单词 | 中位数 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 中位adj—medianadj 数位adv—digitallyadv 数位n—digitn 数位—digital
诚如上文表1所示,同业可资比较公司的市盈率介乎约2.0倍至84.0倍, 市盈率中位数为约22.2倍。 cre8ir.com | As shown in Table 1 above, the PERs of [...] the Industry Comparables range from approximately 2.0 times to [...] 84.0 times, withmedian PERof approximately [...]22.2 times. cre8ir.com |
年龄中位数的上升也可反映人口老化的趋势,预计年龄中位数将会由2011年的41.7岁上升至2021年的45.1岁,在2031年进一步上升至47.7岁及2041年的49.9岁。 censtatd.gov.hk | The ageing trend is also revealed by the increasingmedian age of the population which will rise from 41.7 [...] in 2011 to 45.1 [...]in 2021, and further to 47.7 in 2031 and 49.9 in 2041. censtatd.gov.hk |
48%被访者表示最常感到精神透支的时间是下午或午膳後,其中超过一半(54%) 指称精神透支的感觉通常持续一小时或以下,中位数是30 分钟。 hkupop.hku.hk | Such tiredness occurred most frequently in the afternoon or right after lunch (48%), and over half (54%) [...] of these respondents claimed their mental tiredness usually lasted for 1 hour or [...] less, with 30 minutesbeingthemedian. hkupop.hku.hk |
不过房租最高的仍是旧金山,中位数租金是$3,100,跟随其後的是 San [...] Mateo 县$2,550,Santa Clara 县$2,100。 ktsf.com | The highest rent was San [...] Francisco with the median price of$3,100, [...]followed by San Mateo County, $2,550, and Santa Clara County, $2,100. ktsf.com |
2003年对珠三角制造业的调查显示,有73.4%的公司 [...] 在过去一年曾经历通关延误,金钱损失的中位数约为10万港元(约9.4万人民币)。 hkcer.hku.hk | The 2003 survey on the PRD revealed that 73.4% enterprises experienced [...] delays in customs clearance in the [...] previous year and the medianoflosswas approximately [...]HKD 100,000 (about RMB 94,000). hkcer.hku.hk |
透过采用这种针对性的疗法,患者平均肿瘤恶化的时间(TTP)是136 天,接受了T细胞注射疗法的患者存活时间中位数是523天,相反,没有接受T细胞注射疗法的患者存活时间中位数的只有220天。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | By offering such targeted treatment, the mean time to progression (TTP) for these [...] cancer patients was 136 [...] days,and the median overall survival of the patients who received the T-cell infusion was 523 days compared to 220 days for those who [...]did not receive the T-cell infusion. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
上列的每月还款额及实际年利率已按还款期6个月、9个月、12个月、18个月、24个月、36个月和48个月及以贷款额中位数HK$10,000、 HK$32,500、 HK$125,000、 HK$350,000及 HK$500,000而厘订。 hsbc.com.hk | The monthly repayment amount and the Annualized Percentage Rate (APR) is calculated based on 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48-month repayment period and middle value loan amounts of HK$10,000, HK$32,500, HK$125,000, HK$350,000 and HK$500,000. hsbc.com.hk |
住户无权选择单位面积和地点,基本上他们只有两个选择:一是缴交占家庭入息中位数9%的租金;一是如果有能力兼且幸运中签,便每月付出约相等於现时租金六倍的供款,购买一个十年内不可在公开市场转售的居屋单位。 housingauthority.gov.hk | The basic choice is between paying rent [...] at around 9% of median family income for [...]as long as they want, or, for those who [...]can afford it and strike lucky in a ballot, paying roughly six times as much each month to purchase an HOS flat which they may not sell on the open market until ten years have passed. housingauthority.gov.hk |
同期间,每小时工资中位数低於$50的行业为物业管理、保安及清洁服务($28.5);饮食($33.7);杂项活动(包括安老院舍;洗涤及乾洗服务;理发及其他个人服务;本地速递服务;及食品处理及生产)($34.6);和零售($40.5)。 censtatd.gov.hk | During the sameperiod, median hourlywage was [...] less than $50 in the following industries: estate management, security and [...]cleaning services ($28.5); restaurants ($33.7); miscellaneous activities (including elderly homes; laundry and dry cleaning services; hairdressing and other personal services; local courier services; and food processing and production) ($34.6); and retail trade ($40.5). censtatd.gov.hk |
在各受访行业主类当中,每小时工资中位数高於$100的行业为教育及公共行政(不包括政府)($134.4);电力及燃气供应、污水处理、废弃物管理及污染防治活动($123.6);及金融及保险($108.0)。 censtatd.gov.hk | Among the various industry [...] sections surveyed, median hourlywage was [...]over $100 in the following industries: education and [...]public administration (excluding the Government) ($134.4); electricity and gas supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities ($123.6); and financing and insurance ($108.0). censtatd.gov.hk |