

单词 个人身份

See also:

人身 adj

personal adj

人身 n

person n



External sources (not reviewed)

根据决议 31 C/26 的要求, 以个人身份与会 的各位专家起草了“关于蓄意破坏文化遗产 的宣言草案”。
Pursuant to 31 C/Resolution 26, experts convened in their personal capacity prepared a Draft Declaration concerning the Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage.
值得一提的是,新生儿所获得的唯一 份 序 号 ( 个人身份 证号码)将终生有效。
Newborn children are issued a unique
[...] identification code (the national identity document number) which [...]
is valid throughout their life.
(d) 在委员会第一年工作中,邀请目前获任命的专家委员会成员作为顾问个人身份参加新的委员会。
(d) In its first year of operation, invite the members
currently appointed to the Committee
[...] of Experts to participate in the new Committee as advisers in their personal capacity.
[...] 号法律旨在保护个人的尊严、完整性 个人身份 , 是 为管理人 体器官和组织的捐赠、摘取和移植而立法。
Aiming at the protection of the
[...] dignity, integrity and identity of the person, [...]
Law 2/96/M was enacted to regulate the Donation,
Removal and Transplant of Human Organs and Tissues.
委员会进一步敦促缔约 国修订个人身份法》 中的条款,允许妇女享有携子女出国的自由,无须事先征 得孩子父亲或父系亲属的同意。
The Committee further urges the State party to amend provisions in the Personal Status Code to allow [...]
the freedom of movement
of women outside the country with their children without the prior approval of the children’s father or the children’s paternal relatives.
他们表示担心说,如果国家可以在没有证实行为的性质的情况下为享有属事豁免 权的所有官员援引豁免,而不是说一名官员以官方身份履职(这等同于将事实上
[...] 的属人豁免赋予它的所有国家官员),这样可能会对事实上 个人身份 所 从 事的 行为产生豁免。
Some concerns were expressed that if a State could invoke the immunity for all of its officials enjoying immunity ratione materiae without substantiation as to the nature of the act, other than to say that an official was acting in an official capacity, that would be tantamount to according de facto immunity ratione
personae to all its State officials, leading to the possibility of immunity for acts
[...] in fact committed in a private capacity.
工作组的成员可以是非理事会成员的教科文组织会员国的国民,他们 个人身份 任 职
These working groups, whose members shall serve in a personal capacity, may include nationals of Member States of UNESCO which are not represented on the Council.
12.30 所需资源 548 300 美元包括以下款项:(a) 100 600 美元用于贸发会议届会的筹备工作和向筹 备会议提供服务,其中 27 700 美元为其他工作人员费用;48 100 美元为参与贸发会议相关筹
备和后续进程,包括出席论坛和会议的工作人员差旅费;24 800
[...] 美元为一般业务费;(b) 119 600 美元用于根据大会第 49/130 号决议支付个人身份参与 投资、企业和发展委员会年会的 16 名 专家的差旅费和每日生活津贴;(c) [...]
328 100 美元用于参加科学和技术促进发展委员会工作的
43 名代表的差旅费,以及闭会期间特设专家组与会专家的差旅费和每日生活津贴。
12.30 The amount of $548,300 comprises of the following requirements: (a) $100,600 for preparatory work and for servicing preparatory meetings of the sessions of the Conference, reflecting: $27,700 for other staff costs, $48,100 for travel of staff to various forums and meetings as part of the preparatory and follow-up processes relating to the Conference, and $24,800 for general operating expenses; (b) $119,600 for the travel
and daily subsistence
[...] allowance of 16 experts participating in their individual capacity, in the annual [...]
sessions of the Investment,
Enterprise and Development Commission, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 49/130; and (c) $328,100 for the travel of 43 representatives participating in the work of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development and the travel and daily subsistence allowance for the experts taking part in intersessional ad hoc panels of experts.
我们保留发布任个人身份或非 个人身份 信 息 的权利,如果法律要求我们这样做或者我们有正当理由相信有必要这样做,从而:(a) 完成政府请求;(b) 遵守法律要求或遵循要求我们履行的法律程序;(c) 保护本网站或其用户的合法权利或财产或为其辩护,或者 (d) 在紧急情况下,保护本网站的用户或公众的健康和安全。
We reserve the right to disclose any personally identifiable or non-personally identifiable information if we are required to do so by law or if we reasonably believe that such action is necessary in order to: (a) fulfil a government request; (b) conform to the requirements of the law or comply with any legal process served on us; (c) protect or defend our legal rights or property, this Site or our Offerings, or its users; or (d) in an emergency, protect the health and safety of this Site’s users or the general public.
