

单词 中叶

See also:


leave n
foliage n
page n

(historical) period
surname Ye
be in harmony

External sources (not reviewed)

教科文组织的宗旨和理想已证明适应性强、有持久力,同二十世 中叶 时 一 样,在也 为二十一世纪提供了一个有关框架。
UNESCO’s purpose and vision has proved durable and adaptable and provides as relevant a framework in the twenty-first century as it did in the mid-twentieth century.
目前正在发生的显著的人口结构转型变化,将在本世 中叶 在 世 界人口中造 成年老的和年轻的各占一半的现象。
The remarkable demographic transition under way will result in the old and the young representing an equal share of the world’s population by mid-century.
令人极为关切的是,尽管上个世中叶 以来 ,国际社会在建立国际法律机制以便促进保护平 民原则和确定武装冲突中对成千上万平民进行大屠 杀的刑事责任方面取得了重要进展,但我们继续看到 新的、悲惨形式的灭绝种族罪、战争罪和危害人类罪。
It is a matter of great concern, that in spite of the important progress achieved by the international community since the middle of the last century in developing international law mechanisms to promote the principle of the protection of civilians and to determine criminal responsibility for massacres committed against thousands of civilians in armed conflicts, we continue to witness new and tragic forms of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
They were created in Japan in the mid-eighteenth century, the old bags of rice to Osaka.
直到第四世中叶出现 ,但出现了一个拉丁之父为受教育者的拉丁基督教精神读书,这是自然的stichometry,编辑(也许是半官方)根据教宗利比里奥对于书商的价格控制,给出了圣塞浦路斯工程以及拉丁圣经的书籍。
Until the middle of the fourth century there had appeared but one Latin Father for the spiritual reading of the educated Latin Christian, and it is natural that the stichometry, edited (perhaps semi-officially) under Pope Liberius for the control of booksellers' prices, gives the works of St. Cyprian as well as the books of the Latin Bible.
跨领域数据、决策支持的产品和端对端信息服务,日益可通过全球测地系 统提供,并正在提高各国政府的能力,以促进“绿色”经济增长,管理自然生
[...] 态系统和资源,确保可能在本世 中叶 之 前 达到 90 亿的全球人口的粮食安全, [...]
更有效地应对灾害,以及解决气候变化、生物多样性丧失和其他全球挑战问 题。
The cross-cutting data, decision-support products and end-to-end information services that are increasingly
available through GEOSS are improving the
[...] ability of governments to promote “green” [...]
economic growth, manage natural ecosystems
and resources, ensure food security for a global population that may reach 9 billion by mid-century, respond more effectively to disasters, and address climate change, biodiversity loss and other global challenges.
在慕尼黑食品法典委员会,它是建立在第九世 中叶 手 稿(见“Breslauer Jahresbericht,”1905年,第28页路易)为基础,对整章的mishnah是写在文字上的大字内页部分,从塔木德文本,在不同的脚本是分开的。
In the Munich codex,
[...] which is based on a manuscript of [...]
the middle of the ninth century (see Lewy in "Breslauer Jahresbericht,"
1905, p. 28), the text of the entire chapter of the Mishnah is written in large characters on the inner portion of the page, separated from the Talmudic text, which is in a different script.
基生叶早枯萎; 轮生的4个中叶柄兑 茎生叶1.5 厘米,短叶柄,狭长圆形到长圆状披针形,在5 X 1.8厘米,羽状全裂; 7-12 对的裂片,线形,切割配位基。
Stem leaves in whorls of 4, short petiolate, narrowly oblong to oblong-lanceolate, to 5 X 1.8 cm, pinnatisect; segments 7--12 pairs, linear, pinnatifid to incised-dentate.
在二十一世纪第二个十年开始的时候,60 岁及以上的人口数目以前所未有 的速度增长,预计到十年结束时将从目前的 7.4 亿增加到 10 亿,并可能在世中叶达到 20 亿。
At the onset of the second decade of the twenty-first century, the number of persons aged 60 and over is increasing at an unprecedented pace — anticipated to rise from its current 740 million to reach 1 billion by the end of decade, and possibly 2 billion by mid-century.
十五世中叶,勃 艮第公国的势力范围北起荷兰西至弗朗什孔泰(Franche-Comté,现代瑞士与法国西部边界),版图拼凑不连贯。
By the mid-15th century Burgundian territory stretched in a broken patchwork from the Netherlands in the north to the Franche-Comté to the west of what is now Switzerland.
那天晚上,附近的一个村庄被摧毁了一个龙, 中叶 U n f er th活着,以提供一个信息王贝奥武夫(这是“的父亲的罪孽”,揭示,龙的是实际贝奥武甫的儿子Grendel的母亲所生)。
That night, a nearby village is destroyed
[...] by a dragon, which leaves Unferth alive in [...]
order to deliver a message to King Beowulf
(which is “The Sins of the Fathers”, revealing that the dragon is actually Beowulf’s son born to Grendel’s mother).
华人最早在19世中叶来到 美国,帮助完成美国的横贯大陆铁路。
The Chinese first came to the United States in the mid 1800s to help finish the American Transcontinental Railroad.
尽管根据《议定书》缔约方作出的各项决 定,臭氧层将在本世中叶恢复 ,但必须消除这些决定对气候系统所产生的影 响,以及臭氧消耗物质加重气候变化问题的可能性,这非常重要。
While the decisions taken by the parties to the Protocol had meant that the ozone layer would recover by the middle of the present century, it was important to address the implications of those decisions for the climate system, as well as the potential of ozone-depleting substances to exacerbate the problem of climate change.
