

单词 丛书

See also:

collection of books

External sources (not reviewed)

丛书和相 关的出版物都是为了提高对各个社会水资源发展历史的认识,继而促进对水资源管 [...]
The book series and related [...]
publications aim at raising awareness of the historicity of water resources development in all
societies and thus facilitate the mutual understanding of cultural contexts, assets and constraints in dealing with and managing water.
在对外交官的投资促进培 训中所取得的经验已编进了一本手册,并已作为投资咨 丛书 的 一 部分出版。
Experiences gained in the training of diplomats in investment promotion were bundled in a handbook, which was published as part of the Investment Advisory Series.
而这又需要与知名的科学政策研究机构建立新的伙伴 关系,以编制诸如教科文组织科学报告和科学政 丛书 之 类 的重要文件。
This is linked to the need for new partnerships with renowned research institutions in
science policy in the production of flagship documents such as the UNESCO Science
[...] Reports and our Science Policy Series.
还从同一个预算代码提 取资金,支助编制关于“保护活的宗教场所和预防宗教物品被盗”的《 文化遗产保护手 册丛书第六卷。
Funds from this same code also went to support the production of the sixth volume of the Cultural Heritage Protection Handbook series on “Protecting living worship places and preventing theft of religious objects”.
尤其针对干旱地区的生态系统继续开展了支持《生物多样性公约》-教科文组织生物多 样性教育行动的一系列活动,包括向 2002 年 7 月在蒙古举办的联合国大学中亚和蒙古生物 安全讲习班提供支持,出版 2000
年在乍得举办的教科文组织-伊斯兰教科文组织与荒漠化做 斗争为主题的国际研讨会的成果,2002 年 9 月 22 - 25 日在埃及与联合国大学和国际干旱地
[...] 区农业研究中心(ICARDA)共同举办了一次“边缘性干旱地区的可持续管理”国际讲习 班,以及继续检验“荒漠化教丛书 ” 的 效果。
Activities underpinning the CBD UNESCO initiative on biodiversity education were pursued, especially for dryland systems, including support to the United Nations University Central Asia and Mongolia workshop on biosecurity in Mongolia in July 2002, the publication of the international UNESCO-ISESCO seminar on combating desertification held in Chad in 2000, the organization of an international workshop on “Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands” in Egypt from 22 to 25 September 2002 jointly with the United Nations University and the International Centre
for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), as well as continued testing of
[...] the “Education kit on desertification”.
已对约 1 449 本专著丛书进行 了编目,将在线版出版物的 218 个网 址收录到数据库中。
Some 1,449 monographs and serials were catalogued and 218 website addresses of online version of publications have been added in the databases.
[...] 积行动信息门户和数据交换中心,并组织了国际讲习班,出版了国际水文计划(IHP)有关 泥沙侵蚀、输移和处理的技丛书。
The International Sediment Initiative information portal and data exchange centre facility was launched by IRTCES, together with the organization of an
international workshop and the publication of an
[...] IHP technical series on erosion, [...]
transport and deposition of sediments.
我 们透过该系丛书能够了解生活在不为我们 所熟悉的国家的人们如何在力求改善生活状 况的同时尝试着去保护他们自身所处的自然 环境。
They show how people in countries with which we are less familiar find ways of improving their living conditions, while at the same time learning to protect their environment.
为了在建立和维持国家核保安制度方面向各国提供咨询意见,原子能机构在 《核保丛书》中出版了 3 份文件,即:关于核材料及核设施的实物保护的核保 [...]
安建议;关于放射性物质及其相关设施的核保安建议和关于脱离监管控制的核材 料和其他放射性材料的核保安建议。
In order to provide advice to States on how to establish and maintain national nuclear security
regimes, IAEA published three documents in the
[...] Nuclear Security Series, namely, Nuclear [...]
Security Recommendations: on Physical Protection
of Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Facilities; on Radioactive Material and Associated Facilities; and on Nuclear and Other Radioactive Materials Out of Regulatory Control.
获得的主要成果包括:为《2009 年全民教育全球 监测报告》编撰了有关 184 个国家的教育立法、治理和经费筹措的数据汇编、完成了对 129 个国家教育部长(在第四十八届教育会议上)发言内容的综合分析报告和对 2008 年拉丁美 洲和加勒比地区关于全纳教育的国家报告的分析研究、为出版 2008 年《全球教育文摘》, 完成了对 80
