

单词 中校



commander (= UK and US Navy equivalent)


normal (i.e. pedagogical) middle school


specialized middle school


technical middle school

External sources (not reviewed)

第 810 团副团长 Justin Karangwa 中校及其 前全国保卫人民大会军官离开岗位,在附近建立阵地。
Justin Karangwa, Deputy Commander of the 810th regiment and his ex-CNDP officers, had left their posts and established a position nearby.
2008 年 11 月,百慕大的通货膨胀率达到 17
[...] 年来最高,为 5.9%,劳工部长 David Burc 中校宣布 ,已经采取各种措施,确保满足百慕大人民的日常需要。
In November 2008, with inflation in Bermuda reaching 5.9 per cent,
its highest level in 17 years, Labour
[...] Minister Lieutenant Colonel David Burch announced [...]
that measures had to be taken to ensure
that the daily needs of Bermudians were met.
英国皇家空军的数据显示,2009 年约有 45 名军人在一名空中校的领 导下负责机场运行。
In 2009, according to Royal Air Force figures, the airfield was run by approximately 45 servicemen, commanded by a wing commander.
[...] 里亚得到了东区军情局主管“Hatsaynet ” 中校 (见 S/2011/433,第 262(e)段和 [...]
第 274 段)和在红海南部地区活动的一名厄立特里亚军事情报官“Debesay”少校
More recently the Monitoring Group has obtained credible information and evidence that some ARDUF forces have recently been
hosted and trained in Eritrea under the
[...] auspices of Lieutenant Colonel “Hatsaynet”, Chief [...]
of Military Intelligence for the Eastern
Zone (see S/2011/433, paras. 262 (e) and 274), and Major “Debesay”, an Eritrean military intelligence officer active in the Southern Red Sea region.
港大並表示,在5位立法會 議中,校務委員會在決定邀請哪一位接受委任成為校務委員會成員 時,會考慮這些議員的建議。
The HKU stated that in making a decision on the Member to be invited from amongst the five Legislative Council Members for appointment to the Council, it will take into consideration the suggestions from these Members.
当以方在蓝线以南——在 以色列境内 90 多米处——从事例行工作时,黎巴嫩
[...] 部队隔着蓝线直接开火,打死营长 Dov Harari 中校, 并 使另一名资深连长受重伤,他们两人当时站在蓝 [...]
线以南约 140 米、以色列国防军工程地点以西 250 米处。
During routine Israeli work south of the Blue Line — more than 90 metres within Israeli territory — Lebanese forces fired direct fire
across the Blue Line, killing Battalion
[...] Commander Lieutenant Colonel Dov Harari and critically [...]
wounding another senior company
commander, both of whom were standing some 140 metres south of the Blue Line and 250 metres west of the location of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) works.
然而,在调查 过程中收集的证据的确显示,该部队的一 中校 指 挥官在整个事件中一直与以色 列国防军部队用无线电联络,多次授权部队让 [...]
Abd-Rabbo 先生进入他家隔壁的建 筑,以便与在里面的武装人员沟通。
However, the evidence gathered in the course of the investigation
did reveal that the commander of the
[...] force, a Lieutenant Colonel who was in radio contact [...]
with the IDF unit throughout the
event, had repeatedly authorized the unit to allow Mr. Abd-Rabbo to enter the structure adjoining his house in order to communicate with armed men inside.
3.8 在 處 理 投 訴 過中 , 校 方 會 因 應 個 案 性 質 , [...]
考 慮 是 否 適 宜 採 取 不 同 方 式 , 例 如 尋 求 調 解 員 的 協 助 , 進 行 調 解 , 或 邀 請 獨 立 /專 業 人 士 ,
以 持 平 的 態 度 , 提 供 意 見 , 協 助 當 事 人( 包 括 投 訴 人 及 被 投 訴 人 /組 織 ), 找 出 解 決 方 案 , 迅 速 地 化 解 衝 突 或 糾 紛 。
3.8 In handling complaints, school will, as the case [...]
will be, decide whether it is appropriate to seek assistance from mediator(s)
or invite independent persons/professionals to provide fair comments to assist the persons concerned (including the complainant(s) and the person(s)/organisation(s) being complained) so that conflicts or disputes can be resolved quickly.
即使在今天,这些成就重新思考和适应现代世界但不堪重负的潜水电脑在纯粹的专业,保持以及“海马”欧米茄詹姆斯债券或为经典的“海马Ploprof 1200”,集合的专门版本穿必备的参考资料“潜水员的1000米的”精工提出,或最近的非凡奥里斯系列手表专门为意大利军方突击 中校 M o s ch in。
Even today, these achievements rethought and adapted to the modern world but overwhelmed by the dive computers in the purely professional, remain essential references as well as the "Seamaster" Omega worn by James Bond or the iconic "Seamaster Ploprof 1200", the specialized versions of the collection "Diver's 1000 meters" proposed by Seiko, or series of recent extraordinary Oris watches dedicated to the Italian military commando Col.
