

单词 中国少年先锋队

See also:


Young Pioneers (primary school league, a preparation for Communist Youth League)


External sources (not reviewed)

这已是无人会置疑的地位,他在FC 巴塞罗那成就了惊人的纪录,少年 时 代这 位 先锋 球 员就在传奇的巴 队 踢 球
It’s a status that no one will argue with, given the achievements he has racked up as a member of FC Barcelona – the mythical club for which the striker has played since he was a teenager.
所有会国都赞同保留这种做法,即每一个重大计 中 有 一 个主要 先 事 项 和 少量 “其它”优先事项。
All Member States favoured retaining the approach whereby there would be one principal priority for each major programme [...]
and a limited number of “other” priorities.
应联席主席的请求,制冷、空调和热泵技术选择委员会的 Lambert Kuijpers 先生随后介绍了俄罗斯联邦提交的必要用途提名, 国 请 求2013 年 使用 130 吨二氯二氟甲烷,用于其海军队中 船 舶 冷却和制冷设备的作业。
At the request of the Co-Chair, Mr. Lambert Kuijpers of the Refrigeration and Technical Options Committee then introduced an essential-use nomination by the Russian Federation for [...]
the use of 130 tonnes of CFC-12 in 2013
for the operation of marine cooling and refrigeration equipment in the party’s naval fleet.
年来出 现了第一批有关向妇女提供赔偿的专 题丛书。9 此外,反对武装冲中对性 别暴力有罪不罚的女权主义 国 运 动 是当 前领导有关妇女和赔偿辩论先锋。
In the last few years, the first monographic volumes addressing reparations for women have been seen.9 Furthermore, feminist transnational movements working on fighting impunity against gender violence in armed conflict are now leading the [...]
debate on women and reparations.
坦桑尼亚联合共和国代表表示,作为改 先锋国 家 , 该 国 自 19 96 年放弃中 央计划制度后取得了迅速的进步。
The representative of the United Republic of Tanzania
indicated his country’s fast progress as a top
[...] reforming country after its abandonment of the centrally planned system in 1996.
论坛渔业局成员的立场是,发达的捕 国 的 船 队 必 须 减 少 或 加以调整,以照顾小 岛屿发中国家发展自己渔业的愿望。
It was the
[...] position of FFA members that the fleets of developed fishing States must be reduced or restructured to accommodate [...]
the aspirations of small island developing States to develop their own fisheries.
在足球训练过中,青少年学生将 学习如何在一个队中扮 演积极角色,并学习如何树立团队 意识及培养社会能力。
While they are playing football, they
[...] can play an active role in a team and practice team spirit and social competence.
联系空间民间组织(EVAC), 墨西哥 有关联系空间民间组织空间先锋队 青 年 网 络 的协议 会、论坛及其与联国教科文组织青年工作的联系;推 动和加强青年参与美洲地区在社会发展和政策领域的政 [...]
Espacio Vinculación A.C. (EVAC), Mexico
[...] Consultations relating to the EVAC Espacio and Vanguardia youth networks and forums and their articulation [...]
with UNESCO’s
youth work; and Promotion and reinforcement of the participation of young people of the Americas region in researchpolicy linkages in the field of social development and policies
教科文组织大会在第 35 C/46 号文中决定以泰戈尔、聂鲁达和塞泽尔那些久经考验先锋思想为起点,促使教科文组织进行实质性的探讨并继续就“普遍性”与“多样性”的 对立统一问题采取行动,这符合本组织根据其《组织法》在联 国 系 统 内所肩负的“智力警 戒”使命,目的是在人之思想中筑起保卫和平之屏障。
The General Conference of UNESCO by 35 C/Resolution 46 resolved to take the pioneering and ever-pertinent message of Tagore, Neruda and Césaire as the starting point for engaging the Organization in substantial reflection and renewed action on a universal reconciled with diversity in keeping with UNESCO’s [...]
intellectual watch mandate within
the United Nations system so as to promote peace in the minds of men, in line with the Organization’s Constitution.
我们是ATG的合作伙伴,并拥中国最 大 的A TG 团 队 , 总 数超过100人,每位 队 成 员 至 少 有2 年 实 施 大型ATG项目的经验。
We are an ATG
[...] partner and have the largest ATG team in China with over 100 associates with at least 2 years implementing large ATG [...]
在废除死刑方面,有一点是很重要的:在轮值主席国制定了行动方案后, 欧盟的其他成国应积 极拥护,并首先在未 年 人 和残疾人问题上坚决执行该方 案,从而对这两类具体的对象首先废除死刑,并对其他所有对象施以展缓期 (至 少先考虑在中期内展缓执行)。
With regard to the death penalty, once the initiative of the President of the Government has been defined, it will be a priority for the other EU members to support it, focusing especially on the execution of minors or of persons with disabilities, so as to obtain its abolition in those two concrete instances and a universal moratorium in all other instances (always with a view to the medium term).
