

单词 业法


商业法 n

commercial law n

External sources (not reviewed)

阻碍实施这些措施的因 素包括:贫困以及缺乏关于业法律 的 教育和认识。
Factors hindering the implementation of these initiatives include poverty, lack of education
[...] and awareness on employment laws.
除了《业法》以外,《工作场所安全和健康法》及《工伤赔偿法》规定 了安全工作条件及发生工伤时工人可获得的赔偿。
In addition to the EA, the Workplace
[...] Safety and Health Act and the Work Injury [...]
Compensation Act govern safe working conditions
and worker compensation in the event of work-related injuries.
在国际法的 多个领域情况都是这样,包括条法 、 商 业法 、 海 洋法(例如见 A/65/69)、劳工 法、人权法、人道主义法、刑法和反腐败法。
This is true in various fields of international law, including treaty law, commercial law, the law of the sea (see, e.g., A/65/69), labour law, human rights law, humanitarian law and criminal and anti-corruption law, to name but a few.
[...] 办公室的工作人员能力报告,他强调了这些职位具体资格的重要性:确实有必要由一 位出业法律方面的P1/P2级别专家来开展权力方面的工作,特别是有鉴于这是一个囊 括各种媒体类别的不断发展的领域。
In line with the IOS Report on Staff Capacity, he stressed the importance of specific qualifications for these
posts: A P-1/P-2
[...] specialist in the legal aspects of publishing is indeed necessary to carry out the work on rights, [...]
particularly as
this is an evolving area involving different types of media.
在马尔代夫,业法庭负责 监督所有与就业有关的事务。
The Employment Tribunal oversees all employment related affairs [...]
in the Maldives.
东北大西洋渔业委员会有关于报告和数据交流的内部标准和规定,但也依 靠海考委促进交流知识、进行科学评估和审查有关 业法 规 、脆弱海洋生态系统 问题和数据收集规程的提议。
NEAFC had internal standards and requirements for reporting and data exchange, but also relied on ICES to facilitate exchange of knowledge, scientific assessments and the review of proposals with regard to fisheries regulations, VME issues, and data-collection protocols.
美国于2002年颁布了萨班斯法案、香港联合交易所修订了上市规则中的公司管治常规守则第C.2.1条的相关规定、日本发布了与内控相关的金融产品 业法 。 在 中国,上海、深圳证券交易所均相继颁布了相关规定,要求上市公司在年度报告披露的同时,披露年度内部控制自我评估报告,并需由会计师事务所对公司的内部控制自我评估报告及其内部控制出具核实评价意见。
The U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the Code Provision C.2.1 of the Revised Code on Corporate Governance of the Stock Exchange
of Hong Kong, the Japanese Financial
[...] Instruments and Exchange Law on internal [...]
controls, and, recently, the Pronouncement
on Enhancement of the Quality of Listed Companies endorsed by the State Council of China are complex pieces of legislations and regulations.
登记的程序 类似于有限责任公司,因为它应当向 业法庭 登 记注册(企业登记处,称为“KRS”),并 拥有自己KRS号码。
LLC, because it shall be
[...] registered in court of entrepreneurship (the Entrepreneurs’ Register, referred to as [...]
KRS) and shall use its own KRS number.
[...] 境管理体系、职业健康安全和企业社会责任方面的法律、法规和标准;第三章是 中国电子电气业法律、法规和标准的实施现状;第四章是中国企业现状和差距 分析;第五章是改进环境和安全管理能力的措施和对策探讨。
This Guideline is divided into the following five chapters: Chapter I Introduction; Chapter II Laws, Regulations and Standards in the areas of Eco-efficiency, Environmental Management Systems (EMS), OHS and CSR affecting the Electrical and Electronics
Industry; Chapter III
[...] International Best Practices; Chapter IV The Electronic and Electrical Industry in China including [...]
their gap with developed
countries; and Chapter V with a discussion on Measures and Strategies for Improving Environmental and Safety Management.
本组织还支助了亚洲及太平洋地区 广播发展研究所(AIBD)在吉尔吉斯斯坦比什凯克和哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图(2002 年 7 月和 2003 年 2 月)举办一系列关于中亚地区各共和国公共广播 业法 律 、 财政和行政问题的的研 讨会;波罗的海传媒中心在丹麦哥本哈根举行的关于在阿富汗建立公共广播事业的会议 (2002 年 4 月);在马来西亚吉隆坡举行的关于传媒、暴力与社会责任问题研讨会(2002 年 11 月),和在约旦安曼举行的关于阿拉伯国家公共广播事业和民间社会问题的讲习会 (2003 年 7 月)。
