

单词 丙环唑

See also:

third in order
letter "C" or roman "III" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc

azole (chemistry)

External sources (not reviewed)

目前农药出口业务发展迅速,拥有南美洲、欧洲、非洲及东南亚等地区的农药客户30多家,与国内50多家知名农药工厂建立长期合作关系,拥有稳定的货源基地,主要出口品种为除草剂,如草甘瞵,百草枯,2-4D,敌草隆,莠去津, 莠灭净等原药及其制剂;杀虫剂,如吡虫啉、毒死蜱、二嗪磷、乙酰甲胺磷、乐果、三唑磷、高效氯氟氰菊酯等原药及其制剂;杀菌剂,如多菌灵、 唑 醇 、 丙环唑 等 原 药及其制剂;植物生长调节剂,如乙烯利等。
At present the export of pesticide developing rapidly,with South America,Europe,Africa and southeast Asia and other regions of pesticide customer more than 30,and domestic more than 50 well-known pesticide factory to establish long-term cooperation relations,has a stable source of supply base,the main export varieties of herbicides,such as grass Lin gump,paraquat,2-4 D,marmer and atrazine,destroyed a lot of technical and its preparation such as net,pesticides,such as imidacloprid,chlorpyrifos,diazinon,acephate,dimet hoate and triazophos,efficient chlorine fluorine cyanide chrysanthemum ester and its technical preparations,Fungicide,such as carbendazim,amyl azole alcohol,cring azole,such as its preparation,plant growth regulator,such as ethephon,etc.We are very value to the customer choice,for customer systems analysis and investigation,claims and customers to share,tailor made for the customer win-win cooperation mode.
[...] 示,本港製造商已致力減低醬油及雞粉中的 丙 醇 水 平,並研發新的醬油配 方,以其他配料替代加酸水解植物蛋白。
Previous surveys indicated that the local
manufacturers had made much effort in reducing
[...] the levels of chloropropanols in sauces and [...]
condiments and had reformulated their
sauces by replacing acid-hydrolysed vegetable protein with other alternative ingredients.
其他镇静安眠药丙氨酯、甲喹酮、苯巴比妥唑吡 坦
Other sedative hypnotics, including
[...] barbiturates Meprobamate, methaqualone, phenobarbital, zolpidem.
采用N-甲基咪唑和丙基咪唑反应的方法制备得到了离子液体键合硅胶固定相,并利用该固定相中的 唑环 阳 离子和被分析物之间存在的多重作用机理如疏水作用、静电吸引和排斥及氢键作用等,以纯水作为流动相,成功地分离了碱基(胞嘧啶、胸腺嘧啶、2-氨基嘧啶和6-氯鸟嘌呤)、酚类化合物(间氨基酚、间苯二酚和间硝基酚)以及3种药物化合物(盐酸吗啉呱、阿昔洛韦和头孢氨苄)。
N-methylimidazolium ionic liquid(IL)-modified silica was
prepared with the
[...] reaction of 3-chloropropyl modified silica and N-methylimidazole using toluene as solvent. Based on the multiple interactions between N-methylimidazolium IL-modified silica [...]
and analytes such
as hydrophobic interaction, electrostatic attraction, repulsion interaction, hydrogen-bonding, etc., the bases (cytosine, thymine, 2-aminopyrimidine and 6-chloroguanine), phenols (m-aminophenol, resorcinol and m-nitrophenol) and three pharmaceuticals (moroxydine hydrochloride, acyclovir and cephalexin hydrate) were separated successfully with only pure water as the mobile phase.
過量攝入某些除害劑,可能對健康帶來急性的不良影響 ( 例如﹕甲胺磷和唑磷可 能影響神經系統) ,至於其他除害劑,則有資 料顯示可能對動物的健康產生慢性的不良影響( 例如﹕林丹可能影響肝 臟和腎臟﹔三氯殺蟎醇可能影響胎兒發育) 。
Excessive exposure to some pesticides may cause acute adverse health effects (e.g. methamidophos and triazophos, may affect the nervous system) whereas other pesticides have shown to cause chronic adverse health effects (e.g. lindane may affect the liver and kidney; and dicofol may affect foetal development) in animals.
(g) 在與“伐地那非;其鹽類”有關的項目中,廢除“其 鹽類”而代以“其鹽類;任何含有 2-(2-乙氧苯基)5-甲基-7-丙基咪唑并[5 ,1-f ][1,2,4 ]三嗪-4(3H)酮的化學結構(在任何程度上被取代或沒有被取代者) 的化合物;其鹽類”。
