

单词 中立的

See also:

中立 n

neutrality n

中立 v

impartiality v


hit the target
hit the nail on the head

External sources (not reviewed)

总体而言,北京认为联合国的角色中立的,对 它在缅甸的影响力不构成威胁,同时, [...]
中国还可以通过自身在安理会的地位来施展影响 力。
In general, Beijing
[...] considers the UN a neutral actor, unthreatening [...]
to its influence in Myanmar, and one which it can influence
through its role on the Security Council.
间接歧视是以一个看中立的规定 、标准或做法,使某人处 于比其他人不利的地位。
Indirect discrimination shall constitute putting
[...] a person at a disadvantage compared with other persons by a seemingly neutral provision, [...]
criterion or practice.
这是中立的、没有选择性 的、不搞双重标准的机制。
It was a neutral, non-selective [...]
mechanism, with no double standards.
因此,鉴于持续承担的繁重工作量和预期的 国际边界问题,提议续设边界分析员(P-3)临时一般人员职位,以便通过提中 立的技术专长,及时应对边界危机并预防边界冲突。
Accordingly, and in the light of a continued heavy workload and anticipated international boundary issues, it is proposed that the general temporary assistance position of Boundary
Analyst (P-3) be
[...] continued to respond immediately to boundary crises and prevent border conflicts by providing impartial [...]
technical expertise.
与此同时,这种战略可让人们认 为,处理这些复杂和敏感问题的秘书处,是能够保 中立的。
At the same time, this strategy will generate a
perception that the Secretariat, in engaging in these complex and sensitive issues, is capable
[...] of maintaining its neutrality.
委员会不采取坚决立场而自愿选择一 中立的 、 大 家可以 接受的解决办法,不但远不能解决问题,反而造成其他问题,对于这些问题, 《实践指南》应加以处理。
The absence of a firm position on the part of the Commission, which intentionally opted for a neutral solution that was acceptable to everyone, far from resolving the problem, created others that should be resolved in the Guide to Practice.
到那 时,他们将成为“有声的法律”,以便将《规约》和《程序和证据规则》的规定 转化为有生命力、可运作的法律,从而以绝 中立的 方 式 伸张正义。
At that stage, they will become the “speaking law” in order to translate the provisions of the statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence into living and operational law, and thereby dispense justice in an absolutely impartial manner.
諮詢文件提出的 主要議題包括:(a)未獲授權而分享版權作品檔案及/或未獲授權而
[...] 下載的活動,應否納入刑責範圍;(b)應否制訂科 中立的 措 施,為 傳送給公眾的版權作品提供保護,而非只保護透過某些模式傳送的 [...]
版權作品;(c)互聯網服務供應商( 互網商) 在打擊網上盜版活動方面
應扮演什麼角色;(d)應否立法協助版權擁有人對網上侵權行為提出 民事訴訟;(e)應否在版權法例引入法定損害賠償;以及(f)應否擴大 現時的版權豁免範圍,為暫時複製版權作品的作為提供豁免。
The main issues raised in the document include (a) whether unauthorised file sharing of copyright works and/or unauthorised downloading should be criminalised; (b) whether protection of copyright
works transmitted to the public should be
[...] made technology neutral, rather than being [...]
tied to certain modes of transmission;
(c) what role online service providers (OSPs) should play in combating internet piracy; (d) whether legislation should be introduced to facilitate copyright owners in taking civil actions against online infringement; (e) whether statutory damages should be introduced into the copyright law; and (f) whether the existing scope of copyright exemption for temporary reproduction of copyright works should be expanded.
现在,由于安全理事会已经核可秘书长 11
月份的报告(S/2008/692),而在这项报告中,欧盟驻 科法治团的任务被明确界定为充分遵守第
[...] 1244(1999) 号决议,并在联合国主导下以严 中立的 方 式 开展行 动,我们与欧盟驻科法治团和科索沃特派团的合作伙 [...]
伴关系将继续下去,以便执行 11 月份报告的规定,
Now, as a result of the fact that the Security Council has welcomed the November report of the Secretary-General (S/2008/692), in which the mandate of EULEX is clearly defined as fully respecting
resolution 1244 (1999) and operating in a
[...] strictly status-neutral manner under the [...]
auspices of the United Nations, our cooperative
partnership with EULEX and UNMIK should continue in order to implement the provisions of the November report, namely, the six points that provide for the continuation of the dialogue with Belgrade.
作为一中立的论坛 ,其一 部分作用涉及制定关于农村可持续发展的规范性文 [...]
As a neutral forum, part of its role [...]
involved developing normative instruments and standard-setting agreements concerning
sustainable rural development.
