单词 | 中国进出口银行 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 中国进出口银行 —The Export-Import Bank of China (state owned bank)See also:中国银行—Bank of China (BoC) 进出口—import and export 进口国 n—importing country n 进口国 pl—importers pl
虽然中国进出口银行乐于 接受更多项 目,但它没有必要急于在南苏丹首当其冲,或是像 它在非洲其他国家那样大力投资。 crisisgroup.org | While open to [...] additional projects, Exim Bank is not necessarily [...]in a hurry to be out front in South Sudan or to invest as [...]heavily as it has elsewhere in Africa. crisisgroup.org |
其他例子:作为中国公 司在土库曼斯坦油气领域框架协议的一部分 , 中国进出 口银行向土 库曼外国经济事务国营银行发放了 2500 万 美元贷款。 crisisgroup.org | In other examples, China ExIm loaned $25 million to the Turkmenistan State Bank for Foreign Economic [...] Affairs as part of [...]a framework agreement for Chinese companies work in Turkmenistan’s oil and gas sector. crisisgroup.org |
与其它债权人协调,扩展 中国进出口银行 的优 惠贷款方案,以支持南苏丹基础设施的发展, 从而推动非税收行业的开放。 crisisgroup.org | Extend a preferential loan package from the [...] Chinese Export-Import (Exim) Bank – in coordination [...]with other creditors – to support [...]development of South Sudan’s infrastructure, so as to aid in opening up nonrevenue sectors. crisisgroup.org |
中国复杂的援助体系的中心是三个主要机构:商务 部、中国进出口银行和外交部。 crisisgroup.org | At the centre of China’s complex aid [...] structure are three principal institutions: the ministry [...] of commerce, the Exim Bank and the ministry of foreign [...]affairs. crisisgroup.org |
中国向非洲 发出了大量优惠贷款,其中, 中国进出口银行 是 最 大的 借贷方。 crisisgroup.org | China has been rolling out concessional loans in [...] Africa, of which China ExIm Bank is the sole lender. crisisgroup.org |
美国进出口银行和中国进出口银行都将根据他们各自对交易评定的重要性及融资需求来确认融资交易。 embassyusa.cn | Both the U.S. [...] Export-Import Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China will identify [...]transactions for financing according [...]to their respective views of the importance of the transaction and its need for financing. eng.embassyusa.cn |
刚果(金)取得了 60 亿美元的贷款,相应的要确保向中国出口铜和钴,而加 纳一直在与中国进出口银行和中国国 家开发银行就总额 达 130 亿的贷款进行谈判,大部分贷款要由石油出口额 作为担保。 crisisgroup.org | The DRC was offered $6 billion, [...] secured against copper [...] and cobalt exports, while Ghana has been negotiating over a combined $13 billion from the Exim Bank and the China Development Bank, much of [...]it to be secured against oil. crisisgroup.org |
到目前为止,当地开发的很多项目时常 有 中国 进出口银行的资金支持。 banktrack.org | Projects developed to date [...] have often been backed by China Export-Import Bank. banktrack.org |
诸如中国进出口银行等国 有银行的行为由相关政府负有直接责任。 banktrack.org | The activities of [...] state-owned banks such as China Exim are the direct [...]responsibility of the respective government. banktrack.org |
之后,2008 年 4 月,中国进出口银行在与 尼日利亚官员就勘探权进 行会谈过程中发放了 25 亿美元贷款。 crisisgroup.org | Later in April 2008, China ExIm offered a $2.5 billion [...] loan parallel to talks on exploration rights with Nigerian officials. crisisgroup.org |
中国银行于 2002 年为该公 司提供了 11 亿美元,而中国进出口银行于 2 003 年 为其提供了价值 11 亿美元的三年期贷款。12 由于贝 林加项目是对自然资源战略部门的海外投资项目且 涉及基础设施建设,因此很有可能是 由 中国进出口 银行为加蓬的铁矿储备开发出资。 banktrack.org | Bank of China extended a US$1.1 billion to the company in 2002 and China Exim Bank extended a three-year line of credit worth US$1.1 billion in 2003.12 Particularly as the Belinga project is an overseas investment in the strategic sector of natural resources, involving infrastructure development, it is highly probable that it is the latter bank that is financing [...] the development of Gabon’s iron ore reserves. banktrack.org |
