单词 | 东引 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 东引 —Tungyin Island, one of the Matsu IslandsExamples:新引进的东西 n—introduction n
虽然 Sazak 认为无论何种事件都不太可能触发一连串的核扩散,但是他并未解释为什么伊朗可能在 中 东引 起 一 连串的核扩散事件。 thebulletin.org | And though Sazak does not believe that a cascade of [...] proliferation is likely in any event, he fails to explain why [...] Iran might provoke a cascade of proliferation in the Middle East. thebulletin.org |
至于 Shahraki 说我未解释"为什么伊朗可能在中东引 起 一 连串的核扩散事件",她援引以色列和南亚的核武器为例,作出了部分解释。 thebulletin.org | As for Shahraki's assertion that I [...] fail to explain "why [...] Iran might provoke a cascade of proliferation in the Middle East," she provides [...]part of the explanation [...]herself by invoking nuclear weapons in Israel and South Asia. thebulletin.org |
Hidetsugu Ueno-san是日本调酒界新生领导人物之一,在整 个 东 京 引 发 了 人们对鸡尾酒的钟爱。 tipschina.gov.cn | Hidetsugu Ueno-san is one of the new leaders of Japanese bartending who is creating a new following of dedicated cocktail aficionados across Tokyo. tipschina.gov.cn |
在高分辨率卫星图像的支持下及时地和系统地提供气候预测数据,以及古 [...] 巴民防部门在预防性疏散方面采取的组织措施,使得热带风暴“Noel”在国家 东部引起的 暴雨期间大大减少人命损失成为了可能,只有一起死亡事故,原因 [...]是在发大水时死者轻率地想要过河。 oosa.unvienna.org | Timely and systematic provision of weather prediction data, supported by high-resolution satellite images, and organizational measures implemented by the Cuban Civil Defence in the area of preventive evacuation made it possible to significantly limit loss of human life [...] during the heavy rains brought by tropical [...] storm Noel to the eastern part of the country, [...]with the occurrence of just one fatality, [...]resulting from a rash attempt to cross a river in full spate. oosa.unvienna.org |
中东地区引人注 目的事件在迅速改变着该地区 的面貌,给中东各地人民带来了重大的挑战,但也带 [...] 来了具有长远影响的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Dramatic events in the region are quickly changing [...] the face of the Middle East, presenting [...]its people with tremendous challenges but [...]also with far-reaching opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
一路上,我被一样东西吸引住了 ,那就是废墟的墙上的绘画。 4tern.com | Along the way, I was captured by some drawings or paintings. 4tern.com |
尽管如此,从整体上说波兰东部地区 吸 引 投 资 的难度还是较 大。 paiz.gov.pl | Nevertheless, on the whole it still [...] remains harder to attract investments to eastern Poland. paiz.gov.pl |
当您看着800钻石系列中的扬声器时,有一 样 东 西 会 立即 吸 引 住 您 :美丽的弧形头体。 bowers-wilkins.cn | When you look at the loudspeakers in the 800 Series Diamond range one thing immediately strikes you: the beautiful curvaceous head units. bowers-wilkins.eu |
到时候,根据瓦伦斯阿里安反应引起 的 东 部 保守 派 引 向 东 正 教 ,并编制了正统的狄奥多西电源恢复,尼西亚决定是开始时被看作是神圣不可侵犯,而且会优先考虑到独特的地位高于所有其他人。 mb-soft.com | By the time that the Arian [...] reaction under Valens caused the Eastern conservatives to draw [...]towards the orthodox, and prepared [...]the restoration of orthodoxy to power by Theodosius, the Nicene decisions were beginning to be looked upon as sacrosanct, and that council to be preferred to a unique position above all others. mb-soft.com |
业务不断发展和取得有竞争力的财务业绩是我 们帮助患者生活的更好、为股东提 供有 吸 引力 的回报以及为社会做出贡献的基础。 novonordisk.com | Growing our business and delivering competitive financial results is what allows [...] us to help patients live better [...] lives, offer an attractive return to our shareholders and [...]contribute to our communities. novonordisk.com |
Song 和 Johan Olin [...] 两人合作设计同一品牌,诙谐的概念贯穿其中:企鹅装,双跟鞋,胡须保温膜,真菌形状的粪便和其他古怪的事物,每一 样 东 西 都 引 起 观赏者的会心微笑。 visitfinland.com | The same brand of witty conceptualism runs through everything designed by Song and creative partner Johan Olin: penguin [...] suits, double-heeled shoes, beard warmers, fungus-shaped [...] stools and other quirky items each guaranteed [...]to raise a smile. visitfinland.com |
