

单词 中国天主教爱国会

See also:

天主教 adj

Catholic adj



External sources (not reviewed)

另外,本港明报在有关报道中说陈日君曾指出“现 中 国 官方 的天主教爱国会 , 也 都受到官方及地下教友的‘高度支持’(highly appreciated)”。
Finally, Mingpao in Hong Kong has made a
[...] serious error in today’s related report. Theymisquoted Cardinal Zen saying “that the current Chinese Catholic PatrioticAssociation [...]
is ‘highly
appreciated’both by official and underground Catholics.
主教傅铁山曾担天主教爱国会的副 会长,2007年四月逝世之前,他一直 中 国 人 民代表大会常务委员会的副主席之一。
Fu Tieshan, a bishop and vice-chairman of the CPA, was one of the vice chairmen of the NPC Standing Committee [...]
until his death in April 2007.
一位外交部发言人说中国愿 意改善同罗马教廷的关系;天主教爱国会 领 导表示希望教皇的信能够有利于建 中 国 同罗马教廷的联系。
A leader of the CPA said he hoped the Pope's letter would be of help in establishing China-Vatican ties.
就业和等于工作的活动,意指在爱沙尼亚境内从事的工作, 或像一个雇员根据雇用合同或在公共服 中 奉 派 从 爱 沙 尼 亚前 国 外 ; 根据 雇用合同,服务合同,授权协议或义务法规定提供其他服务的合同,在爱沙 尼亚从事的工作;作为独资主人爱 沙尼亚开展的活动;如果本人的学习暂 停或已经结束,则指教育机构的 天 或 全日制学习;履行应征服役义务。
The employment and activity equal to work means work performed in Estonia or as an employee sent from Estonia on assignment abroad on the basis of an employment contract or in
public service; work
[...] performed in Estonia based on a contract of employment, contract for services, authorisation agreement or contract under the law of obligations for the provision of other services; activity in Estonia as a sole proprietor; daytime or full-time study in an educational institution if the person’s studies are suspended or concluded; [...]
and performance of conscript service obligation.
鉴于耶路撒冷对于穆斯林的重要意义以及其在 和平进中的战略重要性,圣城委 会主 席 国 王穆 罕默德六世敦促有关各方不要采取任何有可能破坏 阿克萨清真寺和耶路撒冷其他场所的神圣性的行 动,从而维护该城市作为一个三天 启 宗 教 的 和 平、 共存和宽容的圣地。
Given the significance of Jerusalem for Muslims and its strategic importance in
the peace process,
[...] King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, had urged the parties involved not to take any action likely to impair the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and other sites in Jerusalem, thereby preserving the City as a place of peace, coexistence and tolerance among the three revealed religions.
为了使我们天的纪 念活动做到完整,为了使我 作为妇女地位委会主席的职责得到圆满履行,我必 须提到并且特别赞扬所有曾在军中 服 役 的女兵,所 有那些留在后方,在工厂、农场、医院和学校不停劳 作,为捍卫我们共同的家庭价值观、自由 爱国主义 原则而筹集资源,并因而成为更美好未来的希望灯塔 的妇女。
Our commemoration of this day would not be complete and my role as Chair of the Commission on the Status of Women would not be fulfilled if I did not mention and pay a special tribute to all the women who served in the army — and also to all those women who stayed behind and worked tirelessly in factories, farms, hospitals and schools, and who mobilized resources to defend our common principles of family values, freedom and patriotism and, by doing so, [...]
served as beacons of
hope for the possibility of a better future.
