

单词 中等的


(足球网球等运动中球)靠近对方端线的 adj

deep adj

See also:




hit the target
hit the nail on the head

External sources (not reviewed)

色带支架不容易移动,但是提 中等的压 力来迫使它下移还是安全的。
The ribbon carriage does not move easily, but it is safe to apply moderate pressure to force it all the way down.
为了更具体地说明议程项目 5(b)项下所涉三个问题之间的相互联系,本文探 讨了三个重要的发展中国家群体,即森林覆盖率低的国家、小岛屿发展中国家 以及森林覆盖率高和覆盖中等的国 家 ,许多此类国家得到国际社会的关注较 少,原因是这些国家面积小,或者与全球总数字相比,其森林所占比例相对较 低。
To illustrate more specifically the interlinkages among the three issues addressed under agenda item 5 (b), their interaction is examined for three important groups of developing countries — low forest cover countries, small island developing States and high and medium forest cover countries — many of whom have received less attention by the international community owing to their smaller size or the relatively low percentage of forests they contain when compared to overall global figures.
根據“ 1999 年世界 生 組織西 太 平 洋 區結核 病控制報告 ” ,香港與日本、新 加 坡 、 南 韓 等 被歸類為“有良 好 生 基 礎 建 設、結 核 病病發 率 屬中等”的 地 區
According to the "TB Control In World Health Organization Western Pacific Region 1999 Report", Hong Kong is classified, alongside Japan, Singapore, Republic of Korea and others, under the category of "intermediate TB burden with good health infrastructure".
此款粘中等的优雅 精华产品除含有抗坏血酸磷酸镁(维生素C的衍生物)以外,还含有维生素B3和维生素E,有助于改善肤色和淡化色斑。
This elegant, medium viscosity serum contains a combination of Vitamins B3, and E in addition to Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (a Vitamin C derivative) to help refine skin tone and soften the appearance of age spots.
正如壮大、稳的中等阶级代表着国 家稳定一样,等收入 国家的稳定、可持续发展将 表明世界普遍稳定。
Just as a sizeable and stable middle class indicated national stability, steady [...]
and sustainable development of the middle-income
countries would be indicative of general stability in the world.
承认当前的全球金融和经济危机对易受外部冲 的中等 收 入 国家的发展努 力造成了负面影响
Acknowledging the negative effects of the current global financial and economic crisis on the development efforts of middle-income countries, which are vulnerable to external shocks
两排直线循环球轴承及导轨组件是满足比较经 的中等 负 荷要求的直线系统。
Two-row linear recirculating ball bearing and guideway assemblies are the economical alternative where guidance systems with moderate load requirements are concerned.
或者选择输出视频文件转换为MP4,AVI等格 的中等 偏 下 的角落,如果你想Zune播放器市场的视频转换AVI,MP4,MPEG,WMV等视频格式。
Or Select output Video
[...] files to MP4, AVI, etc format from lower [...]
middle corner if you want to Convert Zune Marketplace videos
to AVI, MP4, MPEG, WMV and other video format.
(b) 以 2000 年 9 月全球生活費用調查所得,在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹 中上住宅區租住一間兩房連家具和裝 的中等 寓 所 的每月 租金為基準,釐定租金津貼額。
(b) set the rate for RA on the basis of the mid-monthly rent for a furnished apartment with two bedrooms in a decent residential area in Amsterdam, the Netherlands as reported in the Worldwide Cost of Living Survey conducted in September 2000.
发达国家的低利率和有所改善的流动性环境是为加强经济从危机中复苏而采 取的货币政策措施的结果,导致流向利率相对较高和增长前景更强 的中等 收入 国家的资本激增。
Low interest rates and improved liquidity conditions in developed countries, the result of monetary policy measures undertaken to strengthen economic recovery from the crisis, have led to surges of capital flows to middle-income countries with comparatively higher interest rates and stronger growth prospects.
46 个有数的中等生育率国家的初次生育的平均年龄与低生育率和高生育 率国家的年龄范围均有重叠,在 [...]
23 个中等生育率国家,其妇女初次生育的平均 年龄低于 23 岁,有 4 个中等生育率国家(巴林、冰岛、斯里兰卡和美国)初次生 育的平均年龄为 25 岁或更高。
The mean ages at first birth in the 46 [...]
intermediate-fertility countries for which data were available overlap with the ranges