曜越Tt eSPORTS PRIME Team– 韩国顶尖《星际争霸II》 职业电竞战队成立于2010年,不过其辉煌的战绩,很快就窜红在星际界中,成为国际星际赛事中大家所热烈讨论的知名 队 之 一 2 0 1 2 年 , 台 北 国 际 电 玩展(Taipei Game Show)中,曜 越科技Tt eSPORTS正式与韩国顶尖职业电竞战队 PRIME Team签约,在有曜越Tt eSPORTS的电竞配备加持下,Tt eSPORTS PRIME Team于2010的《星际争霸II:自由之翼》大赛中崭露头角,接着更以黑马姿态在大型国际星海赛 中锋 芒 毕 露,其战无不胜的成绩,迅速累积名气,成为星海迷们的瞩目焦点英雄;近期在内华达州拉斯韦加斯的 IPL4 国际星际争霸 II联赛,PRIME Team最终也抱走高逹USD25,00的冠军奖金及奖杯,证明其日不落的实力。
Established in 2010, PRIME quickly became an international force following two successful GSL 2nd place finishes by popular player MarineKing.
拟编列 43 700 美元差旅费,用于参加以下讨论会/会议/讲习班:世界银 行国际货 币基金组织的年度会议,以确保财务处了解全球金融问题的最新情 况中央银 行关于投资和外汇市场的研讨会;会计准则工 队年 度 讲 习班;关于 商业船运保险的讲习班,以增加该行业对参与提供与维持和平相关保险的兴趣。
An amount of $43,700 is proposed for travel to participate in seminars/ conferences/workshops: the annual
meeting of the World Bank and the International
[...] Monetary Fund to ensure that the Treasury is up to date on global financial issues; central bank seminar on investments and foreign currency markets; annual workshop of the Task Force on Accounting Standards; and a [...]
on commercial shipping insurance to increase interest in the industry in covering peacekeeping-related insurance needs.
国家委员会秘书长在联合国菲律国 家 工 作 队中 的“ 观察员”身份改善了通讯与信息交流;然而,它并没有改 国 家 工 作队的态度,在供资 机会出现时(例如西班牙年发展 目标计划),教科文组织很难参与并为该组织确定一个角 色。
The “observer” status of the Secretary General of the National Commission in the UNCT in the Philippines has improved the communications and information exchange; however, it has not yet resulted in a change of attitude [...]
in the UNCT, where it has been
difficult for UNESCO to participate and establish a role for the Organization whenever funding opportunities arise (e.g. Spanish MDG programme).
苏丹国际合作反恐方面发先锋作 用 ,参加 了这方面的很国际会 议,比如不结盟国家运动沙 姆沙伊赫峰会。
The Sudan, which played a pioneering role in international cooperation to combat terrorism, had participated [...]
in numerous international meetings
on that topic, such as the Sharm el-Sheikh Summit of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries.
一些中国历史书籍中记载,马超的部队使 中国 士 兵 很 少 使 用 的大盾,在战斗使用密集队形,特别是他们在冲锋时投射标枪,而不 中国 军 队 在 冲 锋 时 放 箭。
Some historians believe that Ma Chao (马超), a famous military general during the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms era of Chinese
history, was a typical
[...] Romanized general or at least was deeply influenced by Romans, because according to some Chinese historical books, Ma Chao's troops used big and heavy shields rarely used by Chinese soldiers and stood in close formation while fighting; moreover, unlike Chinese troops who shot arrows, they [...]
cast javelins before charging.
年来,挪威已经获得了建筑创 先锋国 家 的 地位, 中 部 分 的原因,正是由于在其国家级旅游路线沿途中各种精彩纷呈的装置艺术。
In recent years, Norway has been established as an innovative architectural pioneer, partly due [...]
to the more or less ambitious
installations along the National Tourist Routes.
拟议预算报告说明所需资源减少的 主要原因是:由于队和警察人数 少 , 20 1 2/ 13 年期间未规划重大施工项目, 所以为建筑服务编列的经费减少;为特遣队所属装备自我维持编列的经费减少; 根据最近的支出情况,为非文职人员住宅安保服务编列的经费减少;以及由于不 再为 2010/11 年期间未修建的七个营地编列经费,为改建和维修服务编列的经费 减少(A/66/745,第 [...]
218 段)。
The proposed budget indicates
[...] that the reduced requirements are mainly attributable to the lower provisions for construction services with no major construction projects being planned for the 2012/13 period [...]
due to the reduction
in troop and police strength; lower provisions for self-sustainment under contingent-owned equipment; lower provision for residential security services for non-civilian personnel based on recent expenditure patterns; and lower provisions for alteration and renovation services attributable to the exclusion of provisions for the seven camps that were not constructed in the 2010/11 period (A/66/745, para. 218).
会议通过的 《宣言》查明了工发组织正致力于实施《布鲁塞尔 行动纲领》的诸多领域;并呼吁工发组织在援助最 不发达国家制造合乎可接受国际标 准的产 中发 挥先锋作用 ;并呼吁工发组织更加频繁地举行这种 部长级会议。
The Declaration adopted at the conference identified a number of areas where UNIDO was contributing to the commitments of the Brussels Programme of Action; called on UNIDO to play a pioneering role in assisting the least developed countries in producing products that conformed to acceptable international standards; and called on UNIDO to hold such ministerial conferences on a more regular basis.
