

单词 两院

两院 ()

two chambers (of legislative assembly), e.g. House of
Representatives and Senate


两院制 n

bicameral system n


both houses of US Congress


bicameral legislative assembly

External sources (not reviewed)

在日本,首相在参两院 都批准的情况下任命一名信息专员。
In Japan, the Prime Minister appoints the Commissioners upon the approval of both houses of parliament.
刚果议两院正在审议一项法案,以批准《保护所有移徙工 人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》、《防止及惩治灭绝种族罪公约》,以及《保护 所有人免遭强迫失踪国际公约》。
The bill allowing the ratification of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, as well as the Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance were being considered by the two chambers of Parliament.
在某些事务上,参议院与众议院行使相同的权力(完 两院 制 ), 即:宣布修 改宪法和修宪;表决某些被视为影响国家结构和国家基本利益的法律;个别涉及 国际关系的问题(批准条约的法律);法院和法庭的组织结构以及与国务委员会有 关的立法;批准国家、社区和大区之间缔结的合作协议的法律。
In certain matters, the Senate has the same powers as the House (perfect bicameral system), namely: the declaration of the revision of the Constitution and the revision itself; the passage of certain laws regarded as affecting the basic structures and fundamental interests of the State; certain matters in the field of international relations (treaty-ratification instruments); the organization of the courts and tribunals and legislation relating to the Council of State; and laws approving cooperation agreements between the State, the communities and the regions.
谨通知你,2010 年 1 月 29 日,哈萨克斯坦共和国总统纳扎尔巴耶夫先生在 阿斯塔纳举行的哈萨克斯坦议两院 联 席会议上,发表了题为“哈萨克斯坦的新 十年、新经济增长和新机遇”的年度国情咨文演讲(见附件)。
I have the honour to inform you that on 29 January 2010 in Astana, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mr. N. Nazarbayev, at the joint session of the Chambers of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, made the annual state-of-the-nation address, entitled “A New Decade, New Economic Growth and New Opportunities for Kazakhstan” (see annex).
2006 年,为庆祝国际妇女节,该组织的代表向加拿大议员和议会图书馆员以 及加拿大参两院成员做了重要发言。
In 2006, to mark International Women’s Day, representatives of the organization presented a keynote
speech to Canadian parliamentarians and parliamentary librarians, and members of
[...] the Canadian Senate and House of Commons.
如果在 条约得到批准之前,议两院、41 名众议员、17 名参议员或共和国总统提交请 [...]
愿书,要求由宪法法院对该条约进行初步管制,则宪法法院应就条约与宪法的兼 容性做出决定(宪法第 87 条第 2 款)。
If a petition is filed, prior to the [...]
ratification of a treaty, by the Chambers of the Parliament, 41 Deputies, 17 Senators
or by the President of the Republic, for preliminary control of such treaty by the Constitutional Court, the Constitutional Court shall decide about its compatibility with the constitutional order (article 87, paragraph 2, of the Constitution).f The treaty may not be ratified before the decision by the Constitutional Court on this issue.
12 月 15 日两院均通过了约达 70 亿美元的 2011 年国家预算。
On 15 December, both chambers adopted the 2011 national budget, which amounted to approximately $7 billion.
这一时期的特点在于:第 一,在建立和运两院制议 会时加强立法机关的作用,同 两院 制 议 会在通过各 项法律时应将全国和区域的利益考虑在内;第二,提升政党和民间社会机构对通 过国家最重要决议的作用和影响,提高非政府组织对国家机构进行公众监督的威 信和意义;第三,实施彻底的改革,旨在使司法体系更加自由化和人性化,将死 [...]
刑从刑法中去除,加强司法机构的独立性和有效性;第四,在人权教育领域开展 广泛的教育工作。
The following were the characteristic features of
this period: first, the
[...] increasing role and influence of the legislature, stemming from the establishment and functioning of a bicameral parliament that [...]
takes the general interests
of the State and the regions into account when adopting legislation; secondly, the increasing role and influence of political parties and civil society institutions in the adoption of critical government decisions and the rising authority and significance of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the public scrutiny of government activities; thirdly, cardinal reforms to liberalize and humanize the judicial system, abolish the death penalty and strengthen the independence and effectiveness of the judiciary; and fourthly, extensive human rights information and educational efforts.
阿富汗报告说,《残疾人权利公约》已获该国议 两院 通 过 ,目前正在等 待批准。
Afghanistan reported that the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) was passed by both houses of parliament and it is currently awaiting ratification.
我正在制定一项计划,它将包括帮助成立可正常 运作的、由 1
[...] 000 人组成的制宪会议和一个新两院 制议会,以及开展面向索马里民间社会和侨民的联系 [...]
I am developing a plan that will include support for the establishment of a functioning
