

单词 个人隐私

See also:

个人 n

individuals pl
persons pl
personal data n
oneself n

私隐 n

privacy n

私人 adj

private adj
personal adj

External sources (not reviewed)

铭记根据对人权包个人隐私权的国家和国际义务,95 需要尊重与身份有 关的人权,并保护身份及有关证件和信息免遭不当泄露和非法滥用
Bearing in mind the
[...] need to respect the human rights of persons [...]
that relate to their identity and the need to protect identities
and related documents and information from inappropriate disclosure and criminal misuse, consistent with national and international human rights obligations,95 including individual privacy rights
(n) 国家机关继续违反国际法,任意或非法地干 个人隐私 , 尤其是家庭隐 私,并干扰通信,包括语音和电子邮件通信
(n) Continuing arbitrary or unlawful
interference by State
[...] authorities with the privacy of individuals, in particular related to private homes, and with [...]
their correspondence,
including voicemail and e-mail communications, in violation of international law
委员会建议制定更严格的、含有惩罚性措施的法律,禁止出于歧视性目的使 用户籍资料,特别是在就业、婚姻和住房方面,以有效保 个人隐私。
The Committee recommends the enacting of a stricter law, with punitive measures, prohibiting use of the family registration system for discriminatory
purposes, particularly in the fields of employment, marriage and housing, to
[...] effectively protect the privacy of individuals.
政府数据库、商业信息个人隐私都受 到威胁。
Government databases, business
[...] information and individual privacy are all threatened.
欲了解社交网站关于数据存储和处理顺序的目的和范围、数据的使用、您的相关权利、以及您保 个人隐私 的 选项,请参考社交网络隐私信息。
For the purpose and scope of data storage and subsequent processing and usage of the data by the social networks
and your related rights and options for
[...] protection of your privacy please see the social networks privacy informations.
巴基斯坦建议德国:(a) 承认《公民权利和政治 权利国际公约》完全 适用于国内外在其管辖之下的每一个人;(b)
在反恐措施方面充分遵守各项国际人 权文书的规 定,包括《公 民权利 和政治 权 利
[...] 国 际公约》 和 《 禁 止 酷刑公约》 的 规 定;(c) 废除侵个人隐私 权的任何 法规 ,如对私人 住宅 的 摄像监视; (d) 确保其 境 [...]
内的所 有人,不论其法律地 位如何 ,都能 充 分享有 基 本 保健、受教育和法律诉
讼权利; (e) 采取具体行动,取消就业和社会融合方面的基 于宗教的歧视性做法; (f) 对种族主义问题特别报告员的建议给予特别注意,他曾警告,要正确对待仇外 思想,以避免产生右翼极端主义。
Pakistan recommended that Germany: a) acknowledge the full applicability of ICCPR to persons subject to its jurisdiction both at home and abroad; b) in the context of counter terrorism measures fully respect the provisions of international human rights instruments including ICCPR and CAT; c) repeal
any legislation that infringe upon
[...] individuals’ right to privacy such as the video surveillance of private homes; d) ensure [...]
full access to primary
health care, education and judicial recourse to all persons present on its territory irrespective of their legal status; e) take concrete actions to deal with the discriminatory practices on the grounds of religion in access to employment and social integration; and f) pay special attention to the recommendations of the Special Rapporteur on racism who cautioned that xenophobia needs to be addressed squarely to avoid right-wing extremism.
所有人都有权取得公共资讯,只要该等资讯不属机密或不涉 个人隐私 ( 《澳门行政程序法典》第9条第1款a项) 。
Everyone is entitled to access to public information on condition that such information is
not of a confidential nature or is not
[...] related to personal privacy (Article 9 (1) (a) [...]
of the Administrative Procedure Code).
某些信息可能被从这些记录中删除,“删除程度的标准是防止 个人隐私 构 成 明显的侵犯”, 但是在这些情形下,必须提交一份书面的说明,同时说明信息被删除的程度,除非该行为本 [...]
Information may be deleted from these records, to “the extent
required to prevent a clearly
[...] unwarranted invasion of personal privacy” but in such cases [...]
a written justification must be provided