(g) in the item relating to “Vardenafil; its salts”, by repealing “its salts” and substituting “its salts; any compound containing the chemical structure of 2-(2-ethoxyphenyl)-5methyl-7-propylimidazo[5,1-f][1,2,4 ]triazin-4(3H)-one substituted to any degree or without substitution; its salts”.
主席回應說,這項研究沒有發現某種食物含極高水平的 丙 醇 , 因此, 向市民傳達的主要信息將會集中於提倡均衡飲食,以避免因偏食某幾類食物 而過量攝入某些污染物。
The Chairman responded that there was no particular type of food which contained very high chloropropanol level found in this study, hence the key message to the public will be focused on promoting a balanced diet so as to avoid excessive exposure to certain contaminants from a small range of food items.
其他镇静安眠药丙氨酯、甲喹酮、苯巴比妥唑吡 坦 。 下文是列入经修订的年度报告调查表草案的毒品类别和类型。
Listed below are the classes and types of drugs included in the revised draft annual report questionnaire.
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16
[...] 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟唑(16 5)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 [...]
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community
and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl
[...] (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, [...]
apples and pear; dimethoate (027)
in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and tomato; cypermethrins (118) in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.
古巴不能买到药品替唑胺(T emodar),这是专门用于中枢神经系统肿 瘤(胶质瘤和星形细胞瘤)的抑制细胞增殖药。
Cuba does not have access to temozolomide (Temodar), a cytostatic drug specifically used to treat tumours in the central nervous system (gliomas and astrocytomas).
这些器件采用专环氧氯丙烷材料和四分之一微米凹进栅极工艺技术,可以生产出更高线性度(+48 dBm IP3,在 1 W P-1 dB 无线放大器中)和更低相位噪声(-125 dBc,在 17.5 GHz DRO 条件下发生 100 KHz 偏移时)的额定功率输出从 10 毫瓦至 5 瓦的器件。
These devices employ proprietary epi material and quarter micron recessed gate process technology, which result in highly linear (+48 dBm IP3 in a 1 W P-1 dB Wireless Amp) and low phase noise (-125 dBc @ 100 KHz Offset in a 17.5 GHz DRO) devices with power outputs ranging from 10 milliwatts to 5 watts.
由于存在唑啉环,Sc hercoquat™ IIS特种季化合物成为一种有效的护理剂,其吸附性和水溶性均得到增强。
The presence of the imidazolinium ring makes Schercoquat [...]
IIS specialty quat an effective conditioner with enhanced substantivity
and improved water solubility.
在纤维素-三(3,5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯)(CDMPC)手性固定相上,分别采用正相、反相及极性有机相色谱模式对 环唑 外 消 旋体进行了拆分,并考察了流动相组成在手性识别中对手性分离的影响。
The two pairs of enantiomers of epoxiconazole were resolved using normal phase, reversed-phase and polar organic solvent high performance liquid chromatography on cellulose tris(3,5-dimethylphenylcarbamate) (CDMPC) chiral stationary phase, separately.
[...] 泻带血(痢疾)或高热可能需要抗生素治疗, 例环丙沙星 或复方新诺明(遵照本地指南)。
Acute episodes of diarrhoea do not usually need treatment except fluid replacement, though diarrhoea
with blood (dysentery) or high fever may need
[...] antibiotics, eg ciprofloxacin or cotrimoxazole [...]
(follow local guidelines).
[...] 入器的请求是否符合条件,因为这种氟氯化碳计量吸入器从 2005 年才开始生产;为开发丙托品和环索奈 德氢氟烷烃计量吸入器请求的经费数额,因为这些产品的产量比较低, [...]
而且直到 2004 年才有一家公司开始生产环索奈德;孟加拉国现有的技术能力,因为一家
