

单词 两方


两方面 n

twofold n

External sources (not reviewed)

现在,我来谈谈国际核心罪行的背景和恐怖主义 两方 面 的 问题。
Let me now turn to the context of international core crimes, as contrasted with the context of terrorism.
这一点至关重要,因 为 WIPO 对千年发展目标所作的贡献是成员国和秘书 两方 面 的 共同责任。
This is particularly critical because WIPO’s contribution to the MDGs is a joint responsibility of both the Member States and the Secretariat.
委员会从收到的资料中还注 意到,这种活动由经常预算和预算外资源(维持和平行动支助账户和作为对中央 行政所提供服务的偿还款收到的方案支助收 入 ) 两方 面 供 资。
The Committee further notes from the information provided to it that this activity is financed from both the regular budget and extrabudgetary resources (the support account for peacekeeping operations and programme support income received as reimbursement for services provided by the central administration).
这带两方面的 进展:扩大外部拓展,寻找新的合作伙 伴,并增强现在具有巨大潜力的合作伙伴关系;同时,开展跨部门工作,寻找教科文组织与 [...]
This has
[...] resulted in progress on two fronts: greater outreach [...]
externally to find new partners and to strengthen existing
partnerships of high potential; and, major effort to work intersectorally and to find opportunities for transversal cooperation across UNESCO and within the United Nations system.
通过这些正式和非正式的安排可以开展结构化对话,结 成更可预测的关系,进行信息交流,共享知识和良好做法,加强合作以及相互了 解彼此的结构、程序、优势和制约因素,这 两方 组 织 都有利。
These arrangements, formal and informal, allow for structured dialogue, more predictable relationships, information exchanges, knowledge and good practice sharing, and improved cooperation and understanding of each others’ structures, procedures, strengths and constraints for the mutual benefit of both organizations.
布鲁塞尔和华盛顿在坚持认为要将放松 制裁措施与改革绑在一起的同时,也坚称愿意采取 灵活措施,但是两方都没有就这些措施如何在当 今形势下有效地促进改革提供详尽的评估。
Brussels and Washington, while maintaining that an easing of the measures must still be tied to reform, insist they are willing to be flexible in their approach, but neither has presented a thorough assessment of how the measures have or can in current circumstances usefully contribute to reform.
该国在其人民自由选 择的政治、经济和社会制度基础上在公民和政治权利以及经济、社会和文化权两方面都取得了巨大成功。
The success of the country, based on the political, economic and social system that had been freely chosen by its people, was significant, both in civil and political rights and in economic, social and cultural rights.
防治荒漠化推动可持续发展北京声明》(见 E/CN.17/2008/15,附件一) 确认森林在防治荒漠化和土地退化以及恢复退化土 两方 面 发 挥着十分重要的 作用;声明还指出,执行森林文书为增强可持续森林管理、推动防治荒漠化、减 缓气候变化以及保护森林生物多样化,提供了一个框架。
The Beijing Statement on Combating Desertification and Promoting Sustainable Development (see E/CN.17/2008/15, annex I) recognizes the importance of forests in both preventing desertification and land degradation as well as in rehabilitating degraded lands; it also states that the implementation of the forest instrument provides a framework for advancing sustainable forest management and its contribution to combating desertification, mitigating climate change and preserving forest biological diversity.
工作组将收到秘书处关于以两方面 的 说明并可考虑将其用作审议的基 础:(a)《贸易法委员会跨国界破产示范法》有关主要利益中心的某些概念的解 释和适用(A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.103 及增编);及(b)濒临破产前一段时间中董事的 义务(A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.104 及增编)。
The Working Group will have before it, and may wish to use as a basis for its consideration, notes by the Secretariat concerning (a) Interpretation and application of selected concepts of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency relating to centre of main interests (A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.103 and addenda); and (b) Directors’ obligations in the period approaching insolvency (A/CN.9/WG.V/WP.104 and addenda).
目前已提交委员会的一份 文件(A/C.5/63/3/Add.1)载有秘书处工作人员的意 见,但它实际上包含了管理层和工作人员代 两方 面的 意见,其中一些人甚至根本不属于秘书处,这 一点有悖于大会第 35/213 号决议和工作人员条例第 8.2 条的规定,也体现出围绕这一问题所采用的欺诈 伎俩。
One of the documents currently before the committee (A/C.5/63/3/Add.1) was presented as containing the views of Secretariat staff, but in fact it contained views of both management and staff representatives, some of whom were not even part of the Secretariat, as required by General Assembly resolution 35/213 and regulation 8.2 of the Staff Regulations.
他说,联合王国对直布罗陀及其周边领水享有无可置疑的主权,但也愿意考 虑任何获得其两方支持 以推进谈判的机制(见 A/C.4/66/SR.3)。
The United Kingdom, he said, had no doubt about its sovereignty over Gibraltar and its territorial waters, but was
ready to consider any mechanism to advance negotiations that found
[...] favour with the other two parties (see A/C.4/66/SR.3).
为此,埃 塞俄比亚代表团敦促全球粮食安全危机问题高级别 工作队通过最新的全面行动框架加倍努力,在短期和 长两方面为 双轨办法作出贡献,并吁请其发展伙伴 继续努力,以履行承诺,尤其是《拉奎拉粮食安全倡 议》所述的承诺。