and the extent of the deletion must be indicated, unless this itself would result in the disclosure of exempt information.
(g) 研究各国如何最大限度确保支付透明性(满 个人隐私 和 安 全需求)
(g) Study how States should best ensure transparency
[...] (consistent with individuals’ privacy and security needs) [...]
about payments
这个说法源自受骗上当的人会“上钩”并泄露他们的个人信息,并且这些信息可能会被使用到信用卡或其他严重破 个人隐私 的 欺 诈行为中去。
The term relates to the idea that people will ‘take the
bait’ and disclose personal information, which can be used for credit card fraud
[...] and other serious violations of privacy.
(d) 只能在有必要进行研究并个人隐私 和 有 关数据或生物样本的保密性按照国内法 律受到保护的情况下,为医学和科学研究目的采集的人类基因数据、人类蛋白数 据和生物样本方能保持与可识别个人的关联。
(d) Human genetic data, human proteomic data and biological samples collected for medical and scientific research purposes, can remain linked to an identifiable person, only if necessary to carry out the research and provided that the privacy of the individual and the confidentiality of the data or biological samples concerned is protected in accordance with domestic law.
关于本公司的个人信息使用基本方针,请阅读 个人隐私 保 护 方针」。
For the basic policy of the Company on the handling of personal
[...] information, please refer to the Private Policy.
委员会还建议缔约国向其提供来自于自愿参与、充分尊重有个人隐私、不 公开姓名、具有针对性的社会经济调查,并可能有助于评估摩洛哥 [...]
The Committee also recommends that it be provided with any other information drawn from
targeted socio-economic research in which participation was
[...] voluntary and the privacy and anonymity of [...]
the persons concerned
were fully respected, that might assist it in evaluating the economic, social and cultural situation of the Moroccan population.
在这项研究中,提出建议,限制对一方政党的支持金额(随后关于一方政党最高支持金额39.000的修正法案应运而生);对政党给予大量金钱支持的个人也被建议和执政人员一样公开个人信息,并建议 个人隐私 法 做 相应调整。
In this study, proposals were presented to limit the sum of support allowed for one subject (later a law amendment limiting one subject’s amount of support to 39.000 Litas came into being); natural persons that support political parties by significant amounts of money are suggested to be equated to legal
entities whose personal information may be disseminated publicly, and appropriate
[...] amendments of Personal data protection laws are suggested [...]
to be made
采取措施,保护咨询者和性骚扰行为者等 个人隐私 , 并 让员工对这些措施众所周知。
(h) Taking necessary
[...] measures to protect the privacy of any consulter, [...]
harasser, etc., and making these measures known to the workers.
Medidata" 或
[...] "我们")制定本隐私政策的目的,是解释我们为何在网站中采集某些特定的信息,以及我们将如何保护您 个人隐私。
("Medidata" or "We") have created this Privacy
Policy to explain why we collect particular information and how we will
[...] protect your personal privacy within our Web Site.
在起草透明度条款和报告要求时,应适当考虑保护国家安全 个人隐私 (在 转 让给个人的情况下)以及企业保密等方面的关切。
Transparency provisions and reporting requirements should be drafted with due consideration for such
concerns as the need to protect national
[...] security, personal privacy (in the case of [...]
transfers to individuals) and corporate confidentiality.
本法旨在使官方资料更易获取,在符合公众利益和维 个人隐私 的 范 围内 保护官方资料,并为这些目的制定程序。
This Act is designed to make official information more freely available, to protect it to the extent
consistent with the public interest and
[...] preservation of personal privacy, and to establish [...]
procedures for those purposes.
我们的荣誉毫无保留地我们有义务尊重和保护个人信息的处理我们与他们 个人隐私。
We honour without reservation our obligation to respect
[...] and protect the privacy of the personal [...]
information of individuals with whom we deal.
该机构 使用 NHI
[...] 编号系统登记患者,用 HPI 系统登记医师,从而确保在准确记录的同时保 个人隐私。
