

单词 丧权辱国

External sources (not reviewed)

在 此期间,中国与西方列强签订了今天被形容 丧权辱国 的若干条约。
During this period, China signed what are now
[...] described as several humiliating treaties with Western powers.
国家若不履行保障妇女享有免遭暴 力权利, 放任持续不断的暴力,会最终致使妇 丧 生。
The failure of States to guarantee the right of women to a life free from violence allows for a continuum of violence that [...] [...]
can end in the deaths of women.
相互尊重 对确保解决权事宜 时的有效对话和沟通大有裨 益,在这方面,他谴责指名或辱其 他 国 家 造 成的 任何压力。
Mutual respect could go a long way to ensure
effective dialogue and
[...] communication in addressing human rights matters, and in that regard, he condemned any pressure, naming or humiliating of other countries.
同样有关的 还有《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第12条,涉及缔约国消除保健方面对妇
[...] 女歧视的义务;《残疾人权利公约》第25(b)条规定,医疗卫生应“提供旨在尽量 减轻残疾和预防残疾恶化的服务,包括向儿童和老年人提供这些服务”;《公民及 政权利国际公约》第 7条禁止酷刑或残忍、不人道或辱人 格 的待遇或处罚, 其中包括禁止未经自由同意进行医疗或科学试验。
Equally relevant are the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, article 12, concerning the obligation of States to eliminate discrimination against women in health care; the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, article 25 (b), which requires that health services be “designed to minimize and prevent further disabilities, including among children and older persons”; and the
International Covenant on
[...] Civil and Political Rights, article 7, which prohibits torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment [...]
or punishment
and includes the prohibition of medical or scientific experimentation without free consent.
所涉提案包括设置:(a) 第 35 款下的 13 个安全和安保员额,包括在日内瓦的 5 个一般事务(其他职等)员额,以落实一个必要的警犬股并领导危机管理培训,以及在亚 的斯亚贝巴的 8 个一般事务(当地职等)员额,以支持安保控制中心;(b) 第 24 款下的 4 个 一般事务(其他职等)员额,为权理 事会和包括强迫失踪问题委员会和防范酷刑和其他残 忍、不人道或辱人格 待遇或处罚小组委员会在内的各条约机构提供行政和文书支助;(c) 2 个一般事务(其他职等)员额,以支 国 际 法院;以及(d) 在联国停战监督组织的 2 个一 般事务(当地职等)员额,以提供跨国际边界运输服务。
These include proposals for the establishment of (a) 13 Safety and Security posts under section 35, comprised of 5 General Service (Other level) posts in Geneva to implement a necessary canine unit and lead crisis management training, and 8 General Service (Local level) posts in Addis Ababa to support the security control centres, (b) 4 General Service (Other level) posts under section 24 to
[...] administrative and clerical support to the Human Rights Council and the treaty bodies, including the Committee on Enforced Disappearances and the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, (c) 2 General Service (Other level) posts to support the International Court of Justice [...]
and (d) 2 General Service
(Local level) posts in UNTSO to provide transportation services across international borders.
决议让使继国有权提出,如果有关的人自愿取得继 国 的 国 籍 ,应 以 丧失 其原有国籍为条件。
The resolution also entitles the predecessor State to make it a condition that persons concerned shall lose its nationality [...]
if they voluntarily
acquire the nationality of a successor State.
特别报告员指出,一会国表示第 11 条草案的规定过于僵化,随着武装 冲突的展开,对条约存续问题的看法也可能改变,因此,可能有些时候只有当武 装冲突对条约已产生影响时,才能认识到决 丧 失 终 止条 权 利 的 条件,而不一 定在冲突爆发之际就能如此。
The Special Rapporteur noted
[...] that a Member State had expressed the view that the rule in draft article 11 was too rigid and that the perceptions and matter of survival of treaties could change as an armed conflict unfolded, and that, accordingly, the circumstances that led to the loss of the right to put an end to a treaty could sometimes only be appreciated once the armed conflict had produced its effect on the treaty, which was not necessarily [...]
the case
at the outbreak of the conflict.