These issues were, specifically: the eligibility of the request for the development of a salbutamol plus ipratropium HFA-MDI when this CFC-MDI was only manufactured from 2005;
the level of funding requested for
[...] development of ipratropium and ciclesonide HFA-MDIs, [...]
taking into consideration the relatively
low levels of production and the fact that production of ciclesonide commenced only in 2004 by one company; and the technical capacity available in the country, considering that one enterprise has already developed two HFA-MDIs and the other two enterprises had already developed DPIs.
2-环丙基-4-(4-氟苯基)-3-喹啉基]甲基 ]三苯基溴化膦
2-Cyclopropyl-4-(4-fluorophenyl)-3-quinolinyl ]methyl]triphenylphosphonium bromide
[...] 美元)、实验室反应堆(20,000 美 元)、环氧乙烷/环氧丙烷混 合与存储试验设施(25,000 [...]
美元)、现有车间和机械改装 (包括低压注入机)以操作非氟氯烃化学品(35,000 美元)、用于试验展示的分类夹具和
模具(10,000 美元)、评估和计量设备(15,000 美元)以及技术援助、试验和培训 (40,000 美元)。
The equipment required by each systems house includes pre-mixing station (US $90,000),
laboratory-scale reactor (US $20,000), a
[...] pilot ethylene propylene oxide blending [...]
and storage facility (US $25,000), retrofitting
of the existing plant and machinery (including low-pressure dispensers) to handle non-HCFC chemicals (US $35,000), assorted jigs and moulds for trials demonstration (US $10,000), evaluation and measuring equipment (US $15,000) and technical assistance, trials and training (US $40,000).
CVT 维护着相当数量的位于独立山顶的微波和基站,需要直升机才能到达这些地方,能源要使用太阳能、风能和可 环丙 烷 发 电机。
CVT maintains a number of standalone
mountain top microwave/cell sites requiring helicopter only access, powered by
[...] solar, wind and cycled propane generators.
每个配方厂家所需的设备包括 1 个预混站(75,000 美元至
90,000 美元,取决 于配方厂家的企业大小)、1 个实验室级反应器(30,000 美元至
[...] 60,000 美元)、1 个试点 乙环氧丙烷混 合和储藏设施(60,000 美元,仅供三个最大的配方厂家使用)、改造现有 [...]
美元至 90,000 美元,不包括 5 个最小的配方厂 家)、评价和测量设备(5,000 美元至 45,000 美元)以及技术援助、试验和培训(45,000 美元 135,000 美元)。
The equipment required by each systems house includes a pre-mixing station (ranging from US $75,000 to US $90,000 depending on the size of the systems house),
laboratory-scale reactor (US $30,000 to US $60,000), a
[...] pilot ethylene propylene oxide blending [...]
and storage facility (US $60,000 only for
the three largest systems houses), retrofitting of the existing foam dispensers for trials (US $45,000 to US $90,000, excluding the five smallest systems houses), evaluation and measuring equipment (US $5,000 to US $45,000) and technical assistance, trials and training (US $45,000 to US $135,000).
右旋烯丙菊酯; 右旋反式丙烯菊酯; 右旋-反式-2,2-二甲基-3-(2-甲基-1-丙烯 基 ) 环丙 烷 羧 酸-(R,S)-2-甲基-3-烯丙基-4-氧代-环戊-2-烯基酯
Bioallethrin; (+/-)-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylpropenyl)cyclopropa necarboxylic acid 2-allyl-4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one ester
炔丙菊酯; 右旋反式-2,2-二甲基-3-(2-甲基-1-丙烯 基 ) 环丙 烷 羧 酸-S-2-甲基-3-(2-炔丙基)-4-氧代环戊-2-烯基酯
2-Methyl-4-oxo-3-(prop-2-ynyl)cyclopent-2-en-1-yl 2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl)cyclopropanec arboxylate
环唑在Ch iralcel OD-H手性色谱柱(填充CDMPC手性固定相)上采用反相色谱模式,以甲醇-水(体积比为80∶20)为流动相,获得了最佳的拆分,其两对对映异构体的分离度Rs分别为1.64和6.50。