Support was also given to the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) to hold a series of seminars on legal, financial and administrative aspects of PSB in Central Asian Republics, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and in Almaty, Kahzastan (July 2002 and February 2003); to the meeting on building public service broadcasting in Afghanistan organized by the Baltic Media Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark (April 2002); to the seminar on media, violence and social responsibility held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (November 2002), and a workshop on PSB and civil society in the Arab States, Amman, Jordan (July 2003).
此外还需要 通过开发可持续业作业法等技 术创新来确保粮食安全,并为此提高 监测和预警系统的有效作用,从而降低灾害风险。
Technological innovations are also needed to ensure food
security through the development of
[...] sustainable agricultural practices and to enhance [...]
the effectiveness of monitoring and early
warning systems to reduce disaster risks.
[...] 主和雇员的权利和义务,建立了劳资关系委员会和 业法 庭 , 以保护这种权利, 并就有关就业的所有其他事宜作出规定。
The Act determines the fundamental principles relating to employment in the Maldives, details the rights and obligations of employers and employees,
establishes a Labour Relations Authority and
[...] an Employment Tribunal to protect such [...]
rights and makes provision for all other
matters related to employment.
[...] 一系列科研重点领域,如信息技术安全 性和可靠性、材料科学、生命科学、欧 洲法律和业法等。
The University of Luxembourg has chosen its model to be that of a university led by research and supports a number of scientific research focus areas
(like security and reliability of information technology, material science, life
[...] sciences, European and business law, etc.).
委员会还将收到秘书处关于网上解决纠纷问题的一份说 明,并特别通报 2010 年 3 月 29 日至 30 日与国际业法研究 所共同在维也纳举 行的专题讨论会——“重新审视网上解决纠纷和全球电子商务问题”——的成 果(A/CN.9/706)。
The Commission will also have before it a note by the Secretariat on the issue of online dispute resolution and, in particular, will inform on the outcome of the colloquium “A fresh look at online dispute resolution (ODR) and global e-commerce”, organized in Vienna on 29-30 March 2010 jointly with the Institute of International Commercial Law (A/CN.9/706).
欧盟驻科法治团法医专家正向失踪人员和法医问题办公室提供协助,以便为 取代失踪人员和法医问题办公室的法医部、新名称和法律实体制定一项行之有效 的战略,以及改进向司法机构和科索沃公民提供的 业法 医 服 务。
EULEX forensic experts are assisting the Office on Missing Persons and Forensics in its aim of developing an effective and efficient strategy for the Department of Forensic Medicine, the new name and legal entity replacing the Office on Missing
Persons and Forensics, and improving the
[...] delivery of professional forensic services to the judiciary and Kosovo [...]
在这次尝试友好地解决纠纷失败的情况下,各方赋予管辖权的争端作出裁决向巴黎 业法 庭 去
In case of failure of this attempt to resolve the dispute amicably, the parties confers jurisdiction to adjudicate the dispute to the Tribunal de Commerce de Paris.
肯尼亚报告说,肯尼亚将《合规协定》的 各项规定纳入其《业法》的 审查工作。
Kenya reported that the provisions of the Compliance Agreement were being integrated
[...] in the review of its Fisheries Act.
雇用均等室接待有关《男女雇用机会均等法》、《育儿和介护 业法 》 及《计时工劳动法》的法律咨 询,并根据具体内容,提供必要的行政指导及解决纠纷援助。
As well as giving advice on relevant legislation (the Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal
Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in
[...] Employment; the Act on the Welfare [...]
of Workers Who Take Care of Children or Other
Family Members Including Child Care and Family Care Leave; and the Act on Improvement, etc. of Employment Management for Part-Time Workers), the Equal Employment Office also provides necessary administrative guidance and assistance for resolving disputes, on a case-by-case basis.
[...] 建全面的土地和民事登记系统,制定建筑工程和建筑 物法规以及业法律。
Furthermore, in the Group’s view, the promotion of the rule of law should be
accompanied by the creation of complete land and civil registries, construction and building
[...] codes and commercial laws.
