单词 | 严重後果 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 严重后果—grave consequenceserious repercussionSee also:严重—critical 严重n—seriousnessn 严重adj—grossadj 后果—consequences
为了提供适当程度的安全保障,应选用 合适种類、厚度及尺寸的玻璃,当中须考虑玻璃的预期用途, 以及破碎时可能发生的严重後果。 bd.gov.hk | Glass of suitable type, thickness and size should be selected to provide an appropriate degree of [...] safety, taking into account the intended use and the [...] possibilityof catastrophic consequences in the event of [...]breakage. bd.gov.hk |
他强调,虽然调查委员会的工作 在性质上可能会导致严重後果,但其所进行的程 序并非刑事性质。 legco.gov.hk | He stressed that while the nature of work of an investigation committee [...] could lead toserious consequences, the proceedings [...]were not criminal in nature. legco.gov.hk |
政府亦可利用公众教育,透过各种传播媒介,让家长和社会㆟士明白独留 儿童在家的严重後果、如何采取预防措施及何处得到所需服务。 legco.gov.hk | With the help of public education, the Government can, via the mass [...] media, make the parents and the [...] public realize the serious consequenceofleaving children [...]unattended at home and inform [...]them of the necessary preventive measures and the availability of child care services. legco.gov.hk |
有关方面已经不断努力宣传,务求唤 起公众关注把儿童独自留在家㆗无㆟照顾的严重後果。 legco.gov.hk | Continuous publicity efforts have also been made to arouse public [...] awareness of the serious consequences of leaving children [...]unattended at home. legco.gov.hk |
政府当局应为废物运输商提供实习训练,培养他们以一个更 积极的方式妥善处置废物,以及令他们注意到非法倾倒废物的严 重後果。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration should provide hands-on training to waste haulers to foster a more [...] proactive manner towards proper disposal of waste, as well as impress [...] upon themthe dire consequences of illegal dumping. legco.gov.hk |
监於这种不当驾驶行为的情况相当普遍,一旦发 生交通意外,便会造成严重後果,我们认为有迫切需要扩展冲红灯摄 影机系统,以加强阻吓作用。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the prevalence of this driving [...] offence andthegrave consequences to which it can [...]give rise, we see a pressing need to [...]expand the red light camera system to enhance the deterrent effect. legco.gov.hk |
幸好这些事件大部分都没有引起严 重後果,但气体喉管受损可导致火警或引起爆炸,对附近的工㆟、公众和财物构成危 险。 legco.gov.hk | Thoughthe consequencesof most of these [...] incidents were — thankfully — relatively minor, damage to a gas pipe may cause [...]fire or explosion, posing a risk to workers, the general public and property in the vicinity. legco.gov.hk |
谢伟俊议员表示,他很清楚调查委员会 [...] 的工作不是刑事法律程序,他的意思是鉴於调查 委员会的工作可能带来严重後果,调查委员会必 须审慎进行工作,并应采用如刑事法律程序一样 [...]高的举证标准。 legco.gov.hk | What he meant was that in view of the [...] potentially serious consequencesofits work, an [...]investigation committee should conduct [...]its work prudently and adopt the high standard of proof as in criminal proceedings. legco.gov.hk |
他认为,有关建议会造成严重 後果,因为若立法会内某个主要政党拒绝参与某 个调查委员会,该调查委员会便不能获得委任。 legco.gov.hk | He opined that the [...] proposal wouldhaveserious consequencesasan investigation [...]committee could not be appointed should [...]a major political party in the Council refuse to participate in it. legco.gov.hk |
从中可见大部分均只涉及轻微的山泥倾 泻,其余 4 幅涉及较大体积的山泥倾泻均没有导致严重後果,只曾短暂影响休憩用地或非主要道路。 legco.gov.hk | It can be seen that most landslips were minor ones, while the other four landslips [...] involving a larger volume of debris [...] did not causeserious consequences but onlyaffected [...]open spaces or non-major roads for a short time. legco.gov.hk |
加重危险驾驶引致他人死亡的最高监禁罚则,正可让所有驾驶者(包括 职业司机)警惕自己的驾驶行为,以及避免因自己一时的鲁莽行径而可能导 致的严重後果。 legco.gov.hk | To raise the maximum imprisonment term for causing death by dangerous driving can precisely prompt all drivers, including professional drivers, [...] to be alert to their driving behaviour and [...] avoidpossible serious consequences fromtheir momentary [...]reckless behaviour. legco.gov.hk |
