

单词 中港台

See also:


PRC and Hong Kong

台中 n

Taichung n


Taizhong or Taichung city and county in central Taiwan
Taizhong or Taichung city in central Taiwan

External sources (not reviewed)

本資料摘要提供有中港台地區、日本及新加坡等國家地區在規管網吧方面的資料,供 民政事務委員會參考。
This information note provides
information on the regulation of cyber
[...] cafés in the Mainland, Taiwan, Japan and Singapore [...]
for the consideration of the Panel on Home Affairs.
在香港中文 大 學 傳播學 院 在 2001年進行的 傳媒公 信 力 調查及 電 視節目 欣 賞 指 數調中, 港 台均名 列 前 茅 。
In surveys conducted by the School of Journalism and
Communication of The Chinese
[...] University of Hong Kong on media credibility and appreciation indexes of television programmes, RTHK has always come first.
此外,2005 年中,港台也在 天水圍設置 FM 轉播站,改善 第三台、第五台和普通話台在天水圍和屯門北區的接收。
Besides, in mid-2005, RTHK installed an FM transposer [...]
in Tin Shui Wai to improve the reception of its Radio 3, Radio 5 and
Putonghua Channel in Tin Shui Wai and North Tuen Mun.
澳門電話簿及通訊指南收錄了由電訊公司提供的一般資料及黃頁,免費派發給澳門用戶 中港台 主 要 城市之酒店和商務中心。
The official Macau directories, with information provided by CTM, and the Yellow Pages, are available free of
charge to all Macau telephone / fax subscribers, hotels &
[...] business centers of Hong Kong and major cities in China & Taiwan.
所以,這等事件均令我覺得他正在進 中 、 港 、台 3 方面溝通的工作, 我亦覺得這些工作對兩岸三地關係,甚至是中國的和平統一有所幫助。
I also found that this kind of work was helpful to the relations between the three territories across the Straits and even to the peaceful reunification of China.
在緊接句號之前加上“,使在香港設立公司的台商到內地經商時可 免於同時繳交台、港兩地的稅項;(八 ) 盡快於台灣設立特區政府 辦事處;(九 ) 更積極發揮其中介人的特殊角色,將香港打造成兩 岸三地的交流平台,共同推中、港 、 台 在 法 治、廉政、文化藝 術、環保等方面的發展,藉此豐富三地的民間及官方交流;(十 ) 加 強與中華旅行社的合作,並強化其在貿易、投資、旅遊等方面的 功能;及(十一) 推動兩岸三地的郵輪旅遊”。
To add ", so that Taiwan businessmen who set up companies in Hong Kong and operate businesses on the Mainland can avoid paying taxes in Taiwan and Hong Kong at the same time; (h) expeditiously setting up an office of the Special Administrative Region Government in Taiwan; (i) performing Hong Kong's special role as an intermediary in a more proactive manner, turning Hong Kong into a platform for
exchanges among the three
[...] places across the Taiwan Strait, jointly promoting development in areas of rule of law, corruption prevention, culture and arts, environmental protection, etc on the Mainland [...]
and in Hong Kong and Taiwan,
thereby enriching non-government and official exchanges among the three places; (j) strengthening cooperation with the Chung Hwa Travel Service, and enhancing its functions in areas of trade, investment and tourism, etc; and (k) promoting cruise tourism among the three places across the Taiwan Strait" immediately before the full stop.
港台電視節目《南京說 —— 大屠 殺七十年》更獲得中港台人士 組成的專業評審團評為2007年 最值得推薦的節目。
The RTHK TV programme "南京說 – 大屠殺七十年(The Nanjing Massacre)", which was awarded the most highly recommended programme in 2007 by
a Professional Panel
[...] comprising members from China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, had been re-formatted [...]
to webcast online for educational
purposes for use by schools and non-profit making organizations.
另 一方面,香港在提 升 CEPA
[...] 的發展方面,應該研究如何 推 廣 至 涵中、 港、台 、 澳 , 形 成 兩 岸 四 地的大中華 [...]
自由貿 易 區 , 鞏固香港在區內的 金 融 及 服 務業的優 勢 。
On the other hand, in order to upgrade the development of CEPA, Hong Kong should study how CEPA can
be promoted to cover the Greater China Free Trade Area made up of the
[...] Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao, thereby [...]
consolidating Hong Kong's
advantages in the areas of finance and services in the region.
[...] II」、亞視的「精彩活一生」、港台的「風雨夜歸人」、「愛在瘟疫蔓延時」、無線的「廉政行動2004」、港台的「幾許風雨」和「小時候」,一共八個, 中港台 佔 六 個。
As with "Quality short drama series/reality dramas" sorted in terms of their average AIs, RTHK's "Difficult Life", "On the Beat II"; ATV's "Awakening Stories of Drug Addicts"; RTHK's "Mid-night Workers", "Love at the Age of SARS", "Love at the Age
