单词 | 丢弃 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 丢弃 noun, plural —discards pl丢弃 (...) verb —abandon vless common: reject sth. v Examples:可选择丢弃—DE • discard eligible (Frame Relay) See also:丢 v—lose v • throw v 丢—put aside 弃—throw away • relinquish
适当时,这类措施可 [...] 以包括有关鱼的大小、网目规格或网具 、 丢弃 物 、某些渔业尤其是 手工渔业的禁渔期和禁渔区等技术措施。 fao.org | Where appropriate, such measures may include [...] technical measures related to fish size, mesh [...] size or gear, discards, closed seasons [...]and areas and zones reserved for selected [...]fisheries, particularly artisanal fisheries. fao.org |
单次使用的血盒用来在 一个样品上进行分析,然后被丢弃。 itcmed.com | A single-use cartridge is used to perform analysis on one [...] sample, then is discarded. itcmed.com |
此 外,中西太平洋渔委指出,关于海洋 废 弃 物 及 丢 失 和 丢弃 渔 具对海洋生态系统的 影响的资料文件已由美国在 2007 [...] 年第三届年度会议上提呈。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, WCPFC noted that an [...] information paper on marine debris and [...] the impacts of lost and abandoned fishing gear on the [...]marine ecosystem had been tabled [...]by the United States at its third annual session in 2007. daccess-ods.un.org |
丢弃 U 形管 (C) 和静态混合器接头 (D)。 gww.graco.com | Discard the u-tube (C) and [...] the static mixer fitting (D). gww.graco.com |
最恶劣的案件是,将不同部位的尸块分 散 丢弃 在 城 市的各个地 区,在尸块上或在被找到的尸块上附上纸条写明的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the worst cases, parts of the bodies are scattered through different areas of the city with messages written on the bodies or on paper found on the bodies. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴卜盖卜利和哈米迪耶的行动之后,一些人的尸体 被 丢弃 在哈 马,身上还拷着手铐,显然是被处决的。 daccess-ods.un.org | After the operations in Bab Qebli and Al Hamidieh, the handcuffed bodies of persons who had apparently been executed were dumped in Hama. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果 pH 值过高,丢弃该样品并重新开始实验。 cn.lubrizol.com | If the pH [...] is too high, discard the sample and [...]start over. lubrizol.com |
11.C. 捕捞渔业(大型商业性、个体和自给性渔业)对海洋生态系统的影响,具 [...] 体形式为对食物网、副渔获物(鱼类、哺乳动物、爬行动物和海鸟)以及不同的渔 具和捕捞方法的影响,包括丢弃物对 其他野生动物的影响,以及丢失或遗弃渔具 [...]的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | 11.C. Impacts of capture fisheries (large-scale commercial, artisanal and subsistence fishing) on marine ecosystems, through effects on the food web, by-catch (fish, mammals, reptiles and seabirds), and different [...] fishing gear and methods, including the impact of discards on other wildlife, and [...] impacts from lost or abandoned fishing gear. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴塞尔公约》的目的是解决因越境转移危险废物、 包括在这些国家丢弃危险 废物所带来的威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Basel Convention is aimed at addressing the threats posed by the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, including their disposal in those States. daccess-ods.un.org |
假如一个aspect从JVM中撤消,aspect代码将 被 丢弃 并 且 相应的拦截也将不会再发生。 javakaiyuan.com | If a withdrawal from the JVM aspect , aspect [...] code will be discarded and the corresponding [...]block will not happen again . javakaiyuan.com |
您的扫描仪无法在扫描中途安全停止,因此,一些图像会在按下“停止”按钮时 被 丢弃。 graphics.kodak.com | Your scanner cannot safely stop in the middle of scanning, therefore, [...] some images are discarded when the Stop [...]button is selected. graphics.kodak.com |
各国应当采取适当措施来减少浪费、 丢弃 物 、 遗失或抛弃的 渔具的捕获量、鱼类和非鱼类的非目标物种的捕获量、对与之联系 [...] 的或依赖物种的消极影响,尤其是濒危物种。 fao.org | States should take appropriate measures to minimize waste, [...] discards, catch by lost or abandoned gear, catch [...]of non-target species, both fish and [...]non-fish species, and negative impacts on associated or dependent species, in particular endangered species. fao.org |
取下 TLM [...] 显示窗上用于运输保护的塑料保护盖 (5) 并将其丢弃。 graco.com | Remove the protective plastic over cover (5) on the TLM display that was used [...] for shipping and discard. graco.com |
其他方法虽然可能在技术上合法,但显然是不道德的(例如窃听、寻找 丢弃在垃 圾桶里的文件、偷偷记录谈话)。 lubrizol.com | Other methods, while perhaps not technically illegal, are [...] clearly unethical (for example, eavesdropping, [...] looking for discarded documents in [...]trash bins and secretly recording a conversation). lubrizol.com |
解决这一问题的解决方案是数据中心桥接(DCB)标准,这种技术可实现无损以太网,几乎从根本上消除重 传 丢弃 的 数 据包的需求。 emulex.com | The solution can be found with Data Center Bridging (DCB) standards that enable lossless Ethernet and virtually eliminate retransmission of dropped packets. emulex.com |
3 月 6 日,“新生力量”在与忠于巴 博先生的部队激烈交战之后,控制了同利比里亚接壤 的边境重镇 [...] Toulepleu,缴获了国防和安全部队(国防 军)丢弃的一架军事上称为 BM-21 的多管火箭弹发射 器。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 6 March, the Forces nouvelles took control of Toulepleu, a key town on the border with Liberia, after heavy fighting with forces loyal to Mr. Gbagbo, capturing a [...] multibarrel rocket launcher — known in military [...] parlance as a BM-21 — abandoned by the Forces de [...]défense et de sécurité (FDS). daccess-ods.un.org |
