

单词 中心埋置关系从句

External sources (not reviewed)

任何一种人关系都可以从这句话中 获 益
All relationships can benefit from this wisdom, but relationships with subordinates [...]
might benefit from it even more.
在另一些情中,游 击集团在军事部队离开之后对这些场 埋置 地 雷
In other cases, guerrilla groups mined the premises after the military forces had left.
安置还会给生计带来负面影响:灾民被置在远 离生活来源的地方,他们有可能不得不放弃诸如家畜 埋 在 瓦 砾 中 的 财 产。
Relocation may also have a negative impact on livelihoods: it moves people away
from the sources of
[...] their livelihoods, and it may force them to leave behind livelihoods assets such as livestock or goods buried in the rubble.
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程 系 的 审 查 和修订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和阿拉伯世界的需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者中心”的 教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和教师培训;提高教师地位;制定标 准进行评估;制关于优 质教育的国家标准。
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in curricula review and revision, particularly the
introduction of values education and ethical
[...] approaches, in accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
在这一年中,秘鲁销毁了 4 000 多 颗地雷,清理了约 3 万平方米的土地,从埋有地 雷的建筑中销毁了近 4 000 个杀伤人员置,以及 在厄瓜多尔边界处销毁了 500 多个装置。
In the course of the year Peru had destroyed over 4,000 landmines, clearing about 30,000 square metres of land, and had destroyed almost 4,000 anti-personnel devices in mined buildings and over 500 more along the border with Ecuador.
从理论 上来看,这个办法意味着一些缔约国集团可以强迫其他缔约国 接受它们商定的保留规则,这不符合对条约的相 关系 原 则; 换 句话 说 ,可能发生一种情况,就是一些国家或国际组织达成协议,认为它 们共同提出的保留只可以共同撤回或修改,但对这项保留所涉的其他 条约缔约国来说,这样一项协议则是他人之间的行为。
In theoretical terms, it would imply that a group
[...] of parties could impose upon the others the rules on reservations agreed upon by them, which is hardly compatible with the principle of privity to treaties; in other words, it was possible that [...]
a number of States or international
organizations might agree to consider that the reservation formulated collectively by them could only be withdrawn or modified collectively, but such an agreement would be res inter alios acta with regard to the other contracting States or organizations to the treaty to which the reservation related.
德国已设立了一个联合反中心,从 而 使数 个 关 键 反 恐机构能在一个统一的 地点一道开展工作,实时交流情报并协调分析和行动。
Germany has established a
[...] joint counter-terrorism centre that enables several key [...]
counter-terrorism agencies to work at
a centralized site to exchange information in real time and coordinate analysis and operations.
此設計是IWC萬國錶機芯開發埋首鑽 研4年 心 血 結 晶。採用革新的計時顯示 置 , 即使是較長的計時時間,譬如8小時52分鐘,用者亦可一目了然:一個圓形計算 中 結 合了小時和分鐘計時盤,看似仿佛一個「錶中錶」。
The design, which occupied an IWC development team for a full 4 years, was necessitated by a revolutionary chronograph display that enables the user to read off even relatively long periods of stopped times – 8 hours and 52 minutes, for example – at a glance: a circular totalizer combines the hour and minute hands as if they were a watch-within-a-watch.
最后,我们心希望,2010 年建设和平进程审中提出 的建议能够增强和改善一致性、协调性、协作 性,包括增强安全理事会、经济及社会理事会、大会 以及其他合作伙伴之间关系,从而 为 委员会的工作 增添价值。
In conclusion, it is our sincere hope that the recommendations of the 2010 review of the peacebuilding process will add value to the work of the Commission by enhancing and improving coherence, coordination and collaboration, including by enhancing the relationships among [...]
the Security Council,
the Economic and Social Council, the General Assembly and other partners.
可删除倒 数第句,从而解 决对“取决于特定环境”的质疑 以关于罢工或绝食的问题。
The penultimate sentence could be deleted, which would resolve the questions about the phrase “depending on the particular circumstances” and about the issue of strikes [...]
or hunger strikes.
當然,我在此要向年青人提醒句, 置 業 是人 生 中 的 重 要決定,也 是很大的抉擇,因此,他們要視乎自己的財政狀況和市場走勢,才可作 [...]
Certainly, I wish to
[...] remind young people that home purchase is an important [...]
decision in their life and it is also a big
decision to make, hence they should only make the decision according to their own financial situation and market trends.
出于上文 第…段所解释的理由,证明有理由采用直接招标办法的“出于节省开销和提高 效率的理由”的提法从前导句中删 除 。1994 年版本第 37 条第(3)款(b)项已归 入 2011 年版本第 35 条第(2)款(b)项,其中要求采购实体以不歧视方式挑选向其 征求建议书的供应商或承包商关于 该 条文的实际影响,另见第四章采购方法 介绍中的评注以及第 34 条和第 35 条的评注[**链接**])。
For the reasons explained in paragraph … above, the reference to “reasons of economy and efficiency” to justify direct
solicitation have been deleted
[...] from the chapeau provisions. 1994 article 37(3)(b) has been subsumed into 2011 article 35(2)(b) that requires the procuring to select the suppliers or contractors from which to solicit proposals in a non-discriminatory manner (on the practical implications of this provision see, further, the commentary in the introduction [...]
to chapter
IV procurement methods and to articles 34 and 35 [**hyperlinks**]). 1994 article 37(3)(c) has been subsumed into the broader reference to procurement involving classified information in 2011 article 35(2)(c).