His delegation therefore urged the High-Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis to redouble its efforts, through the updated Comprehensive Framework for Action, to better contribute to the twin-track approach in both the short term and the long term and called on its development partners to continue their efforts to fulfil all their commitments, particularly those outlined in the L’Aquila Food Security Initiative.
(b) 解决需要采用综合性、多部门平衡办法的问题,这种办法包括减少需 求和供应,两方面互 为补充,并适当适用分担责任原则,同时强调需要有负 责预防工作的服务部门,包括执法机关,并确保将这些措施纳入公共和私营部 门提供的卫生、教育、农村发展、农业和社会服务的主流。
(b) Address the need for a comprehensive, multisectoral and balanced approach involving demand reduction and supply reduction, each reinforcing the other, together with the appropriate application of the principle of shared responsibility, while stressing the need for services responsible for prevention, including law enforcement agencies, and ensuring that those measures are mainstreamed in publicly and privately provided health, education, rural development, agriculture and social services.
副秘书长/执行主任表示,关于区域架构的报告遵循了执行局在战略计划中 提出的方向,以及经核准的 2012-2013 两年期机构预算(见 UNW/2011/13,2011/5
[...] 号决定),加强妇女署的实地能力,不仅在国家一级取得成果,并且确保妇女署 在履行职责的规范和行两方面更 紧密地联系。
The Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director stated that the report on the regional architecture follows the direction that the Executive Board set out in the strategic plan and the approved institutional budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (see UNW/2011/13, decision 2011/5) to strengthen capacity of the Entity on the ground, not only to achieve results at the
country level, but also to ensure better linkages between the
[...] normative and operational aspects of [...]
the mandate of UN-Women.
审查小组也对决策和资源分两方面 的 透明度表示关 切。
Concerns were also expressed over transparency, both in terms of decision-making and resource allocation.
在同一届会议上,委员会还获悉,根据联合国的决定和采取的措施,禽流感特设工作 组以东道国有关当局制定的政府计划为基础,制定了一项教科文组织特别计划,包括一整套 措施预案,一矣出现 H5N1
[...] 病毒导致人类间传染的疫情,本组织即可将该计划付诸实施,它 包括了预防和救两方面的措施。
At the same session, the Committee was also informed that, in accordance with the decisions and measures taken by the United Nations, the avian flu task force had drawn up a special UNESCO plan based on the governmental plan prepared by the competent authorities of the host country, which set out measures which the Organization must implement in case of an
epizootic due to the H5N1 virus leading to human contamination, both in terms of
[...] prevention and reactive treatment and care.
两方面的原因使这一问题更加凸显:一是专利申请数 [...]
量剧增使许多专利局不堪重负,二是专利系统中存在的大量重复做功的现象,尤其是需要 为同一个发明而向不同的授权机关递交多份专利申请。
This issue is raised by both [...]
the increase in the number of patent applications which is imposing heavy demands on the resources
of many patent offices, and the recognition that there is considerable duplication of effort in the system, particularly with regard to the need to submit multiple applications for a single invention in different jurisdictions.
54 该委员会在对加拿大审议时,也就经社文权利的司法待遇和政府在法 庭上提出的论据的性质两方面提出了类似的关注。55 经社文权利委员会近期对香港和加拿大的审议,反映了该委员会既愿意也渴望在定期 [...]
The Committee has urged that the government of HKSAR cease from advancing these kinds of arguments before courts.54 Similar concerns both about judicial treatment of ESC
rights and the nature of governments’
[...] arguments in courts have been raised in [...]
reviews of Canada.55 The recent reviews of
Hong Kong and Canada show that the CESCR is willing and anxious to pay considerable attention in periodic reviews to the question of effective remedies, the status of ESC rights in the domestic legal order and the appropriate interpretation of domestic law so as to ensure effective remedies to ESC rights.
苏丹武装部队与正义运动的代表在多哈期间 两方 在 达 尔富尔发生实地冲 突,苏丹武装部队称,正义运动在达尔富尔的行动违反了据称政府与正义运动之 间达成的一项谅解,即后者只能呆在北达尔富尔州 Wadi Hawwar 的指定地区。
While their representatives were in Doha, SAF and JEM clashed on the ground in Darfur, with SAF claiming that JEM was moving in Darfur in violation of an alleged understanding between the Government of the Sudan and JEM that the latter would stay in a designated area in Wadi Hawwar, Northern Darfur, only.
(b) 对第(f)小段类型的修正和第(e)小段中属于实质性的那一类修正,秘书处应 与休会的工作委员会的国家秘书处合作,如有可能与该委员会的主席合作,确 定有必要进行此类修正,并草拟一份工作文件,内容包括该修正案措辞和提出 此类修正的理由,然后征求各成员国政府以 两方 面 的 意见:(a)继续完成这项 修正的必要性和(b)修正提案本身。