联合国儿童基金会估计,每五所 校中 就 有一所学校被摧毁或被寻求庇护的流离失所者占用。
UNICEF estimates that one
[...] in every five schools has either been [...]
destroyed or is being used by displaced people seeking shelter.
The study of mother tongue and native culture
among national minorities is also
[...] supported in Sunday schools operating under [...]
cultural societies of national minorities.
目前,教育部正在全国校中提高对于这些儿 童入读公立学校的权利的认识,并且准备采取措施帮助他们适应环境和长期在校 [...]
Currently, the Ministry of Education is promoting greater
[...] awareness among schools across the country [...]
about these children’s right to enroll
in public schools as well as seeking measures to help them adapt and stay in school for a longer period.
然而,委员会深 为关切地注意到,在实中,各学校 并 没 有同样落实包容性战略;往往违反有关 主流校中儿童 数目和包容性班级管理的规则,学校在同一省各地区之间的分配 并不公平。
However, it notes with deep concern that, in practice, the
inclusion strategy is
[...] not equally implemented in schools; rules relating to the number of children in mainstream schools and to the management [...]
of inclusive classes
are commonly breached; and schools are not equitably distributed between regions of the same governorate.
同類校中排名為 1, 表示學校的學業表現與 100 間同類學校表現最差的 10 間學校相當,而同類學校排名為 10,表示學校的學 業表現優於 100 間同類校中的至少 90 間學校。
A similar school rank of 1 means that the school's academic performance is comparable to the lowest performing 10 schools of the 100 similar schools, while a similar schools rank of 10 means that the school's academic [...]
is better than at least 90 of the 100 similar schools.
(d) 大部分寻求庇护的学龄儿童在分隔的、教育质量明显低于丹麦主流学 校的校中接受 教育,而这些学校不授予学分使儿童有资格升学。
(d) The majority of asylum-seeking children of school-going age receive education in separate schools where the quality of the education is significantly lower than that of mainstream Danish schools, and that these schools do not grant academic credits which qualify the children for further education.
[...] 律事项中也应充分尊重儿童的发表意见权。47 特别是在把儿童从机构或校中 开除 的事件中,必须对这一决定进行司法审查,因为这种做法违反了儿童的受教 [...]
Additionally, in disciplinary matters, the right of the child to be heard has to be fully respected.47 In particular,
in the case of exclusion of a child from
[...] instruction or school, this decision [...]
must be subject to judicial review as it
contradicts the child’s right to education.
该网络将创建讨论空间并组织机构间会议,探讨可持续发展教育对各自 校中 课程 规划、计划、惯例和政策的影响。
The network will create spaces for discussion and organize inter-institutional meetings to address the impact on curriculum planning, programmes, practices and policies in their own institutions.
他支持現時的撥款建 議,並認為這項建議可紓解中大宿舍不足的問題及應付 非本地學生的住宿需要,而中大的非本地學生的數目在 本地校中屬於最多的其中一間。
He supported the current funding proposal which he considered would ameliorate the problem of hostel inadequacy in CUHK and cater for the boarding needs of its non-local students, the number of which was one of the highest among local institutions.
一 些本地組織、不同的政府部門和公共圖書館也提供能促進本課程學與教的 額外資源。另外,大學校中與化 學相關部門的專家亦可以為本課程的學 與教提供有效的支援;而各學校所製作的學與教資源可以適切學校環境, 在本課程學與教中具有很高的價值。
In addition, some local organisations, various government departments and the public libraries offer additional resources, and experts in chemistry-related departments of tertiary institutions can provide useful support for learning and teaching this curriculum.
在2012-13學年,尤方玉屏學校過渡至一個全新的“尤方玉屏 校中 文 沉 浸式試 點計劃” (以下簡稱“試點計劃”),繼續發揚該校的傳統,為全體學生提供 [...]
In the 2012-13 school year, Alice Fong [...]
Yu transitioned to a new “Alice Fong Yu Chinese Immersion Pilot Program” (hereafter
referred to as the “Pilot”) that continues and enhances the school’s tradition of providing a comprehensive and challenging academic program as well as a variety of enrichment activities for all students.
鉴于人权与和平教育对加强和平文化,增进和谐关系,保障非暴力文化以 及儿童和广大社会中的性别平等都是至关重要的,因此委员会建议缔约国迅速采 取具体措施,确保向校中的所 有儿童提供人权教育,特别是和平教育,并对教 师和其他专业人员开展培训,以便通过冲突解决和同行调解培训来帮助学生解决 冲突。
