单词 | 中古 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 中古—usedless common: second-hand China-Cuba Middle Ages medieval Sino-Cuban Middle (of a language, e.g. Middle English) Chinese middle antiquity, 3rd 9th centuries, including Sui and Tang Dynasties Examples:中古汉语—Middle Chinese (linguistics) 古今中外—at all times and in all places [idiom.] See also:古adj—ancientadj oldadj 古—paleo- surname Gu
在以前的若干照会中,古巴代表团向美国代表团表达了对单方面从我团撤去 警察保护的关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | In several previous [...] notes, the Missionof Cubahasconveyed to [...]the United States Mission its concerns with regard to the [...]unilateral removal of police protection from the Mission. daccess-ods.un.org |
风干的龙牙草是中古时代的一种常见药物,泡茶喝(木茶)可以助消化、益肝肾、缓解咽喉痛。 clarinsusa.com | The dried plant was a common remedy throughout the Middle Ages and was drunk as an infusion (wood tea) to enhance digestion, liberate the liver and kidneys and soothe soar throats. clarinsusa.com |
在人权事务中,古巴致力于 扞卫真诚合作、相互尊重、真理、正义、普遍性、公 [...] 正性和非选择性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba was committed to defending genuine [...] cooperation, mutual respect, truth, justice, universality, impartiality and non-selectivity in the human rights approach. daccess-ods.un.org |
在夏季,图尔库充满缤纷节庆 : 探戈、中古音乐 、戏剧、艺术、设计,还有更多更多。 visitfinland.com | In the summer the city overflows with events and festivals: tango, middleage,music, theatre, art, design and much more. visitfinland.com |
在实施这一卫生方案过程中,古巴还得到了几个 国家的支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cubahasalso received the backing of [...] several countries in carrying out this health programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
时间D.在目前,七十是希腊教会的正式文本中,古拉丁语版本中使用的西方教会了它制成的,最早的翻译教会通过在拉丁美洲,在Vetus伊泰莱,是直接从七十:在通过了意义,希腊名字和单词受聘为(如:创世记,出埃及记,利未记,民数记 [Arithmoi ],申命记),最后,希伯来文的发音给予,通过经常到伊泰莱,从它,有时到武加大,这不是很少给伊泰莱迹象Vetus影响的,这是尤其是在诗篇,武加大译本被杰罗姆仅仅是Vetus伊泰莱纠正圣根据hexaplar文本该译本。 mb-soft.com | D. At the present time, the Septuagint is the official text in the [...] Greek Church, and theancient Latin Versions used [...]in the western church were made from [...]it; the earliest translation adopted in the Latin Church, the Vetus Itala, was directly from the Septuagint: the meanings adopted in it, the Greek names and words employed (such as: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers [Arithmoi], Deuteronomy), and finally, the pronunciation given to the Hebrew text, passed very frequently into the Itala, and from it, at times, into the Vulgate, which not rarely gives signs of the influence of the Vetus Itala; this is especially so in the Psalms, the Vulgate translation being merely the Vetus Itala corrected by St. Jerome according to the hexaplar text of the Septuagint. mb-soft.com |
上海耀中古北校舍的创意、行动与服务统筹老师Luke Watson说:“我的工作是帮助学生一起找好的点子,然后付诸行动。 ycis-sh.com | Mr. Luke Watson, Creativity, Action and Service Co-ordinator at [...] YCISShanghai Gubei Campus,explains [...]his approach, “I work with the students [...]through the ideas and help make it happen. ycis-sh.com |
这里专门拍卖特殊有用的中古车, 如公共工程车、迷你古董车、旅行小汽车,也有因为贷款或设备租赁业合同取消而拍卖的二手新车。 ravenelart.com | Special-purpose used vehicles are auctioned including public utility [...] vehicle, mini antique car, wagon car [...]etc. However, there are also second-hand [...]new vehicles because of cancellation of loan contract or equipment lease contract. ravenelart.com |
古巴在建立人权理事会的过程中发挥了非常积 极的作用;在 2010 年 3 月至 2011 年 6 月之间于日内 瓦和纽约开展的、意在仔细调整并巩固理事会头五年 运行期间工作的审议进程中,古巴作为谈判方也在各 个阶段发挥了非常积极的作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba played a very active role in the establishment of the Human Rights Council and as a negotiator at each stage of the review process, which was conducted in Geneva and New York between March 2010 and June 2011, with a view to fine-tuning and consolidating the Council’s work in its first five years of operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
