

单词 严峻的

See also:


severe adj
strict adj

tight (closely sealed)
surname Yan

(of mountains) high
harsh or severe

External sources (not reviewed)

打击人口贩运、特别是贩运妇女、女孩和男孩的行为,向贩 运的受害者提供支助,仍将继续构 严峻的 挑 战
Combating the practice of trafficking in persons,
especially women, girls and boys, and providing support to trafficking victims, will
[...] continue to represent a serious challenge.
巴哈 马是加勒比海的一个 小国,也是不结盟国
[...] 家集团 的成员,与古 巴关系 友好, 因缺 乏资源等原因 ,正面临严峻的经济形势 。
The Bahamas, a small country of the Caribbean and a member of the non aligned group,
enjoys friendly relations with Cuba,
[...] and is facing a serious economic situation [...]
because of, inter alia, lack of resources.
与此同时,我们充分注意到许多发展中国家继续 面严峻的发展挑战,其中许多国家没有走上实现包 [...]
At the same time, we duly note that many developing countries
[...] continue to face serious development challenges [...]
and that many of them are not on
track to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.
如何使教育政策制定者更加敏锐地认识到媒体扫 盲作为师范教育的一个主要部分的重要性(如果它未列入学校课程),以及教育部门与传播 和信息专家之间密切配合的必要性,并提高他们的相关认识,依然是一 严峻的 挑 战
Further sensitization and awareness raising of education policy-makers to the importance of media literacy as a key component of teacher education, if not in school curricula, remains a critical challenge, as is the need for strong collaboration between education and communication and information specialists.
2007年,露西与乔治奥塔来到北京开始探索下一阶段的创作,思索农村地区的水资源分配与消耗的问题,以及工业大发展,尤其是在中国这样一个面 严峻的 环 境污染问题的国家中的工业大发展所引发的变化。
In 2007 Lucy + Jorge Orta visited Beijing to begin the next phase of research, reflecting on the distribution and consumption of water from rural communities and the changes that are occurring due to the massive industrial development, specifically in China – now one of the countries with a worrying environmental pollution record.
又深为关切以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内整个巴勒斯坦被占领土上实行阻 碍人员和货物,包括医疗和人道主义人员及货物,自由流动的封闭政策,严厉设
[...] 限和施行准证制度,并深为关切由此而来对巴勒斯坦人民人权的侵犯和对巴勒斯 坦人民社会经济状况的不利影响,这一状况特别是在加沙地带依然造 严峻的人 道主义危机
Expressing deep concern also about the Israeli policy of closures, severe restrictions, and a permit regime that obstruct the freedom of movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian personnel and goods, throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and about the consequent violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people and the negative
impact on their socio-economic situation, which
[...] remains that of a dire humanitarian crisis, particularly in the Gaza Strip
他邀请特别委员会派代表团访问波多黎各,亲 眼看看该严峻的殖民 局势,请求将波多黎各案作 为大会议程上的一个项目进行审议。
Inviting the Special Committee to send a delegation to Puerto Rico to see
for itself the critical colonial
[...] situation of the island, he demanded that the [...]
case of Puerto Rico be considered as an
item on the agenda of the General Assembly.
许多代表团表示,气候变化以及与之相关的各种自然灾害、必要的适 应和缓解措施对于发展中国家、特别是最不发达国家来说是一 严峻的挑 战 ,阻碍了各国实现千年发展目标,鉴于自然灾害的频度和严重性加剧,情 况尤其如此。
Many delegations held the view that climate change, related natural disasters and necessary adaptation and mitigation were posing formidable challenges for developing countries, especially the least developed, and were undermining the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, especially in the light of the increasing frequency and magnitude of natural disasters.
我今天重申,尽管在所有方面均面 严峻的现 实 ,但巴勒斯坦领导层依然充分致力于和平和积极参 与以商定框架为基础的可信和平进程,目的是最终结 束以色列的占领,以便使巴勒斯坦人民能够在他们以 东耶路撒冷为其首都、以 1967 年以前边界为基础、 和平、安全地与以色列毗邻共处的独立国家行使自己 的自决权,并根据国际法和联合国决议公正解决巴勒 斯坦难民的困苦。