就其性质而言,这些手 段完全有效,除非派遣国立即召回被反对的成员,因为接 国 撤 回 对他作为 代表团的一名成员的承认,几乎立 丧 失 其 特 权 和 豁 免的前景,实际上将迫 使该人基于他自己的利益立刻离开。
These means are, by their nature, entirely efficacious, for unless the sending State recalls the member of the
mission objected to
[...] forthwith, the prospect of the almost immediate loss of his privileges and immunities, because of the withdrawal by the [...]
receiving State of
his recognition as a member of the mission, will in practice compel that person, in his own interest, to depart at once.
在地震发生后,稳定团调整了业务,以完成四个增列的优先事项: ( a) 国家 能力丧失和选举推迟后维护政治稳定;(b) 恢复震后海地国家警察、司法和惩教 机构的体制能力,以确保安全和法治;(c) 加强国家能力,保护震后弱势群体权利, 特别是妇女和儿童;(d) 确保公平有效地提供人道主义援助,确保恢复进 程一视同仁且资源充沛。
In the aftermath of the earthquake, the Mission
realigned its operations in order to meet four additional priorities: (a) maintaining political stability in the
[...] wake of the loss of State capacity and the postponement of elections; (b) restoring institutional capacity of the Haitian National Police, judicial and correctional institutions affected by the earthquake to ensure security and the rule of law; (c) increasing State capacity to protect the rights of vulnerable groups [...]
affected by the earthquake,
in particular women and children; and (d) ensuring fair and effective delivery of humanitarian assistance and an equitable and well-resourced recovery process.
12 岁及以下巴勒斯坦儿童进
[...] 行的心理学研究显示,目睹父母被以色列士兵殴打或 辱 , 与 该儿 丧 失 生 活意 愿两者之间存在着高度关联,令人不安。
Psychological studies of Palestinian children 12 and under show a disturbingly high
correlation between witnessing
[...] a parent beaten or humiliated by Israeli soldiers [...]
and the loss by the child of a will to live.
(5) 尽管(a)和(b)项提到“受害国或国际组织”,但根据第 49 条,就权作为非 受国或受害国际组织援引责任国 家 或 国 际 组织而言,也可能出现由于放弃或 默认丧失援引责权利的情况。
(5) Although subparagraphs (a) and (b) refer to “the injured State or
[...] [...] international organization”, a loss of the right to invoke responsibility because of a waiver or acquiescence may occur also for a State or an international organization that is [...]
entitled, in accordance with article 49, to invoke responsibility not as an injured State or international organization.
不过,联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)2010 年对 80 个国家进行 的一项研究认定,虽然过去十年间教育领域总体取得了进展,但完 丧 失 受权的现象依然极其严重。
Nevertheless, a study of 80 countries conducted in 2010 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) concluded that absolute deprivation in education remained at extraordinarily high levels, despite general progress made in the area of education over the past decade.
(2) 很清楚,对受国而言,援引责权 利 的 丧 失 很 难取决于责任实体是国家 还是国际组织。
(2) It is clear that, for an
[...] injured State, the loss of the right to invoke responsibility can [...]
hardly depend on whether
the responsible entity is a State or an international organization.
继续允许卡扎菲政权在人权理事会享有发言权 将不仅是对奋起要求自由、民主、人权与法治的利比 亚人民的辱,也是对把权理事 会视为联 国 促进和保护人权、处理侵犯人权局势的主要机关的整个国 际社会的嘲弄。
To continue to allow the Al-Qadhafi regime a voice in the Human Rights Council would be an affront not only to the people of Libya, who have risen up to
demand freedom,
[...] democracy, human rights and the rule of law, but also to the entire international community, which looks to the Human Rights Council as [...]
the principal body of
the United Nations for promoting and protecting human rights and for addressing situations where violations occur.