[...] Investigation 2004"; RTHK's "After the Rain" [...]
and "When We Were Young", altogether eight programmes are in this category.
(a) 建中港台的四 個公共目的合理,但應增加第五 個目的或目標,訂明港台節目不應與商營廣播的 [...]
Their views are summarised below – (a) the proposed four
[...] public purposes for RTHK were in order [...]
but a fifth purpose or objective should be added
to spell out that RTHK’s programmes should not duplicate those provided by commercial service broadcasting
他詢問政府會否考 慮資助港台或制訂教育電視節目措施,製作以中國歷史為題材
[...] 的同類節目,推廣國民和通識教育。他表示,採用客觀、公正 及忠於史實的手法陳述中國歷史,並加 中港台 歷 史 學家的意 見,將能令年青一代和香港市民更深入瞭解我們的國家。
He said that an objective, impartial and true historical presentation of Chinese
history with input from historians from
[...] China, Hong Kong and Taiwan would enhance [...]
the understanding of the younger generation
and Hong Kong citizens of our nation.
他認 為 CEPA 在 今 年 推行後,政府 應該馬 上研究如何 將
[...] CEPA 推 廣 至 更高層 次 , 涵中、港、台 、 澳四地,形 成 兩 岸 四 地的大中華 [...]
貿 易 區。
He thinks that following the implementation of CEPA this year, the Government should promptly
explore how to extend the scope of CEPA to form a Greater China Trade Area
[...] comprising China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao.
在全港覆蓋的 13 條電台頻中,港台一共提供 了其中 7 條。
RTHK at present provides seven of the 13 radio channels with territory-wide [...]
4.7 大部分受訪者對於建中港台充當 公共廣播機構 後所應達到的四項公共目的甚表支持,其中對 港台應 推 動教育及鼓勵持續學習一項尤其同意。
4.7 The four proposed public purposes of RTHK as a public service broadcaster received a strong level of support from most respondents, [...]
especially the purpose on establishing
education value and promoting lifelong learning.
民主黨希望, 政府最終可將 CEPA 的合作層次提升,涵蓋中、港、台 、 澳 四地,籌組兩 岸四地的大中華貿易區。
The Democratic Party hopes that the Government could eventually escalate the level of
co-operation of CEPA to make it
[...] cover mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao, thereby [...]
forming the Greater China Trading
Zone that embraces the four places on the two sides of the Strait.
在“人民幣 離 岸 中 心," 之 後加上 “ 改善企 業 管 治 及 加 強保障 小 投資 者 權 益 , ";在“《 內 地 與香港關於建立 更 緊 密 經
貿 關係的安排 》 " 之 後加上 “(簡 稱 “ 《安排 》 ")";及 在“帶 來
[...] 的商機 , " 之 後加 上 “ 並研究如何 將 《安排 》 推 廣 至 更高層 次 , 涵中、港、台 、 澳四 地,形 成 兩 岸 四 地的大中華 貿 易 區 , "。
To add "and improving corporate governance and enhancing protection of small investors' interests," after "the off-shore centre for Renminbi"; to add "(CEPA)" after "the Mainland/Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement"; and to add "as well as exploring how to promote CEPA to a
higher level and form
[...] a Greater China Trade Area covering the Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau," after [...]
"the Association of South-East Asian Nation,".
單仲偕議員: 代 理主席,民主黨
就 陳鑑林議員的議案作出修改 , 希望加入改 善 企 業 管 治 及 加 強保障 小 投資者的權益,以 及 研究如何 將
[...] CEPA 推 廣 至 更高 層 次 , 涵中、港、台 、 澳四地,形 成 兩 岸 四 地的大中華 [...]
自由貿 易 區。
MR SIN CHUNG-KAI (in Cantonese): Madam Deputy, the Democratic Party proposes an amendment to Mr CHAN Kam-lam's amendment, adding a part to call for improvement to corporate governance and enhancement of the protection of small investors' interests and also studies on how to
promote CEPA to a higher level and form a Greater China Free Trade Area covering
[...] the Mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao.
面 對三通的新經濟局面,香港政府絕不能在兩岸三地的協商平台上缺席,特首
[...] 必須主動維護香港的利益,一方面凸顯香港的優越性,另一方面催生三地合 作的協同效應,中、港、台帶來 三贏的局面。
In face of the new economic situation brought about by the "Three Direct Links", the Hong Kong Government must not be an absentee in the negotiation platform of the three places on both sides of the Strait. The Chief Executive must actively protect the interests of Hong Kong by showcasing the strength of Hong Kong on the one hand and accelerating the synergy effect of the
