

单词 丧事

See also:

be in mourning
corpse (old)
make funeral arrangements
be defeated

External sources (not reviewed)

让病人及家人可以为将来作计划─ 包括    订立遗嘱、返回祖籍、计丧事,或 者其    他很多他们希望在辞世前想要做的事情  [...]
 ─ 如何他们不知道真相,便没有机会去    完成上述的任务。
To allow patients and families to prepare for the future – this might involve writing a
will, travelling to the family home,
[...] planning a funeral, or many other things which they [...]
want to do before they die, and which
may not be done if they do not hear the truth.
我们或许可以要求一位心灵支持的专职人员 加入团队,或者我们需要找出当地宗教社群的 成员或领导,让我们可以请他们来陪伴病人、 举行重要仪式或丧事的风 俗习惯和礼仪提供 意见。
It may be possible to include someone in our team whose focus is spiritual support, or we may need to identify members and leaders of local faith communities who we can call upon to spend time with patients, carry out important rituals or advise on customs and practices surrounding death.
世界银行为了编写其 2011 年关于冲突和脆弱性的世界发展报告而委托进行的 分析,证实了一个令人丧的事实— —遭受冲突蹂躏 并且到处充满脆弱性的国家没有取得必要的进展,使 千年发展目标能成为它们人民的现实。
The analysis that the World Bank has commissioned to inform its 2011 world development report on conflict and fragility confirms a disheartening fact — countries that are wracked by conflict and that suffer endemic fragility are not making the progress they need if the Millennium Development Goals are to become a reality for their people.
我们要求以色列当局首先对导致生 丧 失 的事 件和 随后采取的行动作一个全面、及时和透明的交 代,包括采取什么样的措施确保进行公正和全面的调 查,并确保不会发生进一步的生丧 失 事 件。
We call on the Israeli authorities first to provide a full,
timely and transparent
[...] account of the incident that led to the loss of life and the subsequent actions taken, including what measures are in hand to ensure an impartial and comprehensive investigation and to ensure that there is no further such loss of life.
电缆尾线通过插头连线到导体脚针(采用压接或焊接工艺),然后通过收缩套管并采用合成橡胶灌封工艺对其进行绝缘,以确保即使在极端环境条件下也能保持良好的电气功能(这在发生冷却 丧 失 事故 (LOCA) 期间非常重要)。
The cable tails are connected to the pins by plugs, crimping or soldering and then insulated by shrinking sleeve and potting with elastomer to ensure
the electrical function even during extreme environmental conditions
[...] (important during Loss of Coolant Accident, LOCA).
还请允许我重申,葡萄牙向在为联合国和国际社 会服务时在最近发生的飞机事中丧 生 者 的家属、同 事和朋友表示慰问。
Allow me also to reiterate Portugal’s condolences
[...] to the families, colleagues and friends of [...]
those who lost their lives in the recent
plane crash while serving the United Nations and the international community.
尽管塔利班和基地组织造成大多数的平民伤亡, 但军事行动造成无辜生丧失的事件 增 多了。
While most civilian casualties are caused by the Taliban and
[...] Al-Qaida, incidents of loss of innocent [...]
life during military operations have increased.
但是,我们能够也必须更加努力避免附带损害和 友军误击,如昨天发生的导致五名阿富汗军 丧 生的事件。
However, we can and must do more to prevent
collateral damage and friendly fire, such as in
[...] the unfortunate incident yesterday that [...]
cost the lives of five Afghan servicemen.
如果他认为应当提到在 2004 年 有 18 名塞族公丧生——我们对事件极 为遗憾— —那么,他也应该提到 1999 [...]
年有 15 000 阿族人遭到 屠杀。
If he deems it appropriate to
[...] mention 18 Serb citizens killed in 2004 — which we so unspeakably [...]
regret — he should have
mentioned 15,000 Albanians slaughtered in 1999.
申请签证仍然是一件既令 人丧又费时的事,即 便是对新政府所支持的那些 机构来说也是如此。
Obtaining visas can still be a frustrating and time-consuming experience even for those organisations that the new government is supportive of.
一个组织如果在发生破坏事件过 程中 丧 失 信息或数据,属于复 原力比较强的组织,这就是今天投入信息技术的资源比从前多的原因。
An organization is more resilient if it does not lose its information or data or access to it during disruptive events, which is why more resources are invested in IT today than before.
然而,在本报告所述期间中部非洲国家经济共同体和中部非洲经济和货币 共同体成员国国民跨境流动的紧张局势一直没有化解,并且至少发生了一起导致 人丧生的事件。
Tensions related to cross-border movements of nationals of member States of ECCAS and the Central African Economic and
Monetary Community remained during the period under review, however, with
