

单词 业者


创业者 pl

entrepreneurs pl

从业者 pl

practitioners pl



External sources (not reviewed)

在某些情形中,这些挑战还导致 业者躲 避 那些难以盈利的线路,挑选最有盈利潜力的航运线路,而把其他吸引力不 大的航运业务交给他人。
In some cases, these challenges lead to unprofitable routes or ―cherry-picking‖ of the most lucrative or profitable shipments, leaving the less attractive shipments to others.
然而,文化信念和习俗以及业者的 利益 使得法律很难充分落实。
However, cultural beliefs and practices and
[...] the interests of practitioners made its full implementation [...]
今后的活 动包括:为旅业者和服务业者编写 行动准则,以及举办当地的文化节和其它联欢节活动。
Further activities include the drawing up of codes of practice for tour operators and service providers, and the organization of local cultural and other festivals.
[...] 派团挑选的候选人名册,填补在向外地部署人员方面的能力空白,向外地特派团 和外地工作人员提供人力资源服务,加强继任管理并增进外地人力资源 业者的 能力。
In this connection, the Division will continue to build rosters of candidates available for immediate selection by field missions, address gaps in capacity for the deployment of personnel to the field, deliver human resources services to field missions
and field staff, strengthen succession management and augment the capacity of
[...] human resources practitioners in the field.
用以增强物流服务业者的专业精神 及 其服务质量的其他措施包括:在国家一级制订一套最低标准和行为守则、在 区域一级相互交流知识和经验、以及在国家、次区域和区域各级制订可持续 的培训和能力建设方案。
Other measures for enhancing the professionalism and competence of logistics service providers include the establishment of minimum standards and codes of conduct at the national level, the sharing of knowledge and experiences at the regional level, and the establishment of sustainable training and capacity-building programmes at the national, subregional and regional levels.
为了更好体现社会公益与责任担当,今年,CNNIC 联合国内外业界知名专家,根据 IP 地址、域名等互联网基础资源技术的最新发展,尤其是 IPv6 与下一代互联网、IDN 与多语 种邮箱电子邮件、DNSSEC 与域名安全等技术方面的最新发展,并结合这些新技术在物联网、
云计算、大数据等新兴领域的应用,首次编写和发布了《互联网 IP 地址与域名技术发展研 究报告》,并将逐步使之常态化、系统化,适时反映、分析和预测 IP 地址与域名技术的最
[...] 新进展、特点规律和未来趋势,以供互联网领域广大管理者、研 者 、 从 业者 参 考
In order to do a better job for the public interests and assume its social responsibility, CNNIC, together with experts of the industry in and out of China, prepared and published for the first time Research Report of the Development of IP Address and Domain name Technology of the Internet based on the latest technological development of the fundamental resources of Internet such as IP address and domain name, especially the latest technological development of the IPv6 and nextgeneration Internet, IDN and multilingual e-mail address, DNSSEC and domain name security as well as the application of these new technologies in the emerging fields of Internet of things, cloud computing and big data, and will make the reporting regular and systematic so as to reflect the latest progress, analyze the characteristics and predict the development trend of IP
address and domain name technology for the reference by the managers,
[...] researchers and workers in the Internet [...]
越南欢迎文莱政府为落实已接受的建议所采取的步骤,尤其是在 保护儿童、妇女参与国家发展、保护老人、有特殊需要的人群和 业者 , 减 少贫 穷和与人权条约积极合作等领域中。
It welcomed the steps already taken by the Government to implement accepted recommendations, particularly in the areas of child protection, the participation of women in national
development, the
[...] protection of the elderly, of persons with special needs and the unemployed, poverty reduction [...]
and active cooperation
with the human rights treaties.
法律者和执业者也可以利用贸易法委 员会的法律图书馆,开展与国际贸易法有关的项目。
Legal scholars may, by arrangement with [...]
the secretariat, use the UNCITRAL Law Library for private research on projects related to international trade law.
作为首要森林管理人员和负责管理粮食保障的 业者 、 作为在处理自然灾害包括 气候变化造成的自然灾害方面有特殊需要的一个群体,妇女必须参与适应和减轻 战略的拟定和执行进程,并从她们对碳的管理中获益。
As primary forest managers and farmers with responsibility for managing food security, and as a group with special needs in dealing with natural calamities, including those resulting from climate change, women must be involved in the process of developing and implementing adaptation and mitigation strategies and access benefits from their management of carbon.
这类小组包括学术界、执业律师、法官、银 业者 、 仲裁员和各种国际、 区域和专业组织的成员。
Such groups have included academics, practising lawyers, judges, bankers, arbitrators and members of various international, regional and professional organizations.
开发教科文组织开放式教育资源平台是该领域的关键成 就,将提供选定的教科文组织出版物作为开放式教育资源,使包括教师、学习者 和教育专业人员在内的业者可以自由复制、改编和分享他们的资源。
