单词 | 丢掉 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 丢掉 verb —lose v (often used)less common: discard v 丢掉 —throw away • cast away See also:丢 v—lose v • throw v 丢—put aside 掉 v—lose v • drop v • fall v • turn v • reduce v 掉—swap • swing • show off • lag behind • shed (hair) • fall (in prices) • go missing • lose (value, weight etc) • wag
不过,代表们强调,尽管有必要变革以利新的和有前途的活动出现,但是,34 C/4 不应当丢掉 目前的优先事项和目标的连续性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, delegates emphasized that, while changes were necessary to allow for [...] new and promising activities to emerge, document 34 [...] C/4 should not lose continuity of [...]present priorities and objectives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在 这些情况下,健康权要求劳动者在任何时候均保留拒绝从事危险或不安全工作的 权利,而不必担心会丢掉工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | In these circumstances, the right to health [...] requires that workers, at all times, retain the right to refuse dangerous or unsafe work [...] without fear of losing their job. daccess-ods.un.org |
来自于亲密家人和朋 友的情感上和实际上的支持能够帮助一个人去妥善地处理挑战和危机,如家人逝去 、 丢掉 工作,或照顾年迈双亲。 hongfook.ca | Emotional and practical support from loved ones and peers can help an individual deal with a challenge or crisis, such as the death of a family member, loss of a job or caring for an aging parent. hongfook.ca |
委员会还关切地注意到,由于缺少以其语言提供的教育和信息,土著社群可 能会丢掉自己的文化和语言。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee also notes with concern that indigenous [...] communities may lose their culture [...]and language as a result of a lack of education [...]and information in their own languages (arts. 13, 14 and 15). daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,“经 [...] 验教训”成了“遗失的经验教训”, 丢掉 了 借 鉴安全 部门改革支助受益国的观点的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, “lessons learned” [...] become “lessons lost”, and opportunities [...]to learn from the perspectives of those at the receiving [...]end of SSR support are missed. daccess-ods.un.org |
监工常常恐吓我 们,威胁说:“快一点,不然你就会 丢掉 工 作 ”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Supervisors would terrorize us, making [...] threats: “Speed up or lose your job”. daccess-ods.un.org |
奈伊创造出敏感的雕塑艺术品,而这些也同时是他个人历史的纪念碑:他父 亲 丢掉 家 族 黄麻生意的时候,他开始用黄麻线头来创作。 shanghaibiennale.org | Nai creates sensitive, sculptural art works that are also monuments [...] to the artist’s personal history: he began using jute thread as a medium [...] when his father lost the family jute [...]business. shanghaibiennale.org |
一些与会者同意应更加重视结果的评估工作,但同时提到要警惕“盲目实用主义”, [...] 因为并非所有的活动都即刻能量化和衡量,而且本组织最终可能 会 丢掉 哲 学和伦理方面的问 题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some participants, while agreeing that greater importance should be attached to results measurement, warned against “blind pragmatism”, as all activities are not [...] immediately quantifiable and measurable and the Organization [...] may end up doing away with philosophical [...]and ethical issues. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当然,创建性别平等并不是要丢掉男子 气质,而是说男性作为一个群体应当能够分 享并成为更广阔、更健康、更安全、更丰富 的文化体验的一部分。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It does mean that men as a group will be able to share and be part of a broader, healthier, safer, and richer cultural experience. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果您的金融机构没有通过网站进行即时客户服务,特别是如果您的竞争对手已经提供了,那么您的机构可能就 会 丢掉 销 售 额和进行客户服务的机会。 providesupport.cn | If your financial institution doesn't have live customer service through your website, [...] especially when your competitors already do, your [...] institution could be losing sales and customer [...]service opportunities. providesupport.com |
