

单词 中七

中七 adjective ()

unfilled adj

七七 ()

seven sevens (equals 49)

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

在随后的辩中,七个会 员国和一个非政府组织的代表发了言。
In the subsequent debate, seven Member States and one representative of a non-governmental organization took the floor.
[...] Rodkinson进行了一次成英文巴比伦犹太法典, 中七 卷 之前,译者的死亡(1904年)出现简略翻译; [...]
In the same year ML Rodkinson undertook an abridged
translation of the Babylonian Talmud into
[...] English, of which seven volumes appeared [...]
before the translator's death (1904); Rodkinson's
point of view was quite unscholarly.
发现这一新证据有可能给目前正在审理的九起案中七起的 预计完成日期带来实质性影响。
The discovery of that new evidence has the potential to substantially impact the projected
[...] completion dates of seven of the nine ongoing trials.
生 署於其 轄 下
[...] 的學生健康服務中心,向參加此項服務 的小一中 七學生及其家 長 派 發 有關小冊子和單張,並 [...]
安 排 健 康講座和提供有關的輔導服 務 。
At its Student Health Service Centres, the DH distributes brochures and leaflets, arranges health talks
and provides counselling services to Primary
[...] One to Secondary Seven students joining [...]
the service as well as their parents.
另一方面,為了更有效地支援貧窮家庭兒童參加體藝活動,教育局自 2005-2006 財政年度起已撥備 7,500 萬元經常撥款,以資助非政府機構和公 營及直接資助計劃學校,為領取綜援或學生資助計劃全額津貼的小一 中七 學生 ,籌辦校本課後學習及支援計劃,以擴闊這些學生在課堂外的學習經 驗。
To offer effective support to children from needy families to take part in sports and engage in artistic pursuits, the Education Bureau has since the 2005-2006 financial year allocated a recurrent funding of $75 million to fund NGOs and public schools and schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme to organize School-based After School Learning and Support Programmes to P1 to S7 students from CSSA families or in receipt of full-grant assistance under student financial assistance schemes.
(a) 十名理事(10)由总干事指定, 中七 名 (7)来自亚太地区的会员国;二名 [...]
(2)来自从事和平与可持续发展教育的国际专业组织,总干事在任命前将与这 些组织协商;一名(1)根据印度政府的建议任命; (b) 二(2)名理事:印度政府人力资源开发部高等教育司印度政府秘书以及
NUEPA 副校长为理事会当然成员。
(a) ten (10) members shall be designated by the
[...] Director-General, of which: seven (7) members from [...]
UNESCO Member States of the Asia and the
Pacific region; two (2) members from two different professional international organizations engaged in education for peace and sustainable development in consultation with these entities prior to the designation; one (1) member shall be designated upon the recommendation of the Government of India
除安理会面前这份报告中描述的军事冲突之 外,达尔富尔混合行动维和人员证实,7月8日,苏
[...] 丹武装部队飞机在北达尔富尔州塔维拉以南约20公 里处投下了24枚炸弹,中七枚落 在距离一个境内 流离失所者营地四公里处。
Further to the military clashes described in the report before the Council, UNAMID peacekeepers verified that, on 8 July, Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) aircraft dropped 24
bombs approximately 20 kilometres south of Tawilla, in
[...] North Darfur, seven of which landed [...]
four kilometers from an IDP camp.
委员会审查了 50 多项关于免于适用高级代表国家财产转 让临时禁令的申请,中七项获 得批准。
The Commission reviewed over 50 requests for exemptions from the High Representative’s temporary ban on transfers of State Property, 7 of which were approved.
牙买加政府认识到,在人权理事会第9/12 号决议中论述的自愿目标符合牙 买加本身对人权的承诺及其作为九项核心国际人权文 中七 项 的缔约国而承担的 义务。
The Government of Jamaica recognizes that the voluntary goals elaborated in Human Rights Council Resolution 9/12 are in keeping with Jamaica’s own human rights commitment and its obligations as a party to 7 of the 9 core international human rights instruments.
