单词 | 中流砥柱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 中流砥柱—mainstayless common: cornerstone tower of strength See also:中流—midstream
我们重申,我们确认区域和次区域组织在通过利 [...] 用预防性外交和预警系统来促进和维护和平、安全及 稳定方面的中流砥柱的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | We reaffirm our recognition of the role of the regional and subregional organizations as pillars in the [...] promotion and maintenance of peace, security and stability through the use of [...] preventive diplomacy and early warning systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
即将卸任的主席感谢毛里求斯从一开始便是论坛进程的中流砥柱,毛 里求斯的国 土面积虽小,但在移徙方面的经验却是相当丰富且连贯。 daccess-ods.un.org | The outgoing Chair acknowledged that [...] Mauritius has been a mainstay of theForum process [...]from the outset, and that despite its small size it has had a large-sized and coherent migration story to tell. daccess-ods.un.org |
2001 年《宣言》宣布预防艾滋病毒是“防治措施的中流砥柱”,然而国家政 策框架和支出优先次序都未能充分体现出这项承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 2001 Declaration declared HIV [...] prevention to be the “mainstay of theresponse”, [...]yet national policy frameworks and spending [...]priorities do not adequately reflect this commitment. daccess-ods.un.org |
我还要表示,我们感谢部队派遣国派部队前往利 比里亚,成为和平与安全的中流砥柱,一如秘书长特 别代表所述。 daccess-ods.un.org | I also want to express our appreciation to troopcontributing countries that [...] have deployed their forces in Liberia [...] and constitute themainstay of peaceand security, [...]as the Special Representative of [...]the SecretaryGeneral has stated. daccess-ods.un.org |
非索特派团是国际社会处理索马里安全局势的中流砥柱,因此有必要进一步加强非索特派团。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since AMISOM is themainstay of the efforts of [...] the international community for dealing with the security situation in Somalia, [...]it is necessary that AMISOM be further strengthened. daccess-ods.un.org |
第⼆,有 效的可持续发展教育⽅案的中流砥柱—教师和教育⼯作者的关键作 用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Second, there is the key role of teachers and educators, who are the cornerstone of effective ESD programmes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果你明明是个资深网民,却不知道为什麽没跟到美国政府的SOPA/PIPA反盗版法案争议,那你绝对不能还没听过1月17号的抗议活动。这一天,构成网路的中流砥柱网站如Wikipedia、Reddit,和超过五万个网站关闭了他们的网站长达24小时;Google则用黑色方块遮掉他们最着名的logo以示抗议。 benchmarkemail.com | If you are an online denizen who had somehow not been aware of the controversy surrounding the US government’s proposed SOPA/PIPA anti-piracy legislation, you could not have missed the day of protest on Wednesday, January 17th when major sites that constitute the very essence of the internet such as Wikipedia, Reddit and over 50,000 more shut themselves down for 24 hours and Google shrouded its famous logo in protest. benchmarkemail.com |
尼日利 亚目前是安全理事会的成员,它仍旧是联合国全球维 和工作的中流砥柱。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nigeria — currently a member of the Security Council — [...] remains one of themainstays of United Nations [...]peacekeeping globally. daccess-ods.un.org |
经过了西班牙内战的战火洗礼,在第二次世界大战末期战斗机进入喷气时代,Bf109仍然是德国空军战斗机部队的中流砥柱。 trumpeter-china.com | Having gone through its baptism of fire in the Spanish Civil War, the Bf 109 was still in service at the dawn of the jet age at the end of World War II, during which it was thebackbone of the German Luftwaffe fighter force. trumpeter-china.com |
联合国、人口基金和世卫组织的框架所欠缺的是 将问责风气确定为问责制的中流砥柱。 daccess-ods.un.org | Missing from the frameworks of the [...] United Nations, UNFPA and WHO was identification of a culture of [...] accountabilityas a fundamentalpillar of accountability. daccess-ods.un.org |
它广泛的变化和强大的越野能力使 MTVR成为整个美国海军陆战队后勤运输部队的中流砥柱。 trumpeter-china.com | Its wide versatility and off-road capability make the MTVR an integral part of the [...] Marine Corps logistical backbone. trumpeter-china.com |
灾害不仅会破坏掉所有 [...] 追求可持续性的努力,还会夺⾛⼀批有望成为减灾和可 持续发展事业中流砥柱的未来教育者的生命。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This destroys all sustainability efforts that were aimed at, in addition to wiping out the [...] next generation of educated experts who [...] would havebeen the pillarsof DisasterRisk [...]Reduction and Sustainable Development. unesdoc.unesco.org |
任何人也不能否认,司法 独立是民主的中流砥柱,是法治的卫士。 daccess-ods.un.org | No one can argue that an independent judiciary is the last bulwark of democracy and the guardian of the rule of law. daccess-ods.un.org |
唐正东长被作为中流砥柱,他雕塑周围的螺旋阶梯代表这他从16岁开始在CBA的成长。 ba-repsasia.com | The spiral staircase around his sculpture represents his rise in the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) from the age of 16. ba-repsasia.com |
与1840年代的德国极为类似,当时对私有企业的诉求将整个中产阶级都变成了民族主义者,而将经济实力精确定义为实现中国伟大复兴中流砥柱的做法则使普通中国人接触到了民族主义的诉求。 project-syndicate.org | Much like in Germany in the 1840’s, when the appeal to private enterprise converted the entire middle class to [...] nationalism, the explicit definition of economic [...] power as the centralpillar of China’sgreatness [...]awakened ordinary Chinese to nationalism’s appeal. project-syndicate.org |