

单词 丧天害理

External sources (not reviewed)

更严重的害可能 指向老年痴呆症和阿尔茨海默氏病,它涉及到的其他认知能力 丧 失 , 如学习, 理 , 决 策和注意。
More serious impairment may point to Dementia and Alzheimer's disease, which involves loss of other cognitive abilities, such as learning, reasoning, decision making and attention.
天,我们怀念所有害者: 在爆炸丧生者 、在爆炸后立即为尽力控制其影响而 献身的勇士,以及后来因核污染而生病的人。
Today, we pay tribute to the memory of all of the victims: those who lost their lives [...]
during the explosion, the brave ones
who gave their lives in striving to contain the effects of the explosion in the immediate aftermath, and those who subsequently suffered from diseases caused by the pollution.
因此,我们天如何 解释妇女在分娩过程中由于 缺乏足够理而丧生的现象?
So how can we today justify a woman dying during childbirth as a result of the lack adequate care?
新指标扩大了自然灾害的覆盖范围,纳入了干旱和极端温度 天 气 和 气候灾害、 洪水和风暴等其天气和气候害、 以 及地震或火山等地球 理 灾 害。
It improves coverage of natural disasters by
[...] including weather and climaterelated disasters such as drought and extreme temperatures, other weather and climate-related disasters such as floods and storms, as well as geophysical disasters such as earthquakes [...]
or volcanoes.
平稳过渡机制,除其他外,应理最 终 丧 失 贸 易优惠的冲击,以及如 何确保适当取得资金和旨在减少该国对自然 害 的 脆 弱性的方案。
Smooth transition mechanisms should address,
among other things, the impact
[...] of the eventual loss of trade preferences as well as how to ensure appropriate access to funds and programmes aimed at reducing the country’s vulnerability to natural disasters.
审计委员会还注意到,用每日和每周磁带制作每月备份磁带,因此将每日 和每周磁带保存在保险箱外并不安全,如发生 害 就 会 丧 失 一 个月的数据。
The Board further noted that the monthly back-up tapes were made out of the daily and weekly tapes and therefore it was
not safe to keep the daily and weekly tapes out of the safe, as
[...] data could be lost for a month in the event of a disaster.
其他派代表出席本届会议的实体包括:亚洲备灾中心、亚洲减灾 和应对害网络、亚理工学 院、亚洲再保险公司、人道主义援助和 民事保护总局(欧洲联盟委员会)、红十字会与红新月国际联合会、国 际全球航空天监测 系统项目国际执行委员会、国际标准化组织、日 本宇宙航空研究开发机构、太平洋岛屿电信协会、以及日本遥感技术 中心。
Other entities represented included: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center; Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network; Asian Institute of Technology; Asian Reinsurance Corporation; Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (European Commission); International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; International Committee on the International Global Monitoring Aerospace System Project Implementation; International Organization for Standardization; Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) and Remote Sensing Technology Centre of Japan.
天, 很多穆斯林人继续在伊拉克、阿富汗、也门和索马里 的爆炸中沦为害者,有的甚丧生 于 清真寺中。
Today, many Muslims continue to fall victim to bombings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia — some even in mosques.
俄罗斯联邦 2005 年在空间研究及和平利用外层空间领域的国家活动是由俄 罗斯联邦天局根 据俄罗斯联邦空间计划、专门的全球轨道导航卫星系统方案和 其他专门计划与俄罗斯科学院、国防部、民防、紧急情况和自然 害 管 理 部 、 信 息技术和通信部、联邦大地测量和地图绘制局、联邦水文气象和环境监督局以及 空间信息和服务的其他客户和用户合作进行的。
The national activities of the Russian Federation in the field of space research and the use of outer space for peaceful purposes in 2005 were carried out by the Russian Federal Space Agency in accordance with the Russian Federal Space Programme, the special federal Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) programme and other special programmes in cooperation with the
Russian Academy of
[...] Sciences, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and Natural Disaster Management, the Ministry for Information Technologies and Communication, the Federal Geodesy and Cartography Agency, [...]
the Federal Hydrometeorology
and Environmental Monitoring Service and other clients and users of space information and services.
伦敦外交和联邦事务部外边矗立着一座纪 念碑,纪念巴厘爆炸事件 202 名害者,其中包括在天丧生的 28 名英国人;我每天触景生情,将此铭 记在心。
I am reminded of this each day; outside the Foreign and Commonwealth
Office in London stands a
[...] memorial to the 202 victims of the Bali bombings, including 28 British people who died that day.