Considering that human rights and peace education are essential to enhance a culture of peace and promote harmonious relationships which guarantee the culture of non-violence and gender equality among children and the larger society, the Committee recommends that the State party take prompt and concrete measures to ensure the provision of human rights education and, in particular, peace education, for all children in school and train teachers and other professionals to help students to resolve conflict through conflict-resolution and peer-mediation training.
此外,举例而言,萨米 人既在公共校中以官 方语文接受教育,又通过传统教育学习萨米语言。
Moreover, as an example, the Saami
receive education both in the official
[...] language in public schools, and in the Saami [...]
language through traditional education.
委员会建议缔约国确保罗姆儿童有学可上,包括提供特别针对罗姆家长的财政和 物质支持,改进农村地区的学校基础设施,防止和消除 校中 对 罗 姆人的歧视, 并以罗姆语制订学校课程。
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure the availability and accessibility of schooling for Roma children, including through the provision of financial and material support especially targeted at Roma parents, improvement of the school infrastructure in rural areas, the prevention and combating of discrimination against Roma in schools, as well as the development of the school curriculum in the Roma language.
委员会鼓励缔约国从罗姆人和辛提人社区招聘教职人员,在 校中 促 进交叉文化 教育,以及为学校教职人员提供培训和为罗姆人和辛提人家长开展提高认识活 动。
The Committee encourages the State
[...] party to recruit school personnel from among members of Roma and Sinti communities, to promote intercultural education in schools and [...]
to provide training
to school staff and awareness-raising activities for Roma and Sinti parents.
我們不必對在校中教授 宗教課的整個問題作研討,但我們必須強調,教授宗教不只限於學校課程內的「宗教課」,而必須明確地,以及有系統地教給學生,以避免在學生的心靈內,造成對於一般的知識及宗教知識之間可能產生的曲解。
Without entering into the whole problem of
[...] teaching religion in schools, it must be emphasised [...]
that, while such teaching is not
merely confined to " religious classes " within the school curriculum, it must, nevertheless, also be imparted explicitly and in a systematic manner to prevent a distortion in the child's mind between general and religious culture.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品;校教科 书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into
European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
行动方式包括:在埃塞俄比亚的 校中 广泛 地发放了用阿姆哈拉语制作的关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的一系列录象带;举办了如何制作只读 [...]
光盘和网站的讲习班(埃塞俄比亚和尼日尔)和教育信息技术高级培训班(乌干达和津巴布 韦);将关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的电子图书馆译成法文和葡萄牙文;支持了苏丹科技大学
Modalities of action have included: a series of videos
on HIV/AIDS in Amharic, widely
[...] distributed in Ethiopian schools; workshops on how [...]
to make CD-ROMs and websites (Ethiopia
and Niger) and advanced courses in IT training for education (Uganda and Zimbabwe); the Electronic Library on HIV/AIDS translated into French and Portuguese; and support to the Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) and Pretoria University joint programme for the M.Ed in the Use of ICTs for Education.
立法变得更灵活了:基础校中有更 严重残疾的学生的学年,已经延长到 三年;判分制度也更加灵活,以确保智障学生获得基础教育和在中学水平上深造 的机会。
Legislation has been made more
[...] flexible: the school year of pupils with more serious disabilities in basic school has been extended [...]
by up to three
years; marking system has been made more flexible in order to ensure opportunities for acquiring basic education and for further study on secondary school level for pupils with mental disability.
在这类校中,您 可以攻读一系列学科,其中包括:商科与管理、科学技术、设计与艺术、通信、体育与休闲、社区服务与健康、旅游与酒店接待、工程与建筑、园艺、土地管理和英语等。
At these institutions, you can study a wide range of disciplines, including: business and management, science and technology, design and arts, communications, sport and recreation, community service and health, tourism and hospitality, engineering and building, horticulture and land management and English.




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