constituent assembly composed of 1,000
[...] people and a new bicameral parliament, [...]
as well as for outreach to Somali civil society
and the diaspora for the implementation of the second Garowe Conference.
两院最近 通过的另一项引人注目的立法是 一项针对《宪法》中有关选举的条款提出修正案的联 合决议。
Both legislative houses recently enacted another outstanding piece of legislation, a joint resolution proposing amendments to election-related provisions of the Constitution.
这包括能通过别的方式获取的信息(第 21 条)、与安全组织有关的信息(第 23 条)、法庭记录(第 32
[...] 条)、议会言论自由权(第 34 条), 与上两院有关的公共事务处理(第 36 条)、大多数个人信息(第 [...]
40 条)、秘密提供的信息(第 41 条)或者由其他法律或欧洲共同体义务履行中所禁止公开的信息(第 44 条)。
These include information accessible by other means (section
21), information relating to security
[...] bodies (section 23), court records (section 32), [...]
parliamentary privilege (section 34),
the conduct of public affairs in relation to both houses of parliament (section 36), most personal information (section 40), information provided in confidence (section 41), and information the disclosure of which is prohibited by any other law or European Community obligation (section 44).
此外,应铭记,围绕议两院制 和 行政双首长制建立的宪政体制,机构运作还取决于在每项权力之间的关系,即 [...]
In addition, it should be kept in
mind that in a constitutional system
[...] organized around a bicameral legislative [...]
power and a bicephalous executive, the functioning
of institutions also depends on the relations within each power, namely between the Senate and the lower Chamber and between the President and the Prime Minister.
在 2010 年总统选举时,吴登盛总统由 人民院(下院)的民选代表提名,赛茂康副总统由 民族院(上院)的民选代表提名, 两院 中 由 军队 任命的议员们则提名了吴丁昂敏乌副总统。
In the 2010 presidential election, President Thein Sein was nominated by the elected representatives in the lower house, Vice President Sai Mauk Kham by the elected representatives in the upper house, and Vice President Tin Aung Myint Oo by the military appointees from both houses.
[...] 是议会辩 论的一个重 要议题,两院 为此目的设立的常设委员 会处理。
Human rights issues are a major topic of parliamentary debates and are dealt with in standing committees set up
[...] for the purpose by the two houses.
2012 年 2 月 15 日至 17 日,在“邦特兰”加罗韦举行了第二届索马里全国协 商制宪会议(第二届加罗韦会议;见附件二),确认了在第一届加罗韦会议上商定
[...] 的原则(见附件一),并在以下方面达成共识:通过宪法和组建新 两院 联 邦 议会 的方式;索马里的联邦结构,包括首都摩加迪沙的地位;联邦行政结构;选举制 [...]
The second Somali National Consultative Constitutional Conference, held in Garoowe, “Puntland”, from 15 to 17 February 2012 (Garoowe II; see annex II), confirmed principles agreed at Garoowe I (see annex I), and reached consensus on modalities for the
adoption of the Constitution and the
[...] formation of the new bicameral federal Parliament; [...]
the federal structure of Somalia, including
the status of the capital city, Mogadishu; the structure of the federal executive; and elements of the design of an electoral system.
来自参两院的议员共 同组成国民大会,国民大会由瑟姆元帅主持, 在以下三种情形召集:通过新宪法,接受新选 [...]
举总统就职宣誓,或出现共和国总统被起诉到 国家裁判所的情形。
When sitting in a joint session,
[...] members of the Sejm and the Senate form the [...]
National Assembly, presided by the Marshal
of the Sejm. The National Assembly is formed in case of three different situations: to adopt a new Constitution, to receive the oath from a newly elected President, or when an indictment against the President of the Republic is brought to the State Tribunal.
我们量身定制的设备,两院保持 足够的媒体支持可行的BTSC 4-5大YS没有媒体交流。
We tailored the device such that both chambers hold sufficient media to support viable BTSC for 4-5 days without media exchange.
由绝大多数投票 者赞成通过的新《宪法》规定两院 制 和 总统制。
A new Constitution, which had been approved by an overwhelming majority of voters,
[...] provided for a bicameral legislature [...]
and a presidential system.
(4) 每年向上两院报告他或她的活动
(4) Report annually to the Chambers of Congress on his or her activities
第一章规定了立法机构,立法机构 两院 制 国会(参议院和众议院)组成,国会具有逐条罗列的(即明确授予)的权力,包括批准条约和有权制定带有限制目的的法律,如“保障作者和发明者对其各自作品和发明在保护期限内的专有权利,以促进科学和实用艺术的进步”(第8条第8款)和“管制与外国、各州之间和与印第安部落之间的商业”(第8条第3款)。
Article I defines the Legislative Branch, which consists of a bicameral Congress—the Senate and the House of Representatives—with enumerated (i.e. express) powers including treaty approval and the authority to enact statutes for certain limited purposes such as“[t]o promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries” (Section 8, Clause 8) and “[t]o regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes” (Section 8, Clause 3).