理事会对人丧生和 受伤感到痛惜, 并向害者及 其家属以及韩国人民和政府表示 深切的同情和慰问,同时呼吁对此事件的责任者 采取适当且和平的措施,旨在依照《联合国宪章》 及国际法的所有其他有关规定,和平解决这一问 题。
The Security
[...] Council deplores the loss of life and injuries and expresses its deep sympathy and condolences to the victims and their families [...]
and to the people
and Government of the Republic of Korea, and calls for appropriate and peaceful measures to be taken against those responsible for the incident aimed at the peaceful settlement of the issue in accordance with the United Nations Charter and all relevant provisions of international law.
(c) 因疏忽行为而致使这些儿童或残疾人遭受 害 或 丧 失 肢 体,或造成身 体或精神残疾。
(c) Through neglect, causing such a child or disabled person to suffer damage or loss of limbs, or physical or mental disability.
(Macasía River)環境重建計畫」、協助薩爾瓦多、史瓦 濟蘭「安全飲用水計畫」、在太平洋六友邦推動「臺 灣一盞燈計畫」、索羅門群島「全國森林種植發展計 畫」、帛琉「污水理系統改善計畫」、海地「整治尖 沙海灘計畫」、宏都拉斯「西天然 災 害 防 治 計畫」、 吐瓦魯「廢棄物減量計畫」及「捐助國際保育計畫」 等。
k. Environmental protection: Macasía River Recovery Project in the Dominican Republic, Program for Environmental Pollution Control in El Salvador and Access to Potable Water in Rural Swaziland Project, Light Up Taiwan Project in six allied nations in the Pacific, Nationwide Forestation Campaign in the Solomon
Islands, Program to
[...] Improve Sewage Disposal Systems in Palau, Point Sable Beach Renovation Program in Haiti, Program on Prevention and Control of Natural Disasters in the West [...]
in Honduras, Funafuti
Household Solid Waste Reduction Technical Assistance Project in Tuvalu, and donations to international conservation programs.
迈尔-哈廷先生(奥地利)(以英语发言):首先, 请允许我就最近天来挪 威政府和人民遭受的可怕 灾难向他们表示我深切的慰问,这场灾难导致许多力 求对话和相理解的青年丧生。
(Austria): Let me first of all express my deep-felt condolences to the people and Government of Norway for the terrible calamity that they have suffered in recent days — a calamity that caused the deaths of so many young people striving for dialogue and mutual understanding.
确认联合国害管理和应急天基信 息平台(天基信息平台)执行任务的进展, 鼓励会员国自愿向天基信息平台提供一切必要的支持,包括财务支持,使其能够 执行其 2010-2011 年度工作计划,并重申必须通过让所有国家更多地获得和利用 天基技术服务,促进害管理 方面的能力建设和加强体制工作,尤其是在发展中 国家中这样做,来加强全球在灾害管理和应急方面的国际协调与合作
Recognizing the progress made by the United Nations
Platform for Spacebased
[...] Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UNSPIDER) in its mission, encouraging Member States to provide all support necessary, on a voluntary basis, to UN-SPIDER, including financial support, to enable it to carry out its workplan for 2010–2011, and reiterating the importance of enhancing international coordination and cooperation at the global level in disaster management [...]
and emergency response
through greater access to and use of spacebased services for all countries and by facilitating capacity-building and institutional strengthening for disaster management, in particular in developing countries
我們已開發出多種分析工具、專屬模型及報表系統,可幫助 貴公司針 天 然 及 人為 害 風 險 實施 理。
We have developed a wide range of
analytical tools, proprietary models and reporting systems to help you
[...] manage risks stemming from natural and man-made disasters.
为了提高对发展中国家和转型期国家处境不利的青年人掌握信息,教科文组织根据国 际青年信息和数据交流网计划在拉丁美洲和非洲开展了一些活动,来满足处境不利的青年的 需要,包括开展并支持信息与传播技术技能培训,内容制作,网络连接,人体免疫机 丧失 病/后天免疫机能丧失综 合症预防以及促进地区内合作。
To contribute to enhancing access to information of disadvantaged youth in developing countries and countries in transition, UNESCO initiated, under the INFOYOUTH Programme, several activities in Latin America and Africa which addressed the needs of disadvantaged young people, including the development and support of ICT skills training, content production, networking, HIV/AIDS preventive activities and fostering interregional cooperation.
在 此期间,中国与西方列强签订了天 被 形容 为 丧 权 辱国 的若干条约。
During this period, China signed what are now described as several humiliating treaties with Western powers.