个国家的初等教育学制、法定入学年龄等数据的复核工作、完成了第四十八届 国际教育会议最后报告的起草和包括会议所有文件内容的 CD-ROM 光盘制作工作、完成了
[...] 国际教育局课程设置工作文件新系列中两份新文件和《教育实践 丛书 中 一 册书的撰写工 作。
Main results included: a compilation of data on educational legislation, governance and financing in 184 countries for the 2009 EFA Global Monitoring Report; a content analysis of 129 messages from Ministers of Education (48th ICE session); an exploratory analysis of 2008 National Reports on inclusive education in Latin America and the Caribbean; the cross-checking of data on primary education duration and statutory entry age in 80 countries for the Global Education Digest 2008; the final report of the 48th ICE and a CD-ROM containing all ICE
materials; two papers of the IBE Working Papers on Curriculum Issues series; and one issue of
[...] the Educational Practices series.
Bgoya · W. et al (1997),《非洲教育材料出版的经济学》,对非洲书籍发展的看 丛书 , AD EA 书籍与学习材料工作组,伦敦。
Bgoya, W. et al (1997) “The Economics of Publishing Educational Materials in Africa”, Perspectives on African Book Development series, ADEA Working Group on Books and Learning Materials, London.
[...] 能机构“关于核材料和核设施实物保护的核保安建议”(INFCIRC/225/Rev.5)文 件及相关《核保丛书》文 件,并将其反映在国内实践中。
We will strive to use the IAEA Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear
Facilities (INFCIRC/225/Rev.5) document and related
[...] Nuclear Security Series documents, and [...]
reflect them in national practice.
取名为《国家概况》的丛书将很快定期提供关于外国直接投资和跨国 公司的全面数据。
A new series entitled Country Profile [...]
will soon regularly provide comprehensive data on FDI and transnational corporations.
原子能机构在 2011 年第一季度印发了《核保丛书》文 件,包括关于核材 料及核设施实物保护的核保安建议、关于放射物性材料和相关设施的核保安建议 以及关于监管制度外的核材料和其他放射性材料的核保安建议。
IAEA has published documents of the Nuclear Security Series (NSS) in the first [...]
quarter of 2011, including Nuclear Security
Recommendations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities, Nuclear Security Recommendations on Radioactive Material and Associated Facilities, and Nuclear Security Recommendations on Nuclear and other Radioactive Material out of Regulatory Control.
该书是题 为“牛津国际法专著”的新系丛书 中 的 第一本,于 1988 年获得保罗·古 根海姆奖(日内瓦大学),该奖由一个公法学家小组每两年颁发一次,奖给“具 有特殊质量的国际法著作,而且是作者的第一部杰出著作”。
In 1988 it won the Paul Guggenheim Prize (Geneva University) which is awarded every two years by a panel of publicists to “a work of international law which is distinguished by its exceptional quality and which is the first outstanding work of its author”.
还提到毒品和犯罪问题办公室就《刑事司法手 丛书 》 和 其他实用工具持 续开展工作以协助决策人员和专业人员打击犯罪。
The continuing work of UNODC on the Criminal Justice Handbook Series and other practical tools to assist policymakers and professionals in fighting crime was also referred to.
该办公室拥有一个网页,载有关于联合国在葡萄牙人权领域的工作信息,以 及葡萄牙向条约监察机构提交的所有报告文本(及报告介绍的简要记录和各自的结 论性意见)(www.gddc.pt)。文件编制和比较法办公室还将“情况报道集”和人权高 专办的“专业培丛书”翻 译成葡萄牙文。
The Office also has a webpage containing information regarding the work of the United Nations in the area of human rights in Portuguese, as well as the text of all reports presented by Portugal to Treaty Monitoring Bodies (and the Summary Records of the reports’ presentations, as well as the respective concluding observations) (www.gddc.pt ).
其中包括修订的《公约》资料包“荒漠 化:视频综合介绍”、《公约》新闻季刊、篇幅为两页的主题概况介 丛书 、以 及关于防治荒漠化世界日的推介录像、招贴画、明信片、贴纸、小册子、只读光 盘和展览展示。
These included the revised UNCCD information kit “Desertification: a visual synthesis”, the quarterly UNCCD News, two-page thematic factsheet series, WDCD promotional videos, posters, postcards, stickers, leaflets, CD-ROMs and exhibition displays.
艺术与版权》是世界知识产权组织面向青少年学生的“学习过去,创 造未来丛书的第二部。
Copyright and the Arts” is the second publication in WIPO’s Learn from the past, create the future series aimed at young students.