此种展演若要成形,日常生活中必须存在某种限制,已故俄罗斯哲学家巴赫钦(Mikhail Bakhtin)指出,欧洲中古世纪的农奴背负沉重的阶级压力,狂欢节即逃脱的出口;几百年後,都会单车骑士则面对世俗政治,汽车与单车之间始终不断争夺权力,骑士受到限制,必须与又重、又快、马力又大的汽车分享道路。 thisbigcity.net | The late russian brain, Mikhail Bakhtin, proclaimed that the carnival in the medieval Europe served as an escape from the heavily structured hierarchies of serfdom. thisbigcity.net |
在上周的采访中,古永锵拒绝预测他的公司何时会盈利,并称现在将集中于开发原创节目和构建移动服务。 youngchinabiz.com | In an interview last week, Koo refused to forecast when his company might become profitable, saying it will focus for now on developing original programs and building its mobile services. youngchinabiz.com |
在「Porsche Approved保时捷认证中古车」制度之下,保时捷认证 中古车将得拥有原有保固不足年之免费展延一年不限里程的保固服务,除此之外,保时捷认证 中古车在历经总代理维修体系的仔细检查监定後,「Porsche Approved保时捷认证中古车」提供给您的,将是拥有完整、详尽保修记录的优质保时捷车款,因此不论是安全性、耐用性以及驾驭性能,绝对符合您对於保时捷新车的所有期待,车辆状况远优於一般 中古车市场之二手车;保时捷认证 中古车的车源除了总代理常态性的试乘车与主管配车之外,我们将以市场最稳定的价格,高价收购5年内的总代理保时捷车款。 pap.porsche.com | Every Porsche vehicle brought in originally through UMT,the officialPorsche importer in Taiwan, and then, certified with Porsche Approved Pre-Owned Warranty has to pass through the 111 point inspection. pap.porsche.com |
臻至完美的保时捷跑车,永远都是车迷们心所向往的终极梦想,因此,每一辆经由原厂专案认证的保时捷认证 中古车, 都必须通过保时捷德国原厂所制订的严苛审核,包括车辆文件纪录、车身内外品质监定、引擎与底盘检查、专业路试等多达111项机械与电子功能的全方位缜密检查;若於认证检验过程中发现任何零件上的故障或损坏,我们将以德国原厂零件加以更换、修复,以维您保时捷跑车的纯正血统与卓越性能;而在一系列完整的维修工作完成後,才会由总代理永业 中古车部门授予最终的保时捷原厂认证—「Porsche Approved保时捷认证中古车」。 pap.porsche.com | Porsche enthusiasts who are eager to purchase a Porsche can now also realise their dream of finding their Porsche earlier and faster through the online Porsche Pre-Owned Car platform on www.porsche.com. To own the perfect car, Porsche enthusiasts have always looked up to UMT to find their ideal car, so UMT guarantees to maintain this reputation. pap.porsche.com |
在一个不公正的国际经济秩序中,古巴作为一个 发展中国家面临重重困难,特别是美国实施的非法经 [...] 济禁运。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba maintainedits firm commitment to [...] multilateralism in spite of the obstacles it faced as a developing country in an [...]unjust international economic order. daccess-ods.un.org |
一词源于希腊名词euangelion,euangelizomai译为喜讯,是好是快乐的消息,或与 中古英语godspell,一种话语或故事有关,上帝)动词的福音(衍生工具,以宣布了好消息或宣布一个好消息。 mb-soft.com | The word is derived from the Greek noun euangelion, translated as glad [...] tidings, good or joyful news, or gospel (a [...] derivative of the Middle English godspell, [...]a discourse or story about God), and verb [...]euangelizomai, to announce good tidings of or to proclaim as good news. mb-soft.com |
尽管街道的布局大体上保留着中古时期的特色,我们的专卖店却进驻一座18世纪建造的楼层中,在古典的氛围中衬托出更为“现代的”风采。 audemarspiguet.com | Even though the thoroughfare was laid out in the middle ages, the boutique resides in a more “modern” building constructed in the 18th century. audemarspiguet.com |
考虑买新车或中古车时,可能也要顾及新车尚未送至经销商之前,制造过程便已产生诸多污染,相较於 中古车,新车会产生额外的碳足迹,且购买 中古车可降低新车的市场需求,故其余考量在於对环境的残余效应。 thisbigcity.net | Choosing to buy new over used cars creates a carbon footprint that simply doesn’t exist if you buy used, as buying a used car that’s already been manufactured for this world saves a new one from being built. thisbigcity.net |
2012年中国书画市场仍优势突出,其中古代书 画作为树立中国书画市场价 格标杆的品类,在市场调整期的背景下,其抗跌性和稳定性的优势再次彰显 出来。 imgpublic.artprice.com | In a context of market adjustment, the advantages of its resilience and stability were once again manifest. imgpublic.artprice.com |
河岸东面的景点包括大教堂、 西贝柳斯博物馆、 ETT Hem 家居博物馆、老城中心、中古及现代艺术史博物馆(Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova)、卢奥斯塔里迈基手工艺博物馆(Luostarinmäen käsityöläismuseo)、图尔库市剧院和魏伊内•阿尔托宁博物馆艺术(Wäinö Aaltonen )。 visitfinland.com | The sights to see on the eastern bank include the cathedral, the Sibelius Museum, the home museum Ett Hem, the Old Town Centre, the Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova museum, the Luostarinmäki Handicrafts Museum, the Municipal Theatre of Turku and the Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art. visitfinland.com |
