

单词 东西

东西 noun

object n



east west
east and west

购买东西 v

purchase v


east west south north

External sources (not reviewed)

除公路外,还东西两大 岛和离岛上的住区提供沿海运 输服务,在两个大岛之间提供定期渡轮服务,以及提供地方空运服务,确保通信 [...]
In addition to roads, a coastal shipping service to
[...] settlements on the east, west and outlying islands, [...]
a regular ferry service between the
two main islands, and local air services ensure communications.
餐桌礼仪——在野餐、烧烤等非正式用餐场合或食用外卖食品时,可以用手 东西 吃。
Table manners – you can eat with your fingers at informal meals such as a picnic,
[...] barbecue or when eating takeaway food.
据管理国报告,开设了沿海运输服务, 东西 两 大 岛和离岛上的住区供应燃 料和用品,以及在两个大岛之间提供定期渡轮服务,载运乘客和货物。
According to the administering Power, there is a coastal shipping
service supplying fuel and stores to
[...] settlements on the east, west and outlying islands, [...]
as well as a regular ferry service
between the two main islands, carrying both passengers and freight.
而且,如果要将基于结果的预算制定和管理置于最重要 的优先地位,就不应将资金如何使用,也就是资金用来购买了哪 东西 作 为 最重要的指标, 资金的用途可能与初衷大相径庭却仍然实现了预期的结果。
Further, if the results-based budgeting and management are to be given importance and priority, the way in which the funds are utilized, i.e., what is purchased by the funds, should not be the most important indicator, and can well vary from the initial intention while the expected results are still achieved.
鉴于 调查团成员的信誉,特别是坚持要把巴勒斯坦战争罪行的指称纳入实况调查工作 的戈德斯通法官本人的信誉,那种本着来自人权理事会的任 东西 都 是 带偏见的 说法,或者说报告的结论称以色列国防军应当对战争罪负责这一结论本身的性质 就呈现出反以色列的――或用一些更火气冲天的词――甚至是反犹太人偏见的说 法,来对报告的结论和建议挑刺,看来是不负责任、毫无意义的。
Given the credibility of the members of the Mission, and in particular of Justice Goldstone himself, who insisted on including allegations of Palestinian war crimes within the FFM undertaking, it would seem irresponsible and frivolous to mount an argument against the findings and recommendations built around either the claim that anything emanating from the Human Rights Council is bound to be biased, or that the report, by finding the IDF responsible for the commission of war crimes, is by the very nature of its conclusions exhibiting an anti-Israeli, or in some dramatically-inflamed claims, even an anti-Semitic bias.
基于与地质测量和太空机构的伙伴关系,利用地质数据和地图成了研究与培 训的强大工具,而且也是地区社会经济发展以及减轻自然灾害负面影响的不可或缺 东西。
Based on the partnership with Geological Surveys and Space agencies, the utilization of geological data and maps has proved to be a powerful tool for research and training and is indispensable for the socio-economic regional development as well as for the mitigation of the negative affects of natural disasters.
处理程序声明它将处理的头(即那些由 Handler.getHeaders() 方法返回东西)必须在服务的 WSDL 定义中进行定义。
The headers that a Handler declares it will process (i.e. those returned by the Handler.getHeaders() method must be defined in the WSDL definition of the service.
国家或国 际组织的任何明示接受对一国际组织章程的保留,也是如此:没有任 东西 妨碍 这类明示接受,但它们不能产生如同接受了对其他形式条约的保留一样的效力。
The same holds true for any express acceptances by a State or international organization of a reservation to the constituent instrument of an international organization: there is nothing to prevent such express acceptances from being formulated, but they cannot produce the same effects as the acceptance of a reservation to a treaty that does not take this form.
视力受损有各种不同的原因,例如,在光线不足的情况下 东西 能 力 取决于在眼内存在的一种物质叫视紫红质。
There are a variety of different causes for impaired vision, for example, the ability to see in poor light depends on the presence of a substance in the eye called rhodopsin.
专利性通常有三个要求:新颖(具有新的特性,而不是先有技术),发明步骤与非显见性(对该领 域的专家来说没有显而易见东西) 和工业适用性与有用性(美国)。
There are usually three requirements for patentability: novelty (new characteristics which are not prior art), inventive step or non-obviousness (knowledge not obvious to one skilled in the field), and industrial applicability or utility (US).
土库曼斯坦的 国家政权建立在如下原则基础上:人民的权力至高无上,人民是政权的惟一源泉 和载体;承认人是社会和国家最宝贵 东西 ; 国家对人民负责并捍卫公民的生 命、尊严、人格、自由、个人不可侵犯性、自然和不可转让的权利;国家权力机 关分为立法权力机关、执行权力机关和司法权力机关;中央权力机关和地方自治 机构的职能和权能分开。
