

单词 严打



take strong measures
strike a severe blow
crack down

See also:

surname Yan
tight (closely sealed)

External sources (not reviewed)

政府把大米价格定在每公斤 290 非洲法郎,并承诺采取对 投机商进严打。
The Government set the price of rice at CFAF 290 per kilo and has promised to take tough action against traders who speculate.
据报道,7月和8月,至少有来自8个省的17名家庭教会领导人在针对未得到授权的宗教活动的 严打 ” 运 动中被关押。
In July and August, at least 17 house church leaders in eight provinces were reportedly detained as part of a "strike hard" campaign against unauthorized religious activity.
橡胶价格在经过一段时间的异常上涨之后,受到了全球经济 衰退严重打击,导致实施减薪和裁员的大种植园有时出现暴力对抗。
After a period of extraordinary
increases in rubber prices, the global economic
[...] downturn has severely cut the price, [...]
contributing to sometimes violent confrontations
on large plantations, where salary cuts and layoffs have been made.
The fourth measure was to target, investigate and deal with major syndicates dealing in illegal audio-visual products, focusing on their production facilities and sales and distribution networks.
2002 年和 2003
[...] 年,一些国 家,特别是阿根廷和乌拉圭,受到了恢复缓慢的经济金融危机 严 重 打 击。
In 2002 and 2003, some of the countries, particularly Argentina and
[...] Uruguay, were hit by severe economic and [...]
financial crises that are slowly being overcome.
加勒比小岛屿发展中国家受到全球金融危机 严 重 打 击。
Caribbean small island developing
[...] States have been hit hard by the global [...]
financial crisis.
2007 年 12 月 26 日的第 1.344 号法律是关严打针对 儿童的犯罪行为的法 律,其中第 21 条规定:“制造、生产、运输、发行暴力和黄色信息或有损人格尊 严的信息,或买卖此类信息,不论方法或平台如何,如果将此类信息卖给未成年 人,将处以 6 个月至 2 年的监禁以及根据第 26 条第 3 款的规定处以罚款。
Article 21 of Act No. 1.344 of 26 December 2007 on the reinforcement of penalties for offences against children now reads: “The act of either making, producing, conveying or disseminating, by any means and through any medium, a message that is violent or obscene or likely to constitute a grave affront to human dignity, or of engaging in business concerning such message, is punishable by a term of imprisonment of from six months to two years and the fine prescribed in article 26 (3), where the message is targeted at minors.
[...] 1860(2009)号决议,包括立即解除封锁——封 严重 打击了对加沙的人道主义援助、那里的商业物资和人 [...]
We call for the full implementation of resolution 1860 (2009),
including with the immediate lifting of
[...] the blockade — which hits the territory [...]
hard with regard to humanitarian aid, commercial
goods and the movement of people — but also with a halt to the illegal arms trafficking in Gaza.
采取措施的目的,是克服 1989 年《宪法》第 87 条和 1996 年修改的 《宪法》第 91 条所述的危险(如一个政党领导人通过公开呼吁不服从安全部队严 重 打击国家机构,或 表示要解 散 警 察 部 队 并以“替 代 队 ” 取 而代之,或 武装袭击 警察和军队,或者破坏国家机构和破坏公共财产)。
The purpose of the measures taken was to overcome the dangers described in article 87 of the 1989 Constitution and article 91 of the revised Constitution of 1996 (such as a serious attack against the country’s institutions through a public call to disobedience of the security forces launched by the leaders of a political party, or the expressed desire to disband the police force and replace it with “vice squads”, or armed attacks upon the police and the military, or the sabotage of State institutions and the destruction of public property).
较早美国有关对野生动物保护雷丝法案,旨 严 厉 打 击 “ 非法”野生动物,鱼类和植物贩运保护法规,在2008年进行了修订,严格限制违法没有进口报关的植物和植物产品。
The oldest wildlife protection statute in the United States, the
[...] Lacey Act, which combats trafficking of [...]
"illegal" wildlife, fish or plants, was amended
in 2008 to make it unlawful to import certain plants and plant products without an import declaration.