它特别 重视核废物管理和辐射对环境的影响,并且认为, 处置或降级武器级材料、反应器转换、逐步保证高
[...] 浓缩铀库存的安全或消除高浓缩铀库存,以及促进 多边化的具有成本效益和政中立的 燃 料 循环,是 一些充满希望的时机。
It attached particular importance to nuclear waste management and the environmental effects of radiation and viewed as promising opportunities the disposal or downgrading of weapons-grade material, conversion of reactors, gradual securing or
elimination of highly enriched uranium stockpiles and promotion of a multilateral,
[...] cost-effective, politically neutral fuel cycle.
由於覆檢的核心問題與評審 標準有密 切 關 係 , 而 評審當局的成員並無參與評審小 組 或覆檢委員
[...] 會,因此有關當局應能以專 業、客觀中立的態 度,就覆檢報告作最 終 決定。
Given that the core issue of the review is closely related to accreditation standards and that members of the Accreditation Authority have not been involved in the panel or the review committee, the Authority
concerned should be capable of making a final decision on the review report in a
[...] professional, objective and impartial manner.
中立的民意 研究者,筆者毋須任何黨派的選舉工程或競選策略,亦不會對任何選舉結果表示讚賞或婉惜。
To be an objective opinion survey researcher, the author is not required to understand [...]
the electoral engineering of any
political parties or campaign strategies, nor to appreciate or feel sorry about the election outcomes.
法 庭 接 納
[...] 年 齡 可 以 是 合 法中 立 的 理 由 , 可 用 於 無 因 [...]
由 的 反 對 , 並 裁 定 控 方 在 提 出 無 因 由 的 反 對 時 , 並 沒 有 故 意 地 作 出 種 族 歧 視 。
The court accepted that age may
[...] be a legitimate neutral reason for a peremptory [...]
challenge, and determined that the prosecution
had not engaged in purposeful discrimination based on race in the exercise of its peremptory challenges.
不同于其他测试框架需要创建包括自动化的API和测试运行器的工具集,Gallio旨在提供一 中立的 可 扩 展平台,及能被任意的测试框架所使用的工具和自动化服务。
Instead of each test framework creating its own toolset, including an
automation API and test runner, Gallio
[...] seeks to provide a neutral, extensible platform [...]
with tools and automation services
that can be leveraged by any test framework.
答1:為了確保被訪者不受此因素影響評分,我們的訪員歷年來都在訪問的引言中強調民意研究計劃 中立的 研 究組織,並提醒被訪者切勿因為我們屬於香港大學而影響其本意。
A1: In order to ensure the interviewers are not affected by the above-mentioned factor, our interviewers have throughout the years emphasized that HKU Public Opinion Programme is a neutral research body, and reminded the respondents not to make any decisions based on the fact that we are affiliated to the University of Hong Kong.
塞尔维亚政府和大多数科索沃塞族人按照 2008 年 11 月 26 日的安全理事会
主席声明(S/PRST/2008/44)和我 2008 年 11 月 24 日的报告,接受在科索沃部署 欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团(欧盟驻科法治团),条件是它须充分遵守第
[...] 1244(1999)号决议并在联合国的总体领导下,在联合国地 中立的 框 架 范围内运 作。
In line with the Security Council’s presidential statement of 26 November 2008 (S/PRST/2008/44) and my report of 24 November 2008, the Government of Serbia and a majority of Kosovo Serbs have accepted the deployment of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) on condition that it would fully respect resolution 1244
(1999) and that it would operate under the overall authority of the United Nations and
[...] within its status-neutral framework.
欧洲研究所的目标包括以下各项:(a)在千年发展目标以及当前全球经济、安全和 环境挑战的背景下监测跨大西洋关系的发展情况;(b)对美国和欧洲需要开展更多 对话的领域做出预测;(c)
[...] (d)作为美国政府成员及其欧洲对应方就联合国各项活动和目标进行信息交流的 渠道;(e)建立一中立的论坛 ,帮助欧洲和美国人民制订新的项目和伙伴关系, [...]
The objectives of the European Institute included the following: (a) to monitor developments in transatlantic relations in the context of the Millennium Development Goals and the global economic, security and environment challenges ahead; (b) to anticipate areas requiring additional dialogue between the United States and Europe; (c) to survey the contributions made by the EU institutional framework to common efforts in a number of areas; (d) to serve as a conduit for information between members of the United States Administration and their European counterparts regarding
activities and goals of the United Nations;
[...] (e) to provide a neutral forum to help [...]
Europeans and Americans plan new projects