Turkmenistan is a democratic, law-based, secular State governed as a presidential republic. State power is based on the following principles: sovereignty of the people, from whom all power emanates and in whom all power resides; recognition of the human being as the most valuable asset of society and the State; responsibility of the State towards the people, including protection of the life, honour, dignity, freedom, personal inviolability and natural and inalienable rights of citizens; separation of State power into legislative, executive and judicial branches; and delimitation of the functions and powers of central authorities and local self-governance bodies.
从社会的角度来看,使用知识的人越多越好,因为每个人都能以低成本或 零成本从中得到一东西,社会从某种意义上讲,也变得更加富有。
From the point of view of society, the more people who use knowledge the better because each user gains something from it at low or no cost, and society is in some sense better off.
几年来,欧洲已成为在近东和东/西 南亚 缉获的芬乃他林片中的苯丙胺的来源地,而约旦、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和土耳 [...]
其则被用作过境地区;尚不清楚在多大程度上这些国家可能已被其他国家取 代。
For several years, Europe has been the source of the
amphetamine present in Captagon tablets seized
[...] in the Near and Middle East/South-West Asia, [...]
and countries such as Jordan, the Syrian
Arab Republic and Turkey have been used as transit areas; it is unclear to what extent those countries may have been supplanted by others.
在一份国际刊物上提到可能会出现一个新的国 家、提议崇尚民族主义的政治人物应该开始讨论和平 解散波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那或这个国家根本就不应 该存在的论点,但所有这些论点都遭到反击,指出心 怀不满的人可以离开,但不要带走国家的任 东西。
References in an international gazette to the possible emergence of a new State, and proposals that nationalist politicians should start discussing the peaceful dissolution of Bosnia and Herzegovina or that the country should not exist at all have been met by counter-statements to the effect that the disaffected elements are welcome to leave, but will not be allowed to take any part of the country with them.
所以,我干脆自己写了一个前后完全不相干的紊乱的故事,我被弄烦了!不想弄了,所以后来,内容比较奇怪,扯了很多无关痛痒,但是要继续下去 东西 , 似乎是关于西方人的:比如牛奶厂,和一个德国丈夫的关于奶汁品质的隐瞒,还有一个关于美国的前后历史背景。
But the things I wanted to carry on with seemed
[...] to be about westerners: for example, [...]
a dairy farm, a German husband’s cover-up
of dairy product quality issues, and something about the historical background in the USA.
[...] 式发展作出战略部署,是中国政府努力扶持少数民族地区各领域全面发展、缩东西部发展差距的重大举措,对有关地区未来长远发展具有重要影响。
The two aforementioned conferences arrived at the decision to deploy leapfrog development strategically in the two regions, and were thus a major move by the Chinese Government to provide vigorous support for comprehensive development of all types in minority-nationality areas, as well
as lessen the disparity in
[...] development between the eastern and western regions, which will [...]
have an important influence on
the long-term future development of the regions concerned.
你可以看到它在屏幕上四处疾驰,碾碎一切挡道 东西。
You can see it gallop around the screen , all crushed out of the way of things .
这个题为《时刻》的创新抽象影像作品只用橡胶带和细线来形成对移动抽象的研究,而选择的一系列2009年纸上作品均来自不起眼的材料,包括平淡和没人要的材料, “无望的角落和无用东西”, 这展示了艺术家转化改变所选取的任意材料和媒介的能力。
The innovative abstract video, The Movement (2007) uses only rubber bands and filament to create a study in moving abstraction, while a selection of works on paper from 2009 similarly emanate from these insignificant materials, showing this artist’s facility in transforming virtually any material or medium she takes up, including the mundane and unwanted, “the hopeless corners and useless things.
大麻脂的缉获量仍集中在西欧和中欧(特别是西班 牙)、近东和东/西南亚 (特别是阿富汗、伊朗伊斯兰共和国和巴基斯坦)以及 北非(尤其是摩洛哥)(见图五)。
Seizures of cannabis resin continued to
be concentrated in
[...] countries in Western and Central Europe (notably Spain), the Near and Middle East/South-West Asia (notably [...]
Afghanistan, Iran (Islamic