由于犹太复国主义者在巴勒斯坦领土上建立定居点、以色列将巴勒斯坦人赶 [...] 出家园以及使用武力剥夺他们返回家园的权利,阿拉伯国家同以色列爆发了冲 突,并在中东地区引发了 一系列的危机和问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2. The establishment of the Zionist entity on Palestinian territory, Israel’s forcible expulsion of Palestinians from their homes and land and its denial of their right to return to the homes from which they were driven by armed [...] force led to the outbreak of the ArabIsraeli conflict, which has created a series of [...] crises and problems in the Middle East. daccess-ods.un.org |
品川城际大厦 A 座还是东京最引人注 目的摩天大厦之一,优美的椭圆外形设计、玻璃外墙装饰,使其成为一座知名的地标性建筑,是日本现代商业的象征。 servcorp.com.cn | Shinagawa Intercity Tower A is [...] located right in front of the Shinagawa [...] station, one of the Tokyo's busiest train stations, [...]providing direct connections to both Haneda and Narita airports. servcorp.com.tr |
尽管叛乱集团领导层希望加大对北 部的压力,以便将注意力从南部和东 部 地区 吸 引 过 来 ,但可能发生的情况是,地 方举措再加上阿富汗安全部队和其他国际部队,将遏制住这一地区的叛乱分子。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the insurgents leadership’s desire to increase pressure in the [...] north so as to draw attention away [...] from the southern and eastern regions, it is thought [...]likely that local initiatives in [...]combination with the Afghan National Security Force and additional international troops will contain the insurgents in this area. daccess-ods.un.org |
结果表明: (1) 3种鲂在形态可数性状上差异不显著,而可量性状与框架分析揭示团头鲂与三角鲂亲缘关系较近,它们同广东鲂差异较大;(2) 团头鲂和三角鲂均具有MDH同工酶的s-Mdh-D位点,而 广 东 鲂 未见 , 引 物 S1 1 扩增的结果在3种鲂间均显示种的特异性,这些同工酶谱带和DNA扩增带可作为3种鲂的种间分子标记;(3) 3种鲂种间亲缘关系在三个研究层面上相互吻合:即广东鲂与团头鲂、三角鲂差异较大,亲缘关系较远,而三角鲂和团头鲂之间差异小,亲缘关系较近;(4) 同工酶和RAPD分析揭示,三角鲂种内遗传多样性显著地高于广东鲂和团头鲂。 actazool.org | The RAPD primer S11 could amplify species specific bands in each of three species. These enzyme band and PCR amplified bands all could be used as interspecific molecular markers;(3) the same conclusion could be made on interspecific relationships of the three species by morphologic discrimination analysis, enzyme analysis and RAPD analysis, namely, M.hoffmanni had significant differences with M.amblycephala and M.terminalis, and there were small differences between M.amblycephala and M.terminalis ;(4) allozyme and RAPD analysis revealed that the genetic diversity within species of M.terminalis was significantly higher than that of M.amblycephala and M.hoffmanni. actazool.org |
教科文组织将把它所开展的、会引起 东 南 非 共同市场成员国兴趣的计划活动通告东 南非共同市场。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO shall inform COMESA of any of its programme activities which may be of interest to the Member States of COMESA. unesdoc.unesco.org |
2012/2013”排 名中,华沙在外资吸引力方面居中东 欧 第三,并在商业友好 方面居欧洲第四。 paiz.gov.pl | In the FT ranking “Cities and Regions of the Future 2012/2013” the [...] city of Warsaw was ranked the [...] third most attractive city for foreign investment in CEE and fourth [...]most business friendly in Europe. paiz.gov.pl |
常石造船已经在东京办事处引进了 电视会议系统,今后计划将此系统通过VP Advantage进行IP化,同时在海外的设计分公司也使用电视会议系统。 tsuneishi.co.jp | One of our plans is to convert the TV meeting system currently used at the Tokyo Office into a VP Advantage-compliant IP system, and to make the most of TV meetings also at overseas design subsidiaries. tsuneishi.co.jp |
也许正因为如此,对名牌手表的推崇一直延伸到处于国家权力机关金字塔的顶端,而这些决定国家前途和命运的人手腕上佩戴 的 东 西 往往 会 引 起 普 通老百姓的浓厚兴趣。 wthejournal.com | Just take the fact that veneration of watches goes up to the highest spheres of power where the man who presides over the destiny of an entire country pays particular attention to the timepiece he wears on his wrist. wthejournal.com |
引用如前;中东 简报 No 18,《伊朗:艾哈迈迪·内贾德的胜利意味着什 么? crisisgroup.org | both op. cit; Middle East Briefing No [...] 18, Iran: What Does Ahmadi-Nejad’s Victory Mean? crisisgroup.org |