句话说,关于大气层的法律原则 和规则应尽可能系有关理论 和一般国际法的判例予以审议。
In other words, the legal principles and rules on the atmosphere
[...] should, as far as possible, be considered in relation to doctrines and jurisprudence of general [...]
international law.
在运行 的少数垃圾埋处置场地中,有 些在实行沼气收集和堆肥生成。
Among the few sanitary landfills in operation, some are implementing landfill gas collection and composting.
关于他的心脏起 搏器的说法,申诉人批评缔约国以不完整的草率方式分析 情况,12 这可从对他 的行政暂缓驱逐申请的草率回应体现出来,这份日期为 2009年9月4 日的回应,与驳回他第一次行政暂缓申请的日期为2009年2月9 日的信函基本相同,区别仅在于下面 句 话 :“他的心脏起搏器可以在多米尼加 共和国更换”。
5.7 With regard to
[...] the allegations concerning his pacemaker, the claimant criticizes the State party for having analysed the situation in an incomplete and superficial manner,12 as can be seen from the superficial response to his application for an administrative stay of removal, dated 4 September 2009, which was identical to the letter rejecting the first application for an administrative stay, dated 9 February 2009, save for the following phrase: “The individual’s [...]
pacemaker can be replaced in the Dominican Republic.
三名恐怖分子被炸死, 超过 15 人受伤,中包括臭名昭著的恐怖分子 Ahmed Hajj Dibu(别名 Abu Zarif), 他曾在 Tall Rif‛at 镇和其他地埋置爆炸物。
Three of the terrorists were killed and over 15
[...] wounded, including the notorious terrorist Ahmed Hajj Dibu, known as Abu Zarif, who had planted explosives in the town of Tall Rif‘at and elsewhere.
[...] 助和支持的方案上,从教育部门监测和评估的能力建设到支助成立社区学 中心 、从 高等教育质量保证的建立系到幼 儿保育和发展的政策制定、从通过 ASP 网络项目与 青年动员建立联系到调查人权教育的状况。
The Office has kept itself focused on programmes that provide technical assistance and backstopping ranging from capacity-building in monitoring and evaluation in the education sector
to supporting the
[...] establishment of community learning centres, networking for quality assurance in higher [...]
education to policy
development in early childhood care and development, building bridges with youth mobilization through the ASPnet project to surveying the state of human rights education.
有机给料分解产生的甲烷的排放量可以被厌氧发醇工厂采集,而不从传统的粪肥存系统或垃圾埋场 释 放到大 中。
Emissions of methane resulting from the breakdown of organic feedstock may be captured within an anaerobic
digestion plant, instead of being
[...] released into the atmosphere from conventional manure storage systems or landfill sites.
秘书长报告 第 294 至 299 中所述 的这些服务包括,在应享待遇和福利的行政管理、征聘和甄 选、解决争议、监测和绩效管理方面更新与订正工作人员细则和条例 关 的 电 子 学习模块/认证方案的内容,而这方面的经费以前是由预算外资源提供,但现已 不再提供(40 800 美元);为“心”系统提供持续技术支持和维护(52 300 美元), 该系统是完成向 Inspira 系统过渡和执行“团结”系统之前的旧有外勤工作人员 征聘、甄选和上岗系统;建立用于履行外勤特派团工作人员队伍规划所需分析职 能的各种机制和工具,这是一项特定部门的业务需求(133 000 美元)。
The services sought, which are described in paragraphs 294 to 299 of the report of the Secretary-General, include the updating of the contents of the e-learning
[...] programmes related to revised staff rules and regulations in the areas of administration of entitlements and benefits, recruitment and selection, dispute resolution, monitoring and performance management, for which funding was previously provided from extrabudgetary resources but is no longer available ($40,800); ongoing technical support and maintenance of Nucleus, a legacy system for the recruitment, [...]
and bringing on-board of staff in the field until completion of the transition to Inspira and deployment of Umoja ($52,300); and the development of mechanisms and tools to perform analytical functions required in workforce planning in field missions, which is a departmentspecific operational need ($133,000).
關於上文第 23 段 (d)項,2004-05
和以後每 個年度每年所需的 2,800,000 元開支是用以支付系統管 理和 24 小 時 操
[...] 作的服務費,租 用兩 個數據中心 ( 一個作主 要用途,另 一個系統運作復原之用 ) 和置中 心 所需的消耗品,以及提供求助台服務等 費用。
As regards paragraph 23(d) above, the expenditure of $2,800,000 from 2004-05 onwards is for system
management and 24-hour
[...] operation services, rental of two data centres (one for primary use and the other [...]
for disaster recovery)
and consumables used therein, and provision of helpdesk service.