A key achievement in this area is the development of the UNESCO OER Platform, which will offer selected UNESCO publications as OER and allow communities of practice including teachers, learners, and education professionals to freely copy, adapt, and share their resources.
例如,大多数受阿拉伯法教育的法律 业者 不 相信“法人面纱” 概念,而这是普通法的一个公认原则。
For example, most of the
[...] Arabian-trained law practitioners do not believe [...]
in the concept of “corporate veil” whereas it
is a well established principle of common law.
技术和职业培训中的创业教育也引起了关注,例如学徒 制,这是许多发展中国家减少贫困和将“生存型” 业者 转 变为“机遇型”业 者的主要途径。
Attention was also drawn to entrepreneurship education in crafts and vocational training, such as apprenticeships, as a central
route for poverty alleviation and transforming
[...] “necessity” into “opportunity” entrepreneurs in many developing countries.
他对在雇用临时人员方面缺乏透明 度、一致性和公平性表示关切,并支持内部监督事务 厅在关于临时工作人员征聘安排的审计报告 (A/63/94)中提出的建议,即大会和会议管理部应确 定遴选自由业者和临 时工作人员的标准及指导原 则。
He was concerned about the lack of transparency, consistency and parity in the hiring of temporary assistance staff and supported the recommendation of the Office of Internal Oversight Services in its report on the audit of the arrangements governing the recruitment of temporary assistance staff (A/63/94) that the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management should identify the criteria and guidelines for selecting freelance and temporary staff.
该峰会 的与会者是非洲和美国基础设施、旅游及环境部门的 业者 和 投 资人,目的是满 足坦桑尼亚联合共和国和非洲的发展需要,并争取与亚洲建立战略合作伙伴关系 和探索从亚洲获得投资的机会。
The Summit brought together African and American entrepreneurs and investors in the infrastructure, tourism and environment sectors to meet the development needs of the United Republic of Tanzania and Africa, and reached out to Asia as a source of strategic partnerships and investment-generating opportunities.
(d) 通过对不论长期还是临时的所有工作人员和承包人继续执行严格的征聘
[...] 标准,把质量保证措施进一步纳入提供的会议和出版服务;为工作人员提供充分的 内部和外部培训,为自由业者和承 包人提供适当的辅导和监督;并从总体上培养 [...]
(d) Further integration of quality assurance measures in the delivery of meetings and publishing services through continued enforcement of rigorous recruitment standards for all staff, whether permanent or temporary, and contractors; provision of adequate internal and external training for staff
members and appropriate coaching and
[...] supervision for freelancers and contractors; [...]
and, in general, nurturing of a culture
of continuous learning with the aim of efficiently maintaining the highest standards of quality of services provided
同样重要 的是,应当创造就业机会,使所有 业者 和 工人都能 够在其一生所从事的工作中以及在退休之后享有其 [...]
Also important is job creation that
[...] enables all business entrepreneurs and workers [...]
to live in due dignity both during and after their working life.
报告 着重指出了科索沃社会的重大排斥问题,并指出,受排斥是各种各样的人都会遇到 的遭遇,他们都有可能成为科索沃“看不见的人”,包括长期 业者 、 弱 势儿童及 青少年、农村妇女、科索沃罗姆族、阿什卡利族和埃及族人以及有特殊需要的人。
The report highlights the sheer scale of exclusion across Kosovo society, noting that exclusion is a condition experienced by a wide range of people who risk becoming Kosovo’s “invisible population”, including the long-term unemployed, disadvantaged children and youth, rural women, the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities and people with special needs.
制订简化制度的同时必须有配套执行措施,以确保 业者 充分 履行剩余的少数义务,尤其是关于报税和缴税的义务,也包括卫生、健康和劳动 关系方面的义务。
The creation of simplified regimes must be accompanied by enforcement measures, to ensure that the few obligations remaining are well respected, in particular as regards the declaration and payment of taxes, but also in terms of hygiene, health and labour relations.
由于通信的改善而已在发展中国家积累的意外效益,包括越来越多的“微工作” 被外包给自由业者,大 多是通过互联网进行,但也在越来越多地通过移动电话 [...]
Among the unexpected benefits already accruing to developing countries as a result of improved communications
has been the growth in outsourcing of
[...] “microwork” to freelancers, mostly over [...]
the Internet but increasingly over mobile telephones.
[...] 制措施,只有 9.8%认为政府必须加强力度管制中 业者。
The figures show 72.5% of companies were satisfied/very satisfied
with government control over the agencies, while 9.8% called for stronger enforcement over
[...] employment agency operators.
向通信服业者提供 更多的资金,用以提供残疾人易用的设备。
Increased funding for communication service operators to provide disabledfriendly equipment.