根据《法庭规约》第五条第 1 款,法庭法官任期九年,连选可连任;但须第 一次选举选出的法中,七人任 期为三年,另七人为六年。
In accordance with article 5, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Tribunal, the members of the Tribunal shall be elected for nine years and may be re-elected, provided, however, that of the members elected
at the first
[...] election, the terms of seven members shall expire at the end of three years and the terms of seven more [...]
members shall expire at the end of six years.
然而,在十個學院中,七個已 制定了標準的打印本和網 上版課程範本,以確保在將現有課程轉變為符合果效為本學習方法的過程中,其 [...]
R3.3 科目學習果效的制定工作正按預定時間表進行。
Notwithstanding this, standard hard copy
and online course templates have already
[...] been developed by seven of the ten Faculties [...]
to ensure alignment of their CLOs with
PLOs and ILOs during the conversion of current courses to OBASL.
在本次报告所述期间,道德操守办公室发现了 31 个利益冲突个案,中七个个案在 2009 年的申报活动中也有所发现。
For the reporting period, the Office identified 31 cases of
[...] conflict of interest, seven of them continuing [...]
from the 2009 exercise.
香港並無訂立法定的排放標準,不過 中七 大 主 要空氣污染物的排 放,必須符合香港周邊空氣質素指標(表3.1),以保護公眾健 康。
Hong Kong has not established any legal emission standards. However, air pollutants generated by any emission source should meet the Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives (HKAQOs) (Table 3.1) for the seven identified major air pollutants in order to protect public health.
中七/副學 士預修課程畢業生可獲豁免部份科目,於兩年完成課程。
F.7/Pre-Associate Degree Graduates may complete in 2 years with exemptions
截至 2011 年 5 月 1 日,2011
[...] 年经常资源毛额收入 估计数额的 28%已经实收,中七个经合组织/发援会的捐助方(奥地利、加拿大、 [...]
As of 1 May 2011, 28 per cent of the projected
2011 gross regular resources income had been
[...] received, with seven OECD/DAC donors [...]
(Austria, Canada, Denmark, Luxembourg, Ireland,
New Zealand and Norway) having paid their contributions in full.
The Foundation Programme is one of the avenues for studying in a university.
儘管大部分母親對處理BB過敏症狀的警覺性甚低,接近全數被訪母親(97%)認同在嬰兒出生後一年內小心選擇食物,以免出現過敏情況是「重要」的; 中七 成 更 認為是「十分重要」。
Though majority of the mothers have a very low alertness of tackling baby allergy, almost all of them (97%) agreed that it is "important" to choose food carefully within the first year of life in order to prevent allergy. 70% even considered it as "very important".
从一开始,秘鲁就把这八项目标—— 中七 项已制定了时间表——作为其消除贫困、促进包容的社会 [...]
Since the start the State of Peru has taken those
[...] eight goals — seven of which have established [...]
timetables — on board as the guiding
axis of its social policy in fighting poverty and promoting inclusion.
该研究所通过和印度尼西亚惩戒司合作,将联合国《囚犯待遇最低限 度标准规则》的关键内容纳入印度尼西亚惩戒法案草案 中 , 七 个 模 范监 狱制定了有时限的具体行动计划,以遵守尚未满足的《最低限度标准规 则》的条款;印度尼西亚惩戒学院的 10 名教导员就如何按照国际标准对 [...]
学员开展人权和监狱管理教育接受了培训;以及惩戒司的人权秘书处创办 了一个定期新闻通讯,专门关注国际人权标准在印度尼西亚监狱体系中的 落实情况
(ii) Through the Institute’s cooperation with the Directorate General of Corrections of Indonesia, key elements of
the Standard Minimum
[...] Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners were incorporated into the draft Indonesian correctional services bill, seven model prisons created [...]
concrete, time-bound
action plans to comply with provisions of the Standard Minimum Rules that had not yet been met, 10 instructors at the Indonesian correctional services academy received training in how to instruct cadets in human rights and prison management according to international standards, and the Human Rights Secretariat of the Directorate General of Corrections established a regular newsletter dedicated to the fulfilment of international human rights standards within the Indonesian prison system