东盟没有 设立法庭,或是迫使泰柬两国直接达成协议,而是 让那塔雷加瓦担任敦促和解的角色,最终和解结果 可以援引东盟宪 章,东南亚友好与合作条约,或是 联合国宪章。 crisisgroup.org | It did not create a court or force a direct settlement, but it gave Natalegawa the cover to push the disputants to settle, whether ultimately on the basis of ASEAN’s Charter, the TAC or the UN Charter.159 Another notable aspect of this “informal” meeting of “foreign ministers” was that only five of ten principals showed up for ASEAN’s seminal conflict resolution moment. crisisgroup.org |
解决可能引起东帝汶和印度尼西亚陆地 边界局势紧张/不稳定的所有问题 已达到。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Mission facilitated the demarcation of the remaining parts of the land border between Timor-Leste and Indonesia. daccess-ods.un.org |
安栋梁先生表示:「新航是其中一间最早使用澳门国际机场的航空公司,今次续签备忘录,显示澳门对新加坡和东南亚以及我们的伙伴新航的重要承诺,我们期望,能进一步 吸 引东 南 亚 旅客到澳门旅游,与此同时,藉着新航与世界多国的航空联系,会有更多的澳门人及中国旅客乘坐新航客机到新加坡及其他国家旅游,促进彼此的旅游业。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Singapore Airlines is one of the earliest airline companies flying into Macao International Airport. The renewal of [...] this MOU demonstrates the strong commitment of the MGTO to [...] Singapore and Southeast Asia, as well [...]as to our partner SIA. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
这里有个重要的概念,Git 有一个叫做“索引”的东东,有 点像是您的快照的缓存区。 gitref.pkufranky.com | An important concept here is that Git has an 'index', which acts as sort of a staging area for your snapshot. gitref.pkufranky.com |
澳门特别行政区政府旅游局,邀请东南亚旅游业界代表团来澳考察及参与“穿梭澳门游”(Macau Race),由团员自组旅游路线寻找澳门特色,有助日后推介“澳门游”, 吸 引 更 多 东 南 亚 旅客来澳度假,进一步推动市场多元化。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | The Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) invited tourism stakeholders from Southeast Asian countries to participate in the "Macau Race" program. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
此外,还引入了(在东道国的许可下)给予安全通行的规定,使涉嫌人或被告 人不受逮捕和起诉,从而使他们能够接受询问或首次出席审判分庭或面见预审法 [...] 官,之后再返回自己的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, [...] provisions have been introduced to grant (with [...]the consent of the host State) a safe-conduct, which affords to [...]suspects or accused immunity from arrest and prosecution thus allowing them to be interviewed or to make the initial appearance before the Trial Chamber or the Pre-Trial Judge and then to return to their own countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
2002 年 8 月,在印度尼西亚茂物举办了第三届湖泊 和水库富养化作用的地区培训班,同年 8 [...] 月,印度尼西亚科学研究所举办了植物分类学培训 班,吸引了东南亚 地区的 25 位参加者,这些活动都为专家培训提供了帮助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Support to specialist training was provided by the third Regional Training Course on Eutrophication in Lakes and Reservoirs in Bogor, Indonesia, in August 2002 and by the course on [...] plant taxonomy involving some 25 [...] participants from the SouthEast Asian region [...]organized by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, also in August 2002. unesdoc.unesco.org |
小山斜坡,林缘,扰乱潮湿的长满草的地方; 300-2500米福建,广东,广西,贵州,海南,河南,湖北,湖南,江西,四川,西藏,云南,浙江 [孟加拉国,不丹,印度尼西亚,马来西亚,尼泊尔,菲律宾,斯里兰 卡 ( 引 进 栽 培),印 度 东 北 部 ,泰国 ]. flora.ac.cn | Hill slopes, forest margins, disturbed moist grassy places; 300–2500 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, [...] Hainan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, [...] Jiangxi, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bangladesh, Bhutan, NE India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka (introduced), Thailand]. flora.ac.cn |
东帝汶人民的团结(所例举的引人注 目的数字证 明了这一点),他们对政府的声援,以及他们对国际 合作的高度重视,都特别引人瞩 目,因 为 东 帝 汶 的成 功首先归功于东帝汶人民和官员自己。 daccess-ods.un.org | The unity of [...] the people of Timor-Leste, attested to by the remarkable figures cited, their solidarity with the Government and its high regard for the international cooperation are particularly remarkable because Timor-Leste owes its success above to the Timorese people and [...]officials themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |