

单词 个股

External sources (not reviewed)

The unit works closely with embassies, other Dutch ministries, and national and international partners.
这是多大的个股票的 价值对公司的资产。
This is how much a stock is worth on the company's assets.
个股份类别可以根据 基金所销售的投资者要求度身定制。
Each share class can be tailored to needs of the investors to whom the fund is distributed.
监督厅认为,这两份报告以及战略分析的责任被明确地分配给了该司中的个股(第二 组),这说明选举援助司为应对会员国需求变化采取了系统办法。
OIOS considers that these two reports, as well as the fact that the responsibility for strategic analysis has been clearly assigned to one unit (cluster II) within the Division, demonstrate the systematic approach of the Division to addressing changing Member State needs.
因此,个股价 向 上生效期权(看涨和看跌)是指当资产价值上升到上界时生效的期权。
Therefore, an Up-and-In option (for both calls and puts) indicates that the option becomes live if the asset value hits the upper barrier.
Adams 先生还曾在 Adaptec
[...] 担任业务发展副总裁,领导了一次重大重组,其中涉及两项收购、五项资产剥离和 个股 权 投 资,最终使 Adaptec 的市值增加 [...]
5 倍。
Mr. Adams was also VP Business Development at Adaptec where he led a major restructuring that
included two acquisitions, five
[...] divestitures and several equity investments resulting [...]
in a 5X increase in Adaptec’s market capitalization.
The units in Sierra Leone and Guinea Bissau have both reported seizures.
个股和工 作队已成为外勤支助的主要提供 者。
Both the Unit and the Task Force have become major providers of field support.
如同我们之前通报的一样,由于本季度股票价格的上涨及以保留员工为目的的 个股 票 补偿计划的一年期的重叠,本季度的成本大幅增长。
As we have previously communicated, due to the rise in stock price in the quarter and the one-year overlap for retention purposes of two stock compensation programs, there was a significant cost headwind in the quarter.
具体目标是在正式建立和全面部署配有必要装备的指定单位之前设立 个股来 承 担警卫职责,这支部队作为非索特派团核定人数的一部分,由部队指挥官领导。
More specifically, the objective is to establish a unit to undertake the guard duties, pending the proper generation and full deployment, with the requisite equipment, of a designated unit, which will be part of AMISOM authorized strength and under the authority of the Force Commander.
不过,由于作为非洲 最大个股票市 场所在地的埃及和突尼斯处于政治过渡时期,导致非洲的股票市 [...]
场整体下跌(2011 年上半年跌了 25%),所以以投资组合方式流进来的资金一般都 很少。
[...] inflows were generally weak, however, [...]
having been dragged down by the decline in African stock markets (25 per
cent in the first half of 2011) because of the political transition in Egypt and Tunisia, which house two of the largest stock markets in Africa.
如果你已经对我在写什么,不明白多少,我建议你这样做已经是个 股市市场化进程 参加个 股市模拟器 习惯的行话。
If you have been interested in what I'm writing and did not understand much, I suggest you do already a stock market course and to enroll in a stock market simulator to get used to the lingo.
投资建议:受移动智能终端总体需求增长的影响,三星及苹果等智能终端产业链整体需求稳定,国内公司如长信科技、锦富新材、长盈精密等都受益确定,尤其是2013年包括GalaxyS/Note系列,iPhone系列、iPad/iPadMini系列等新品交替发布,带动企业的盈利,可以重点关注产业链中具有确定性增长,且具有催化剂 个股。
Investment advice: affected by the overall demand growth of the mobile intelligent terminals, such as samsung and apple intelligent terminal industry chain stable overall demand, domestic companies such as long science and technology, rich brocade is beneficial to the long new materials, surplus precision determined, especially including the galaxy s/Note 2013 series, the iPhone series, iPad/iPadMini series such as new product release
alternately, drive the enterprise profit, can focus on the industrial chain of
[...] deterministic growth, with stocks of the catalyst.
多年以 来,Grup TCB 与世界各地的个股本合作 伙伴开展并保持成功的长期合作。
Over the years Grup TCB has initiated and sustained successful long-term
[...] partnerships with many equity partners around [...]
the world.
委员会还关注根据新的《反腐败法》设立的反腐败股尚未对受指控的腐败肇 事者采取任何步骤,而且个股尚未 全面运行。
The Committee is also concerned that the Anti-Corruption Unit established under the new AntiCorruption Law has not yet taken any steps against alleged perpetrators of corruption and is not yet fully operational.
创始人Pavel Baudiš先生和 Eduard Kučera先生,从以前政权的社会经济制约中解放出来,从“合作社”最终转换成 个股 份 合 作制“公司” ALWIL Software。
Founders Pavel Baudiš and Eduard Kučera, free from the socioeconomic constraints of the former regime, finally transform ALWIL Software from a 'cooperative' into a joint partnership 'company'.
由于当资产价值高时,看涨期权 的价值也高,资产价值低时,看涨期权的价值就低,所以 个股 价 下 跌失效的看涨下限障碍 期权与正常美式期权的价值几乎是一样的。
As call options have higher values when the asset value is high, and lower value when the asset is low, this Lower Barrier Down-and-Out Call Option is hence worth almost the same as the regular American option.
设在秘书处的个股负责 协调和管理秘 书处与区域协调股以及没有区域协调股的附件之间的所有活动。
This secretariat-based unit is responsible for the coordination, administration and management of all activities between the secretariat and the RCUs, as well as the Annexes that have no RCUs.
个股方面 ,美国银行(Bank of America)跌0.2%,该行此前公布,第三财季每股收益盈亏相抵,此前预期为小幅亏损。
Other stocks, United States [...]
banks (Bank of America)-0.2%, this line previously announced third-quarter earnings per share
of profit and loss balance, previously expected to modest losses.
若尔热•阿明多称该公司目前为该项目找到了一个当地的伙伴:Imogestin(安哥拉的非洲投资银行的子公司),安哥拉国家石油公司Sonangol是该公司的 个股 东。
Having announced about a year ago that the company planned to build 10 hotels in Angola, Jorge Armindo said the company had now found a local partner for the project,
Imogestin, a subsidiary of Banco Africano de Investimento (BAI) of which Angolan state oil
[...] company Sonangol is a shareholder.
以上消息显示,海外投资者对中资概念股变得益发挑剔,对少数成长快速 个股 青 睐有加,而对其他表现疲弱的中资股则冷眼旁观。
These very different tales show that overseas investors have become quite choosy toward Chinese companies in the current climate, richly rewarding a few fast-growth players while largely ignoring most others.
从盘面上看,今日两市仅有8只股票出现下跌,而涨停 个股 则 达 到了240余只;其中受利好政策直接影响明显的工程机械、水泥、钢铁、铁路等板 个股 表 现 极为活跃,而银行、地产等权重类指标股今日的集体走强则是推动股指反弹的另一大主要动力来源,短线股指有望向30日均线发起挑战,操作上投资者可对于扩大内需的相关行 个股 作 重 点关注,这里我们建议可关注中国船舶。
Looked from the card that today two
[...] cities only have 8 stocks to appear fall, but rose a stock which stopped to achieve 240; And receives benefits good policy immediate influence obvious tectonic plate stock performance and so on engineering machinery, cement, steel and iron, railroad to be extremely active, but weight class target stock today's and so on bank, real estate collectives are strong are promote the stock index bounce another big prime motors to originate, the short line stock index initiates the challenge hopefully to 30 daily average lines, in the operation the investor may make the key attention regarding an expanded domestic demand related profession stock, here we suggested that may pay attention [...]
to the Chinese ships.
上周股指表现来看,市场面临中期调整的考验,我们认为从1664点以来的本次上涨的主因是经济恢复的预期以及流动性带来的资金面的充沛,但 个股 基 本面来看,市场目前的预期显然过分乐观了,不 个股 涨 幅 已经达到牛市的峰值,在价值投资无法找到洼地的时候,我们只能倾向于趋势投资,最近两周的大幅调整,明显将市场的上升趋势破坏,预计未来指数需要一段时间的震荡调整来修复趋势。
Last week, the performance index, the market faces the test of the medium-term adjustment, we believe that 1664-point rise since the main reason for this is the expected economic recovery as well as the mobility of capital brought about by
the abundant surface,
[...] but individual stocks fundamental point of view, market is clearly over-optimistic expectations, and many stocks have reached a [...]
bull market or a peak value of investments can not be found
in the depression, we can only tend to trend in investment, the recent sharp adjustment in two weeks, obviously undermine the market's upward trend in is expected to take some time for the next index of the shock to adjust to fix the trend.
