

单词 中午

中午 ()


See also:

7th earthly branch: 11 a.m.-1 p.m., noon, 5th solar month (6th June-6th July), year of the Horse

External sources (not reviewed)

倘當日懸掛八號颱風訊號或以上或黑色暴雨警告,且中 午12 時正仍未解除,則不設T+1 時段。
If a Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above
or a Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted and is not
[...] lowered before 12:00 noon, there would [...]
be no T+1 Session on that day.
(3) 董事及高級人員登記冊須於每個營業日的上午十時正 中午 十 二 時正在 辦事處開放予公眾人士免費查閱。
(3) The Register of Directors and Officers shall be open to
inspection by members of the public without charge at the Office between 10:00
[...] a.m. and 12:00 noon on every business day.
第二個版本的鑽石小方的情況下, 中午 和 早 上6點。
The second version of the diamonds are set on the small
[...] side of the case at noon and 6am.
前側,新葡萄牙語中心表示午4:30 中午 恆 星 時的小時和分鐘的儲備(巨大的,90小時)和一個旋風上午9時恆定的力量,保證時間的準確性。
Front side, the new Portuguese center indicates the
[...] hours and minutes at noon Sidereal time at 4:30 [...]
the reserve (huge, 90 hours) and a
whirlwind 9am constant force that ensures the accuracy of the time .
審核員向我們通知您的上訴後的第二 中午 , 您 也會收到書面通知,其中指定計劃出院日期,並詳細說 [...]
By noon of the day after the reviewers [...]
informed our plan of your appeal, you will also get a written notice that gives your
planned discharge date and explains in detail the reasons why your doctor, the hospital, and we think it is right (medically appropriate) for you to be discharged on that date.
(一) 會否檢討註冊處現時處理文件存檔的程序,包括取 中午 時 段只 提供限量服務的做法;若會,檢討的詳情為何;若不會,原因為 何;及 (二) 會否考慮檢討註冊處現時的收費方式,包括 中午 時 段 接受現金 繳費,或改為向市民發出繳款通知書並容許他們稍後透過其他方 式(例如信用卡、電子轉帳或繳費靈)繳費;若會,檢討的詳情 為何;若不會,原因為何?
(b) it will
[...] consider reviewing the existing shroff practice of the CR, including accepting cash payments during the mid-day session or switching to issuing payment notices to members of the public and allowing them to pay later [...]
through other means, such
as credit cards, electronic fund transfers or PPS; if it will, of the details of the review; if not, the reasons for that?
At noon, MGTO will invite [...]
the key executives of Japan Association of Travel Agent (JATA), Japan National Tourist Organization
(JNTO) and Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) for a luncheon in Westin Tokyo.
Mr. K. Y. YIM continued that prohibition order was announced on 23 March 2011 and came into
[...] force on 24 March 2011 noon.
主 席还提出了一些建议,以提高利用率:如尽早提前通知会议管理科,以减少可预 见的取消的影响,但不得迟于会议前一个星期;当预计会议需时缩短时,应把会 议时间段减少到2个小时(如从上午 11 时至下午 1 时或午 10 时至中午 12 时和 下午 3 时至下午 5 时),从而释放一些资源,提高利用率; 以及尽可能根据以往 的实践和会议服务的实际利用情况,调整工作方案。
The Chair also made some proposals to improve the utilization factor, such as: reducing the impact of foreseeable cancellations by providing advance notice to the Meetings Management Section as early as possible, but not later than one week before the session; reducing the meeting blocks to two hours (for example, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.) when it is anticipated that less time will be required, thus releasing some of the resources and improving utilization; and adjusting the programme of work based on past practice and actual utilization of conference services wherever possible.
您必須不遲於收到說明護理承保終止時間的書面通知後次 中午 , 聯 繫品質改善組織開始上訴。
You must contact the Quality Improvement Organization to start your appeal