[...] at least one incident resulting in loss of life.
巴勒斯坦人民,还有世界各地 的善良的人自问为什么哈马斯在 4 年内因发射“土制火箭”致使 9 名以色列平丧生一事应受 到全世界的谴责,而与此同时,在近 4 周期间有 1 300 多名巴勒斯 坦平民(包括 300 多名儿童和 100 名妇女)被杀害、近 [...]
6 000 名巴勒斯坦人受伤以 及上文所述对 150 万平民进行集体惩罚的,行为则可善意忽视或被说成是冲突的 “附带损害”。
The Palestinian people, and for that matter people of goodwill all over the world, ask
themselves the question
[...] why the killing by Hamas of nine Israeli civilians as a result of “crude rocket” firing over a period of four years deserves [...]
worldwide condemnation,
while at the same time the killing of over 1,300 Palestinian civilians (including over 300 children and 100 women) and the injuring of almost 6,000 Palestinians within a period of almost four weeks and the collective punishment of 1.5 million civilians as described above can be treated with benign neglect or categorized as “collateral damage” of the conflict.
显然,阿拉伯世界的普遍情绪是深感 丧 , 因为 安全事会今 年早些时候未能就以色列定居点这一 关键问题作出表态,尽管空前之多的国家成为了我国 [...]
代表团向安理会提出的决议草案(S/2011/24)的提案 国。
It is clear that the prevailing sentiment in the Arab world
is one of deep frustration
[...] following the failure of this Council earlier this year to express [...]
itself on the critical issue
of Israeli settlements, even though the draft resolution (S/2011/24) that my delegation had presented to the Council had been sponsored by an unprecedented number of States.
因此,对所发生的一切追究刑事责任是重要的, 以免安全事会丧失更 多的信誉及合法性。
Hence, it is important to
[...] establish criminal responsibility for what took place, lest the Security Council lose even further [...]
credibility and legitimacy.
如果联合国通过其秘书长和他的代表做出的提 议不能得到适当考虑,本组织及其机构——特别是安 全事会将在手无寸铁的平民的眼 丧 失 所 有的公 信力,因为他们呼吁我们承担起责任在武装冲突中保 [...]
If the proposals presented by the United Nations through its Secretary-General and his representatives are not given due
consideration, the Organization
[...] and its main bodies, the Security Council in particular, will lose all credibility [...]
in the eyes of
unarmed civilians, who call on us to assume our responsibility for protecting them in armed conflict.
执 行委员会也对巴基斯坦政府由于不 事 件 而 丧 失 其 臭氧机构的设施表示同情,并希望体制 建设项目的这个新阶段将帮助巴基斯坦的全国臭氧机构重建其档案材料,从而支持其工作。
The Executive Committee also wishes to convey
to the Government of Pakistan its
[...] sympathy for the loss of its Ozone Office due to unfortunate [...]
events, and is hopeful that
this new IS project phase will support the NOU of Pakistan in helping rebuild its files.
对于平时喜欢的活动事情,均完 丧 失 兴 趣,而且时常感到易怒、不平静和为微小的事情而忧虑。
She may lose interest in what she uses to enjoy, and is often irritable, restless and anxious about minor things.
但是,工作组指出,民间承包商为了保护在冲突地区的前线作 战基地,即保护合法的军事目标,自身也成为 事 目 标 ,可 丧 失 国 际人道主义 法律的保护。
Nevertheless, the Working Group noted that by protecting Forward Operating Bases in conflict zones, a civilian contractor, by protecting legitimate military targets, becomes a military target and may lose protection under international humanitarian law.
安全事会对人员丧生和 受伤感到痛惜, 并向受害者及其家属以及韩国人民和政府表示 深切的同情和慰问,同时呼吁对此事件的责任者 [...]
采取适当且和平的措施,旨在依照《联合国宪章》 及国际法的所有其他有关规定,和平解决这一问 题。
The Security Council deplores the loss of life and injuries [...]
and expresses its deep sympathy and condolences to the victims
and their families and to the people and Government of the Republic of Korea, and calls for appropriate and peaceful measures to be taken against those responsible for the incident aimed at the peaceful settlement of the issue in accordance with the United Nations Charter and all relevant provisions of international law.
太多无辜的阿富汗人因旷日持久的暴力、不安全 和事丧生。
Far too many innocent
[...] Afghans have lost their lives [...]
as a result of prolonged violence, insecurity and fighting.
根据《联邦法》第 8 条,保险的保障形式包括:由工伤和职业病强制性社 会保险支付保事故的暂时丧失劳动能力的补助金、向被保险人或被保险人死亡 时有权领取该笔保险金的人士一次性或按月支付保险赔偿金、偿付由保险事故直 接引起的被保险人在医学、社会和职业恢复中产生的额外费用等。
