

单词 中止



External sources (not reviewed)

厄立特里亚呼吁国际社会采取 措施,确中止 主权领土的非法占领。
Eritrea called upon the international community to take steps to ensure that the illegal occupation of
[...] its sovereign territory wasstopped.
如预算文件第 29C.17
[...] 段所述,该股所需资源估计数减少 211 300 美元, 原因中止人及家具和设备方面的一次性经费,以待大会第六十六届会议对 [...]
As indicated in paragraph 29C.17 of the budget document, the estimated resource requirements for
the Unit have decreased by $211,300 as a
[...] resultof thediscontinuation of the one-time [...]
provision for consultants and furniture
and equipment pending a review of the Unit’s requirements by the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session.
增值税 的返还一般在在60日内作出,不过有个前提条 件,即税务机关没有因为对增值税纳税人进行 控制中止期限。
The return of VAT is generally made
within 60 days under the condition that Tax
[...] Office willnot suspend thisperiod because of control in a VAT payer [...]
[...] 应加以集中和加强的那些领域达成共识是一件容易的事情,但这也可能意味着我们应当找出 一些中止弃的活动、问题或专题。
Furthermore, while it is easy to come to an agreement on which areas are important for UNESCO and which it should be concentrating on and
reinforcing, this also means that one should be looking for activities,
[...] issues orthemestobe terminated or abandoned.
总干事敦促伊朗按照理事会有约束力的决议和安全理事会具有强制性的各 项决议的要求采取步骤充分履行其“保障协定”及其他义务,包括执行其“附加 议定书”的规定、执行其“保障协定”的“辅助安排”总则经修订的第 3.1 条中止相关活动中止相关活动。
The Director General urges Iran, as required in the binding resolutions of the Board of Governors and mandatory Security Council resolutions, to take steps towards the full implementation of its Safeguards Agreement and its other obligations, including: implementation of the provisions of its Additional Protocol; implementation of the modified Code 3.1 of the
Subsidiary Arrangements
[...] General Part to its Safeguards Agreement; suspension of enrichment related activities; and suspension of heavy water [...]
related activities.
苏丹政府决中止丹北部,包括在达尔富尔 提供人道主义援助的 13 个相关非政府组织的行动至 [...]
The decision by the
[...] Government of the Sudan to haltthe operations of [...]
the 13 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) concerned,
which provide humanitarian assistance in northern Sudan, including in Darfur, is, to say the least, unfortunate.
[...] 方面发挥了重要作用;缔约国对《公约》的全面执 行和其他国家的加入中止受害者数量的上 升,并可以加强努力,关注受影响社区的重建和发 [...]
The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention played a key role in efforts to attain those objectives; States
parties’ full implementation and other States’
[...] accession wouldend the rise in the [...]
numbers of mine victims and allow efforts to
concentrate on rebuilding and developing affected communities and reintegrating the victims.
同一天,联合 国安全和安保部(安保部)在瓦利卡莱的安全官员通 过短信息服务,向刚果民主共和国境内的人道协调
厅、世界粮食计划署的安全官员和联合国难民事务高 级专员办事处(难民署)的办公室、联合国开发计划署 协调中心以及联合国项目事务厅以及联刚特派团在 戈马的安全官员提出咨询意见,指出在 Mpofi
[...] 地区, 马西西-瓦利卡莱轴心已经落入卢民主力量手中,安 保部建中止地区的通行。
The same day, the security officer of the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) in Walikale sent an advisory by SMS to OCHA in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, security officers of the World Food Programme and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), focal points of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Office for Project Services and MONUSCO security officers in Goma, stating that the area of Mpofi, on the
Masisi-Walikale axis, had passed under the control of FDLR and that UNDSS
[...] recommended the suspensionof movements in [...]
that zone.
一般来说, 破产法主要通过以下途径保护私人债务人:作为债务重组进程的一部分,在债务 重组完成中止、暂停计息和暂时取消免除债务和义务的能力。
Insolvency laws generally protect private debtors by, among other things, stays of execution pending restructuring of debt,suspension ofaccrual of interest and the ability to discharge debts and obligations as part of a debt restructuring process.
But will third States be prepared to accept, in advance, rules
which make it easier for States participating in an
[...] internal conflict toterminate or suspend their [...]
treaty obligations?