for both the low- and the high-fertility countries, with women in 23 intermediate-fertility countries having mean ages at first birth lower than 23 years and women in 4 of those countries (Bahrain, Iceland, Sri Lanka and United States) having mean ages of 25 years or higher.
捷克共和国是坚信有效多边主 的中等 大 小 国 家,它支持这样的解决办法,这种办法将一方面实现 安理会适应当今世界现实与加强安理会正当性之间 的平衡,另一方面提高其效力以及履行维护全球和平 与安全这一主要责任的能力。
The Czech Republic, a mid-sized country that strongly believes in effective multilateralism, supports such a solution, which would balance the adaptation of the Council to the realities of today’s world and the strengthening of its legitimacy on the one hand, with an increase of its effectiveness and capability to fulfil its primary responsibility to maintain global peace and security on the other hand.
在活塞轴承的外表面和中心机壳缸孔内表面涂 中等 强度的胶粘剂。
Apply medium strength adhesive to outside surface of piston bearing and inside surface of center housing bore.
这一点 是明示提到的,这样,对于只能在符合本准则规 的中等 效 果 反对的允许性条件 的情况下可能产生的任何效果问题,不可能存有任何怀疑。
The latter is mentioned expressly so that there can be no doubt whatsoever that this effect can only be produced if the conditions for the permissibility of objections with intermediate effect set out in that guideline are met.
将导则草案 4.3.5 和 4.3.8 分别阐述的效果相结合,就可以客观地确定 等 效 果 反对的效果,无需说 明超出可接受范的中等效果反对方仍然享有反对的“通常”效果。
The effects of an objection with intermediate effect can be determined objectively by combining the effects provided for in draft guidelines 4.3.5 and 4.3.8, without the need to state that the author of an objection with intermediate effect that goes beyond what is admissible would still benefit from the “normal” effect of the objection.
注意到分别在马德里、3 萨尔瓦多4 和温得和克5 举的中等收入 国家发展 合作问题国际会议的成果,以及在开罗举行的主题为“提高非洲中等收入国家竞 争力”的区域会议6 的成果
Taking note of the outcomes of the international conferences on development cooperation with middle-income countries held in Madrid,3 El Salvador4 and Windhoek,5 and the regional conference on the theme “Increasing the competitiveness of African middle-income countries”, held in Cairo,6 1.
另外三个共同感兴趣的领域是包容性增长、绿色增长和基于知识的增长,在 这些方面进一步开展合作对于克 中等 收 入陷阱是互利互 的。
Three additional areas of common interest, for which further cooperation
could be mutually
[...] beneficial in overcoming the middle-income trap, were [...]
inclusive growth, green growth and knowledge-based growth.
您需要输入SWAP LONG 和 SWAP SHORT(USD或点数)的值,然后点击“计算”按钮使用FXOpen的Mark Up计算器,你就可以比较不同的经纪收取的加价,找出谁的隔夜利息是真正基于市场LIBOR和LIBID,介于0.25%和0.75%之 的中等 加 价 ,谁的隐藏的费用太高。
To do this, enter the SWAP LONG and SWAP SHORT values in USD or in pips for the requested lot size. With FXOpen’s Mark Up calculator, you can compare the mark-ups charged by different brokers, to find out whose swaps are really based on the market LIBOR and LIBID overnight rates with a moderate mark-up between 0.25% and 0.75%, and whose hidden charges are too high.
用新螺丝更换或在螺纹上涂中 等强度 (蓝色的 Loctite 或类似材料。
Replace screws with new ones or apply
[...] medium-strength (blue) Loctite or equivalent to the threads.
符合食品接触法规并具有低温性能的威达美丙烯基弹性 的中等 熔 体流动速率的牌号,为增强薄壁注射成型的食品应用(如冰淇淋盒)的抗冲击性和透明度提供了有效的解决方案。
Vistamaxx propylene-based elastomer medium-melt-flow-rate grades with food contact compliance and low-temperature performance provide an effective solution for adding impact resistance and transparency in thin-walled injection-molded food applications such as ice cream containers.
某些行业、专业或职业只能在普 中等 教 育 的 基 础 上才能获得职业 中等教育,因为假定修学课程的学者都达到了某个成熟年龄。
There are certain professions, specialties or occupations where vocational secondary education can only be acquired on the basis of general secondary education, as entrants to the course are presumed to have reached certain age maturity.
特别是,制造业份额仅略有增长,而制造业一直是推动许 中等 收 入 国家 经济发的动力
In particular, the share of manufacturing, which has been the driving force of economic
[...] development in many middle-income countries, has increased only slowly.