在消費者信心方面,在受訪的十四個亞太區市場裡, 中七 個 市 場的女性 比男性對未來六個月的整體展望表示較為樂觀,包括:香港、印度、日 [...]
In terms of consumer confidence across
[...] Asia/Pacific, women in seven of the 14 markets [...]
surveyed were more positive than men in
terms of their overall outlook for the next six months: Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam.
中 七 程 度 或 同 等 學 歷 的 要 求 並 非 百 分 百 的 保 證 , 但 總 算 是 在 某 程 度 上 保 證 某 人 具 備 合 理 的 英 語 水 帄 。
The requirement of Form 7 or its equivalent standard is not a full guarantee, but offers some assurance of a reasonable standard of English.
它 考察了全球及灾害管理整个周中七 种 不 同类型的灾害的要求。
It looked at
[...] requirements for seven different types [...]
of disaster, on a global basis, and across the full cycle of disaster management.
[...] 平文化的运动,进一步促进和平非暴力文化,并表示注意到一百多个国 中七百 多个组织取得的进展
Commends civil society, including non-governmental organizations and young people, for their activities in further promoting a culture of peace and nonviolence, including through their campaign to raise awareness on a
culture of peace, and takes note of the progress
[...] achieved by more than seven hundred organizations [...]
in more than one hundred countries
私立學院提供的文憑課程一般是一年制,修讀完畢後可升讀聯繫大學的二年級,這課程適合香 中七 學 生 (平均成績優秀或完成大學一年級課程)。
Upon completion of diploma programmes, students are allowed to enter the first or second year of a degree programme in an affiliated university.
另一方面,市民對終審法院首席法官李國能的支持程度 七 月 中 ( 七 月 十至十五日)的數字為60.6分,較六月中輕微上升0.1分,幾乎沒有變化。
On the other hand, the popularity rating of Chief Justice Andrew Li Kowk-nang registered in mid-July (July 10-15) was 60.6 marks, a slight increase of 0.1 mark from that of mid-June, which was statistically insignificant.
在 是 次 租 賃 及 訂 購 協 議 之 前 , 國 泰 航 空 已 安 排 於 今 年 內 接
[...] 收 十 架 飛 機 ,中 七 架 為 空 中 巴 士 A330-300 [...]
, 一 架 A340-300 , 兩 部 波 音 747-400 貨 機 , 其 中 三
架 經 已 加 入 機 隊 投 入 服 務 。
Prior to these agreements, Cathay Pacific was already
scheduled to take delivery of 10 additional
[...] aircraft this year: seven A330-300s, one [...]
A340-300, and two Boeing 747-400 freighters.
第五十次会议上指出,应提交的 49
[...] 项多年期协定年度付款申请有 38 项已按时提 交 ,但中七项不能考虑予以核准,原因是呈件不完整,某项核准条件没有得到满足, [...]
The 50th Meeting noted that 38 of the 49 annual tranches of
MYAs due for submission had been submitted on
[...] time, but that seven of them could not [...]
be considered for approval either because
the submission was incomplete, a condition of approval had not been met, and/or the project document had not been signed.
在家長義工的幫助下,我們的老師將藝術教育融入在課 中 ; 七 / 八 年 級學生 則在增修課時學習藝術,並在到訪的藝術家的幫助下學習口語和創意寫作,以作為本校與表演藝術工 作坊及全球寫作(Performing Arts Workshop and Global Writes)三年合作項目的一部分。
Students are working with visiting artists to learn spoken word and creative writing as part of a three-year partnership with Performing Arts Workshop and Global Writes.
另外我們衷心感謝「尋找有心人」計 中七 位 熱 心人士的捐助及支持,包括到訪醫生李奮平醫生,令樂悠居有需要的服務對象受惠及讓服務得以持續發展。
The fundraising programme “Searching for Grateful Hearts” launched for the Joyful Home continued in 2008 with the aim to support those clients coming from low-income families to receive the much needed service from the Joyful Home. 7 donors, including our Visiting Medical Doctor, Dr. Affandy Hariman, generously donated his service fee in support of this campaign.




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