

单词 两岸三地

See also:


both sides
both shores
Taiwan and mainland
both coasts


two or three

External sources (not reviewed)

同时也两岸三地及海 内外财智华人沟通的平台和联系的纽带。
And it is also the platform
[...] where intelligent Chinese people both at [...]
home and abroad communicate with each other and the bind connecting them.
这个操作系统群是在天时的不断成熟的综合平台上的开发,这个综合平台主要建基于五条支柱,它们分别是i/ 策略(中国特色前瞻);ii/ 地区(中港两岸三地);ii i/商业(多元化的网络);iv/ 技术(中国特色自主创新);及iv/ 人材(结合技术和商业的精英)。
OSQun was developed upon the ever maturing consolidated platform which was based upon five pillars namely: i./ strategy (of Chinese Specialties); ii/
Region (based on China,
[...] Hong Kong and Taiwan); iii/ Commerce (multi-discipline network); iv/ Technology (autonomous innovative of Chinese Specialties); [...]
and v/ Talents (combining
elites with technologies and commercial backgrounds).
自此之后, 农业工人每天举两、三次示 威活动,并在一处公共场所设立了 地。
Starting from that
[...] date, the farmworkers held as many as two or three demonstrations a day and were based [...]
in a camp set up
in the grounds of a public institution.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9
个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部
[...] 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医 院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一 两 次 访问 地处偏 远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients
are regularly visited
[...] in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support [...]
is provided to the
Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
事實上,岸三地之間 無論是雙邊或區域性層面的合作都有很大 的發展空間。
As a matter of fact, there is ample room for the development of bilateral and regional co-operation between the three places across the Strait.
在緊接句號之前加上“,使在香港設立公司的台商到內地經商時可 免於同時繳交台、港兩地的稅項;(八 ) 盡快於台灣設立特區政府 辦事處;(九 ) 更積極發揮其中介人的特殊角色,將香港打造成岸三地的交 流平台,共同推動中、港、台在法治、廉政、文化藝 術、環保等方面的發展,藉此豐富三地的民間及官方交流;(十 ) 加 強與中華旅行社的合作,並強化其在貿易、投資、旅遊等方面的 功能;及(十一) 推動岸三地的郵輪旅遊”。
To add ", so that Taiwan businessmen who set up companies in Hong Kong and operate businesses on the Mainland can avoid paying taxes in Taiwan and Hong Kong at the same time; (h) expeditiously setting up an office of the Special Administrative Region Government in Taiwan; (i) performing Hong Kong's special role as an intermediary in a more proactive manner, turning Hong
Kong into a platform for
[...] exchanges among the three places across the Taiwan Strait, jointly promoting development in areas of rule of law, corruption prevention, culture and arts, environmental protection, etc on the Mainland and in Hong Kong and Taiwan, thereby enriching non-government and official exchanges among the three places; (j) strengthening cooperation with the Chung Hwa Travel Service, and enhancing its functions in areas of trade, investment and tourism, etc; and (k) promoting cruise tourism among the three places across the Taiwan Strait" immediately before the full stop.
我認為兩岸簽署ECFA後,香港作為兩岸經貿往來的中介角 色的確會有所削減,但香港必須重新思考在 岸三地 經 濟 關係中的新 角色和新定位。
In my opinion, after the signing of ECFA by both sides, our role as an intermediary for economic and
trade exchanges
[...] across the Taiwan Strait will really be weakened, but we must think about our new role and position in the economic relations between the three places across the Strait.
在緊接句號之前加上“;(十一) 積極研究簡化岸三地居民往來的 出入境手續;(十二) 加強岸三地在教 育、環保及司法互助方面 的交流和合作;及(十三) 按照現時特區政府設立駐內地辦事處的 模式,展開研究在台灣設立官方辦事處的可行性”。
To add "; (k) actively studying the
streamlining of customs clearance
[...] procedures for residents of the three places across the Taiwan Strait travelling to and from these places; (l) strengthening exchanges and cooperation in areas of education, environmental protection and mutual legal assistance among the three places across [...]
the Taiwan Strait; and
(m) in accordance with the existing mode adopted by the Special Administrative Region Government in establishing offices on the Mainland, commencing a study on the feasibility of establishing a government office in Taiwan" immediately before the full stop.
拉丁美洲跨国犯罪组织正在将其网络延伸至 地 域,这有可能在西非造就毒品国家,并严重危及大西两 岸的公共安全。
Latin American transnational criminal organizations
are extending their
[...] networks to new territories, which risks creating narco-States in West Africa and gravely threatens public security on both sides of the Atlantic.
该公约在收到交存的第八份核准、加入、接受或批准文书的30日 后生效,包括三个沿海国(太平 两岸 各 一 个) 三 个 在 公约区捕捞或正在捕捞 的远洋捕鱼国。
The convention will enter into force 30 days after the date of receipt of the eighth instrument of ratification, accession,
acceptance or approval,
[...] including three coastal States (one from each side of the Pacific) and three distant-water [...]
fishing States that have
been or are fishing in the Convention Area.
联苏特派团的结构基于特派团的任务,取决于若干因素,包括该国广大的国 土面积,运输网络方面的挑战,根据《全面和平协议》与苏丹国家对话者开展的 合作与协调,以及在特派两大重 点领域,即苏丹南方和 三地 区 ” 之间分配资 源的需要。
The UNMIS structure is based on the mandate of the Mission and is dictated by a number of factors, including the huge size of the country, challenges in the transport network, collaboration and coordination with national Sudanese interlocutors in accordance with the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and
the need to allocate
[...] resources between the two major focus areas of the Mission, namely, Southern Sudan and “the three areas”.
部长们还欢迎执行理事会呼吁采取措施,确保 西 岸 和 加 沙地 带的地理完整和两地之间的自由通行,以及在该国两个部分居住的巴勒斯坦人有 权相互之间以及与外部世界之间通行无阻。
The Ministers also welcomed the Executive Council’s call for measures aimed at
ensuring the geographical
[...] unity of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and freedom of movement between the two territories, as [...]
well as the right of Palestinians
living in both parts of the country to communicate with one another and with the outside world.
兩岸剛簽署ECFA,未來 海西經濟區在國家的經濟發展,以及在 岸三地 與 東 盟的經濟關係 中,將佔上極其重要的位置。
Since both sides have recently signed ECFA, the West Coast Economic Zone is going to take up an extremely important position in national economic
development, in the economic
[...] relations between the three places across the Strait and in the Association [...]
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
在緊接句號之前加上“;(九 )
加強吸引台灣企業透過香港融資,以 發揮香港國際金融中心的作用;及(十 ) 積極參與海峽西岸經濟區
[...] 的規劃建設,發揮香港作為國際金融、航運和貿易中心的作用, 使香港繼續在岸三地經貿 交往中保持積極的角色和作用,為香 港經濟發展創造新的動力”。
To add "; (i) stepping up efforts to attract Taiwan enterprises to raise capital through Hong Kong, so as to optimize Hong Kong's function as an international financial centre; and (j) actively participating in the planning and construction of the economic zone on the western side of the Taiwan Strait, and optimizing Hong Kong's function as an international financial, shipping and trading centre, so as to enable Hong Kong to continue to maintain its active role and
functions in the economic and trading
[...] exchanges among the three places across the Taiwan [...]
Strait and give new impetus to Hong
Kong's economic development" immediately before the full stop.
三個城 市逗留期間,訪問團會與負責海濱區規劃或管理的機 構(包括麻薩諸塞州岸地區管 理處、紐約市城市規劃署、溫哥華港 務局及北溫哥華市海濱項目辦事處)的代表會晤,並會實地視察不同 的海濱項目。
During its stay in the three cities, the delegation will meet with representatives of organizations responsible for the planning or management of waterfront areas (including the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, [...]
the New York City Department
of City Planning, Port Metro Vancouver and the Waterfront Project Office, City of North Vancouver) and conduct site visits to waterfront projects.
香港是岸三地中唯 一一個全球性城市,在現代服務業中佔據發 展的高端位置。
Among the Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong, Hong Kong is the only international city that occupies a leading position in the development of the modern service industries.
[...] 在內地經營赴台的業務,以及研究進一步發展 岸三地 一 程 多站的 旅遊產品,包括航空及郵輪旅遊。
The Administration would also seek to enable Hong Kong travel agents to operate in the Mainland
tours to Taiwan, and explore further
[...] development of cross-Strait Mainland-Hong Kong-Taiwan [...]
multi-destination tourism products,
including air and cruise packages.
如果想要超越你们这一代获得成功,太平 两岸 的 公 民要更 地 认 识 到现在他们直接从一个强大的美中关系中获益,因为公民将越来越能更好地表达他们的情感。
Citizens on both sides of the Pacific will need to better [...]