In accordance with article 8 of the Act, insurance is provided in the form of assistance for temporary occupational incapacity determined
in connection with an
[...] insurable event and paid from the funds of the compulsory social insurance scheme for industrial accidents and occupational [...]
diseases; in the
form of insurance payments: a onetime insurance payment to the insured person or to persons entitled to receive such payment in the event of the insured person’s death, and monthly insurance payments to the insured person or to persons entitled to receive such payments in the event of the insured person’s death; and in the form of the payment of additional expenses associated with medical, social and occupational rehabilitation of the insured person if the insured event has direct consequences.
不过,为本报告的目的,独立调查委员会 承认实况调查团提供事实,即有 3 人丧生, 以色列南部的一些平民财产遭到了 破坏。
However, for the purposes of the present
report, the PIC admits to the facts presented by the Fact-Finding Mission in its report, to the effect
[...] that three persons were killed and that some civilian [...]
properties in southern Israel were damaged.
司法委员会在裁决中提及《销售公约》第 27 条,依照该条的规定,如果一方当 事人根据《销售公约》第三部分,在具体情况下采用适当的方式发送或者提出
[...] 通知、要求或其他函件后,这种函件传递上发生耽搁或错误,或者未能到达, 并不使该事人丧失依 靠该项函件的权利。
In its decision, the Judicial Board referred to Article 27 CISG pursuant to which if any notice, request or other communication is given or made by a party in accordance with Part III of the CISG and by means appropriate in the circumstances, a delay or error in the
transmission of the communication or its failure to arrive does not deprive that party of
[...] the right to rely on the communication.
随着时间的推移,一个不透明和孤立的安全事 会将丧失可信度,得不到广大会员国的支持,它在维 [...]
护国际和平与安全上的作用可能减弱,也许随着时间 的推移,甚至被篡夺。
Over time, an opaque and
[...] insular Security Council will lose credibility [...]
and will not enjoy the support of the wider membership,
and its role in maintaining international peace and security could diminish and perhaps, over time, even be usurped.
除这些袭击事件外,最近几天,多名联合国工作 人员在代表国际社会执行任务的过程中,包括在金沙 萨发生的飞机坠毁意外和其它悲剧 事 件 中 丧 生。
In addition to those attacks, in recent days several United Nations staff members have lost their lives while carrying out their tasks on behalf of the international community, including in the airplane accident in Kinshasa and other tragic circumstances.
欧盟驻科法治团的检察官对被控于 2008 年 3 月袭击米特罗维察法院的嫌疑
[...] 人提出起诉,一名联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团(科索沃特派团)工作人员在 这事件中丧生。
assault of the Mitrovica Court in March 2008, during which
one staff member of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)
[...] died as a result of these events.
(d) 2008 年 11 月 11 日,中非人民民主阵线反叛分子在 Moyenne Sido-Kabo
[...] 轴心地带偷袭了中非共和国武装部队一支巡逻队,Kete Sido 村(中北部)村长及 其妻子和子女之一在偷事件中丧生。
(d) On 11 November 2008, the chief of the village of Kete Sido (central north)
was killed with his wife and one of his children when FDPC rebels ambushed a FACA
[...] patrol on the Moyenne Sido-Kabo axis.
被杀者除其他人外,包括 79 岁的俾路支族领导人 Nawab Akbar
[...] Bugti 在 2006 年 8 月的一场事行动中丧生,2009 年 4 月另有 3 名俾路支族领导人被杀,其中包 [...]
括 Ghulam Mohammed Baloch。
The list continues to grow, more recently with the killings, among others, of Nawab
Akbar Bugti, a 79-year-old Balochi
[...] nationalist leader in a military operation in August [...]
2006 and three other Balochi nationalist
leaders in April 2009, including Ghulam Mohammed Baloch.
我 还与秘书长一道对布隆迪和乌干达两国政府和人民
[...] 的持续奉献和致力于索马里和平事业的精神表示敬 意,并向包括索马里部队在内的在这一有意义 事业 中丧生者家属表示慰问。
I also join the Secretary-General in paying tribute to the Governments and people of Burundi and Uganda for their continued sacrifice and commitment to the cause of peace in Somalia, as well as
in extending condolences to the families
[...] of those who have lost their lives in this [...]
worthy cause, including Somali forces.




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