[...] 了拉丁美洲和加勒比区域教师和教师职业的发展和改善前景,以下专题小组成员 发了言:危地马拉教育部长 Dennis Alonzo Mazariego 讨论了国家一级的教育政 策主要问题和挑战;特立尼达和多巴哥教育部长 Tim Gopeesingh 讨论了促国 家一级教育政策的关键问题;智 天主教 大 学教育政策和实 中 心 主 任兼教育系 研究生项目主任 Cristián Cox 介绍了有关教师的区域战略以及二十一世纪拉丁 美洲和加勒比教师的状况;美洲对话 会 政 策 副主席兼促进拉丁美洲和加勒比教 育改革方案联合主任 Jeffrey Puryear 介绍了拉丁美洲和加勒比在教学方面的挑 战 。
The panellists were: Dennis Alonzo Mazariego, Minister of Education of Guatemala, who discussed the topic of teaching policies at the national level, keys and challenges; Tim Gopeesingh, Minister of Education of Trinidad and Tobago, who discussed key aspects of promoting teaching policies at the national level; Cristián Cox,
Director of the Centre
[...] for Policy and Practice in Education and Director of the Graduate Program of the Education Department, Catholic University of Chile, who made a presentation on regional strategy for teachers and the profile of the teacher in Latin America and the Caribbean in the twenty-first century; and Jeffrey [...]
Puryear, Vice President
for Social Policy, Inter-American Dialogue, and Co-Director, Program for the Promotion of Educational Reform in Latin America and the Caribbean (PREAL), who gave a presentation on the challenge of teaching in Latin America and the Caribbean.
(a) 人权理会观察员国:阿尔及利亚、澳大利亚、巴林、巴西、保加利 亚、加拿大、朝鲜主主义人 民共和国、埃及、萨尔瓦多、 国 、 德 国 、 教 廷、 洪都拉斯、伊朗伊斯兰共和国爱尔 兰 、日本、立陶宛、摩洛哥、新西兰、巴拉 圭、葡萄牙、大韩民国、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、南非、东帝汶、突尼斯、土耳 其、阿拉伯联合酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、玻利瓦尔委内瑞拉共和 国、越南
(a) Observer States of the Human Rights Council: Algeria, Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Germany, Holy See, Honduras, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Japan, Lithuania, Morocco, [...]
New Zealand, Paraguay,
Portugal, Republic of Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Timor-Leste, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam; (b) Observers for the following non-governmental organizations: Amnesty
但他也认为是由早期教父如Hegesippus, 爱 任 纽 ,和良作为他的前 中 见 , 因此,作为证人和他 教会 和 世界 前 天主教 的 传 统信仰的代表接受。
But he is also regarded by the early
Fathers, such as
[...] Hegesippus, Irenaeus, and Tertullian as the recipient of the tradition of his predecessors in the see, and consequently as the witness and representative of the faith of his Church before Catholicity [...]
and the world.
The CPA said that 40 of China's nearly 100 dioceses have no bishop in place.
阿玛(Armagh)差点就成为了梵蒂冈城!在1948年,爱尔兰驻梵蒂冈大使报告 教 皇 十 二世正因为担心意大 国 内 会 由 共 产 主 义 政府掌权而“处在极度悲观的情绪 中 ” , 于是有意 教 廷 搬 到 爱 尔 兰 来。
In 1948 the Irish ambassador to the Vatican
[...] reported that Pope Pius XII was “in a mood of deepest pessimism” about the possibility of a Communist government coming to power in Italy, and was very much minded to move the Holy See to Ireland.
鉴于这种事件,无国界医师组织和儿基会最近指出患有应激障碍的儿童的数 字猛增,也就无甚奇怪了。41 联合国加沙冲突实况调查团(其报告通常被称为“戈 德斯通报告”)的成员Desmond Travers上校在最近一次访中指出 :“如果国 在对待向他们投掷石块的儿童时采用成为以色列安全部队在西岸的规范行为的 方式,即在傍晚把儿童赶到一起并带往拘留所,被蒙面、殴打并在某些情况下受 到酷刑,那么爱尔兰问题天就不 会 得 到 解决。
It is little wonder in view of such incidents that both Médecins Sans Frontières and UNICEF have recently said that the number of children suffering from stress disorder has greatly increased.41 Colonel Desmond Travers, a member of the
United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (whose report is generally known as the “Goldstone Report”) said in a recent interview:
[...] “If the British had behaved toward children who threw stones at them in the manner that is the norm on the West Bank for Israeli security forces — whereby children are rounded up in the evening and taken to places of detention, hooded, beaten, and in some cases tortured — the Northern Ireland problem would not be resolved today.