有需要考虑 的情况包括酒後驾驶可能引致严重後果、随机呼气测试对酒後驾驶可以产生 很大的阻吓作用,以及有关测试只属短暂,不会造成干扰。 legco.gov.hk | The relevant circumstances to be considered include the [...] fact that drink driving [...] can bring about graveconsequences, RBT will greatly [...]deter people from driving after drinking alcohol, as well as the [...]fact that the proposed breath test under the RBT operations will be brief and non-intrusive. legco.gov.hk |
涂谨申议员问:主席先生,我想请问,财政司刚才的发言,是以临机局主席的身份, 还是以该公司㆒位董事而根据公司条例向各股东(即大众)作出宣布,因为在法律㆖ 是有不同的严重後果的? legco.gov.hk | MR JAMES TO (in Cantonese): Mr President, may I ask the Secretary whether the statement he made just now was given in the capacity of the Chairman of the PAA or that of a board director in the form of an announcement to shareholders (that is the general public) under the Companies Ordinance [...] because in law, there is a difference between the two, which could mean [...] different legalconsequences that can be very serious? legco.gov.hk |
政府在经过大约 30 [...] 年的辩论後所建议,而现时企图仓卒推行的老年退休金计划弊处多 多,注定造成严重後果。legco.gov.hk | The OPS, which has been proposed [...] by the Government after some 30 years of debate and which it now seeks to introduce with [...] undue haste, is fatally flawed. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 如属在香港成立为法团的公 司,其董事的不当行为可能会导 致刑事制裁或民事申索;然而, [...] 如属在香港以外地方成立为法 团的上市公司,其董事的不当行 为所引致的最严重後果可能只 是公司暂停上市或遭到公开谴 责;及 legco.gov.hk | (b) for companies incorporated in Hong Kong, the misconduct of the directors might lead to criminal sanctions or civil claims; however, for listed [...] companies incorporated outside Hong [...] Kong, the most serious consequencesfortheirmisconduct [...]might be only suspension of listing or public reprimands; and legco.gov.hk |
最後,鉴於公众对立法会议员的行为所抱的期望不断提高,监察 [...] 委员会促请全体议员应保持警觉,并时刻注意按照立法会的有关规则 登记和披露他们的个人利益,以免为自己带来严重後果和损害立法会 的声誉。 legco.gov.hk | Lastly, in view of the rising public expectation of the standards of behaviour of a Legislative Council Member, the CMI calls upon all Members to stay alert and vigilant with regard to the registration and disclosure of their interests pursuant to the relevant [...] rules of the Legislative Council to [...] avoid bringing serious consequences uponthemselves and [...]undermining the reputation of the Legislative Council. legco.gov.hk |
其中任何一艘船只出现问题,都会对市民的生命财产构成严重後果。 legco.gov.hk | Any depletion in this protective network of fire coverage [...] couldhave serious consequencesfor life and property. legco.gov.hk |
我们必须顾及过度的资料披露可带来的严重後果,令犯 罪分子,尤其一些日趋复杂、资源丰富的犯罪集团,可以透过分析有关开支 [...] 的分配及趋势,洞悉警方的行动策略,从而回避法律制裁,甚至危害有关人 员及公众的安全。 legco.gov.hk | We must take [...] into account the serious consequencesthatmay bebrought [...]about by excessive disclosure of information to give [...]an opportunity to criminals, especially those from crime syndicates that are getting more and more sophisticated and which possess abundant resources, to detect operation tactics of the police by analysing the distribution and trends of the related expenses. legco.gov.hk |
1.3 於 2003 [...] 年年初爆发的严重急性呼吸系统综合症(非 典型肺炎),令我们意识到忽视大厦管理可能会引致严重後 果。devb.gov.hk | The outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in early 2003 has highlightedconcern at [...] the possible dire consequencesof building neglect. devb.gov.hk |
对於企业来说,Web应用程式和网站的效能至关重要,因为任何计画外的故障皆可导致生产力丧失、顾客不满、收入损失以及其他严重後果。 tipschina.gov.cn | Web application and website performance are critical to businesses as any unplanned downtime can lead to lost productivity, dissatisfied customers, lost revenue and more. tipschina.gov.cn |
但是,作为一位大家对其声誉、背景、能力如此信任的人 ⎯⎯ 先 [...] 撇开特首选举问题不说,只是着眼於他担任行政会议成员多年的资历 ⎯⎯ 作为行业内的资深从业员,并身为如此大型比赛、可导致如此严重後果的比赛的评审员,如果他作出的申述表面上存在很明显的错 漏,这实在是非常值得关注的议题。 legco.gov.hk | However, as a person who has won our trust due to his reputation, background, ability ― with focus being placed on his background as a senior Member of the Executive Council for so many years rather than the fact that he is running in the Chief Executive Election ― and as a senior practitioner [...] in the sector to which [...] he belongs, as well as his capacity as a juror of such a large-scalecompetition, [...]which will lead [...]to such serious consequences, if he has made obvious errors or omissions in the declaration form, the issue warrants our concern. legco.gov.hk |