居住在老宅里的13岁女孩梅和她的奶奶给他讲述了有关1860年法国士兵在老宅里强取豪夺的故事,其中最重要的是,当时一位名叫徐浩的恶毒邻居煽动穷凶极恶的杜蒙特上校夺走了老宅 中古老而贵重的装饰品:七条龙。 siff.com | Residents Mei, a 13 YO girl and her grandmother Nai Nai, tell him about the looting of the house by French soldiers in 1860 and most importantly, about the evil neighbor Xu [...] Hao who had driven the ferocious Colonel Dumont to strip [...] the house’s ofits ancient and precious ornaments: [...]the 7 dragons. siff.com |
太古汽车维修服务中心已推出多项增值服务,包括原厂认证 中古车、快速汽车美容、租车、轮胎维修及提供优质汽车零件等。 swirepacific.com | The Taikoo Motors Service Centre has introduced a series of added-value service offerings, including Certified Pre-owned Cars, quick service car care, car rentals, tyre servicing and premium car parts. swirepacific.com |
如果你认为只有纽约、巴黎、伦敦或米兰才能诞生顶级时尚,不如看看近在咫尺的上海吧!为迎接2012国际中学会考证书课程(IGCSE)时装秀,上海耀 中古北校舍的十年级学生们不辞辛劳地创作出了惊艳而有趣的服饰。 ycis-sh.com | YCIS Shanghai Year 10 [...] studentsfrom Gubei Campus all worked [...]very hard to produce outstanding and interesting outfits for the 2012 IGCSE Fashion Show. ycis-sh.com |
贵阳作为省会城市,坐落於贵州省中古南明河边的高原地带,市中心附近的黔灵公园山林茂密,清雅寂静,这里有古寺、猕猴、雕饰精美的亭子和位於山脚的人造黔灵湖。 halfthesky.org | Near the center of the city is Qingling Park, a fantastic mixture of tranquil forests, old temples, wild monkeys, ornately decorated pavilions and, at the foot of the mountain, man-made Qianling Lake. halfthesky.org |
有关对话正在继续,目标希望是以当地实际合同销售价格参考 价格,不包括出口费用和中国增值税的(即煤送到在出口蒙 古中国边境之前收到的收入)。 southgobi.com | The dialog is continuing, with the aim of having prices based off actual contract prices for sales at these locations, [...] excluding export fees and Chinese VAT (i.e. revenue received for coal [...] deliveredto the Mongolia-China borderprior [...]to export). southgobi.com |
据透露,昨天 2 月 14 日以色列政府批准一个亲定居者的极端主义犹太 [...] 团体在被占领的东耶路撒冷锡勒万居民区中部建造一个“考 古中心” , 这进一步加剧了这一敏感地区的紧张局势。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yesterday, 14 February, it was revealed that the Israeli Government has given permission [...] to an extremist pro-settler Jewish [...] group to build an “archaeologicalcentre”in the [...]middle of the Silwan neighbourhood in [...]Occupied East Jerusalem, further escalating tensions in this sensitive area. daccess-ods.un.org |
出任现职前,杨伟添为太古(中国)有限公司董事及总经理暨驻中国首席代表,负责太古集团在中国内地的业务发展、统筹及协商工作,并协助制定未来的发展方针及投资策略。 dragonair.com | Prior to taking up his current position with Dragonair, Mr Yeung was Director, General Manager and Chief [...] Representative of [...]John Swire & Sons (China) Limited, overseeing the group’s development and investment strategies in Mainland China. dragonair.com |
委员会第四次会议审议了项目 [...] 5.6,同时重点关注了建立三个中心的建议--即关于设立地区水下考 古中心(克罗地亚扎达尔)的建议;关于在中国建立亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心的建议;以及关于在阿贝奥库 [...]塔城奥卢塞贡·奥巴桑乔总统图书馆建立非洲文化与国际交流研究所(尼日利亚奥贡州)的建议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At its fourth meeting, the Commission examined item 5.6 focusing simultaneously on the proposal to create the three centres: Proposal for [...] the establishment of a regional centre for [...] underwater archaeology(Zadar, Croatia); [...]Proposal for the establishment in China [...]of a world heritage training and research institute for the Asia and the Pacific region; Proposal for the establishment of an institute for African culture and international understanding at the Olusegun Obasanjo presidential library in Abeokuta (Ogun State, Nigeria). unesdoc.unesco.org |
我国北方其他一些地区 早白垩世的陆相地层中也发现一些热河生物群的分 子(如新疆、甘肃、内蒙古中西部、陕西、吉林、山 东等地), 但因资料相对缺乏且研究较薄弱, 暂不包 括在本文统计之中. ivpp.ac.cn | Although some of the Jehol taxa are also [...] known from other areas of [...] northern China, such as Xinjiang, Gansu, middle and western parts ofInner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Jilin, [...]and Shandong, they [...]are not included in the statistics of this paper. ivpp.ac.cn |