, Finland, Gabon, Guatemala, Kenya, Russian Federation, Singapore and United States of America. daccess-ods.un.org |
答:七十是最古老的翻译旧约,因此是非常宝贵的批评和纠正了解希伯来文(Massorah),后者,如它已 回 落 到 我 们,在 被 马 所 拉 学士文本建立公元六世纪的许多文字腐败,增补,遗漏或换位必须具有时代悄悄进入我们的希伯来文之间的第三和第二的第六和第七世纪公元前数百年,因此,该手稿曾在其70处理,可在地方,均高于massoretic手稿更好。 mb-soft.com | A. The Septuagint is the most ancient translation of the Old Testament and consequently is invaluable to critics for understanding and correcting the Hebrew text (Massorah), the latter, such as it has come down to us, being the text established by the Massoretes in the sixth century AD Many textual corruptions, additions, omissions, or transpositions must have crept into the Hebrew text between the third and second centuries BC and the sixth and seventh centuries of our era; the manuscripts therefore which the Seventy had at their disposal, may in places have been better than the Massoretic manuscripts. mb-soft.com |