[...] no later than noon of the day after [...]
you receive the written notice telling you
when we will stop covering your care.
該展覽目前正在奧克蘭 Broadway 1423
[...] 號的畫廊展出,將一直持續到12月21號,時間是每週三至週五 中午 1 2 點 到 下午3點。
The exhibition, located at 1423
Broadway, opens for public viewing from November 16 through December 21, 2012, Wednesday
[...] through Friday, from noon to 3:00pm.
纳斯达克股票代码:PKT)今天宣布,公司亚太区销售副总裁Patrick Duncan将于新加坡时间9月17日星期 中午 1 2 点 在 移动宽带流量管理大会的一个分组讨论会上发表题为《服务提供商未来如何执行策略控制?
(NASDAQ: PKT), the intelligent policy enforcement company, today announced that Patrick Duncan, vice president of sales APAC, will present as a part of a panel discussion titled "How Are Service Providers Implementing Policy Control in the Future?
好消息 –
[...] 由2008年五月開始,每星期二和星期四 午 9 點 至 中午 1 2 點 ,家長會的社區家長資源中心的外展協調員Rose [...]
Wang女士, 可以用東羅省洛杉磯社區服務中心的庭資源中心與家長見面, 研討有關特殊教育的問題, 家長可致電 (626)
300-9171 (FRC 時間) 或 (626) 315-8146(其他時間)。
Good News – Starting from May 2008, every Tuesday and
[...] Thursday 9 am to 12 noon, Ms. Rose Wang, CPAD/CPRC [...]
Outreach Coordinator is able to
meet with our parents by using Family Resource Center (FRC) at Eastern Los Angeles Regional Center (ELARC) in Alhambra.
星期中午祷告 后,一群武装人员集中在北区靠近Sa`a 环岛的一个检 查站。
On Friday, after the noon prayer, a group of [...]
armed men gathered in the northern quarter, near the checkpoint at the Sa`a roundabout.
开会时间为上午时 9 时 30 分中午 12 时 30 分和下午 2 时至 5 时,2011 年 10 月 10 日星期一除外,该日的会议于上午 10 时开始。
Meeting hours will be from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 to 5 p.m., except on Monday, 10 October 2011, when the session will be opened at 10 a.m.
本通 函旨在向
[...] 閣下提供所提呈決議案之資料及美聯集團有限公司(「本公司」)於二零一二年 十月八日(星 期一中午十二時正假座香港德輔道中19號環球大廈25樓2505-8室舉行股東 [...]
The purpose of this circular is to provide you with information regarding the proposal and to give you notice of the special general meeting (the “SGM”) of Midland Holdings Limited (the
“Company”) to be held on Monday, 8 October
[...] 2012 at 12:00 noon at Rooms 2505-8, [...]
25th Floor, World-Wide House, 19 Des Voeux
Road Central, Hong Kong to consider and approve the proposal.
香港發售將於二零一一年五月十三日(星期五)上午九時正開始,並擬於二零一一年五月十八日(星期三中 午 12 時截止登記申請。
The Hong Kong Offer is expected to commence at 9:00 am
Hong Kong time on Friday, 13 May 2011, and is expected
[...] to close at 12:00 noon Hong Kong time [...]
on Wednesday, 18 May 2011.
每当先中午前开 始的旅程,他为“晡祈祷时间延迟至晌祈祷,然后他会下马和他们一起祈祷,每当太阳下降之前,他开始了旅程他用来提供晌祈祷,然后骑(旅程)。
Whenever the Prophet started
[...] the journey before noon, he used to delay [...]
the Zuhr prayer till the time for the 'Asr prayer
and then he would dismount and pray them together; and whenever the sun declined before he started the journey he used to offer the Zuhr prayer and then ride (for the journey).
Dailies are made available for the individual editors to begin
[...] cutting in the afternoon of the first day.
When I reached the peak it was noon.
具有讽刺意味的是,DomainConsultant.com昨日宣布,在其从现在起一直到5月5日的域名拍卖活动中,Reserve.com将被无“底价”拍卖,美国太平洋时间5月 5 日 中午 1 2 点 , 将按照字母顺序开始对域名进行拍卖。
In an ironic twist, DomainConsultant.com announced yesterday the availability of Reserve.com without a 'reserve'
price in its domain name auction going on now through May 5th -- when lots begin to close
[...] in alphabetical order at 12pm PDT.