我们矢志成国际化的先锋型公司,2 0 1 1 年 , 在公司全面成长的基础之上,汉沙杨通过英国TULIP国际设计集团的国际化平台与境外著名设计师和机构展开常驻的顾问合作,成立了国际设 中 心 , 为国内提供更具视野的概念设计思想。
In 2011, with the help of Hong Kong TULIP International Design Group, HSY established an international design center in cooperation with well-known overseas designers and agencies, with an aim to create best-in-class conceptual design ideas.
该公司从严格意义上看更像中信集团(CITIC),後者是一家不断扩张、准私人的中国投资集团,在19 80 - 9 0 年 代 改 革开放初期,曾大举在海外、主要是香港购买资产,成 中国 在 海 外投资 先锋。
As such, HNA looks strikingly similar to CITIC, the sprawling, quasi-private Chinese investment group that became a pioneer in the 1980s and ’90s by buying up assets outside China, many of those in Hong Kong, as the country began opening to the West.
国际社 会在阿富汗性别平等方面工作的一些必要措施也得到了注意,其中包括: 警察部队征聘的妇女增多和对安全 队中 妇 女 的适当保护;针对妇女的技术能力 建设方案;政府在履行义务促进妇女领导地位和参与决策方面的问责;在制订、 监测和评价衡量过渡时期对妇女影响的各项指标时包括了妇女组织;把保护阿富 汗妇女领导人作为先事项对待。
These included: increased recruitment of
[...] [...] women in the police force and adequate protection of women in security forces; targeted technical capacity-building programmes for women; accountability of the Government regarding its obligations to promote women’s leadership and participation in decision-making; the inclusion of women’s organizations in the design, monitoring and evaluation of indicators that measure the impact of the transition on women; and treating the protection of Afghan women leaders as a priority.
民族孤儿救助基金:“民族孤儿救助基金”是世界知名神经外科专家、首都医科大学宣武医院神经外科主任 锋 倡 议 2 0 0 5 年 1 2 月 , 由 中国 儿 童 少年 基 金 会和云南丽江民族孤儿学校共同设立的专项基金,其宗旨是救助中国贫困民族地区的孤儿接受良好教育。
The Ethnic Orphans Foundation was established by world-renowned neurosurgeon and Chief of Neurosurgery at Xuanwu Hospital Dr. Ling Feng.
这 些节省额来自在整个期间在喀土穆和奥贝德提供内部自办的更具成本效益的地 面装运服务,而不是外包给商业供应商;在维护和修理直升机停机坪方面有所改 进,从而能够更有效率地管理队, 减 少 将 直 升机运到或再运到卡杜格莉的需要, 因此少了空中飞行时间;少零部 件库存,因为老化 中 型 和 重型 队 的 主要 维修工作及事故维修和油漆采取了外包的方式;车辆更换减少,因为将车辆从喀 土穆调往各区和队部,支助与《全面和平协议》有关的活动;在喀土穆,调度服 务部分外包,以满足由于可用车辆减少而导致的不断增长的需求。
These savings stem from the provision of more cost-effective ground handling services in-house in Khartoum and El Obeid for the full period rather than contracting out to commercial vendors, the reduction of air flight hours,
as improvements in
[...] maintenance and repairs to helipads have allowed for more efficient air fleet management that result in lower requirements for helicopters to position or reposition in Kadugli, the reduction in the holding of spare parts as major maintenance work for ageing medium and heavy vehicle fleets, as accident [...]
repair and painting is
outsourced, the reduction in vehicle replacements, as vehicles are redeployed from Khartoum to the sectors and team sites in support of Comprehensive Peace Agreement-related activities, and dispatch service is outsourced in part in Khartoum to accommodate the increase in demand, as fewer vehicles are available.
委员会再次鼓励缔国招募 罗姆人社区成员进入警察部 队;并敦促其拨出足够的资源,确保2008至 20 12 年捷克警察队有关少数群体 工作的战略得以实施。
It again encourages recruitment of members of Roma
communities to the police and
[...] urges the State party to allocate adequate resources for the implementation of the 2008–2012 Strategy for the Work of the Czech Police Force in relation to Minorities.
大会呼吁在 2010 年进行的十中期审 查将给各有关方面提供机会,重申他 们对第二个十年所做的承诺,就执行第二个十年采取相关行动并提供全面投入, 同时还应该指出,第二个十年的前 年 至 少 促 成 取得了两个明显的广泛成果:(a) 对土著问题的认识有所提高,会国 、 联 合 国 和 其他政府间组织介入土著问题的 程度亦有所加深,包括在实地一级;(b) 通过了《联合国土著人民权利宣言》。
While the mid-Decade review in 2010 called for by the General Assembly will give the opportunity to all concerned to renew their commitment to the Decade, take relevant
actions and provide
[...] comprehensive inputs on the implementation of the Decade, it should be pointed out that at least two clear broad outcomes have been catalysed during the first years of the Decade: (a) an increased awareness of indigenous issues and increased involvement of Member States, United Nations and other intergovernmental organizations in indigenous issues, including [...]
at the field level;
and (b) the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.




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