I reaffirm today that, despite the harsh reality that prevails on all fronts, the Palestinian leadership remains fully committed to peace and to engaging in a credible peace process based on the agreed terms of reference, with the aim of definitively bringing an end to the Israeli occupation in order to allow the Palestinian people to exercise their right to selfdetermination in their independent State, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side with Israel in peace and security on the basis of the pre-1967 borders, and achieving a just resolution of the plight of the Palestine refugees in accordance with international law and United Nations resolutions.
然后严峻的决定 ,以,获得“Schlubs”(蠢事蓝精灵),100的生物,生活在比利的院子里,向他们融化成金,这样他就可以融资创造该系列的压轴。
Then, Grim decides to reap the “Schlubs” (a parody [...]
of The Smurfs), 100 creatures that live in Billy’s yard, to melt them
into gold, so he can finance the creation of the series finale.
迫切需要制 定措施来应对以下挑战:高等教育市场的开放,高校毕业生日 严峻的 就 业 问题,在系统分 析和预测的基础上对课程设置进行调整,使其适应新的全球环境。
There was an exigent need for strategies to be developed to deal with challenges like the opening of the higher education market, the increasing unemployment of university graduates and the adaptation of curricula to remain relevant in a new global setting based on systematic analysis and forecasting.
在加沙地带,20 名妇女领导人及和平活动家会见了一个联合国代表团,强调目前 的人道主义危机对妇女和女孩带来的严重影响,她们继续遭受暴力 严峻的 经济 冲击,以及妇女应该越来越多地走上政治舞台。
In the Gaza Strip, a group of 20 women leaders and peace activists met with a United Nations delegation and emphasized the severe impact of the ongoing humanitarian crisis on women and girls, their continued subjection to violence and harsh economic despair, and the importance of increasing women’s participation in the political arena.
因此,这就是为何这次会议能及时提醒人们,尽管出 严峻的 经济 形势,我们仍然必须将重点放在全球的声援努力方面。
And this is why this Conference is a timely reminder that, despite the dire economic situation, we must keep our focus on our global solidarity endeavour.
电子商务的飞速发展 向实体零售商提出越来严峻的挑战,增强体验性和差 异性将是未来购物中心发展的侧重点。
With a long-term target of expanding domestic consumption, the government’s stimulus policies may benefit retailers in the future.
缔约国第十届会议《日内瓦进度报告》再次承认,由于销毁PFM1 型杀伤 人员地雷的工作十分复杂,加上有能力销毁这些地雷的实体为数有限,还由于白 俄罗斯和乌克兰拥有大量此种地雷,移交第三方销毁这些地雷的做法不可取,而 且销毁费用高昂,因此这两个缔约国的履约工作都面 严峻的 挑 战
The 10MSP’s Geneva Progress Report again acknowledged that the complexity of destruction of PFM1-type anti-personnel mines combined with the limited number of entities capable of destroying these mines, the vast numbers of these mines held by Belarus and Ukraine, the inadvisability of transferring these mines for destruction and the high cost of destruction had resulted in a compelling implementation challenge for both States Parties.
该Schlubs严峻的手表 整个赛季我陷入困境的小马电视连续剧拙劣地模仿我的小马,他学会了从曼迪,该节目被取消了,并没有结束。
The Schlubs: As Grim watches the entire season of My Troubled Pony TV series (parodying My Little Pony), he learns from Mandy that the show was cancelled and doesn’t have an ending.
一些地区差距虽有所缩小,但尼泊尔的地理情况对实现医疗保健全民普及提 出严峻的挑战
Disparities have decreased in some areas, but the geography of
[...] Nepal presents serious challenges to deliver [...]
health services to all.
[...] 将大轿车和高资源使用与高社会地位相联系,小型节能汽车的推销就将面 严峻 的挑战。19 一些国家规定了必须在汽车销售中向消费者提供信息,说明燃油经济 [...]
As long as the majority of affluent consumers associate sizeable cars and high resource use with elevated social status,
the marketing of small fuel-efficient
[...] vehicles will face formidable challenges.19 [...]
A number of countries have mandated that
consumers be provided with information on describing the fuel economy labels of cars for sale in order to create a greater consumer preference for fuel economy.
通报强调了所有定居活动产生的人道主义影响、定居者暴力的升级以及加沙 地严峻的人道主义形势。
The briefing highlighted the humanitarian impact of all
settlement activity and the escalation of violence by