委员会还注意到,妇女继续面临不利的就业条 件,而青年受到最近全球经济危机特 严 重 的 打 击。
It also noted that women continued to face adverse conditions in employment, while youth were
[...] particularly hard hit by the recent global [...]
economic crisis.
严厉的打击贩 毒和 腐败法律,也突显了政府致力于消除冲突根源并为 私营部门发展和宏观经济稳定营造有利环境。
The adoption of robust legislation to combat drug trafficking [...]
and corruption also underscored the Government’s commitment
to addressing the root causes of conflict and to creating an enabling environment for private sector development and macroeconomic stability.
然而,特区政府的执法部门会继续 采严厉措施,打击贩 运人口活动及保护受害人。
Notwithstanding this, our law enforcement departments will continue to take proactive
[...] enforcement actions in combating human trafficking [...]
and protecting victims.
[...] 的受害者无法举报这些侵权行为,而且,在法院审讯中 严 刑 拷 打 取 得 的供词仍 然得到考虑,尽管《刑事程序法》明确规定,经逼供取得的证词不可接受。
The committee is also concerned that victims of torture by law enforcement and prison personnel in some cases are
unable to report such violations and that
[...] confessions obtained under torture are still [...]
taken into consideration during court hearings,
notwithstanding the explicit provision on the inadmissibility of confessions obtained under duress under the Criminal Procedure Code.
委员会建议缔约国遵循《公约》第15 条,具体地禁止严刑拷打所取得的 供词接纳为证据和证据的一部分内容。
The Committee recommends that the State party enact legislation specifically prohibiting the use of statements obtained under torture as evidence and elements of proof in conformity with article 15 of the Convention.
委员会还呼吁缔约国规定家庭暴力为刑事犯罪 严 格 执 行 打 击 暴 力侵害妇女行为 的法律,增加庇护所数量,监督有关公职人员处理家庭暴力受害者时履行职责的 [...]
The Committee also calls on the
State party to criminalize
[...] domestic violence, strictly enforce the law combating violence against [...]
women, increase the number
of shelters and monitor the discharge by relevant public officials of their responsibilities when dealing with victims of domestic violence.
发言人 恳请国际社会继打击严重侵 犯人权的行为,同时 明确说这场斗争不应夹杂歧视色彩,二是要以合作 和对话的方式进行。
The international community must continue to fight human rights violations, but it must do so through cooperation and dialogue and without discrimination.
此外,这些非法政策和做法对谋求和平的任何努力都是一 严 重 的 打 击 , 因 为它们被公认反映了以色列绝对无意在“两国解决方案”基础上和平解决问题。
Furthermore, these illegal policies and
[...] practices constitute a serious blow to any efforts [...]
to pursue peace, as they are considered
to be a reflection of Israel’s absolute lack of commitment to a peaceful settlement based on the two-State solution.
2001 年,他被告知他原来的老师被逮捕了, 严 刑 拷 打 下 说 出 了他的几个学生的名字,申诉人的名字也在其中,并且,国家安全局来过他家几 次向他的父母询问他的下落。
In 2001, he was informed that his former teacher had been arrested and under torture revealed the names of all his students, including that of the complainant and that the SNB had come to his house several times to question his parents about him.
国际社会全体纪念这一天将证明国际 社会有决打击这一严重的 危害人类罪行。
Observance of that day by the international community as a whole would be evidence
[...] of its will to combat a grave crime against humanity.
政府之所以实 施改革,是因为担心该计划申请人数过多,这一计划是学生签证过渡到澳大利亚永久居留(PR)签证之间的重要步骤,因此从2010年2月起,DIAC暂停受
[...] 理约2万份潜在的GSM移民申请,缩减该计划的技术移民职业清单(SOL),并推行 严 格 的 打 分 测 试。
Brought about due to government concerns regarding the oversubscribed program – one of the central links between student visas and Australian Permanent Residency (PR) – from February 2010, DIAC ceased about 20,000 perspective GSM
migrants’ applications, reduced the program’s Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and
[...] instituted a more difficult Points Test.