议会为实两院制的立法机关,由拥有 18 名议员的参议院和 21 名议员的众 [...]
议院组成,参议院议员经 14 个部落理事会推选产生,众议院议员中的 20 人为民 选产生,一人是任命的,代表斯温斯岛,无投票权。
The Fono is a bicameral legislature, [...]
comprised of an 18-member Senate, whose members are chosen by 14 tribal councils, and
a 21-member House of Representatives, 20 of whom are elected by popular vote and one of whom is appointed as a non-voting delegate from Swains Island.
提出了邀请橡胶或与橡胶有关 两院院 士 作 为顾问以提高科研层次和水平、吸收科研院所专家学者教授入会使基础性研究尽快实现产业化、扩增科技板块给年轻的工程技术人员以职称晋升的机会、大力推广《中国橡胶》杂志的企业形象识别系统“CR”以提高国际影响力、向读者提供杂志电子版(PDF格式)等合理化建议。
They put forward many reasonable suggestions such as
inviting the rubber
[...] academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering [...]
as the advisers so as
to improve the scientific research level and standard; adsorbing experts, scholars and professors of scientific research institutes into the association to make basic researches rapidly realize industrialization; amplifying the science and technology section to provide young engineers and technicians with title promotion opportunities; energetically promoting the corporate identity system “CR” of China Rubber to enhance the international influences; and providing the readers with electronic versions (PDF format) of the journal.
处理使用资源 的规范、法律和立法框架问题,协调与联邦会 两院的 合作;进行与海洋有关的地质、地球物理和专业研究; 开展科学研究和实验设计工作;研究陆架与世界海洋的 能源和矿产资源,以及经济问题和自然资源的长期发展
Handled questions related to the normative, regulatory and legal framework for the use of resources, coordinated cooperation with chambers of the Federal Assembly; conducted ocean-related geological, geophysical and specialized studies; carried out related scientific research and experimental design work; studied energy and mineral resources of the continental shelf and the world oceans, together with economic questions and the longer-term development of natural resources.
广华医院与东华三院黄大仙医院早于二○○○年七月已取得ISO14001环境管理系统验证证书,成为全港首两间医管局辖下获颁授有关证书的 院 ; 两院 并 于 二○○六年荣获环境保护运动委员会颁发的「香港环保企业奖-环保物业管理优异奖」。
As early as July 2000, Kwong
[...] Wah Hospital and TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital already took pride in being the first 2 hospitals under [...]
the Hospital Authority
to have obtained the ISO14001 Environmental Management System Certificate.
被赋予立法 权力两院制议 会由 Sejm - 下议院及 Senat - 上 议院组成;波兰共和国总统和部长理事会被赋予行 政权力, 而法院和法庭被赋予司法权力。
Legislative power is vested in a bicameral Parliament, composed of the Sejm (lower house) and the Senat (upper house); executive power is vested in the President of the Republic of Poland and the Council of Ministers, while judicial power is vested in the courts and tribunals.
根据 2011 年生效的宪法,缅甸实两院国家 议会制 :上议院(民族院,Amyotha Hluttaw)和下议院(人院,Pyithu Hluttaw)两院可联席组成联邦议会( Pyidaungsu Hluttaw)。
Under the constitution that came into force in 2011, Myanmar has a bicameral national legislature: an upper house (“Amyotha Hluttaw”) and lower house (“Pyithu Hluttaw”) which can also sit in joint session as the Union Assembly (“Pyidaungsu Hluttaw”).
议会两院制立法机构:参议院由 18 名议员组成,由 14 个部落理事会推选; 众议员由 21 名议员组成,其中 20 人经民选产生,1 人是任命的,代表斯温斯岛, 无投票权。
The Fono is a bicameral legislature, comprising an 18-member Senate, whose members are chosen by 14 tribal councils, and a 21-member House of Representatives, 20 of whom are elected by popular vote and 1 of whom is appointed as a non-voting delegate from Swains Island.
相应的裁决被上诉至爱尔兰和意大利的最高 院 , 两 家 法 院 均 支 持各自 下级法院的裁定,即相应国家是 Eurofoods 的主要利益中心。
The respective decisions were appealed to the highest courts in Ireland and Italy, both courts affirming the determination of their lower courts that each respective country was the centre of Eurofoods’ main interests.
目前,老年人事务司已经开始对养老院的情况进行调查和监督,目的是核实 老年人在养老院的生活状况,经过调查,在全国范围内共十六家养 院 , 其 中两 家是私人开设的营利性的养院,两 家 是政府开办的养老院,还有十二家是非营 利性组织开办的养老院,这十二家养老院条件比较差,依靠私人捐赠和慈善组织 的帮助才得以支撑。
The Directorate-General has launched an inspection and enquiry into the workings of centres for older persons in order to establish the living conditions in such institutions; there are 16 such centres around the country, of which 2 are profit-making private centres, 2 are State-run and 12 are non-profit institutions that care for older persons living in poverty, and which are supported by private individuals and charities.




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