如果粮农组织或世卫组织的总干事邀请专家 个人身份 参 加 本委员会及其附属 机构的会议,他们的费用应从供本委员会工作之用的正常预算经费中支付。
Should experts be invited by the Directors-General of FAO or WHO to attend sessions of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies in their individual capacity, their expenses shall be borne out of the regular budgetary funds available for the work of the Commission.
参加的专家将个人身份任职 ,不得为接受 审评国家的国民,也不得接受该国的资助。
Participating experts will serve in their personal capacity and will be neither nationals of the Party under review, nor funded by that Party.
譬如,国家当局可 以在不暗示法律承认事实上的当局的情况下承认其所提供的关于 个人身份 的初 步推定事实证明文件。
National authorities, for instance, may recognize papers provided by de facto authorities as prima facie factual proof of personal status without this implying legal recognition of the entities providing the papers.
处理客户的 MSB
[...] 交易时,可能根据美国联邦和州的具体法规规定要求客户出个 人身份信息
When processing MSB transactions for customers, the customer may be asked
[...] to provide personally identifying information [...]
as required by Federal and state specific regulations.
实名制,即在办理和进行某项业务时需要提供有效的能证 个人身份 的 证件或资料,便于彼此身份确 认,可以大幅度降低欺诈等问题的发生概率;同时更利于行业主管部门进行监管,打击犯罪,最大程度为交 [...]
Real-name system, namely valid certificate or materials
[...] proving the personal identity are required when [...]
handling and conducting some business,
so as to facilitate confirmation of identity and lower the probability of fraud and other problems to the largest extent; in addition, it will facilitate the supervision by relevant competent department, crack down crimes and safeguard the security of both transaction parties to the largest extent; therefore, CNNIC implements real-name system to warn lawbreakers on Internet and crack down crimes committed by lawbreakers by registration of domain names, and it’s very necessary to advocate and support the system.
我们鼓励我们的用户在离开我们的网站时一定要阅读每一个搜集可识 个人身份 的 信 息的网站所提供的隐私声明。
We encourage our users to be aware when they
leave our site to read the privacy statements of each and every website
[...] that collects personally identifiable information.
譬如,“巡回演出”着眼个人身份 的 构 建和重建,正如轻歌舞剧时代的喜剧演员们(乔治•伯恩斯和格雷西•艾伦、阿博特和科斯特洛、肖和李以及马克斯兄弟)在这部作品中展示的那样。
The Circuit,” for example, looks at the construction and
[...] reconstruction of personal identity as showcased in [...]
the work of Vaudeville-era comics who played
versions of themselves, such as George Burns and Gracie Allen, Abbott and Costello, Shaw and Lee, and The Marx Brothers.
[...] 所者身份证,用于登记目的,与塞尔维亚共和国所有公民拥有的适 个人身份文 件 一样有效,以便常住地以外的国内流离失所者行使有关权利。
All persons registered as internally displaced persons from the AP of Kosovo and Metohija have been issued displaced persons identity cards, which is used for registering
purposes and is valid together with an
[...] appropriate personal identity document owned [...]
by all citizens of the Republic of Serbia,
so as to facilitate the observance of pertaining rights by internally displaced persons outside of their place of residence.
(c) 特设咨询小组成员应个人身份参加 工作,不得接受任何政府的指 示。
(c) Persons appointed to the ad hoc advisory panel shall act in their personal capacities and without instructions from any Government.
必须认识到,执法机制 识个人身份的手 段往往有限,所以重要的是要培训 法律官员,让他们认识到以种族划线的后果,并且保 证立法能够提供指导。
It had to be recognized that law enforcement mechanisms often had limited means of identifying individuals so it was important to train officers of the law on the consequences of racial profiling, making sure that legislation provided guidance.
[...] 和克罗克先生然后向委员会介绍了会议的概况,表示他们和主席是 个人身份出 席会议的。
Mr. Brekke and Mr. Croker then provided the Commission with an overview of the
meeting, specifying that their participation, as well as that of the
[...] Chairperson, had been in their personal capacities.
如果我们或所有或实质上所有我们的资产、或与本网站和/或产品有关的资产被其他实体收购 个人身份 信 息、 非 个人身份 信 息 以及我们收集的有关本网站和/或我们产品的用户的任何其他信息都将作为转让资产的一部分转让给该实体。