自 2009 年以来逐步升级的紧张局 势对中国与东南亚邻国的关打击巨 大, 严 重损 害了中国的地区和国际形象。
The escalating tensions since 2009
[...] have dealt a severe blow to Beijing’s relationships with its South East Asian neighbours and gravely tarnished its [...]
image both regionally and internationally.
虽然哥伦比亚政府取得了进展,但 打 击严 重侵害行为的有罪不罚现象仍然是极为重要的挑战。
Although progress has been made by the Government
[...] of Colombia, combating impunity for these serious violations remains [...]
a challenge of paramount importance.
(a) 拟订和执行在全社会、包括在家庭范围内提高对残疾妇女之认识的宣 传和教育计划,以促进对其权利和 严 的 尊打击成见、偏见和有害做法, 提高对其能力和贡献的认识
(a) Design and implement awareness-raising campaigns and education programmes throughout society, including at the family level, on women with
disabilities in order to foster respect for
[...] their rights and dignity; combat stereotypes, prejudices [...]
and harmful practices; and promote
awareness of their capabilities and contributions
摩洛哥强调所有有关各方必须紧急采取具体措施,以建立中东无核武器区, 并在等待建立这样一个区期间,严 地 宣 布它 打 算 在相互基础上,不制造、取 得或以任何其他方式拥有核武器和核爆炸装置,并且不准许任何第三方在其领土 [...]
Morocco stresses the need for all the parties concerned to take concrete measures, as a matter of urgency, to establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East and,
pending the establishment of such a
[...] zone, to declare solemnly their intention to refrain, on [...]
the basis of reciprocity, from manufacturing,
acquiring or in any other way possessing nuclear weapons and nuclear explosive devices, and not to allow the stationing of nuclear weapons in their territories by any third party.
打算对有关严重危 害人身完 整和严重危害妇女人身完整的法律条款进行评估,以确定这些条款过去如何适 用、是否取得预期的效果,以及是否需要对法律进行调整。
The Government intends to evaluate the provisions concerning gross violation of [...]
integrity and gross violation of a woman’s
integrity, to determine how the provisions have been applied, whether they have had the desired effect and whether the law needs to be changed.
在不存在制裁委员会的局势下,鼓励安全理事会考虑以何种方式采取有针 对性的措施打击严重侵 害儿童行为的惯犯,包括由儿童与武装冲突问题工作组 直接转交资料和提出措施建议。
In situations where there are no existing sanctions committees, the Security Council is encouraged to consider
means by which targeted
[...] measures may be applied against persistent perpetrators of grave violations against [...]
children, including
through direct referral of information and recommendations for measures by its Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict.
2011 年 3 月,加强会员国预防打击有组织 严 重 犯 罪 的能力全球方案的专家,同毒品和犯罪问题办公室墨西哥、中美洲和加勒比区 [...]
域办事处、秘书处政治事务部和联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)合作,对萨 尔瓦多进行了一次访问,以评估与有组织犯罪有关的形势,以便确定如何提供
In March 2011, experts from the Global Programme for Strengthening
the Capacities of Member States
[...] to Prevent and Combat Organized and Serious Crime, in collaboration [...]
with the UNODC Regional
Office for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, the Department of Political Affairs of the Secretariat and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), conducted a mission to El Salvador in order to assess the situation related to organized crime, with a view to identifying how assistance could be provided to strengthen, in particular, the country’s law enforcement and prosecution capabilities.
在发生任何突发性冲击或负面环境影响的情况下, 打击 最严重的总是穷人、尤其是妇女、儿童、老人和其他受社会排斥群体。
In any situation where people are affected by sudden shocks or negative environmental impacts, it is the poor, in particular women, children, the elderly and other socially excluded groups, who are the hardest hit.




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