已有一系列措施加强了妇女进入和参与劳动力市场的情况,其中包括促进妇 女平等机会业法案、加强劳工标准、保证社会保障、鼓励妇女就业税款抵减、 托儿津贴、工作方案和增加职业培训资源。
A range of measures have enhanced women’s access to and participation in the
labour market,
[...] including employment acts that promote equal opportunities for women, strengthened labour standards, guaranteed social security, tax credits to encourage [...]
women’s employment,
allowances for child care, work programmes and increased resources for job training.
业法》第 L.241-3 条和第 L.242- 6 条(滥用公司财产)和《刑法》第 314-1 条(违反信托)涉及私 营部门中的侵吞财产。
Embezzlement of property in the private sector is covered by articles L.241-3 and L.242-6 of the Commercial Code (abuse of company property) and article 314-1 of the Penal Code (breach of trust).
根据《销售公约》第 7(2)条,高级业法 院适用了克罗地亚国际私法(克罗地亚国际私法法第 20(1)条),并认为利率应 受意大利法律作为卖方法律的管辖。
Relying on article 7 (2) CISG, the High Commercial Court applied Croatian private international law (Article 20 (1) Croatian Private International Law Act) and found that the interest rate was governed by the Italian law as the law of the seller.
秘鲁报告说,公海上悬挂外国国旗的捕捞金枪鱼的船只,如得到主管机关 事先许可,根据国家业法律的 规定,可在秘鲁海港或海湾向另外一艘货船转运 渔获物,运至海外。
Peru reported that foreign-flagged tuna vessels fishing on the high seas could, subject to prior authorization by the competent authority and pursuant to national fisheries laws, trans-ship fish to another cargo vessel in a Peruvian port or harbour for transport abroad.
该法案的推出正值毛里求斯业法历 史 上的关键 时刻,在推出之前,业法律主 要由 1975 年《劳动法》(“旧法”)和其他法规管 理,这些法规从本质而言是无法授权的,鉴于此,旧法是“给料器”法规。
The Act was introduced at a crucial time in the history of employment law in Mauritius in as much as until its advent, the laws of employment were governed predominantly by the Labour Act 1975 (the “old law”) and other pieces of legislation that were not enabling in nature and in respect of which the old law was the “feeder” piece of legislation.
关于给配方厂家的技术援助,秘书处询问是否有必要在氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一阶 段纳入一个无需氟氯烃削减承诺的活动,并且对此项目在确保为该国中小企业提供负担得
[...] 起,全球升温潜能值低的安全替代品的不确定性表示关切,因为它将依靠外部因素(业、法律和 基础设施),而不是依靠项目的成功。
In regard to the technical assistance to systems houses, the Secretariat questioned the need to include in stage I of the HPMP an activity without HCFC reduction commitment, and expressed its concern over the uncertainty associated to this project in ensuring availability of affordable and safe low-GWP alternatives for SMEs in the country,
which would depend rather on external
[...] factors (commercial, legal and infrastructure) [...]
than on the success of the project.
到2009年年底,排在前20位的注册人是:汉高(德国)、诺华(瑞士)、杨森制药(比利时)、欧莱雅(法国)、雀巢(瑞士)、联合利华(荷兰)、I TM 企 业 ( 法 国 ) 、巴斯夫(德国)、赛诺菲–安万特(法国)、西门子(德国)、利得(德国)、拜尔(德国)、Biofarma(法国)、勃林格殷格翰(德国)、吉瑞大药厂(匈牙利)、先正达(瑞士)、飞利浦(荷兰)、艺康(德国)、默克(德国)、赫佛(奥地利) 和德国电信(德国)。
The top twenty holders by the end of 2009 were: Henkel (Germany), Novartis (Switzerland), Janssen Pharmaceutica (Belgium), l’Oréal (France), Nestlé (Switzerland), Unilever (Netherlands), ITM Enterprises (France), BASF (Germany), Sanofi-Aventis (France), Siemens (Germany), Lidl (Germany), Bayer (Germany), Biofarma (France), Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany), Richter Gedeon (Hungary), Syngenta (Switzerland), Philips (Netherlands), Ecolab (Germany), Merck (Germany), Hofer  (Austria) and Deutsche Telekom (Germany).
2007 年通过了《扶持中小业法》, 其 中规定建立中小企业扶持基金,以贴现利率向小企业发放贷款,支持企业为改善 [...]
In 2007, the Law on Supporting Small [...]
and Medium Enterprises was adopted, providing for the establishment of the Small and
Medium Enterprise Support Fund, which issues loans for small businesses at discounted interest rates and supports business efforts to improve management and employee skills.




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