and partnerships, engage new actors and build relationships; (f) and to facilitate a constructive dialogue with third countries, other non-governmental organizations and the United Nations.
最后中立法的适用问题一般来说不 中立 地 位 的存续而 出现,而是涉及中立并保中立的国 家 的具体权利和义务,并且根据第 16 条草 案的规定,优先于本条款草案规定的权利和义务。
Lastly, the question of the
[...] applicability of the laws of neutrality does not generally arise in terms of the survival of the status of neutrality but in relation to [...]
the specific
rights and duties of a State that is neutral and remains neutral; pursuant to draft article 16, these rights and duties prevail over the rights and duties arising from the draft articles.
通过这部黑白的三频录像,非常正式的严格视角 中立的 空 间 在这些醉汉之间循环,维尔英成功的为这些人绘制了一幅客观的肖像,不带任何的评判或道德说教。
Through the black and white aesthetics of the three-channel
video, the formal strictness of the chosen
[...] view and the neutrality of the room, [...]
in which the drinkers are circulating, Wearing
succeeds in drawing a mainly objective portrait of these people, without judging or moralising.
这项工作应该包括更明确地列出该部将最大程度地发挥其比较优势的优先事项 和重要活动,
[...] 特别是其与政府间进程的密切联系 中立的 召 集权,使其任务得 以更加协调和有效地执行。
This should include more explicit identification of the priorities and critical activities of the Department that will maximize its comparative advantages — in
particular its close ties to the intergovernmental
[...] processes and neutral convening power [...]
— leading to a more coordinated and efficient
implementation of its mandate.
公立学校也中立和客观的方式教授一般的宗教历史和 道德知识。
Public schools may also teach the general history of
[...] religions and ethics in a neutral and objective way.
为实施其监控和审判的双重权利,该法院享有管理自主权和独立 性,能够保障客观性中立性及其工 的 高 效 性。
In exercising its dual function of monitoring and jurisdiction, it enjoys managerial autonomy and independence, which guarantee the objectivity, neutrality and efficiency of its work.
联合的中立地位 ,以及在它的总体权力下运作 的所有组织——例如驻科索沃部队(驻科部队)、欧洲 联盟驻科索沃法治特派团(欧盟驻科法治团)和欧洲 安全与合作组织(欧安组织)科索沃特派团— 的中 立地位 ,仍然是唯一可接受的框架,我们各方可以在 这个框架中共同努力,改善科索沃普通人民的生活, 不管他们的族裔背景为何。
The United Nations status neutrality and that of all organizations that operate under its overall authority — such as the Kosovo Force (KFOR), the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mission in Kosovo [...]
— remain the only
acceptable framework within which all of us can work together to improve the lives of ordinary people in Kosovo, irrespective of their ethnicity.
江 蘇 遠 通
[...] 紙 業 為 一 家 於 中 國立 的 中 外 合 資 有 限 公 司,其 中Kingsrich擁 [...]
有99%的 股 權,而 獨 立 第 三 方 江 蘇 南通總公司則 擁有1%的股權。
JYTP is a Sino-foreign equity joint venture company with
[...] limited liability established in the PRC and [...]
in which Kingsrich has a 99% equity interest
and JNGEDZC, an Independent Third Party, has a 1% equity interest.
可列举的活动包括工发 组织-环境署的国家清洁生产中心、古巴和毛里求斯 立的中 心 、 加共体举措、 旅游业工作队的活动以及全球环境基金在斐济和马尔代夫的项目。
Examples of activities include, inter alia, United Nations Industrial Development Organization-UNEP national cleaner production centres, centres in Cuba and Mauritius, CARICOM initiatives, activities of the tourism task force, and GEF projects in Fiji and Maldives.
他指出,中立并非总是由条约规定的,并且由 中立 地 位在武装冲突期间尤 其重要(除了对和平时期有影的“永 久 中立 ” 外 ),因此在第 5 条草案附件中提 它没有用。
He pointed out that neutrality was not
[...] always established by treaty and that since the status of neutrality was typically relevant during periods of armed conflict (except “permanent” neutrality which also had effect [...]
in time of peace), a
reference in the Annex related to draft article 5 was not useful.
我们欢迎欧盟特派团继续在联合国领导下,并在 安理会第 1244(1999)号决议确的保持中立地位的 框架内履行职责,配合联科特派团的工作,为维护该 [...]
We welcome the efforts of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo as it continues to undertake its tasks under the
overall authority of the United Nations
[...] and within the status-neutral framework set out in resolution [...]
1244 (1999), so as to play
its due role in maintaining peace and stability in this region.




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