切忌给您猫儿喂饲人用药 物(除非在兽医直接指导下),这会引致非常严重後果。 animalsasia.org | Do not give your cat human medicine (unless under the direct supervision of [...] a vet), as some canbe fatal. animalsasia.org |
据本公司越南法律顾问告知, 本公司未能按照旧投资证书的规定搬迁越南中部树脂总部已违反越南中部树脂投资证 书的条款,惟不会对本集团的业务及营运造成任何严重後果。 cre8ir.com | According to the Company’s legal advisers as to Vietnamese law, the failure to relocate the head office of Vietnam Centresin under its old investment certificate constituted a breach of the terms of the [...] investment certificate of Vietnam Centresin but will not [...] cause anymaterialconsequence to the Group’s business and operation. cre8ir.com |
本 报 告 书 的 任 务 , 便 是 减 轻 这些严 重 後 果。 hkreform.gov.hk | It is with the task of [...] minimisingthose effectsthatthis Report deals. hkreform.gov.hk |
至於日後撤销专营权的理 [...] 由,则将涵盖营运九铁的相关事宜,以及合并後的 公司在重大程度上没有履行经营权协议下某项责 任,导致如危及乘客安全等的严重後果。legco.gov.hk | The grounds for franchise revocation would in future cover relevant matters concerning the operation of the KCR railways as well as substantial failure by MergeCo to [...] comply with an obligation under the SCA which [...] has certain significant consequencessuch as endangering [...]passenger safety. legco.gov.hk |
在希腊 因民众的反感 该项於 10 月 26 日达成协议的拯救方案在国会遭到包括反对党 与执政党议员双方强大的反弹 在未获得核准 通过所需的支持之下 无法确保执行其他紧缩 与 改 革 措 施 希 腊 总 理 巴 本 德 里 欧 [...] George Papandreou 以他的职位做为赌注 要求对 10 月 26 [...] 日的方案进行公民投票 由於公民投票肯 定会否决该案 所引发严重後果包括德法暗示 可能将其踢出欧元区 因此反对党立刻改变其 [...]不合作的立场 转而支持欧洲债务拯救方案 在反对党支持该方案之下 [...]希腊总理放弃公投 计划 且随後请辞 最後在几经斗争中 希腊 成立新的技术官僚政府 而义大利亦组成技术 官僚内阁 西班牙地方政府的选举则由中央政 府执政党大获全胜 因此欧元区会员体的政治 问题至明年 4 月法国选举之前将稍获舒缓 apecscmc.org | Without the support needed to ratify, much less creating a unified voice to ensure the implementation of additional austerity and reform measures, then Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou called for a referendum for the 26th October package, with his own [...] post on the line. As a referendum would [...] surelyfail, seriousconsequences, including [...]a possible ejection from the Euro, implied [...]by both Germany and France the move prompted the opposition to reverse its non-cooperative stance and support the European Union (EU) debt rescue package. apecscmc.org |
我 们 亦 展 开 宣 传 活 动,让 巿 民 [...] 加 深 认 识 雇 用 非 法 劳 工的严 重 後 果,并透 过 大 众 媒 体、在 公 共 [...]交 通 工 具 及 报 章 上 展 示 海 报 / 广 告 等 , 鼓 励 巿 民 举 报 怀 疑 违 例 个 案 。 labour.gov.hk | We also launched publicity campaigns to enhance public [...] awarenessof the seriousconsequences of employing illegal [...]workers and encourage the reporting [...]of suspected offences through the mass media, display of posters / advertisements on public transport and newspapers, etc. labour.gov.hk |
ApeosPort - IV 5070/4070以开放式架构技术开发,让企业能透过先进的处理功能进一步简化文件撷取流程,以帮助业务流程自动化,及减少有可能导致严重後果的人为错误。 ipress.com.hk | Developed utilising an open architecture technology, the ApeosPort-IV 5070 / 4070 enables businesses to further streamline their document capturing processes with advanced processing that helps automate business workflow and minimise costly human errors. ipress.com.hk |
另 一 项 与 香 港 特 别 有 关 的 罪 行 也 许 [...] 是,根 据 香 港 法 例 第 3 7 4 章《 道 路 交 通 条 例 》 第 5 5 条 的 条 文 , 在 路 上 赛 车 [...] 会 对 其 他 道 路 使 用 者 带来严 重 後 果,但判 罚 的 刑 期 却 少 於 5 年 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Another offence of peculiar Hong Kong relevance might be road racing under section 55 of the Road [...] Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) which [...] has potentially serious consequencesfor otherroad [...]users but attracts a sentence of less than 5 years. hkreform.gov.hk |