2007 年,中国进出口银行凭借360 亿美元的贷款审 批成为世界上最大的出口信贷机构,甚至超过了世 界银行2。 banktrack.org | With loan approvals of US$36 billion, China Exim Bank became the world’s [...] largest export credit agency in 2007 and has even [...]outgrown the World Bank.2 The growing economic South-South cooperation has many positive aspects. banktrack.org |
在环保承诺方面,作为中国在非洲的主要资金提供者 ,中国进出口银行 已 经颁 布了环境规章。 banktrack.org | As far the environmental [...] commitments go, China Exim Bank, as a major Chinese [...]financier in Africa, has a published code of environmental regulations. banktrack.org |
Eisuke Suzuki [...] 所著文章,《多边发展政策中的双边政策导向 :中国进出口银行 面 临 的挑战及其责任》, 最初发表于《中国国际法期刊》,2007 [...]年;6(1) 第 127-133 页。 banktrack.org | The text by Eisuke Suzuki, Bi-lateral Policy Orientation in the Multilateral [...] Development Policy:A [...] Challenge for the China Exim Board and its Accountability, [...]originally appeared in Chinese Journal of International Law, 2007; 6(1) pp.127-133. banktrack.org |
主要的大坝投资机构 包括:巴西国家经济社会发展银行(在中国、厄瓜 多尔和委内瑞拉有水力发电项目)、 中国进出口银 行(在缅甸、柬埔寨、加纳、尼日利亚和苏丹有水 电项目)、印度进出口银行(在缅甸和尼泊尔有项 目)和泰国进出口银行(在老挝有几个项目)。 banktrack.org | The list of major dam funders includes Brazil’s BNDES [...] (with hydropower projects in China, Ecuador and [...] Venezuela), China Exim Bank (with hydro projects in countries such as Burma, Cambodia, Ghana, Nigeria, and Sudan), India Exim Bank (with projects [...]in Burma and Nepal) [...]and Thai Exim Bank (with several projects in Laos). banktrack.org |
中国进出口银行向中海油提供资 金》,《非洲能源信息》,2006 年 6 [...] 月 7 日。 crisisgroup.org | ExIm Bank Finances CNOOC”, Africa Energy [...] Intelligence, 7 June 2006. crisisgroup.org |
中 国 进 出 口 银 行 在 老 挝 支 持 的 首 个 项 目 是 南梦 3号大坝,由中国水利电力对外公司承建, [...] 于 2004 年投入使用。 banktrack.org | The first China Exim-backed project in Laos [...] was the Nam Mang 3 Dam, commissioned in 2004 and constructed by China International [...]Water and Electric Corporation. banktrack.org |
虽然政治环境和融资结构各有不同,中国进出口银行 向安哥拉分别发放了三批总额达 45 亿美元的贷款,而安 [...] 哥拉因此必须确保向中国出口石油(实际数字难以确 定,可能比这一数字要高得多)。 crisisgroup.org | Though political circumstances and financial structuring were unique [...] in each case, the Exim Bank disbursed three separate [...]loans to Angola totalling [...]at least $4.5 billion and secured by Angolan oil exports to China (actual figures are difficult to determine, and may be significantly higher). crisisgroup.org |
中国进出口银行授予 安哥拉 20 亿美元信贷 限额,并就另外一个该类贷款进行谈判。 crisisgroup.org | China ExIm has given Angola a soft [...] $2 billion line of credit and is negotiating another such loan. crisisgroup.org |
例如,2006 年 6 月,中国进出口银行为中海油发放了 16 亿美元贷款,帮助收购尼日利亚 130 [...] 号海上石油开采 许可证 45%的权益。 crisisgroup.org | For example, in June 2006, China ExIm was awarded a $1.6 [...] billion loan to help pay for its 45 per cent interest on the OML [...]130 license in offshore Nigeria. crisisgroup.org |
中国主要的金融机构 —— 中国进出口银行,是目 前世界最大的同类机构之一。6 根据世界银行的估 计,中国进出口银行已经 向撒哈拉以南非洲国家的 大型基础设施项目支付了 125 亿多美元,不过中国 进出口银行的官 方报告数字远远低于这个水平。 banktrack.org | China’s principal financing vehicle, China Exim Bank, is currently one of the largest such institutions in the world.6 According to World Bank estimates, China Exim has disbursed over US$ 12.5 billion for large-scale infrastructural projects in Sub-Saharan African alone although China Exim Bank’s official [...] reported figures are much [...]less.7 More than 80 percent of these were to resource-rich African countries, such as Angola, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Sudan.8 banktrack.org |