从半夜中午12点钟 ,称为a.m.,从正午12点钟到半夜12点钟称为p.m.即下午 (post meridiem太阳过了子午线最高点之后的缩写)。
The time from midnight to 12 o'clock noon is described as a.m., the time from 12 o'clock midday until 12 o'clock midnight as p.m. (post meridiem).
於二零一三年三月四日 (星期一中午十二 時正截止辦理申請登記時,合共接獲13,158份根據公開發售提出之有 效申請(包括以白色及黃色申請表格及透過中央結算系統向香港結算或根據網上白表服 [...]
公開發售股份,相當於根據公開發售初步可供認購之10,000,000股公開發售股份總數約 1,086倍。
At the close of the application lists at 12 : 00 noon on Monday, [...]
4 March 2013, a total of 13,158 valid applications (including
applications on WHITE and YELLOW Application Forms and through giving electronic application instructions to HKSCC via CCASS or to the HK eIPO White Form Service Provider under the HK eIPO White Form services) for a total of 10,856,872,000 Public Offer Shares were received pursuant to the Public Offer, representing approximately 1,086 times of the total number of 10,000,000 Public Offer Shares initially available for subscription under the Public Offer.
六月每週中午至下 午2點,Oris、Tourneau和WBGO樂台,將在全世界最大的表店舉辦一系列音樂會。
A partnership between Oris, Tourneau, and WBGO, the concert series will tale place every Tuesday in June from noon to 2 pm at the world’s largest watch store.
如果预订了每周40课时 的一对一培训课程中午可与 老师共进午餐,利用进餐机会 来提升学习效果。
Individual training courses which cover the whole day (40 TUs a week) will include eating together with your trainer to increase your learning progress.
提交决议草案供第十九届会议审议的暂定期限为 2010 年 5 月 17 日 星期中午。
The provisional deadline for the submission of draft resolutions for consideration at the nineteenth session is
[...] Monday, 17 May 2010, at noon.
地點:九龍旺角花園街 123 號 A 花園街市政大廈 8 樓 傳達資源小組 時間:逢星期一至五 上午 8 時 45 分中午 1 時 下午 2 時至 5 時 30 分 本中心會通知閣下前來領取。
Time: Monday to Friday 8:45am to 1:00pm 2:00pm to 5:30pm (Remarks: Applicant will be informed of the date for picking up materials.
委员会考虑到贵组织重视对逮捕、酷刑、解雇、和平集会及结社案件的监测、 记录和跟踪,特此邀请阁下或阁下认为合适的任何人选于
[...] 2010 年 5 月 20 日星期中午 12 时 前往委员会总部,以听取贵组织的观点。
In view of the attention paid by your organization to monitoring, documenting and following up cases of arrest, torture, dismissal from employment, peaceful assembly and associations, the
Commission wishes to invite you to come to its
[...] headquarters at 12 noon on Thursday, 20 [...]
May 2010, or to mandate whomsoever you may
consider appropriate, with a view to hearing your organization’s views.
委 员会将于 10 月 3 日星期中午 12 时 举行首次会议,以便在听取执行局提出的有关建议后拟 [...]
It will hold its
[...] first meeting at 12 noon on Monday, 3 October [...]
in order to establish, after examining the recommendations
of the Executive Board, the list of nominations for the offices of President and of the Vice-Presidents of the General Conference, and to consider nominations to the Chairs of the commissions.
上午九时至下午五时半中午一小 时午餐,或 上午九时至午六时,中午一小 时半午餐,或 上午九时半至午六时,中午一小 时午餐,或 上午九时半至下午六时半中午一小 时半午餐。
(b) Staff members at Headquarters shall normally work, Monday to Friday inclusive: from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. with one hour for lunch, or from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. with one and a half hours for lunch, or from 9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. with one hour for lunch, or from 9.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. with one and a half hours for lunch.




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