关于乌拉圭不久前遭受的国家恐怖主义,乌拉圭代表团称,议会最近通过 了法律,承国家实 施了非法行动,将对在乌拉圭历史上这一 辱 时 期 侵犯权 行为的受害者给予全面赔偿。
In connection with the State terrorism that Uruguay had suffered in the recent past, the delegation stated that Parliament had recently adopted a law recognizing the illegal
action carried out by the
[...] State and the comprehensive reparation of victims of human rights violations during this shameful period in the history [...]
of Uruguay.
马哈茂德·艾哈迈迪-内贾德总统在上星期五的讲话中说,“犹太 国 主义 政权的存在本身是……对全世界国 的 侮 辱 ” ,并呼吁“全体人类社会将这一污 点——及犹太国主义政权从人 类中消灭掉”。
In remarks last Friday, President
[...] Ahmadinejad said that “the very existence of the Zionist regime is ... an affront to all world nations” and called on “all human communities to wipe out this scarlet letter, meaning the Zionist [...]
regime, from the forehead of humanity”.
值此重要关头,我们再次呼吁国际社会,包括安全理事会、大会和其他有关 联合国机构,紧急采取行动,迫使占 国 以 色列停止其行政拘留的非法行径,停 止侵犯权和侮辱关押 在监狱和拘留中心的巴勒斯坦人的尊严,并立即采取行 动,释放非法关押的所有巴勒斯坦人。
At this critical juncture, we reiterate our call on the international community, including the Security Council, the General Assembly and other relevant United Nations bodies, to act urgently to compel Israel, the occupying Power, to cease its
illegal practice of
[...] administrative detention, to cease its human rights violations and affronts to the human dignity of the Palestinians [...]
held in its prisons
and detention centres, and to act forthwith to release all Palestinians it is unlawfully incarcerating.
最高 法院进一步指出,言论自由的行使“必须尊重其它人权,包括予以保护、以免由 于宗教信仰遭受辱和羞辱性歧视的 权 利 ”
The Court further noted that freedom of expression must be exercised “with necessary
respect for other human
[...] rights, including the right to protection against insulting and degrading discrimination [...]
on the basis of religious belief”.
几内亚请法院“裁定并宣告:(a) 由于任意逮捕和驱逐几内亚国民艾哈迈 杜·萨迪奥·迪亚洛先生执行强制逮捕和驱逐,没有根据 1963 年《维也纳领事 关系公约》尊重他权利,给予他 辱 性 和 有 辱 人 格 的待遇,剥夺他拥有、监督 和管理在刚果民主共国创立 并担任唯一合伙人的公司的权利,阻止他追讨刚果 民主共国本身 和其他合同方拖欠上述公司债务的权利,并在事实上征用迪亚洛 先生的财产,刚果民主共和国实施了国际不法行为,使其应对几内亚共和国负责; (b) 刚果民主共和国因此必须对迪亚洛先生或几内亚共和国通过其国民遭受的 [...]
这种赔偿应覆盖刚果民主共和国的不法行为所造成的全 部伤害,包括收入损失,并应包括利息”。
associé; in preventing him in that capacity from pursuing recovery of the numerous debts owed to the said
companies both by
[...] the Democratic Republic of the Congo itself and by other contractual partners; and in expropriating de facto Mr. Diallo’s property, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has committed internationally wrongful acts which engage its [...]
responsibility to the
Republic of Guinea; (b) that the Democratic Republic of the Congo is accordingly bound to make full reparation on account of the injury suffered by Mr. Diallo or by the Republic of Guinea in the person of its national; (c) that such reparation shall take the form of compensation covering the totality of the injuries caused by the internationally wrongful acts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including loss of earnings, and shall also include interest”.