会员国都提到了在下述方面进一步加强部门间合作的机遇:多种语言;信息传播 技术教育特 别是为培养师资服务;传媒教育;制作多样化和具有文化多样性的地方内容; 文化遗产,中特别 是要加强“世界记忆”计划和重大计划 IV 中的其 它文化遗产活动的联 系;信息伦理;信息传播技术为人权和 主教 育 服 务。
Many Member States identified opportunities for furthering intersectoral cooperation in the following areas: multilingualism; ICTs for education, especially for teacher training; media education; production of diversified and culturally diversified local content; cultural heritage, in particular by strengthening the links between the Memory of the World Programme and the other cultural heritage activities under Major Programme IV; infoethics; and the use of ICTs in human rights and democracy education.
今天的表决,连同天中国、法 国、德国、俄罗 斯联邦、大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国和美国在维也 纳的原子能机构理会会议上 发表的联合声明,有助 于加强这些国家的团结,从而解决我们对于伊朗核计 划的共同关切。
Today’s vote, combined with the joint statement issued today by China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States at the IAEA Board of Governors meeting in Vienna, serves to reinforce the unity shared among these countries to resolve our shared concerns about Iran’s nuclear programme.
与会者对新的计划管理周期现采用自上而下和自下而上的互动做法表示满意,预计这 种做法会给地区办事处和国委员会 在 拟定下一个计划与预算时以更多的职责,同时一致强 调指出,为编写文件 C/5 或为被视教科文组织中主要工 作组成部分的任何事项能举行的国磋商 和地区磋商都不应由参与计划,而应由正常计划项下的其它资源提供资金(参见附件 III 中所附磋商会议通过的决议)。
While expressing their satisfaction that the new programme management cycle now allows not only a top-down but also a bottom-up interaction which is expected
to give a more
[...] important role to field offices and National Commissions in the design of the next programmes and budgets, participants unanimously stressed that cluster and regional consultations for the purpose of the preparation of the C/5 document or for any issue considered to be part and [...]
parcel of UNESCO’s
core business shall not be funded from the Participation Programme but from other sources under the regular programme (see resolution adopted by the Consultation which is attached as Annex III).
教科文组织参加了科特迪天主教童 子军 协 会 ( AS CCI)与国童子 军合作举办的国际活动“童子军活动:和平之路”(亚穆苏克罗,科特迪瓦,2003 年 12 月 20 日至 24 日),目的是加深非正规教中的年轻人对和平、调解和非暴力的认 识。
UNESCO participated in an international event “Scouting, a Way to Peace” (Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire, 20-24 December 2003), organized by the Association of Catholic Scouts of Côte d’Ivoire (ASCCI) in partnership with Les Scouts de France, with a view [...]
to deepening the concepts of peace, reconciliation
and non-violence in the non-formal education of young people.
明爱组织是罗马天主教的社会服务分支机构,天主教爱国会 的 监 督,在几个教区开展活动。
Caritas, the social services branch of the Roman Catholic Church, operates in a few dioceses under the supervision of the CPA.
第五号议定书的下列缔约方参加会 议 的 工作:澳大利亚、奥地利、白俄 罗斯、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、保加利亚、喀麦隆、加拿大、智 利中国、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、多米尼加共 国 、 爱 沙尼 亚、芬兰、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、危地马拉、几内亚比绍 教 廷 、 匈牙利、印 度、爱尔兰、意大利、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、马耳他、荷兰、新西 兰、挪威、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、葡萄牙、卡塔尔、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗 马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班 牙、瑞典、瑞士、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、乌克兰、阿拉伯联合酋长国、美 利坚合众国和乌拉圭。
The following High Contracting Parties to Protocol V participated
in the work of the
[...] Conference: Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Guatemala, GuineaBissau, Holy See, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, [...]