Republic of) and Pakistan) and North Africa (notably Morocco) (see figure V).
铭记诺鲁孜节中的各种传统和仪式的基础反映 东西 方 文明的文化和古老 习俗,通过人的价值观的相互交流影响 东西 方 文
Bearing in mind that the foundations of the traditions and rituals of Nowruz reflect features
of the
[...] cultural and ancient customs of the civilizations of East and West, which influenced those civilizations through the interchange [...]
of human values
不幸的是,当今世界也有一些国家,特别是所谓 的发达国家,尽管非常重视多元主义和宽容,但矛盾
[...] 的是,常常将宗教视为同现代社会格格不入 东西或 是破坏社会稳定的因素,并寻找各种办法排挤宗教以 [...]
Unfortunately, there are also countries in the world today, especially some so-called developed countries, in which, although great importance is given to pluralism and tolerance,
religion tends paradoxically to be
[...] considered as a factor foreign or destabilizing [...]
to modern society, in which different means
are sought to marginalize religion and impede it from influencing social life.
我和我女儿 Dina 的故事就是证明,这个故事很长,要追溯到 35 年前,在这 35 年里我女儿教会了我很东西。
Proof of my words is my long story with my daughter, Dina, which goes back 35 years ago, during which, my daughter taught me a lot of things.
这个城市有很东西可看,如大教堂,博物馆美术学院的蝴蝶馆(LA Papillonneraie)的,博物馆自动化(机械玩具从19世纪)和旧街道上的商店和咖啡馆。
The city has plenty of things to see such as the cathedral, the Musee des Beaux Arts, the butterfly house (La Papillonneraie), the Musee des Automates (mechanical toys from the 19th century) and the old streets full of shops and cafes.
阿塞拜疆的呈件还包括题为“阿塞拜疆——文化多样性的国家”的文件,其 中描述了该国独特的位置,即处 东西 方 、 南北方之间的十字路口,结果使不同 文化和文明的传统独特而和谐地结合在一起,并创造了容忍和尊重不同文化和民 [...]
Azerbaijan’s submission also includes a document called “Azerbaijan — country of cultural diversity”, which describes the unique
character of the country as a crossroads
[...] between the East and the West, the South and the [...]
North, a position which has led to
a unique and harmonious combination of the traditions of different cultures and civilizations and created a spirit of tolerance and respect for different cultures and nationalities.
我们相信,如果你提供合适的工具和合适的环境,这些个人能够成功,这就是为什么我们如此自豪,在美国我们有这么 东西 是 由 美国人发明的——从技术到疾病的治疗到聚焦新能源,而且数不胜数。
We believe that if you provide the right tools and the right climate those individuals can succeed,
which is why we’re so proud that in America we
[...] have so many things that have been [...]
invented by Americans -- from technology to
cures for disease to focusing on new energy, and the list goes on and on.
联盟在伊斯坦布尔召开的会议:2008 年 11 月:国际建筑中心联盟五十周年 纪念;关于“视频游戏以及建筑界可以从中学到 东西 ” 和 “建筑的未来——大 趋势和弱信号”的研讨会。
Meeting of the Union in Istanbul, November 2008: fiftieth anniversary of the Union, seminars on “Video games and what the building sector can learn” and “The future of building — megatrends and weak signals”.
[...] 把这些人收留到他们自己的国家,为其提供他们所 想要东西,即 在实现民主和要求改革的口号下, [...]
Those who sympathize with the armed groups and the terrorists in Syria should host
them in their own countries and provide them
[...] with what they want, namely, the freedom [...]
to carry weapons and destroy the social
fabric and the structures of the State under the slogans of realizing democracy and calling for reforms.
在 20 年
[...] 间,实际情况发生了重大变化,体现在当地人口的规模和构成以及经济活动和基 础设施的水平这两个方面,而且护 东西 两 侧的领土差异明显。
In 20 years, the situation on the ground has changed dramatically, both in terms of the size and makeup of the local population as well as of the
level of economic activity and infrastructure, with remarkable differences
[...] between the Territory west and east of the berm.
按有些国家以往作出的法院判决,不被 称作具有创造性东西的一些例子有: 仅是大小的变化;使产品可以移动;把 部件颠倒;材料的变化;仅是设备部件 或功能的替代。
Some examples of what may not qualify as inventive, as established by past court decisions in some countries, are: mere change of size; making a product portable; the reversal of parts; the change of materials; or the mere substitution by an equivalent part or function.




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