(f) and those of (e) of a substantive nature, the Secretariat in cooperation with the national secretariat of the adjourned Committee and, if possible, the Chairperson of that Committee, should agree on the need for such an amendment and prepare a working paper containing the wording of a proposed amendment and the reasons for proposing such amendment, and request comments from Member Governments: (a) on the need to proceed with such an amendment and (b) on the proposed amendment itself.
对风险的感觉具有技术和情绪内容, 风险交流应当处理两方面的问题。
Perception of risk has both technical and emotional dimensions, and risk communication should address both these aspects.
最重要的是,通过和落实 WIPO 发展议程(特别是建议 22)和努力增强本组织注重成果的管理框架两方面的 工作,均使千年发展目标成为 WIPO 的工作中心。
Most importantly, the adoption and implementation of the WIPO Development Agenda (particularly Recommendation 22) and the efforts to enhance the organization’s RBM framework have both made the MDGs central to WIPO’s work.
本项研究收集的证据显示,现在各国应从法律和实 两方 面 明 确重 申,不能再允许秘密拘留事件发生,也不再允许此类行为不受惩罚的事件发生。
The evidence gathered for this study demonstrates that the time has come for States to unambiguously reaffirm, in law and in practice, that secret detention will no longer be acceptable and neither will impunity for such acts be acceptable.
委员会将目标概念与目的概念等同起来,通过“审议该诉讼的第二部分”的 提法,采用法律上可疑的方式,将第二起诉讼附于第一起诉讼,听任与第 26 条――原本适用于第一起诉讼案(赔偿) ――有关的考量分散对属物管辖权缺失的注 意力,因此在事实与法两方面都犯下了判决错误。
By equating the concept of object with that of purpose, by appending the second action to the first in a legally questionable manner through a reference to “consideration of the second part of the legal action”, and by allowing its attention to be diverted from lack of jurisdiction ratione materiae by considerations relating to article 26 — which could have been applied to the first action (for restitution) — the Committee has made errors of judgement with regard to both the facts and the law.
知识产权的“私有”本质意味着通过庭外和解和根据民法解 两方 争 端 的重要性。的确由 于国家知识产权执行制度是个需要强大资源的活动,因此发展中国家应强调通过民事程序、 而不是刑事司法制度来实施知识产权制度。
Indeed, as state enforcement of IPRs is a resource-intensive activity, there is a strong case for developing countries to adopt IPR legislation that emphasises enforcement through a civil rather than a criminal justice system.
经社部作为秘书处主要负责经济和社会事务的实体,能够为各项国际商定目 标包括千年发展目标提供政策和实 两方 面 的 支助,其工作方案也反映了这一点 (表 2 所列实例具体说明该部的次级方案如何促进实现千年发展目标的进展)。
As the entity of the Secretariat with prime responsibility for economic and social affairs, the Department is positioned to provide both policy and practical support for the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and its programme of work reflects this (see table 2 for specific examples of how the Department’s subprogrammes have contributed to progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
2009 年,审计咨询委员会建议编制一份修订的《公共部门会计准则》 实施计划,其中包含风险分析和减轻风险的战略,以应对会计和业 两方 面 的 风 险,并确定与修改 Atlas、内部控制框架和结构调整等人口基金其他举措之间的 关系。
In 2009, the AAC recommended that a revised IPSASs implementation plan be prepared that includes a risk analysis and mitigation strategy that addresses both accounting and operational risks and identifies relationships with other UNFPA initiatives such as revisions to Atlas, the internal control framework, and the reorganization.
不幸的是,我们注意到,正如报告中指出的那样, 许多暴力行为损害了这一解冻,包 两方 逮 捕塞尔维 亚和科索沃的官员、针对个人的攻击,尤其是今年 [...]
2 月不顾科索沃当局和国际社会的反对,在科索沃北部 塞族人居住的市镇举行全民投票和地方选举。
Unfortunately, we note that, as the report indicates, many acts of
violence have undermined this thaw, including
[...] arrests on both sides of Serbian and [...]
Kosovar officials, attacks on individuals,
and especially the organization in February of a referendum and local elections by the Serbian municipalities in northern Kosovo in the face of the opposition of the Kosovar authorities and the international community.
我的发言内容将仅涉及其两方面, 首先是 在 2008 年秘书长关于预防冲突的报告(S/2008/18)基 [...]
础上对安理会工作进行最新评估,然后提出关于把非 洲预防性外交挑战转变为与联合国开展伙伴合作机 会的若干建议。
My statement
[...] will address only two of these, undertaking [...]
first an updated evaluation of the work of the Council on the basis
of the Secretary-General’s 2008 report on conflict prevention (S/2008/18), and then suggesting some approaches to transforming the challenges of preventive diplomacy in Africa into opportunities for partnership with the United Nations.
为此,应避免采取将社会保障作为安全网和短期应对各项危 机和冲击的狭隘观点,而需要采用更广泛的视角来看待社会保障,其中涉及 社会保障和促进民两方面。
For this, as opposed to the narrow view of social protection as safety nets and short-term responses to crises and shocks, a broader perspective of social protection is necessary, involving both social protection and livelihood promotion.




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