Peru, Portugal, Qatar,
Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States of America and Uruguay.
据报道中国政 府曾迫使某非官方教会加天主教爱国会。
In Hebei, the region with the highest number of Catholics, the Government reportedly pressured an unofficial church to join the CPA.
罗马教廷将这两次任命斥之为非法天主教爱国会 和 国 家宗教事务局则回应说,主教由其所在教区牧师民主选举产生,而且职位空缺需要任命,罗马教廷之举是 中 国 内 政的干涉。
The CPA and SARA responded that the bishops had been democratically elected by priests of their dioceses, the Vatican was interfering in the country's internal affairs, and the appointments were required to fill vacancies.
(a) 人权理会观察 员国:阿尔及利亚、白俄罗斯、保加利亚、克罗地 亚、 朝鲜主主义人民共和国、丹麦、 国 、 教 廷 、 洪都拉斯 爱 尔 兰 、日 本、卢森堡、摩洛哥、荷兰、新西兰、巴拉圭、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼 亚、斯里兰卡、苏丹、瑞典、突尼斯、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和委内瑞拉 玻利瓦尔共和国
(a) Observer States of the Human
[...] Rights Council: Algeria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Germany, Holy See, Honduras, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, [...]
Paraguay, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Tunisia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
如备忘录第 1 段及有关发言所述,会议秘书长收到下列 60 个会员国按照会 议议事规则第 3 条规定的格式提交的本国会代表 的正式全权证书:阿尔巴尼亚、 澳大利亚、奥地利、巴哈马、巴林、巴巴多斯、白俄罗斯、比利时、巴西、保加 利亚、智利中国、哥 斯达黎加、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共 国 、 丹麦 、爱 沙尼 亚、芬兰、法国、德国、圭亚那、罗 教 廷 、 匈牙利、冰岛、伊朗伊斯兰共国、爱尔兰 、以色列、意大利、牙买加、日本、莱索托、列支敦士登、立陶宛、 卢森堡、马来西亚、马里、墨西哥、黑山、纳米比亚、荷兰、挪威、阿曼、巴拿 马、波兰、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、圣马力诺、塞尔维亚、新加坡、斯洛文尼亚、 南非、苏丹、泰国、多哥、特立尼达和多巴哥、乌克兰、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、 美利坚合众国、越南。
As indicated in paragraph 1 of the memorandum and the related statement, formal credentials of representatives to the Conference, in the form required by rule 3 of the rules of procedure of the
Conference, had been submitted to the Secretary-General of the Conference by the
[...] following 60 States: Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Guyana, Holy See, Hungary, Iceland, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Montenegro, Namibia, [...]
Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Panama, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Sudan, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America and Viet Nam.
在 2011 年实质性会议上,理会第 2011/242 号决定注意到秘书长的说明: 转递联国教育、 科学及文化组织总干事关于遗传隐私权和不歧视的报告 (E/2011/108),中请机构间生物伦理委 会 继 续 定期讨论遗传隐私权和不歧视 问题,以确定需要进行一致或共同努力的领域,并处理影响加强这一领域合作主要缺陷和限制。
At its substantive session of 2011, the Council, in its decision 2011/242, took note of the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report
of the
[...] Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on genetic privacy and non-discrimination (E/2011/108), invite the Inter-Agency Committee on Bioethics to continue to regularly address the issue of genetic privacy and non-discrimination in order to identify areas calling for concerted or joint efforts and address major gaps and constraints affecting enhanced [...]
cooperation in the field.