co-operation among the three places on the other, and bring about an all-win
[...] situation for the Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
成功开中港台三地 评估业务后,中和邦盟又为其全球业务拓展打下强心针,和美国评估业具领导地位的MR [...]
Valuation Consulting, LLC (“MRVC”)结盟,并于2008年12月22日正式签署协议,达成策略性联盟关系。
BMI Appraisals has successfully
[...] brought its business to a new era by establishing [...]
strategic alliance with a globally recognized
valuation consulting firm in the United States of America, named MR Valuation Consulting, LLC (“MRVC”) in December 2008, to expand our services to the US market after our alliance with a Taiwanese valuation firm in early November 2008.
这个操作系统群是在天时的不断成熟的综合平台上的开发,这个综合平台主要建基于五条支柱,它们分别是i/ 策略(中国特色前瞻);ii/ 地区(中港台两岸 三地);iii/商业(多元化的网络);iv/ [...]
技术(中国特色自主创新);及iv/ 人材(结合技术和商业的精英)。
OSQun was developed upon the ever maturing consolidated platform which was based upon five pillars namely: i./ strategy (of
Chinese Specialties); ii/ Region
[...] (based on China, Hong Kong and Taiwan); iii/ Commerce [...]
(multi-discipline network); iv/ Technology
(autonomous innovative of Chinese Specialties); and v/ Talents (combining elites with technologies and commercial backgrounds).
中和邦盟评估不断扩展全球服务网络,继成功开 中 、 港 、 台 、 英 、美、日、印度及土耳其等地之评估业务后,近日也成功与马尔代夫一所具领导地位的测量及评估公司 - Sanco Marine Services Pvt Ltd. 建立合作伙伴关系。
BMI Appraisals has recently allied with a leading surveying and inspection company in Maldives named Sanco Marine Services Pvt Ltd.
(a) 過去三年用於舉辦各項宣傳活動或製作媒體節目( 例如播中的港台電視節 目「總有出頭天」) ,以提升建造業形象,吸引更多年輕人加入建造業方面 [...]
(a) What is the expenditure in the past three years on the organisation of publicity activities or production of media
programmes (such as “A dream comes
[...] true” of the Radio Television Hong Kong which is still [...]
on air) to uplift the image of the
industry and attract more young people to join the trade?
在亚洲地区,我们中国、香港、台 湾 和 韩国为中心进行供货。
We supply
[...] products mainly to China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Korea.
自 2008 年 4
[...] 月以来,他另外担任了西门子公司东北亚区域的首席执行官,掌管西门子 中 国 、 香 港 、 台 湾 、 韩国和蒙古的业务。
China with full responsibility for all Siemens activities in China. Since April 2008, he took additional
responsibilities as CEO of Siemens North East Asia, which comprises of
[...] Siemens China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Mongolia.
陈律师曾在澳大利亚中国内地、 港 、 台 北 、 马来西亚、新加坡、英国及美国的国际会议上发表演讲。
He has spoken at international
[...] conferences in Australia, China, Hong Kong, Taipei, Malaysia, Moscow, [...]
Singapore, Switzerland, the United
Kingdom and the United States.
在挪威、英国、德国、意大利、美国、加拿大 中 国 大 陆、 港 、 台 湾 、 日本、韩国、芬兰、瑞典和法国的实验室获准根据国际CB和CB-FCS计划进行测试。
The laboratories in Norway, Finland, UK, Germany, Italy, USA,
[...] Canada, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, are [...]
accepted for testing
within the international CB and CB-FCS schemes.
全權負責 Siemens 在中國大陸、港、台灣與 蒙古的所有活動。
He has full responsibility for all of Siemens
[...] activities in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mongolia.
我们专注于OEM和ODM客户,提供中国, 香 港 , 台 湾 地 区的供应链服务,并服务至世界各地。
We mainly focus on OEM and ODM customers base and provide supply chain service in
[...] the region of Greater China, and face all over the world.
[...] 示,政制及內地事務局參與構思推展香港與台灣兩地互動交流 的新策略,例如倡議由貿發局設立台北辦事處,以及 台中市 合辦第一屆"香港 ⎯⎯ 台灣城 市交流論壇",討論雙方共同關注 的議題,當局已於2008-2009年度就這方面的工作提供資源。
SCMA advised that CMAB had contributed to the new strategy for Hong Kong-Taiwan exchange and interaction such as the initiation of the setting up of Taipei Office by the
HKTDC, and the holding of
[...] the first Hong Kong-Taiwan Inter-City Forum with Taichung city to discuss [...]
issues of common concern,
and resources had been provided for in 2008-2009 in this respect.




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