因此,早在十六世中叶,Bartolomé de las Casa在其关于“Indias”遭 [...]
受残酷破坏的著名记述中(1552),提出了recta ratio和自然法,大胆谴责殖民 者肆无忌惮地毁灭indias村庄、屠杀居民的行为。
Thus, as early as in the mid-XVIth century, in his memorable account of the cruel
[...] destruction of the Indias (1552), Bartolomé [...]
de Las Casas, invoking
the recta ratio and natural law, boldly denounced the massacres and the destruction of the villages, of the inhabitants of the Indias, perpetrated with impunity by the colonizers60 .
16世纪(明中叶)上 海成为全国棉纺织手工业的中心。
In the 16th century (i.d. in the middle of the Ming dynasty), Shanghai became to be China’s largest textile center.
从 16 世纪到 19 世纪后叶中亚被 俄罗斯征服的四百年间,乌兹别克斯坦境内共存在有三个 汗国:布哈拉汗国(始于 18 世中叶的一 个酋长国)、希瓦汗国和克堪次汗国。
For nearly four centuries, from the sixteenth century until Russia conquered Central Asia in the late nineteenth century, there were three Uzbek khanates in the territory of Uzbekistan: Bukhara (an emirate as from the mid-eighteenth century), Khiva and Kokand.
在上世中叶,全国人口为 1 328 452 人,而 2002 年全国人口及住房普查的 结果表明,全国人口已达到 5 163 198 人,是之前统计的人口数量的四倍。
According to the most recent national population and housing census, conducted in 2002, the number of inhabitants was 5,163,198, representing a fourfold rise in population during that period.
然而,为了使发展中国 家的人口,特别是当前还生活在赤贫之中的几十亿人,以及到本世 中叶 全 球 还 会再增加的 20 亿人,都能过上像样的生活,还需要有更大得多的经济进展。
In order for populations in developing countries to achieve a decent living standard — especially the billions who currently still live in conditions of abject poverty, and the additional 2 billion people who will have been added to the world’s population by mid-century — much greater economic progress will be needed.
因为在硬化过中叶移动 的距离和方向是恒定不变的,通过调整程改变凸轮轴磨床来弥补叶移动。
Since the amount
[...] and direction of lobe movement was consistent, [...]
a programming change was made to the camshaft lobe grinders to compensate for the move.
在 17 世中叶,杰 出的景观设计师安德烈勒诺特(André Le Nôtre)将一片沼泽变成了具有独特绚丽色彩的绿色王国,从而使路易十四国王美梦成真。
In the middle of the 17th century, the brilliant landscape architect André Le Nôtre made the vision of King Louis XIV a reality by turning a marsh area into a green kingdom which would be unique in terms of its splendour.
从 1800 年中叶到 1970 年代,约有三分之一的土著儿童在童年的大部分时间都被关在学校里。
From the mid-1800s to the 1970s, about one third of aboriginal children were confined to schools for the majority of their childhoods.
要在本世中叶以前将全球能源和原材料使用 效率提高几倍,这在原则上具有技术可行性,但需要在政策、体制和激励措施方 面进行重大变革。
In principle, it should be technically feasible to increase global efficiency in the use of energy and materials several-fold by mid-century, but this will require major changes in policies, institutions and incentives.
伊万·安东尼·希勒讲 道,“变相引渡”说法起源于 19 世中叶法国 法院所做的判决:“一个法国法院 已在 1860 年用过变相引渡[文中为法文 ]一词……”。
Shearer traces the use of the term “disguised extradition” to the decision of a French court in the mid-nineteenth century: “The term
这种集体居住形态其实是对上个世 中叶 在 中 国 一 度盛行的、反映了社会主义理想的集合住宅的一种全新演绎。
This type of communal living is, in many ways, a new iteration of the collective housing that was prevalent in China during the 2nd half of the last century, a reflection of the socialist ideals and aspirations from that age.
datsan 位于 Republic of Buriatiia(俄罗斯联邦)西南部即古西诺奥泽尔斯克市或称为 Tamchinskii 的 Gusinoe Ozero (鹅湖)附近,建于 18 世中叶,18 09 年成为东西伯利亚的佛教中心,该地位一直保持至 1930 年。
Located near Gusinoe Ozero (Goose lake) in the southwestern part of the Republic of Buriatiia (Russian Federation), the Gusinoozersk, or Tamchinskii, datsan was founded in the mid-18th century and in 1809 became the center of Buddhism in eastern Siberia, a position it held until 1930.
从 1990 年中叶以来 ,巴西利亚办事处开始呈指数倍级增长和扩张,它从巴西利亚走 出去,通过在各州和市建立非集中化的机构,如上述提到的办事处分支单位,通过与地方当 局签订合同协议并开发项目,使自己的机构网遍布全国各地,知名度大大地提高。
From the mid-1990s, UBO started to grow and expand in exponential ways, gaining much in visibility and branching out from Brasilia to different states and municipalities throughout the country by establishing decentralized structures, referred to as Antennas, and by entering into contractual agreements with local authorities and developing projects.
此手抄本可能曾被美国传教士伊莱·史密斯(Eli Smith,1801-1857 年)使用,他是将《圣经》翻译成阿拉伯文的新教翻译家之一,曾于 19 世纪初期中叶在贝鲁特工作。
The codex appears to have been used by Eli Smith (1801–57), an American missionary and one of the Protestant translators of the Bible into Arabic, who worked in Beirut in the early to mid-19th century.




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