2004年,国家发展和改革委员会(以下简 称“发改委”)和中国进出口银行发 布了《关于对国家鼓励的境外投资重点项目给予信 [...] 贷支持政策的通知》,以鼓励资源开发型对外投资(以及并购和收购)。 eisourcebook.org | In 2004, the National Development and Reform Commission [...] (NDRC) and the Export-Import Bank of China (EXIM) released [...]a statement to encourage overseas [...]investment (and mergers and acquisitions) in specific areas such as resource exploration.6 Also, the State Council incentivized Chinese companies to enter overseas markets by granting financial and foreign exchange assistance.7 China’s growing investments abroad are illustrated by China’s growing FDI outflows over the last decade, which rose from US$1.8 billion in 20048 to US$65.11 billion in 20119i . eisourcebook.org |
根据中国政府机构批准的海外项 目的规模和投资的性质,海外投资项目可能需要经过国务院、商务部、发改委、财政部、 国家外汇管理局、国务院国有资产监督管理委员会(以下简称“国资委”),以 及 中国 进出口银行和中国国家开发银行等部门的一系列审批。 eisourcebook.org | Depending on the scale and nature of investment, Chinese government institutions that must approve an overseas project include the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), Stateowned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), as well as the China Export-Import (Exim) Bank and the China Development Bank.55 The most specific requirement can be found in the Administrative Regulation on Contracting Foreign Projects (2008) issued by the State Council that states that the company, and any people involved, shall be fined or [...] the certificate shall [...] be revoked when the project is obtained as a result of offering an unfair low price, illegal bidding or acts of bribery.56 However, most articles related [...]to the impacts of [...]company behaviour overseas tend to be general and are not meant to scrutinize companies’ activities. eisourcebook.org |
在下午进行的题为“第三次工业革命与中国”的圆桌讨论环节中,康雁先生担任主持嘉宾,参与讨论的嘉宾有微软公司全球资深副总裁、微软亚太研发集团主席张亚勤、依文企业集团董事长夏华、普华永道中国金融服务业市场主管合伙人吴卫军、清华大学人文社会科学学院历史系教授秦晖, 和中国进出口银行 资 深 经理、首席国家风险分析师赵昌会。 rolandberger.com.cn | Mr. Kang moderated the afternoon panel discussion "The Manufacturing Industry in the Third Industrial Revolution." The panelists were Zhang Yaqin, Global Vice President of Microsoft; Xia Hua, Chairman of Eve Group; David Wu, China Financial Services Domestic Market Leader of PwC China; Qin [...] Hui, Professor of History at Tsinghua University; and Zhao Changhui, [...] Chief Risk Analyst at Export-Import Bank of China. rolandberger.com.cn |
中国还以 通过进出口银行提供 优惠贷款的形式提供援助(世界银行估计此种援助额达 190 亿美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Aid is also [...] provided in the form of concessionary loans through the Eximbank (estimated by the World Bank at US$19 billion).67 [...]China’s aid [...]often comes as a package in the form of complete turn-key projects, which provide planning, financing, manpower and training. daccess-ods.un.org |
执行委员会还采纳了有关修改与中国签订的化工生产行业协定的建议,以便允许在 2012 年生产供出口的药用级氟氯化碳,并 进 行 一次年度审查,以便符合缔约方在第 XXIII/2 号决定中为其他国家核准的 2012 年关于计量吸入器的必要用途豁免, 但出口国须 已 建立报告和核查制度,并且报告和核查制度收集并报告某些具体信息,还请世 界 银行作 为中国氟氯 化碳生产淘汰计划的执行机构提供服务,开展核查和审计,并代表中国向执行 委员会提交报告(第 66/54 号决定,(b)和(c)分段)。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee also adopted the recommendation to modify the production sector agreement [...] with China to allow the [...] production for export of pharmaceutical grade CFCs in 2012, with an annual review, for purposes of meeting the 2012 essential use exemption for metered-dose inhalers authorized by the Parties in decision XXIII/2, provided the exporting country had reporting and verification systems in place and that the reporting and verification systems collected and reported on some specific information and requested the World Bank, as the implementing [...]agency, to provide [...]its services in carrying out the verification/audit and to submit reports to the Executive Committee on behalf of China (decision 66/54, sub-paragraphs (b) and (c)). multilateralfund.org |