最近基础教育所取得的成果表 明不的将来对中等教育的需求 将会很大,当务之急是调整目前的基础设施和人 力资源以满足即将发生的局面。
The recent results achieved in terms of basic education schooling demonstrate that in the short term there will be a heavy demand for secondary level, and it is urgent that the current infrastructures and human resources are adapted to meet this impending situation.
此外,下述人员也视为等同投保人:21 岁以下,正在爱沙尼亚依法创 办和开办的教育机构或在国外类似机构接受基础教育的年轻人;24 岁以 下,正在接受普中等教育的学生 ;没有受过基础教育,又过了必须就学的 年龄,并获得职业教育的人;在基础教育 中 等 教 育基础之上获得职业教育 的学生;长期居住在爱沙尼亚的大学生。
In addition, the following persons are also considered equal to insured persons: young persons until the age of 21 who are acquiring basic education in an Estonian educational institution founded and operating on the basis of law or in a similar institution abroad; pupils until the age of 24 who are acquiring general secondary education; persons without basic education who are above the age of an obligation to attend school and who acquire vocational education; pupils acquiring vocational education on the basis of basic education or secondary education; and university students permanently residing in Estonia.
重点将是促中等教 育的系统改革,以及各国加强普 中等 教 育和职业教育联系的政策,尤其是注重生活能 力的培养,提高就业能力和切实的公民意识。
Focus will be placed on promoting systemic reform of secondary education curriculum as well as national policies for enhancing linkages between general secondary and vocational programmes, the emphasis being on life skills development for employability and effective citizenship.
在这方面,各位部长强调必须加 强联合国系统、国际金融机构和所有其他利益攸关方对这些国家发展努力的支 持,以期解决所面临的挑战,方法有建立适当的多边和国际论坛以及就各种措 施达成双边安排,从而加强中等收 入发 展 中 国 家 的 国 际合作,帮助他们满足 特别是其社会经济发展及金融技术和科技发展需求。
In this regard, the Ministers stressed the need for enhanced support by the United Nations System, the international financial institutions and all other stakeholders, for their development efforts, in order to address those challenges, including by working in competent multilateral and international fora and also through bilateral arrangements on measures to enhance international cooperation with MICs and help them meet, inter alia, their socio-economic development and financial technical and technological development requirements.
加共体国家欢迎秘书长关于中等收 入国 家的 发展 合作的报告(A/66/220),但同时对报告没有提 及以下现实情况表示失望:该类别 的 小 岛 屿发展 中国家开放、脆弱、负债累累,贫困现象严重,需 要国际社会提供包括减免债务、优惠等援助,以及 专门用于增加经济和发展空间的援助,以解决它们 的处境。
While welcoming the Secretary-General’s report (A/66/220) on development cooperation with middleincome countries, CARICOM States were disappointed that it did not [...]
refer to the fact that the small island
developing States in that category were open, vulnerable and heavily indebted, with deep and intractable pockets of poverty, and required assistance from the international community, including debt relief, concessions and assistance specifically tailored to increase economic and developmental space, in order to cope with their situation.
由于未能克服这些弱 点,引起了对中等收入陷阱的关 切 ,因为有些国家已经成为全球价值链的 劳动 密集环节,却发现很难进一步开发支持国内大型公司发展所需的、有助于升 级和提高生产力的技术基础设施。
Failure to address
[...] such weaknesses has given rise to concerns of a “middleincome trap”, since several countries have moved into the [...]
labour-intensive slices
of the global value chains but have found it difficult to further develop the technological infrastructure needed to support the growth of larger domestic firms which could sustain upgrading and productivity growth.
我们欣中等收入国家拓展经济关系所产生的积极影 响,以及国际金融机构最近提出 中等 收 入 国家增加贷 的 举 措
We welcome the positive impact of expanding economic relations among middle-income countries, as well as recent initiatives by the international financial institutions to enhance their facilities for them.




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