这位检察官表示,该监狱最多可容纳 50 名犯人,但第一次前去那里检查时 发现有 104 名犯人,第二次发现有 109 名犯人;划拨的犯人伙食费预算为每人每 天 8.30 伦皮拉(洪都拉斯货币);由于漏雨,一些牢房里遍地是水,许多没有床铺 的囚犯不得不睡在地上,由于人多厕所数量不足而且总是湿乎乎的,使得厕所里 [...] 满是污垢而且充斥着难闻的味道;牢房里拥挤不堪,男人、女人、恶势力帮派成 员、精神病人以及正在接受审理和判决的人都挤在一间牢房里,这些直接威胁到 犯人的个人安全乃至群体安全;监狱当局缺少安保和监控措施的后果在 2005 年 10 月 27 [...] 日发生的一起暴力事件中得到应验,在那起事件中有一个囚 犯 丢掉 了性 命。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Attorney for Human Rights noted, inter alia, that the jail had 50 places, but that at the time of the first inspection there were 104 inmates and at the time of the second, 109; the budget allocation for food was 8.30 lempiras a day per inmate; some cells were prone to flooding from water leaks, yet because there were not enough beds many inmates slept on the wet floor; the toilets were constantly foulsmelling and full of filth because there were not enough for the large number of inmates, which constitutes a hazard to their health; overcrowding is a serious risk to the individual and collective safety of the prisoners, with men and women, members of rival gangs, prisoners with mental illnesses, and convicted prisoners and prisoners awaiting trial sharing the same cells; and the lack of [...] security and the absence of authority had led to a violent incident on 27 October 2005, [...] in which an inmate lost his life. daccess-ods.un.org |
利物浦自己丢掉了一 个获胜的机会,即使苏亚雷斯拥有精湛的技术和创造力但有时候缺少运气。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Liverpool themselves miss a natural finisher, in that Suarez for all his skills and creativity sometimes finds the net to be off his radar. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
我当时就是这样被卡瑞卡教训得立即 丢掉 心 事 ,比先 前还要专心致致地呆在现实中。 vital-office.net | Therefore I learned quickly how to switch off properly, and even more important, to really pay attention and to be absolutely present while riding, at work and in my private live. vital-office.net |
相反, 如果事情的前景并不那么看好(油价降低或保持温和,生产率也是一般),这种情 [...] 况之下公司放弃这个业务是非常困难的(在净收入还是为正的情况下,为什 么丢 掉所有 的东西呢,尽管收益不如预期那么高,还要考虑到将一个石油钻井平台丢 [...]弃到中海所带来的环境和法律分歧)。 crystalballservices.com | However, if things are not looking too good (oil prices are low or moderate and production is only decent), it is [...] very difficult for the company to abandon [...] operations (why lose everything when net [...]income is still positive although not as [...]high as anticipated and not to mention the environmental and legal ramifications of simply abandoning an oil rig in the middle of the ocean). crystalballservices.com |
尽管AC米兰目前位于意甲首位,但以他们目前的阵容可能会让他们处 在 丢掉 头 名 的险境。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Although AC Milan are currently at the top of the Serie A standings, their current form could put them in danger of being knocked off first place. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
缺少 或丢掉一份 工作往往意味着长期失业、贫困和社会排斥。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lack or loss of a job often means [...] long-term unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. daccess-ods.un.org |
提早提出申请 [...] 的原因是:该公司如果不迅速转换为无消耗臭氧潜能值/低全球升温潜能值的技术, 有 丢掉 39 生意的危险。 multilateralfund.org | The reason for the advance submission was that [...] FARCO risked losing business if it [...]did not quickly convert to a non-ODP/low-GWP technology. multilateralfund.org |
因此,在举行谈判以讨论多少百分比的 排放应该被或会被允许的同时,我们区域数以百万计 的人民却在为失去他们的家园和丢掉 工 作 而担惊受 怕,为他们的下一代将看不到祖先的财产而忧心忡 忡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, as negotiations are held to discuss what percentage of emission should be or would be allowed, millions of people in our region are scared of losing their homes and of joblessness and apprehensive of the fact that their next generation will not see their ancestral property. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国还说,申请 人仅凭一个电话就甘冒丢掉工作 的风险,不惜面临严重后果,而且她自称从事的 [...] 活动恰恰是针对显然给她提供工作的那个人,这实在让人奇怪。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party adds that it would be surprising if the [...] complainant on a mere phone call would have [...] taken the risk of losing her employment [...]and facing serious consequences, especially [...]since her alleged activity was directed against the very person who had apparently offered her the post she held. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果女王公园巡游者想要避免丢掉英 超 联赛的参赛资格,他们就必须开始显示出他们的实力。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | If QPR want to avoid dropping to the Championship, [...] then they have to start showing up. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