古巴仍然不能自由地从美国进口和向 其 出 口 产 品和服务,古巴国民或公司不 能在国际交易中使用 美元或在第三国开设美 元 银行 账 户,也不能在美 国 银行 和其 在第三国的分行以及世界银行、国际货币基金组织和美洲开发银行等国际机构获 得信贷。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba remains [...] unable freely to export and import products and services to or from the United States of America; Cuban nationals and companies cannot use the United States dollar in their international transactions or hold United States dollardenominated accounts with third-country banks; Cuba is also [...]denied access to loans from banks in the United States of America, [...]their subsidiaries in third countries and international institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Inter-American Development Bank. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在已经拟订多种改良的干预战略,以克服 以往几代项目所指出的挑 战;其中包括:没有修订技术性解决方法以配合当地的 价值观和材料,而且建议采用的各种技术的成本很高;采用技术设施(例如把水 银制造厂集中一地以供进行汞齐 化)但未适当考虑地方的要求和矿业社区的当地 动态;矿业人口迅速 变动,因而冲淡提高意识运动的效果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Improved intervention strategies have now been developed to overcome the challenges identified by previous generations of projects, which included: lack of adaptation of [...] technical solutions to local values or [...] materials, as well as high costs of proposed techniques; implementation of technical facilities (such as centralized mercury mills for gold amalgamation) without proper consideration of local demand and local dynamics of the mining communities; and dilution of the effect of awareness-raising campaigns due to rapid changes in mining populations. daccess-ods.un.org |
拟议拨款 80 500 [...] 美元,用以支付参加下列与维和有关的讨论会、会议、 讲习班和协调会的差旅费:维持和平经费筹措司与外勤部外勤预算和财务司合作 举办的关于高级别问题、成果预算制方法和预算指示等预算事项的会议,目的是 改进各特派团制定预算的过程(63 000 美元);财务处出席世界银行和国际货 币基 金组织年度会议和 2 次中央银行关于投资的研讨会(10 400 美元);一次保险讲习 班(7 100 美元)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The amount of $80,500 is proposed for travel to the following peacekeepingrelated seminars, conferences, workshops and coordination meetings: a conference organized by the Peacekeeping Financing Division in collaboration with the Field Budget and Finance Division of DFS on budgetary matters, including high-level issues, the results-based-budgeting methodology and [...] budget instructions, [...] with a view to improving the budget formulation process in missions ($63,000); the annual meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and two central bank seminars on [...]investments by the Treasury [...]($10,400); and an insurance workshop ($7,100). daccess-ods.un.org |
在随后的一般性讨论中,代 表们就以下问题进行了提问和回答:委员会如何 鼓励和促进基础设施发展方面的南南合作更多地融 入 国 家 计 划,医药南南合作的 范围,决定印度进出口银行业务 活动的各种制约因素,以及如何使发达国家最大 限度地参与基础设施发展的三角合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The general discussion that [...] followed engaged delegates in questions and answers about how the Committee could encourage and facilitate greater integration of South-South cooperation in infrastructure development with national plans; the extent of medical South-South cooperation; the conditionalities governing the operations of the Export-Import Bank of India; and how [...]best to engage developed [...]countries in triangular cooperation infrastructure development. daccess-ods.un.org |