拟由支助预算分配 90 万美元,设立 1 个 P-5(领导股)、1 个 P-4、1 个 P-3、 1 个 G-7、1 个 G-6 和 2 个 G-5 员额。
An allocation of $0.9 million under the support budget is proposed for one P-5 (to lead the unit), one P-4, one P-3, one G-7, one G-6, and two G-5 posts.
作为缩编 进程的一部分,证股 6 个员额调到书记官处。
As part of the downsizing process, six posts from the Evidence Unit were redeployed to Registry.
依照大会第 65/248 号决议,拟议裁撤 10 个员额(文职人员科 1 个人力资源 干事(P-4)、2 个人力资源干事(P-3)和 1 个福利助理(外勤事务);采购科 1 个采 购助理(外勤事务)和 1 个行政助理(外勤事务) ;艾滋病毒/艾滋股 1 个艾滋 病 毒/艾滋病顾问(本国干事);财务科 1 个财务助理(本国一般事务);一般事务科 2 个设施管理助理(本国一般事务));将 1 个外勤事务员额(合同管理科 1 个合同管 理助理)改划为本国一般事务员额。
Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/248, it is proposed that 10 posts be abolished (1 Human Resources Officer (P-4), 2 Human Resources Officer (P-3) and 1 Welfare Assistant (Field Service) in the Civilian Personnel Section; 1 Procurement Assistant (Field Service) and 1 Administrative Assistant (Field Service) in the Procurement Section; 1 HIV/AIDS Counsellor (National Officer) in the HIV/AIDS Unit; 1 Finance Assistant (national General Service) in the Finance Section; and 2 Facilities Management Assistant (national General Service) in the General Services Section); and that 1 Field Service post (1 Contracts Management Assistant in the Contracts Management Section) be converted to a national General Service post.
安全和安保部的人员配置目前包括由支助账户供资的 13 个专 业人员、2 个一般事务(其他职等)和 3 个安保事务职等员额,详情如下:区域业 务司维持和平行动支助处(支助处)的编制包括
11 个安保协调干事(1 个 P-5、4 个 P-4、4 个 P-3 和
[...] 2 个行政助理(一般事务(其他职等))及威胁和风股 1 个安 全 情报干事(P-4);安保和安全处特派团支助股的编制包括 [...]
1 个训练协调员(P-3)、 一个协理训练干事(P-2)和
3 个训练干事(安保事务职等)。
The staffing establishment of the Department of Safety and Security currently includes 13 Professional, 2 General Service (Other level) and 3 Security Service posts funded from the support account as follows: the Peacekeeping Operations Support Section of the Division of Regional Operations comprises 11 Security Coordination Officers (1 P-5, 4 P-4, 4 P-3 and 2 Administrative Assistants (GS (OL))) and 1 Security
Information Officer (P-4) in the
[...] Threat and Risk Unit; the Mission Support Unit of the Security [...]
and Safety Service includes
1 Training Coordinator (P-3), 1 Associate Training Officer (P-2) and 3 Training Officers (SS).
然而,其中一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管 股 的 设立而时过境迁,股的目 的是在全联合国更广泛的基础上处理业务连续性问题,同时考虑 到预防大流行病规划和其他非信息和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和本补 编第 A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而引起迁移的情 况下建立 1 个新的二级数据中心的需要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。
However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the
establishment of a
[...] central business continuity management unit to address business continuity issues on a broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planning and other non-information and communications technology aspects (see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8 in the present supplement), as well as the requirement for a new secondary data centre in the [...]
context of the relocations
due to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1).
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於本公司 股 份或股份中 擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類 股本 權益(或與該股本有關的股權) ,而該 股 本 附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.




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