understand now they directly benefit from a strong U.S.-China relationship if it is to succeed beyond your generation
because citizens will be increasingly in a position to make their feelings known.
然而,如果没有额外资源,有地举 行两、三天(小 组委员会通常的会期)的远程或者电视会议可能是不可行的。
However, achieving an
[...] effective teleconference or videoconference facility for two or three days (the usual [...]
length of a subcommittee
meeting) would probably not be feasible without additional resources.
两岸公民的突尼斯人联合会(FTCR)的 Bahija Ouezini 女士首先介绍了其机构,该联 合会致力地中海两岸间的 人员接收和两岸友谊,抵制排外言论。
Ms Bahija Ouezini of the Fédération tunisienne citoyenne des deux rives (FTCR) first introduced her association which worked for a positive reception and friendship across the Mediterranean, and to combat xenophobic attitudes.
然而,尽管一些捐助者继续慷慨解 囊,2010
[...] 年的承诺仍然不足以确保巴勒斯坦权力机构 在加沙和西岸两地的开支,并且巴勒斯坦权力机构从 国内银行借款弥补短缺的困难越来越大。
However, despite the continuing generosity of some donors, commitments for 2010 remain insufficient to ensure that the
Palestinian Authority can meet expenses in both
[...] Gaza and the West Bank, and the Palestinian [...]
Authority faces increasing difficulties
in borrowing from domestic banks to cover this shortfall.
在他要修建的桥那儿有两座古老的土楼——传统的堡垒状圆形结构建筑 物——它们分别伫立在河两岸。这 个十分现代的建筑不仅成 地 融 入 了周围的景观之中,还 通过河上的这个线状轻量的建筑将两个庞大的历史建筑连接到了一起。
The very modern structure not only blends successfully into the
landscape, it also
[...] succeeds in joining the bulky forms of the two historic structures through a linear [...]
lightweight sculpture that floats above the river.
圭亚那境内有5 万多名美洲印第安人( 土著人) ,他们定居在134 个享有土 地权的社区,主要生活在圭亚那的内陆地区和沿 两岸地 区。
Guyana is home to more than 50,000 Amerindian (indigenous) peoples settled in 134 tilted communities, living mainly in the hinterland and riverain areas of Guyana.
与京津地区不同的是,2012年度长三角和 三 角 两地 区 拍 卖市场份额逆 势而上,均比上一年度有一定的提升。
Contrary to the Beijing and Tianjin region, the Yangtze River Delta1 and Pearl River Delta2 regions auction market share rose in 2012 against the trend, both improving on the year before.
[...] 其狹隘地方主義的心態,以及認識到香港其實都是內地、台灣及香港 所組成的岸三地發展的持份者,香港應該趁着這個機遇進一步跟台 [...]
If Hong Kong does not want to be
marginalized again during the
[...] process of cross-strait integration, it [...]
must change its narrow-minded concept of localism and realize that Hong Kong is in fact a stakeholder of cross-strait development involving the
Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
[...] 她經修改的修正案措辭: 在緊接句號之前加上“ ; ( 十一) 積極研究簡化岸三地居民往來 的出入境手續;(十二) 加強岸三地在教 育、環保及司法互助方 面的交流和合作;及(十三) 按照現時特區政府設立駐內地辦事處 [...]
To add “; (k) actively studying the streamlining of customs clearance procedures for residents of the three places across the Taiwan Strait travelling to and from these places; (l) strengthening exchanges and cooperation in areas of education,
environmental protection and
[...] mutual legal assistance among the three places across the Taiwan Strait; and (m) in accordance with [...]
the existing mode adopted
by the Special Administrative Region Government in establishing offices on the Mainland, commencing a study on the feasibility of establishing a government office in Taiwan” immediately before the full stop.
[...] 我今次提出的修正案,便是希望香港要作好準備,迎接挑戰,加強與內地及 台灣的互動和交流,發揮香港在兩岸經貿關係中的作用,為 岸三地 建 構一 個互惠互利的大中華商務平台,因為 岸三地 各 有優勢,可以互補長短,發 揮三地合作的協同效應,帶出兩岸三贏的局面。
I think we have to capitalize on the opportunities brought about by the "Three Direct Links", whether the establishment of such links will mean an adversity or an opportunity. With the amendment I have proposed, I hope that Hong Kong will make preparation for the challenges and strengthen the interaction and exchanges between the Mainland and Taiwan in order to
give full play to its
[...] role in the economic and trade relations across the Strait, and to establish a mutually beneficial business platform [...]
in the Greater
China Region for the three places across the Taiwan Strait.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期 拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget
for special political
[...] missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).




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