特别委员会强调 5 月 29 日的重要性,这一天是联合国维和人员国际日,是为 联合国维和行动服务的男女维和人员的高度专业精神、献身精神和勇气致敬,并
[...] 特别缅怀那些为维护和平与安全献出生命的人,包括在 2010 年 1 月 12 日海地地 震丧生者的一天。
The Special Committee emphasizes the importance of 29 May, as the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers as a tribute to all the men and women who have served and continue to serve in United Nations peacekeeping operations for their high level of professionalism, dedication and courage and to honour the memory of those who have lost
their lives in the cause of peace, including those
[...] whose lives were lost in the earthquake [...]
in Haiti on 12 January 2010.
在小组委员会第 728 次会议上,联合国害管理和应急响 天 基 信 息平台 (害天基信息平台)方案协调员就 2009 年开展的活动和计划在 2010 年开展 的活动的执行情况作了发言。
At the 728th meeting of the Subcommittee, the Programme Coordinator for the United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) made a statement on the activities carried out in 2009 and on the implementation of the activities planned for 2010.
例如,检察官 2009 年 12 月第一次正式访问贝鲁特时,会见了在黎 巴嫩恐怖袭击丧生的四个害人的 家庭。
For example, during his first official mission to Beirut, in
December 2009, the Prosecutor met with
[...] the families of four victims who had lost their lives [...]
in terrorist attacks that had taken place in Lebanon.
如果联合国通过其秘书长和他的代表做出的提 议不能得到适当考虑,本组织及其机构——特别是安理事会将在手无寸铁的平民的眼 丧 失 所 有的公 信力,因为他们呼吁我们承担起责任在武装冲突中保 护他们。
If the proposals presented by the United Nations through its Secretary-General and his representatives are not given due consideration, the Organization and its main bodies, the Security Council in particular, will lose all credibility in the eyes of unarmed civilians, who call on us to assume our responsibility for protecting them in armed conflict.
此外,退出市场,就不可能涵盖所有可能影响价格形成的行动, 天 气 , 罢工, 害 管 理 是 好 是坏,腐败,利润和亏损的公司,新的法律,政治决定,战争和其他许多人。
Moreover, out of the market would be impossible to cover all the possible
influences of price formation of an
[...] action, such as weather, strikes, disasters, good or bad [...]
management, corruption, profits
and losses of a company, new laws, political decisions, wars and many others.
和其他条约机构和特别程序一样,工作组制 定这一程序主要是用于以下类型的案件:有充分可靠的指控称某人可能受到任意 拘留,且指控的侵犯行为需要尽快 理 , 因 为涉 丧 失 生 命或威胁生命的情况, 或继续监禁将给害人带 来迫在眉睫或持续的严重损害。
As other treaty bodies and special procedures, the Working Group has developed such a procedure mainly for cases in which there are sufficiently reliable allegations that a person may be detained arbitrarily and that the alleged violations may be
time-sensitive in terms
[...] of involving loss of life, lifethreatening situations or either imminent or ongoing damage of a very grave nature to victims in the event [...]
of the continuation of the detention.
两个三方委员会的规则与程序已经商定,任务分别为:(a) 处理以前
[...] 被认定为战争俘虏但目前依然下落不明的失踪人员案件;和(b) 处理在战斗中丧 生或 失踪的人员案件,包括找回、验明和移交人体遗骸。
Agreement was reached on the rules and procedures of two tripartite committees that have the respective tasks of resolving: (a) cases of former and presumed prisoners of war
still unaccounted for; and (b) cases of
[...] persons missing or killed in combat, including [...]
the recovery, identification and handover of human remains.
基督教的救恩论里面,不只是说救恩是免费而白白赐给我们的,最伟大之处,是当我 们还不知道什么是恩典、甚至是明着顶撞神、犯法、犯罪、做出 天害理 的 事情时, 主就已经定意为我们上十字架了!这表示我们是在最不配得的光景里面,白白领受这 份无价的恩典的!这是神至高的爱,也是我们基督徒所传扬的信息。
In the Christian doctrine of salvation, not only is salvation the free gift from God, the greatest thing about it is that while we do not yet understand what grace is, and even when we are still offending God by committing some unlawful, criminal or even atrocious acts, our Lord Jesus is determined to die for us on the cross!
2000 年,题为“审查人体免疫机丧失病 / 后 天 免 疫机 能 丧 失 综 合症问题 的所有方面”的项目列入大会第五十四届会议议程(A/54/238)。
The item entitled “Review of the problem of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in all its aspects” was included in the agenda of the fifty-fourth session of the General Assembly, in 2000 (A/54/238).




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