[...] settlers, as well as the dire humanitarian situation [...]
in the Gaza Strip.
针对秘书处关于国家淘汰计划执行情况的问题,两个机构指出,维修行业每年消费 9,240 公吨(基准数字;每人 350 克、508.2 ODP 吨)表明维修质量和制冷剂保护要应严峻的挑战
Further to the Secretariat’s questions regarding the implementation of the NPP, the agencies pointed out that the servicing sector consumption of 9,240 mt per year (baseline figure; 350 g per capita, 508.2 ODP tonnes) points to massive challenges in service quality and refrigerant conservation.
例如,在达尔富尔,尽管那里的人民显然面临着 非严峻的局势 ,自从其开始运行以来的 12 个月中, [...]
非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合 行动)只得到了安理会授权的 26 000 名军警人员中的 约 15 200 人。
In Darfur, for
[...] instance, despite the grave and well-documented [...]
situation confronting the people there, 12 months since it
became operational, the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) has only some 15,200 of the 26,000 uniformed personnel authorized by the Council.
他们生活境遇悲惨,面严峻的健康 和安全威胁。
Living under abysmal
[...] conditions, they face serious health and security [...]
为获得独立 和取得基本的公民权利及政治权利,越南人民经受严峻的考验,他们现在渴望享有更大的经济、社会和 文化权利,进一步提高发展水平。
After enduring severe trials in order to gain their independence and secure their basic civil and political rights, the Vietnamese people aspired to enjoy greater economic, social and cultural rights and an improved level of development.
作为儿童基金会工作的一项核心内容,培养技能和能力、利用资源扩大并深化性 别平等,仍然是严峻的挑战
Building skills and capacity and
harnessing resources to not only widen but deepen gender equality as a
[...] core content of UNICEF work remain significant challenges.
为了应对这严峻的人口挑战,该报告呼吁采取“以人为本的观点”,强调 需要更适当、更切合实际的规划和城市贫民能够承受的管控,这种管控应该促进 [...]
To meet this daunting demographic challenge, [...]
the report calls for “a peoplecentred perspective” which highlights the need
for more appropriate and realistic planning, and regulations that are affordable to the urban poor and that facilitate, rather than restrict, sustainable urban livelihoods.
重申消除贫穷是当今世界尤其是非洲和最不发达国家面 的 最 严峻的 全球 性挑战之一,着重指出必须加速实现基础广泛的普惠性可持续经济增长,包括创 造充分的生产性就业和体面工作
Reaffirming that eradicating poverty is one of the greatest global challenges facing the world today, particularly in Africa and in least developed countries, and underlining the fact that the importance of accelerating sustainable broad-based and inclusive economic growth, including full, productive employment generation and decent work
但是一些词句也经过了修改和更新,还 有一段新插入内容,即序言部分第十二段,其中注
[...] 意到联合国环境规划署(环境规划署)近期关于加 沙地带环境局严峻的报告 ,并强调需要根据报告 中建议做好后续工作。
However, some amended and updated language had been included and one new paragraph had been inserted: the twelfth preambular paragraph, which took note of the recent report by the
United Nations Environment Programme
[...] (UNEP) regarding the grave environmental situation [...]
in the Gaza Strip and stressed the
need for follow-up of the recommendations therein.
虽然在 2011 年及其后,资发基金 ——同联合国所有发展机构一样——将面 严峻的 外 部 环境,但其非核心收入 (包括来自非传统来源)的增长对于未来而言是个好兆头。
While UNCDF — like all United Nations development agencies — will face a difficult external environment in 2011 and beyond, the growth in its non-core income, including from non-traditional sources, augurs well for the future.
因此,我希望你承担这项重要任务,要求尽快举行捐助界高级别会议,以便 通过向联合国大家庭提供减轻加沙人间痛苦的适当手段,应对这 严峻的 人 道主 义局势。
It is, therefore, my hope that you will undertake this fundamental task, by calling for a high-level meeting for the donor community to convene as soon as
possible in order to
[...] respond to this dire humanitarian situation, through providing the United Nations family with the appropriate means to alleviate the human suffering in Gaza.




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