It can be baseline separated on a Chiralcel OD-H column packed with CDMPC chiral stationary phase when methanol-water (80∶20, v/v) was used as the mobile phase, the resolutions of the two pairs of enantiomers were 1.64 and 6.50, respectively.
[...] (finasteride) 和多唑较 (doxazosin) 只使用其中一种更凑效。
Medical Therapy of Prostatic Symptoms
(MTOPS) Trial recently found that using
[...] finasteride and doxazosin together is [...]
more effective than either drug alone to relieve
symptoms and prevent BPH progression.
有两个代表团虽然不反对通过最大限量的拟议草案,但是对取消关于食品(非婴 儿配方)和动物饲料中的三聚氰胺含量的注解表示关注,特别是来 环丙 氨 嗪 的三聚氰 胺含量,并建议,农药残留法典委员会(CCPR )应考环丙氨嗪产生的三聚氰胺。
While not opposing the adoption of the proposed draft MLs, two delegations expressed concern with the exemption notes in relation to the level for melamine in food (other than infant formula) and animal feed, in particular from cyromazine and proposed that the Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR) should consider the formation of melamine from cyromazine.
獨立非執行董事確定上述關連交易乃基於以下情況下 簽訂:(甲)在本集團一般及日常業務過程中訂立;(乙)按正常商業條款或按不遜於本集團提供予獨立
[...] 第三方或由獨立第三方提供的條款訂立;及 丙 ) 根據規管該等交易的相關協議,按公平合理且符合 [...]
The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions were entered into (a) in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group; (b) either on normal commercial terms or on terms no less favourable to the Group than
terms available to or from independent third
[...] parties; and (c) in accordance with [...]
the relevant agreements governing them on
terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole.
虫脲的总体保留意见,因为该化合物在欧盟正在接受评估;具体保留意见包括:桃子、 李子和青椒的建议值;噻螨酮(草莓);醚菊酯(葡萄);麦草畏(大豆);啶虫脒
[...] (欧芹(除菠菜外的叶类蔬菜)),以及 唑 醇 ( 葡萄干(无核葡萄干、葡萄干和小葡萄干) [...]
The Delegation of the European Union expressed its reservation on the following proposals for MRLs for pesticide / commodity combinations: general reservation on diflubenzuron as the evaluation of this compound was ongoing in the EU and specific reservations for the proposals for peaches, plums and peppers; hexythiazox for strawberries; etofenprox for grapes; dicamba for soybeans;
acetamiprid for scarole (leafy vegetables except
[...] spinach) and flutriafol for dried [...]
grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) and grapes.
不過,由 於這些藥物中,唑侖、咪達唑侖、佐匹克隆、硝甲西泮和咳 藥為處方藥物或可自行購買,並具廣泛醫療用途,當局亦建議 [...]
只針對常被濫用的毒品實施"零容忍"管制,而不向具普遍醫療用 途的藥物實施"零容忍"。
However, as some of these drugs,
[...] namely triazolam, midazolam, zopiclone, nimetazepam [...]
and cough medicine are either prescription
drugs or may be bought over-the-counter and are widely used for medical treatment, it has also been proposed that only commonly abused drugs but not those that have wide common use for medical treatment should be subject to “zero tolerance” control.
纽约时报》(12/10, A19, Pollack)报道,“一项新的研究结果回火了希望”,Zome ta ( 唑 来 膦 酸),一种由诺华公司开发和销售的“用于治疗骨质流失”的双膦酸盐药物,也可能有助于防止乳腺癌的复发,尤其对于年轻女性,研究者于本周四说道”。
The New York Times (12/10, A19, Pollack) reports, "The results of a new study are tempering hopes that" Zometa (zoledronic acid), a bisphosphonate drug developed and marketed by Novartis AG and "used to treat bone loss, might also help stave off relapses of breast cancer, especially for younger women, researchers said Thursday.




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