If another entity acquires us or all or substantially all of our assets, or assets related to this Site and/or the Offerings, personally identifiable information, non-personally identifiable information, and any other information that we have collected about the users of this Site and/or our Offerings will be transferred to such entity as one of the transferred assets.
一个人一生缓慢积累起来的个人财产常常被视作个人内在成长的外在表现,这些财产犹如第二个体, 个人身份 的 关 系错综复杂。
An individual’s possessions slowly accumulated over the
course of a life often become an outward projection of an evolving inner self,
[...] entangling one’s identity like a second body.
讨 论公开进行,邀请各国政府的代表、联合国各人权机制、联合国各机关和专门机 构,以及各国国家人权机构、非政府组织和专家 个人身份 参 加 讨论。
Representatives of Governments, United Nations human rights mechanisms, United Nations bodies and specialized agencies, as well as national human rights institutions, non-governmental organizations and individual experts are invited to take part.
第三方提供。我们将您个人身份信 息 与第三方分享以便他们能给您提供有关我们商品的打折和促销以及其他我们认为您会感兴趣的信息。我们偶尔也会给您发送有关产品、服务、打折、促销或其他我们认为我们的用户和订阅者可能感兴趣的信息。如果您不想让我们和第三方使用您 个人身份 信 息 给您发送我们认为你可能感兴趣的产品和服务信息,您有义务告诉我们,通过customerservice@EnglishCentral.com与我们联系。
If you do not want us to use the information you provide in order to inform you of products and services we think might interest you, or provide your information to third party companies, it is your obligation to please let us know, by contacting us at customerservice@EnglishCentral.com.
通过 etracker
[...] 技术收集的数据不可用于确定网站访问者 个人身份 , 或 者编制化名用户的个人信息,除非取得相关人员的独立许可。
The data collected via etracker technology will not be used to
[...] determine the personal identity of the website [...]
visitor or compiled with personal data pertaining
to the user of the pseudonym unless agreed to separately by the person concerned.
这项法律适用于新泽西州及 州内任何国家/地区、市、区、政府当局、公共机构和其他任何行政区或公共机构,以及任何独资企业、合伙企
业、公司、协会或其他实体(无论如何组织以及是否组织为以营利为目的),其中包含一个金融机构(有组织、 受特许或持有依据新泽西州、其他任何州、美国或其他任何国家/地区的法律批准的许可证或授权证书),或者
[...] 包含该金融机构在新泽西州进行商业活动,编译或维护包 个人身份 信 息 在内的计算机处理记录的的母公司或 子公司。
The law applies to New Jersey, and any country, municipality, district, public authority, public agency, and any other political subdivision or public body in New Jersey, any sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, association, or other entity, however organized and whether or not organized to operate at a profit, including a financial institution organized, chartered, or holding a license or authorization certificate under the law of New Jersey, any other state, the United States, or of any other country, or the parent or the subsidiary of a financial institution, that conducts
business in New Jersey that compiles or maintains computerized records
[...] that include personally identifiable information.
即便使用由国家颁发个人身份证号码来识别设保人的身份特征,还将仍 然有必要按照上文所述的大致内容列入关于确定设保人正确姓名的补充规则, 以便照顾到设保人并非一国公民或居民从而该国未向其颁 个人身份 号 码的情 形(除非一国认可外国护照号码足以识别外国公民的身份特征)。
Even if a
[...] State-issued personal identification number is used to identify a grantor, it will still be necessary to include supplementary rules for determining the correct name of the grantor along the lines set forth above in order to accommodate cases where the grantor is not a citizen or resident of the State and therefore has not been issued a personal identification number (unless [...]
a State accepts the
number of the foreign passport as sufficient to identify foreign nationals).
目前,专家个人身份参与 专家委员会工作,而专家委员 会的模式设定个人是国际税务合作所有方面的“专家”。
Currently, experts participate in the work of the Committee in their personal capacity and the format of the Committee assumes that individuals are “experts” on all aspects of international tax cooperation.
特别顾问征求意见的专家之一c 以个人身份表示,有些居住在欧洲、美国和 加拿大的人具有适当的资格和经验,他们愿意为境外法庭服务。
One of the experts consulted by the Special Adviserc indicated in his personal capacity that there are a number of suitably qualified and experienced individuals living in Europe, the United States and Canada who would be willing to serve in an extraterritorial court.




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