参与武装冲突的国家如拟终止或退出其为缔约国的条约, 中止约的施行,应将此一 意图通知条约另一缔约国或条约其他各缔约国,或条约保存人。
A State engaged in armed conflict
[...] intending to terminateor withdraw [...]
from a treaty to which it is a party, or to suspend the operation of that treaty,
shall notify the other State party or States parties to the treaty, or its depositary, of that intention.
任何该等损失、 撤销中止 施或支付或会对本集团的业务、经营业绩及财务状况造成重大不利影响。
Any such losses, withdrawals, suspensions, actions or payments may have a material adverse effect on the Group’s business, results of operations and financial condition.
然而,如果 说几个月前,它倾向于暂中止人力资源管理局局长(DIR/HRM)定期召开的工作会 [...]
议,那是它不愿再继续赞同就工作人员的个人事例每月进行的磋商,这样做真正解决问题的 办法也找不到。
However if, a few months ago, ISAU
[...] preferred to suspend temporarily itsparticipation [...]
in periodic working meetings with
the Director of the Bureau of Human Resources Management (DIR/HRM), it was because it no longer wished to continue to participate in monthly consultations on individual staff cases without finding solutions to real problems.
2009 年 7 月 27 日经济及社会理事会第 37 次全体会议表示注意到,非政府 组织委员会在确认秘书处向尚未提交报告的组织发出了最后催复通知,要求每 个组织在 2009 年 5 月 1 日之前提交一份涵盖前一个四年期的报告,以及确认已
向相关非政府组织总部所在的会员国常驻代表团发出了最后催复通知,明确表 明如果这些非政府组织不能在最后期限前履行义务,委员会则要向理事会提出
[...] 应承担后果方面的建议之后,决定在理事会续会上提交一份因连续两次或更多 次没有提交四年期报告而中止商地位的非政府组织清单。
At its 37th plenary meeting, on 27 July 2009, the Economic and Social Council took note of the decision of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations to submit, at its resumed session, a list of non-governmental organizations that had failed to submit their quadrennial reports for two or more consecutive periods, for suspension of their consultative status, after having confirmed that the Secretariat had sent final reminders to those organizations with outstanding reports and had requested each to submit a report covering the preceding four-year period by 1 May 2009, and that the permanent missions of the Member States in which the headquarters of the non-governmental organizations concerned are based had been notified of the final reminders, which clearly indicated the consequent
recommendations the Committee would make to the Council should those non-governmental
[...] organizations fail to meet the deadline.
6.15 吾等可随时在无须事先通知阁下的情况,按吾等之绝对酌情权决 中止制阁下做出指示的能力 或取代阁下帐户中证券。
6.15 We may at any time, at our
absolute discretion and without prior
[...] notice to you, suspend, prohibit orrestrict your [...]
ability to give Instructions or to substitute
Securities in your Account(s).
根据决定草案五,理事会决中止-第三世界中心的咨商地位,为期两 年,并要求该非政府组织中止 束前向委员会提交信函,确认其将始终遵守 理事会第 1996/31 号决议第 55 段所规定的关于与经社理事会建立咨商关系及咨 商关系性质的原则。
By draft decision V, the Council
[...] would decide tosuspend the consultative status of the Centre Europe-tiers monde for a period of two years and to request the non-governmental organization to submit a letter to the Committee before the expiration of the suspensionperiod, confirming [...]
that it will conform
at all times to the principles governing the establishment and nature of its consultative relations with the Council, as stipulated in paragraph 55 of Council resolution 1996/31.
与此同时,委 员会建议缔约国采取适当措施中止童拘留于圣帕特里克机构,并将他们转 移至适当的设施。
In the meantime, the Committee recommends that the State party take appropriate measuresto end thedetention of children in St Patrick’s Institution and move them into appropriate facilities.
(v) 紧 随 完 成 後 任 何 时 间 内 , 联 交 所或证 监 会 并 无 通 知 股 份之上市 地 位 将 因 买卖协 议 拟 进 行 之交易 或 其 他 原 因 而中 止销 或 撤 回 。
(v) there being no indication from the Stock Exchange or the SFC that listing of the Shares shall be suspended, revoked or withdrawn at any time immediately after Completion, as a result of the transactions contemplated by theS&P Agreement or otherwise.
根据书面请求,雇员可以休一个工作年度的年假, 如果随后其个人就业合中止止,可获得所有未休假期的补偿。
Based on a written request, the employee may use the annual
leave for one working year, with the
[...] subsequent suspension ortermination ofthe individual [...]
employment contract, receiving
compensation for all other unused leave.