这是为了确保对开发人员教授的技巧不会 被 丢掉 ,而且使新的开发人员能够在公司工作期间在技术方 [...] 面有所进步。 opensamm.org | This was completed to ensure that the skills given to [...] developers were not lost and new developers [...]would be up skilled during their time with the company. opensamm.org |
当Google开启它的即时通讯程序GTalk之后,大把的用 户 丢掉 了 他 们的MSN账号开始转战GTalk。 google-talk.cn.uptodown.com | When Google launched GTalk, its instant messenger service, a huge number of people dropped their MSN accounts and started using this popular service. google-talk.en.uptodown.com |
78 即使在这样的情况下,移徙妇女都不愿意抱怨住 房条件,因为害怕丢掉工作 ,被迫迁出,这样一来她们的适当住房权就长期遭到 侵犯。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such violence is a serious concern for migrant domestic workers, whose options are effectively reduced to either enduring violence or reporting it to the authorities, thereby risking homelessness and eventual loss of employment and deportation. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,声名卓著的鲁纳•格拉姆风(Rune Grammofon)唱片公司还为该乐队发行了一张音乐会现场演出视频光碟(DVD)。该乐队2004年发行的《这就是我的心跳律动》(This Was The Pace Of My Heartbeat)、2006年发行的《丢掉石头 、捡起骨头》(Losing Stones, Collecting Bones)和2008年发行的《白色苍茫》(Whiteout)获得大量好评。 norway.org.cn | Since then they have played concerts in Europe, USA and Asia and released three albums and a concert DVD on the prestigious Rune Grammofon label (”This Was The Pace Of My Heartbeat” in 2004, "Losing Stones, Collecting Bones" in 2006 and ”Whiteout” in 2008) to much critical acclaim. norway.cn |
Islam 先生(孟加拉国)说,由于接连不断的金 融危机、国际市场的异常波动、前所未有的粮食和 [...] 能源价格上涨以及气候变化的破坏性影响,约 10 亿 人陷入贫困,3 000 万人丢掉工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Bangladesh) said that as a result of repeated financial crises, volatility in international markets, unprecedented food and energy price rises and the devastating impacts [...] of climate change, some 1 billion people had been pushed over the poverty line and 30 [...] million people had lost their jobs. daccess-ods.un.org |
结果,丢失了数据,失去了支持,不得不放弃为创建 水资源综合管理数据库建立平台的项目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As a result, data and back-up were lost and the project to build a platform for the creation of a data bank in support of integrated water resources management had to be cancelled. unesdoc.unesco.org |
用新流体冲掉旧流 体,或者用兼容溶剂 冲 掉 旧 流 体, 然后引入新流体。 graco.com | Flush out old fluid with new fluid, or flush out old fluid with a compatible solvent before introducing new fluid. graco.com |
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 [...] I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 [...] 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更 新 丢 失 和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering [...] and passing through the country; updating [...] the database of lost and stolen passports; [...]and investigating and registering international [...]foundations that wanted to operate in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
咨询委员会获悉,任职者将负责与包 [...] 括以下各方的各办公室和实体进行协调和联络:信息和通信技术厅,以解决与系 统托管有关的问题;供应商,涉及技术事项和设备升级;安全和安保部,涉及周 [...] 边安全进出管制;“团结”项目工作队,涉及人力资源数据和资产管理;国际刑 事警察组织(国际刑警组织),涉及丢 失 或 被盗的旅行证件数据库;以及国际民用 [...]航空组织。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee was informed that the incumbent would be responsible for coordinating and liaising with various offices and entities, including with the Office of Information and Communications Technology to address issues related to the hosting of the system; the vendor in relation to the technical matters and upgrading of equipment; the Department of Safety and Security for perimeter security access control; the Umoja project team for human resources data and asset management; the [...] International Criminal Police Organization [...] (INTERPOL) for a lost or stolen travel [...]document database; and the International Civil Aviation Organization. daccess-ods.un.org |