该组织旨在促进并加强国各民 族乃至全世界各民族之间的和平、友谊与和 谐;发展人道主义、慈善事业和 爱主 义 ; 预防种族、 教 和 其他 社 会 冲 突 ; 保护人权和环境;以及开展包括科学、文化和青年交流方案在内 国 际 合 作。
The organization aims to: promote and strengthen peace, friendship and accord between national and ethnic groups in the country and between peoples of the world; develop humanism, charity and philanthropy; prevent ethnic, religious and other social conflicts; protect human rights and preserve the environment; and develop international [...]
cooperation including
scientific, cultural and youth exchange programmes.
以下具有 经济及社会理事会咨商地位的 13 个非政府组织派代表出席会议:研究联合国系 统学术委员会;大赦国际;亚洲预防犯罪基金会;防止酷刑协会;人权联系 会;公谊会世界协商委会;国际 天主教 监 狱 福音关怀委员会;促进职业惩戒 国际惩戒所及监狱协会;酷刑受害者国际康复理事会;精神残疾宣 中 心 基 金 会;开放社会学会;刑法改革国际以及精神疗法使用者和幸存者世界网络。
The following 13 non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council were represented at the meeting: Academic Council on the United Nations System, Amnesty International, Asia Crime Prevention Foundation, Association for the
Prevention of Torture,
[...] Conectas Direitos Humanos, Friends World Committee for Consultation, International Commission of Catholic Prison Pastoral Care, International Corrections and Prisons Association for the Advancement [...]
of Professional
Corrections, International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, Mental Disability Advocacy Center Foundation, Open Society Institute, Penal Reform International and World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry.
订单下一步是日内瓦的版本 (1557年至1560年)(第一个版本承认诗句分工到文本); 主教团圣经 (1568年);的兰斯和杜埃版本,根据罗马天主教主持(1582年,1609年)(仍然是标准的罗 天主教 圣 经 ); 授权版 (1611年)(最广泛分布的版本,也称 国 王 詹姆斯授权版本 [KJAV ];工作五十四位学者从牛津,剑桥和威斯敏斯特,一个修订数很快就作出了1613年 中 , 16 29,1638,1762和1769年),以及和修订版本的新约圣经旧约于1880年在1884年。
Next in order was the Geneva version (1557-1560) (the first version to recognize the division of the text into verses); the
Bishops' Bible (1568); the
[...] Rheims and Douai versions, under Roman Catholic auspices (1582, 1609) (still the standard Roman Catholic Bible); the Authorized Version (1611) (the most broadly distributed version, also called King James Authorized Version [KJAV]; the work of fifty-four [...]
scholars from Oxford,
Cambridge and Westminster; a number of revisions were soon made, in 1613, 1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769); and the Revised Version of the New Testament in 1880 and of the Old Testament in 1884.
他的职业生涯大部份时间都在海外度过(1962年至1970年期间,先后在安哥拉、几内亚及帝汶等地服务;于1974年至1976年,抵澳担任总督),是一位国际性的指挥家(于1987年至1990年间,在北大西洋公约组织(NATO)担任葡萄牙军事顾问代表;于1996年,担任联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团(Minurso / ONU)的军事指挥官、高级军事研究学院 国 防 研 究学院院长及陆军副参谋长),除此之外,亦是位高等教育机构人员(分別於高级军事研究学院、里斯本技术大学 会 与 政 治科学高等学院及葡萄 天主教 大 学 政治学院,担任专家导师)。
His professional life was divided between the ancient colonies (Angola from 1962 to 1964 and from 1970 to 1972, Guinea-Bissau from 1965 to 1967 and Timor from 1968 to 1970, and was Governor of Macau between 1974 and 1979), the command and international roles (Military Counselor of the Portuguese Delegation of NATO between 1987 and 1990, Commanding
[...] of Minurso/ONU-1996 Military Component, director of the High Military Studies Institute and of the National Defense Institute, and Vice-Chief of the Army Staff), and the universitary teaching (IAEM and masters degrees from the Superior Institute of Social and [...]
Political Sciences, IEP/UCP).




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