2010/800/CFSP 号理事会决定规定的、属于《欧洲联盟运作条约》范畴的措
[...] 施通过理事会条例加以执行,这尤其是为了确保各成员国的经济 业者 统 一执 行。
Measures provided for by Council Decision 2010/800/CFSP that fall within the scope of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union are implemented by Council
regulations, in particular with a view to ensuring their uniform
[...] application by economic operators in all member States.
此外,于 2009 年 12 月 30 日通过的第 27/2009 号关于维护及促进就业并保 护失业人员的紧急措施的法律文件,在其附则第五条中对 2007 年 7 月 11 日通过 的第 20/2007 号关于“自主就业地位”的法律文件的附则第十条进行了修改,在 “自主业者亲属 社会保险框架”中增加了第二段,即自主 业者 可 雇 用其有特殊 就业困难的年满三十周岁的子女,该项规定公布于 2009 年 12 月 31 日的政府官 方公报上。
Mention should be made here of the fifth additional provision of Act No. 27/2009 of 30 December 2009 on emergency measures for the maintenance and promotion of employment and the protection of persons with disabilities, published in the Official Gazette (BOE) of 31 December 2009, amending the tenth additional provision of Act No. 20/2007 of 11 July 2007 on the status of self-employed workers, which deals with the “inclusion of self-employed workers’ families in the social security system”; it adds a second paragraph, which expands the ability of self-employed workers to engage as employees their children over 30 years of age who experience special difficulties in entering the labour market.
该组织的宗旨是加强西非建设和平组织和 业者 的 能 力,增进对使用非暴 力战略应对西非冲突的认识,在西非发展冲突预防网络,通过构建网络和成员 [...]
间的协调来调和西非的建设和平活动,增强西非妇女参与各级建设和平进程的 能力,以及建设西非人权和建设和平组织的合作平台。
The organization aims to strengthen the capacity of peacebuilding
[...] organizations and practitioners in West Africa, increase [...]
awareness on the use of non-violent
strategies in response to conflicts in West Africa, develop a conflict prevention network in West Africa, harmonize peacebuilding activities in West Africa through networking and coordination of its members, empower West African women to participate in peacebuilding processes at all levels, and build a cooperative platform for human rights and peacebuilding organizations in West Africa.
最后,会议委员会请秘书长就以下几方面向大会 第六十四届会议提出报告:采取必要步骤,提高所有 六种正式语文的翻译质量,特别是外包翻译的质量; 所有主要工作地点在外包翻译质量控制方面的经验 教训和最佳做法,包括与履行这一职能所需工作人员 的人数和适当职等有关的要求;征聘自由 业者 对所 有工作地点口译质量的影响。
Lastly, the Committee on Conferences requested the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its sixty-fourth session on steps to enhance translation quality, in particular for contractual translation; on the experience, lessons learned and best practices of the main duty stations in performing quality control of contractual translations, including requirements relating to the number and appropriate level of the staff needed to carry out that function; and on the impact of freelance recruitment on the quality of interpretation at all duty stations.
[...] 可靠地采纳创新、适当、低成本的金融服务提供模式;㈡帮助制定鼓励有关银 行、保险和非银行业者的框 架,同时确保所有金融服务提供者之间的公平竞 争条件;㈢促进在质量和范围方面满足客户需要的负担得起的金融服务。
Their goal is to (i) foster the safe and sound adoption of innovative, adequate, low-cost financial service delivery models; (ii) help
define a framework of
[...] incentives for the various bank, insurance, and non-bank actors involved, while [...]
ensuring fair conditions
of competition between all financial service providers; and (iii) foster affordable financial services that respond to customer’s needs in both quality and range.
有效的外联方案有助于提高公司、 业业者 、 大学和研发中心对其自身责任 的认识,包括在国家出口管制制度和处罚违反行为的法规下所承担的责任。
Effective outreach programmes help raise the awareness of companies and commercial individuals, universities and centres of research and development concerning their responsibilities, including under a national export control system and penalties for violations.
36 为了响应和支持那些兼职学生和“另谋 业者 ” 的需要以 及满足他们想获得和提高一些具体的与工作相关的技能的渴望, 我们必须对现行研究生教育的结构及与其有关的财政支持,特别 是在硕士研究生这个层面上,进行严肃地思考。
A 2006 survey of 226 companies in the public and private sectors indicated that nearly all of them (approximately 94%) said they offered some form of education assistance to their employees.36 In order to be responsive to and support the needs of part-time students and “career changers” and their desire to acquire and enhance specific, job-related skills, serious thought must be given to the current structure of and financial support for graduate education, especially at the master’s level.




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