The agency uses the NHI numbering system for registering patients and the HPI
system for registering medical practitioners to ensure that records are accurate
[...] while protecting the privacy of individuals.
[...] 反对派领袖遭不公正审理判罪、不合法的拘留、非 人道的监禁条件以及据称个人隐私 、 言 论自由和 集会自由的侵犯
Conviction of an opposition leader accompanied with unfair trial, unlawful detention,
inhuman conditions of detention and alleged violation
[...] of his right to privacy, freedom of expression [...]
and freedom of assembly
许多运营商网络只侧重于提供强有力的威胁保护功能,然而,理想的防滥用解决方案应结合防护功能与高精确度过滤威胁(安全),以确保尊 个人隐私 和 政 府规定。
Many carrier networks have focused solely on strong threat protection, but an ideal anti-abuse solution should combine a high degree of accuracy in
filtering threats (security) with safeguards
[...] to ensure that individual privacy and government [...]
regulations are respected.
依据个人隐私政策方针 ”致力切实地保护个人信息。
We at Repica Inc.
[...] respect the fact that the private information you have [...]
provided us with is an important property to you,
so we endeavor to protect your private information in accordance with our “ Privacy Policy ” in order to prevent any damage to our relationship of mutual trust.
在“文档检查器”对话框中单击“检查”按钮,就会把检查出的文档的批注、修订、版本和注释,文档属性和个人信息,隐藏文字等多方面的内容中可能引 个人隐私 泄 露 的小项用感叹号标记出来,我们接着点“全部删除”按钮就可以高枕无忧的去睡大觉了。
in the "Document Inspector" dialog box, click the "Check" button, the document will be to check out the comments, tracked changes, versions and annotations, document properties and personal information, hidden
text and other aspects of the content may
[...] leakage of personal privacy caused small term [...]
marked with an exclamation point, we
then point "delete all" button to sit back and relax in sleep a great feel.
有关法律规定,除涉及国家秘密 个人隐私 和 未成年人犯罪的案件外,人民 法院审理案件一律公开进行,公民可以旁听。
The relevant legislation provides that, with
the exception of cases involving State
[...] secrets, individual privacy or persons not yet [...]
of age, all trials handled by people’s
courts are to be open to the public.
用户隐私的保护 尊重和保护用户个人隐私是本网站的一项基本政策。
Protection of
[...] User Privacy It is a basic policy of the Website to respect and protect user privacy.
守法 目前,Coty正积极加入大量关注信息行为规范 个人隐私 问 题的标准制定组织。
Compliance'Currently, Coty is actively
seeking participation in a number of standard-setting groups focused on information
[...] practices and individual privacy issues.
我们尊重员工、消费者、客户、供应商以及其他与高露洁具有业务关系的人员 个人隐私 权。
We respect the personal privacy rights of our employees, consumers, customers, suppliers and other individuals with whom Colgate has a business relationship.
根据欧盟 1995 年 10 月 24 日发布的关于处理和传输个人数据时保 个人隐私 的 欧 盟指令 95/46/EC(“欧盟隐私权指令”),居住于美国以外的客户在提交个人信息时必须同意本网站可以依据本隐私声明将此信息用于一般用途,且必须同意本网站可以将此信息传输到和/或储存于美国。
In accordance with local laws implementing European Union Directive 95/46/EC of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“EU Privacy Directive”), customers located in countries outside of the United States of America who submit personal information do thereby consent to the general use of such information as provided in this Privacy Statement and to its transfer to and/or storage in the United States of America.
然而,在用户越来越注重保 个人隐私 的 今 天,IE 并不是第一个默认阻止追踪cookie [...]
For the increasing attention to privacy protection, IE is [...]
not the first one to set DNT cookie. In 2011, Apple has added
anti-tracking tool in the new version of Safari for privacy protection, allowing the users’ online behaviors to be out of tracking by marketing institutions.




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