根据其结论意见第 13 段,委员会表示关切的是,该缔国 的 既决罪犯必 须从事强迫或强制劳动,如果不劳动,就面临着“种种惩罚” 丧 失 种种 特 权 ,如 向法院申请提前释放的可能。
Under paragraph 13 of its concluding observations, the Committee expressed concern that convicted prisoners in the State party are required
to perform forced or compulsory work and
[...] if they refuse to perform the work they face “penalties” in the form of loss of privileges, such as possibility to apply to the court for early release.
可持续发展问题全球首脑会议的遗产正是在于,通过确定综合经济政策使可 持续发展能够既取得成效又不会因纵 权 力 的 诱惑 丧 失 对 横向协同作用的追 求,努力确保将全球资源调配到所需要的地方,消除这些不匹配情况,不仅联合国和整 合各项议程,而且让“所有其他一切各得其所”。
The legacy of global summits on sustainable development is precisely to overcome these mismatches, and not only to bring countries and agendas together but also make “everything else fall into place” by identifying integrated economic policies, by enabling sustainable development to become effective without losing its aspirations for horizontal synergy to the temptation of vertical authority, and by seeking to ensure that global resources are channelled to where they are needed.
(d) 工作人员变更其居留身份,致使秘书长认为,有关工作人员可视为其国 籍国以外的另一国的永久居民时,如秘书长认定,该工作人员继续根据回籍假地 点享有回籍假、教育补助金、离职时本人和配偶及受扶养子女的 国 补 助 金和旅 费,以及家用物品搬运费,将有违这些津贴或福利的原意,该工作人员即可丧 失这些权利。
(d) A staff member who has changed his or her residential status in such a way that he or she may, in the opinion of the Secretary-General, be deemed to be a permanent resident of any country other than that of his or her nationality may lose entitlement to home leave, education grant, repatriation grant and payment of travel expenses upon separation for the staff member and his or her spouse and dependent children and removal of household effects, based upon
place of home leave,
[...] if the Secretary-General considers that the continuation of such entitlement would be contrary to the purposes for which the allowance or benefit was created.
9.5 执行局根据第一八五届会议上就付款计划的报告指出,“截至
[...] 2010 年 6 月底,仍有 10 个会员国既未缴纳当年的会费,也未按大会批准的让其以分期付款的方式清偿累计欠款的付 款计划缴纳拖欠的会费”,并且紧急呼吁“未缴纳经常会费和和付款计划规定的分期付款的 会国毫不 迟疑地缴纳拖欠的会费,”同时铭记若非如此将有可能在大会第三十六届会议丧失表决权。
9.5 Further to the report on payment plans at its 185th session, the Executive Board noted, “the failure of 10 Member States to pay up to the end of June 2010 the amounts due by them against payment plans approved by the General Conference for settlement of their accumulated arrears in annual instalments, in addition to the current year’s contributions”, and urgently appealed “to those Member States that are behind with the payment of their regular contributions
and instalments under payment plans to
[...] pay their arrears without delay”, bearing in mind the risk of loss of voting rights that may otherwise ensue at the 36th session of the General Conference.
难民资格的申请人须由难民事务委员会及联合国难民事务高级专员办事处 共同评估,按照国际法原则决定适用的内部门法律,须强调联 国 难 民 事务高级 专员办事处权参与承认丧失难 民地位程序的任何阶段、列席与申请人或难民 的面谈、向申请人或难民提供各种协助。
It is important to stress that the UNHCR is entitled to take direct part in the application process, to freely contact persons who request the status of refugee (as well as refugees), and to give them any kind of support that it deems necessary.
9. 一些代表团提到,必须确保被驱逐者享有一些受特殊保障的人权,如生命权, 禁止将个人驱逐到可能遭受酷刑或任何其他形式残忍、不人道或 辱 人 格 待遇国家,以及家庭生权利。
Some delegations mentioned a number of specific human rights guarantees to be afforded to persons being expelled, such as the right to life, the prohibition against expelling an individual to a State in which there was a risk that he or she
would be subjected to torture or other cruel,
[...] inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and the right to family life.




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