丛书以季 刊《企业风险》的形式已出版三期,从本期起, 丛书 的 形 式出版, 汇集德勤中国企业风险管理服务在企业风险领域内多年来所累积的领先知识、经验和独特的洞察力思想。
This series of books replaces the previous quarterly magazine "Enterprise Risk" and brings together Deloitte's [...]
leading knowledge,
experience and distinctive insights through years of professional services in the area of enterprise risk.
推出这丛书,是 由于儿童和青年是我们未来 重要的创造者。
This series was launched in recognition of the importance of children and young adults as the creators of our future.
爱沙尼亚老年女工就业指南》(出版劳工组织生活周期性别问 丛书 ), 2 004 年出版,以增加老年妇女参与劳动力市场的人数,减轻年龄歧视。
A guide on employment of older women workers in Estonia” (from the ILO series on Gender in Life Cycle) was published in 2004 to increase participation of older women in the labour market and to reduce age discrimination.
丛书每辑 将向大家介绍一个与风险控制有关的概念。本期的企业风险用语是“危机管理”。
In this issue, the featured phrase that is related to risk and control is "crisis management".
约瑟夫·西蒙·阿斯马尼(1687–1768年),以他的在梵蒂冈对东方诸国手稿的编目和他在叙利亚语(以及基督教阿拉伯语)文学的百科全书著作而出名,Bibliotheca Orientalis(东丛书), 用伟大的德国东方学家格奥尔格伯爵的话说就是“马龙派教会国度一直以来的骄傲”。
Joseph Simon Assemani (1687–1768), known for his catalogs of Oriental manuscripts at the Vatican and his
encyclopedic work on Syriac (and Christian
[...] Arabic) literature, Bibliotheca Orientalis, is, [...]
in the words of the great German Orientalist
Georg Graf, “for all time the pride of the Maronite nation.
纳伊夫•阿尔-穆塔瓦博士是科威特Teshkeel传媒集团的创始人兼首席执行官,曾推出漫 丛书 《 THE 99》。
Dr. Naif A. Al-Mutawa is the Founder and CEO of Kuwait's Teshkeel Media Group and
[...] creator of the comic book series "THE 99".
作为PAPINEE在亚洲地区的第一个艺术展示项目,PAPINEE用玻璃钢和有机玻璃雕塑创作出缤纷活力的艺术装置,将PAPINEE动物王国儿 丛书 中 出 现的纽约、伦敦、东京等地的美妙风情用巨型装置的形式带到了现实生活中。
PAPINEE’s first major installation project in the Asia region brings the beautiful and vibrant
settings of New York, London, and Tokyo from the
[...] Animalia Story Books to life with extra-large [...]
fiberglass and acrylic sculptures.
为此,我们鼓 励有能力的国家继续努力完成批准或加入《制止核恐怖主义行为国际公约》的进 程,在国内实践中反映国际原子能机构《核保 丛书 》 相关文件、原子能机构《放 射源安全和保安行为准则》及其《放射源进出口导则》补充文件的内容,并在必 要时建立高活度放射源国家登记册。
To this end, we encourage States in a position to do so to continue to work towards the process of ratifying or acceding to the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism; reflect in national practices relevant IAEA Nuclear Security Series documents, the IAEA Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources and its supplementary document on the IAEA Guidance on the Import and Export of Radioactive Sources; and establish national registers of high-activity radioactive sources where required.
近年来出现了第一批有关向妇女提供赔偿的专丛书。9 此外,反对武装冲突中对性别暴力有罪不罚的女权主义跨国运动是当 前领导有关妇女和赔偿辩论的先锋。
In the last few years, the first
[...] monographic volumes addressing reparations for women have been seen.9 Furthermore, [...]
feminist transnational
movements working on fighting impunity against gender violence in armed conflict are now leading the debate on women and reparations.
刑事司法手丛书现在 包括七本手册,其中一本涉及南部非洲和加勒比的预防犯罪规划和行 动,另一本涉及妇女与监禁,打算给监狱管理人员和决策人员使用。
The Criminal Justice Handbook Series now comprises seven handbooks, including one on planning and action for crime prevention in Southern Africa and the Caribbean and one on women and imprisonment, intended for prison managers and policymakers.
丛书中丰 富的有关可持续的 案例为校内外的可持续发展教育提供了新的 思路及建议(联合国十年宣言2005-2014)。
The examples included in this series present various “faces” of sustainability, offering ideas, contributions and suggestions on education for sustainable development both in and out of school (UN Decade 2005-2014).




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