[...] 履行以下一些义务,包括:没有执行其“附加议定书”的规定;没有执行其“保 障协定”经修订的“辅助安排”总则第 3.1 条;没中止相关活动;没中 止相关活动;以及没有澄清引起对其核计划可能的军事层面关切的遗留未决 问题。
While the Agency continues to conduct verification activities under Iran’s Safeguards Agreement, Iran is not implementing a number of its obligations, including: implementation of the provisions of its Additional Protocol; implementation of the modified Code 3.1 of the
Subsidiary Arrangements
[...] General Part to its Safeguards Agreement; suspension of enrichment related activities; suspensionof heavy [...]
water related activities;
and clarification of the remaining outstanding issues which give rise to concerns about possible military dimensions to its nuclear programme.
如果在这九十天期间後,证委会没有对 存档提出反对,暂中止动成为终止本公司的注册地位及向证委会 呈报的要求。
If, at the end of this 90-day period, the SEC has not objected to the filing, the suspension will automatically become a termination of the Company’s registration and reporting requirements to the SEC.
第 4 条草案规定为了确定在发生武装冲突时条约是否可能 中止参 照:(a) 1969 年《维也纳条约法公约》关于条约的解释的第 [...]
31 条和第 32 条;(b) 武 装冲突的性质和范围及其对条约的影响、条约的事项和条约缔约方的数目。
Draft article 4 provides that, in order to ascertain
[...] whether a treaty isterminated or suspended in[...]
the event of an armed conflict, resort shall
be had to: (a) articles 31 and 32 of the 1969 Vienna Convention, which relate to the interpretation of treaties; and (b) the nature and extent of the armed conflict and its effect on the treaty, the subject matter of the treaty and the number of parties to the treaty.
联 交 所 已 指 出 , 倘 於收购 建 议 结 束 时 , 公 众 人 士 持 有 适 用 於 本 公 司 之 指 定 最 低 百 分 比( 即 已 发 行 股 份 25 % )以下, 或 联 交
所 相 信 (i) 股 份之买卖出 现 或 可 能 出 现 虚 假 市 场 ; 或 (ii) 公 众 人 士 持 有 之 股 份不足 以 维 持 有 秩 序 之 市
[...] 场 , 则 其 将 考 虑 行 使 其 酌 情 权中止之买卖。
The Stock Exchange has stated that if, upon the close of the Offers, less than the minimum prescribed percentage applicable to the Company, being 25%, of the issued Shares are held by the public or if the Stock Exchange believes that (i) a false market exists or may exist in the trading of the Shares; or (ii) there are insufficient Shares in
public hands to maintain an orderly market, then it will consider exercising its
[...] discretion to suspend trading in theShares.
大会在第 65/244 号决议中,也认 可了委员会第五十届会议报告2 第二章B部分所载的结论和建议,即请秘书长继
[...] 续努力改进方案执行情况报告,并在这方面强调,在有关执行率方面需要更多的 清晰度和解释,需要说明增加、推迟 中止的原因。
The Assembly, in its resolution 65/244, also endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee set out in chapter II.B of the report on its fiftieth session,2 in which it requested the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to improve the programme performance report and, in that regard, to emphasize the need for more clarity and
explanation concerning the implementation rate, as well as the reasons for addition,
[...] postponement and terminationof outputs.
关于 SGS 拥有的与您相关的信息,举例来说,您可以要求我们为您提供信息清单和描述,要求我们修正信息错误,或者通知我 中止使用这些信息,您可以通过以下方式与我们取得联系。
Regarding the information held about you by SGS, you may, for example, request us to provide you with a list and a description of this information, request us to amend any inaccuracies, or notify us that you do not consent to our continued use of this information by contacting us in the manner set out below.
[...] 其中有些机构的资产,包括埃塞俄比亚女律师协会,迫使其缩小规模、关闭地区 办事处中止部分服务。
It is also concerned that the Charities and Societies Agency has frozen assets of some of those organizations, including the
Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association, forcing them to downsize, close
[...] regional offices andsuspend some oftheir [...]
她呼吁重中止哈贸易谈 判,执行关于免税和免配额市场准入以及民间社会与政府之间伙伴关系的《香港 宣言》。
She called for the resumption of the suspendedDoha trade talks and the implementation of the Hong Kong Declaration on duty-free and quote-free market access and partnerships between civil society and Governments.




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