在丢弃补偿 处理程序后,嵌套的作用域发出 Closed 信号作为响应。 huihoo.org | After discarding the compensation [...] handler the nested scope responds with a Closed signal. huihoo.org |
至于那些找不到处理程序的消息,或被移至错误队列,或 被 丢弃 , 采 取何种处理方式就要根据配置文件中所指定的信息而定了。 infoq.com | Messages that have no handler can either be moved to the [...] error queue or discarded depending on [...]the configuration specified. infoq.com |
第 III 地区组副主席强调,应制定更为灵活的出版战略,强调“不分享的知识 是 丢弃的 知识”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Vice-Chair representing region [...] III emphasized the need for a more flexible publication strategy, stressing that [...] “knowledge not shared is lost knowledge”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
审查小组注意到,东北大西洋渔委已经开始解决利用 被 丢弃 的 鱼 网在深海 区域幻影捕鱼问题,并通过设立禁渔区、禁止捕杀鲨鱼、海下超过 [...] 200 米深禁止 刺网捕鱼以及为设立新的禁渔区制订程序等措施解决环境和生态问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The review panel noted that NEAFC [...] was beginning to address the issue of [...] ghost fishing from lost nets in deep-sea [...]areas and more environmental and ecological [...]issues through its application of closed areas, moratoriums on shark fishing, the ban on the use of gill-nets in depths beyond 200 metres and the development of procedures for closing new areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
丢弃你曾经在设置上作的任何当前的变动,重新显示 先前的菜单。 codonics.com | Discards any current changes [...] you have made to a setting, and redisplays the previous menu. codonics.com |
如果该公司想要丢弃任何 MSB 文件, 则必须在丢弃前将文件完全销毁。 moneygram.com | If the Business discards any MSB documents, the documents must be completely [...] destroyed prior to disposal. moneygram.com |
高 压灭菌时,包装不能耐高温,应在灭菌 前丢 弃。 vitaid.com | The packaging cannot withstand the high temperatures of autoclaving [...] and should be discarded before sterilisation. vitaid.com |
采集尿样首先是确保运动员被告知样品采集要求,最后是在运动员的样品采集 活动结束时丢弃任何残余的尿液。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The collection of a urine Sample begins with ensuring the Athlete is [...] informed of the Sample collection requirements [...] and ends with discarding any residual urine [...]remaining at the end of the Athlete’s Sample Collection Session. unesdoc.unesco.org |
马诺拉的地理和行政区划如同一具身体被掏空 后 丢弃 的 隐 喻。 shanghaibiennale.org | The geography and administrative segmentation of Manora evokes the metaphor of a body that has been gutted and cast away. shanghaibiennale.org |
这个选项是在检测空 [...] 白页 (即文档的背面)时使用,这些空白的页面将 被 丢弃。 graphics.kodak.com | This option is used to detect blank pages (i.e., the back side of a document), so [...] these pages can be discarded. graphics.kodak.com |
圣马刁县 Recology公司为每个单元每年提供两次免费大件物品搜集服务,帮 助您的居民丢弃多余 的垃圾和体积过大的物品,例如家用电器、床垫、家具 等。 rethinkwaste.org | Recology San Mateo County provides two annual On-Call Bulky Item collections per unit at no additional cost to help your residents dispose of excess garbage and oversized items such as appliances, mattresses, furniture, etc. rethinkwaste.org |
88. 挪威代表团虽然不反对通过这一文本,但鉴于添加的糖在世卫组织全球膳食、体 [...] 力活动和卫生战略方面的重要性,对删除加糖规定表示关注,提出这些规定的宗旨不应 丢弃,应 由该委员会联系这项全球战略的实施进一步审议。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of Norway, while not objecting to the adoption of the text, expressed concern with the deletion of the provisions for added sugars in view of their importance in the perspective of the WHO Global Strategy for Diet, Physical Activity and Health and [...] proposed that the purpose of these [...] provisions should not be lost and should be considered [...]further by the Committee in relation [...]with the implementation of the Global Strategy. codexalimentarius.org |
相反, 如果事情的前景并不那么看好(油价降低或保持温和,生产率也是一般),这种情 况之下公司放弃这个业务是非常困难的(在净收入还是为正的情况下,为什么丢 [...] 掉所有的东西呢,尽管收益不如预期那么高,还要考虑到将一个石油钻井平 台丢 弃到中海所带来的环境和法律分歧)。 crystalballservices.com | However, if things are not looking too good (oil prices are low or moderate and production is only decent), it is very difficult for the company to abandon operations (why lose everything when net income is still positive although not as high as anticipated [...] and not to mention the environmental and legal [...] ramifications of simply abandoning an oil rig in the [...]middle of the ocean). crystalballservices.com |
当汞温度计或纽扣电池被丢弃并在 焚化炉中焚烧时,所含 汞多数可能排入大气中,但是,在家中打破的汞温度计,或是在固体废物体系中打破、之后掩埋进垃 圾的汞温度计,排放出其中的汞显著多于纽扣电池(HCWH 2002c)。 zeromercury.org | However, a mercury thermometer that breaks in the home, or that breaks in the solid waste system prior to burial in a landfill, will release significantly more of its mercury than will a button cell battery (HCWH 2002c). zeromercury.org |