开发署承认捐助者越来越倾向于通过非核心 渠道和通过其他合作伙伴提供额外资金,并同意与非 心 捐 助者 的 关系从 根 本上 与传统捐助者的关系不同。
It recognizes the increasing preference of donors to make additional funding available through non-core channels and through other
partners, and agrees that the
[...] relationship with non-core donors is fundamentally different from the relationship with traditional donors.
他提议,在第句后面插入从关于第 25 条的 第 25 号一般性意见的第 25 段中抽取 的两个句子, 这两个句子是“在公民、候选人和当选代表之间有 关公共、政治问题的信息和思想的自由交流必不可 少。
He proposed inserting the following two sentences, taken from paragraph 25 of general comment No. 25 on article [...]
25, immediately after
the first sentence: “The free communication of information and ideas about public and political issues between citizens, candidates and elected representatives is essential.
根據屋宇署的執法經驗,分間樓宇單位內的常見違規事 項包括:(一 )消防安全問題(因安裝扇門不當以致在開門時阻礙
[...] [...] 其他扇門並阻塞逃生通道、因不當改動逃生樓梯的耐火結構而 令樓梯出現無防護開口等);(二 )負荷過重(主要因大幅加高地台埋置加裝的水管及排水渠,以及加建間隔牆所致);及(三 )滲 水問題(因內部水管或排水渠,以及浴室的加厚地台的施工質素 [...]
Based on the enforcement experience of BD, the usual irregularities found in sub-divided flat units include: (a) fire safety issues (obstruction to means of escape caused by improper installation of doors that obstruct one another when opened, improper alteration to the fire safety construction of escape staircases caused by unprotected openings to such staircases, etc.); (b) overloading (mainly due to the extensive
additional floor screeding
[...] used for embedding additional water pipes and drains, as well as the installation [...]
of additional
partition walls); and (c) water seepage (due to poor workmanship of internal water pipes and drains, as well as floor screeding of bathroom floors).
將一個單位分間 成多個獨立單位的建築工程,通常涉及拆卸間隔牆、 建造新的間隔牆、鋪設新增的電線、為新設的厠所改 動或加設內部供水管及排水系統、 加高地台 埋置 新設/改道的供水管及排水渠等。
Some units have self-contained pantries/kitchens as well. The building works for sub-dividing a unit into individual self-contained units commonly involve knocking down of partition walls, construction of new partition walls, additional wirings, alteration or
addition of internal water
[...] pipes and sewerage system for the additional toilets, as well as raising of floors to accommodate new/diverted [...]
pipes and drains.
10 时,若干武装恐怖团伙在大学校园附近的大学公园里埋设了两个爆炸置;其中一个埋在 B asil 环形转盘处;另一个埋在退休工人住宅楼对面的 Hannanu 地区;最后一枚装置则埋在 Sakhur 地区的 Hannanu 立交桥。
At 1000 hours, armed terrorist groups planted two explosive devices inside the university park, near the university campus; one device at the Basil roundabout; another in the Hannanu area, opposite the retirement home; and a last device at the Hannanu interchange in the Sakhur area.
[...] 的工業轉化中溫室氣體排放應放在國家清 單的“能源”類別中報告,而傳統廢料置中(埋填法 、焚燒法)的溫室氣體排放 應放在“廢料管理”類別中報告。
According to IPCC guidelines, GHG emissions from industrial waste-to-energy conversion are reported in the ”energy“ source category of national
inventories, while GHG emissions from
[...] conventional waste disposal (landfilling, incineration) [...]
are reported in the ”waste management” category.
为此,主席是否有能力指导大会工作、 建立共识、缓和不同立场关系、置 身 于 各种相关利 益之外,以促进对话,将最终自然而然地导致主席办 公室的加强从而使我们所有人都能够认同这一凝聚心的职能。
For this reason, the strengthening of the Office of the presidency will, in the end, be a natural consequence of the ability of the President to guide the work of the Assembly, generate consensus, bring rapprochement between differing positions, and place him or her above the various interests in play in order to foster dialogue, which will allow all of us to identify with this unifying function.
句话说,尽从历史 的角度来看,享有 和平的权利深入心的时 间远远超过发展权,但是,《各国人民享有和平权利宣 言》尚未实现《发展权利宣言》的重大预期效果。
In other words, the Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace had not yet generated a significant projection as did the Declaration on the Right to Development, despite the fact that, in a historical perspective, the right to peace had been deeply rooted in human conscience for a much longer period than the right to development.
我们也关心员工的正直、健康、安全,这是我们不断追求的价值,实际上就是我们采取的生命质量计划,主要由四个基础点:健康 关系 、 心 智 和 文化,这属于我们的社会责任、健康、安全的方策,有OHSAS 18001规定认证,也纳入在工作健康安全系统(S SO ) 中 , 这 些 从 2 0 0 8年起,就完全合并,并且将所有单位的信息整合。
It is also seen in our Social
[...] Responsibility, Health and Safety policy, certified by OHSAS standard 18001, and in the Occupational Health and Safety System (SSO), which since 2008 has been totally unified and contains information on all our units.




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