

单词 世纪末年

See also:

世纪 n

centuries pl
millennium n


the final years (of a regime)

末世 n

eschatology n

External sources (not reviewed)

相反,已过度开发的种群所占比重则在上升,特别是在 世纪 70 年代末和80 年代,从1974年的10%上升到1989年的26%。
In contrast, the percentage of overexploited stocks has increased, especially in the late 1970s and 1980s, from 10 percent in 1974 to 26 percent in 1989.
该手抄本汇集了五年代(日期从 13 世纪末到大1521 年)和来源不同的手稿,手稿的布局、图形样式和格式也各不相同。
The manuscript is bound in a composite codex that gathers together five
manuscripts of different
[...] age (dating from the end of the 13th century to circa 1521) and provenance, and [...]
which are also
dissimilar in layout, graphic style, and format.
这些规定是为 那个远在二世纪末通讯 革命发生以前 年 代 制 定的。
These rules were designed for another age, well
[...] before the communications revolution of the late twentieth century.
20 世纪60 年代末,挪 威在北海海域发现极大的石油蕴藏量,从1971 [...]
年开始 开采北海石油,使挪威的石油产业日趋成熟。
The discovery of substantial
[...] petroleum deposits in the Norwegian sector [...]
of the North Sea in the late 1960s and the start
of North Sea oil production in 1971 has resulted in a well-developed petroleum sector.
根据现有的调查资料,在 20 世纪 70 年代 末,仅有 7.5%的西班牙人会去图书馆;而 2008 年,约有 30%的西班牙人去过图 书馆。
According to available surveys, in the late 1970s only 7.5 per cent of the population used libraries, while in 2008 almost 30 per cent said they had done so during the past year.
从上世纪90年代末我开 始关注来自玉门的各种消息,2006年夏天我和旦儿从嘉峪关转乘汽车来到玉门。
In the summer of
[...] 2006, Dan Er and I took a bus from Jiayuguan [...]
to Yumen, and arrived in a city permeated with anxiety and
panic, where we found most public facilities were deserted and building after building of residential units was being torn down.
从我对那些时尚ICON的照片的研究,那些 世纪 60 年 代 末 和 70 年代初的照片中那些美丽女人和那些当时的社交名媛的贵族肖像,从Gian [...]
Paolo Barbieri 绘制的Marisa Berenson 和 Anjelica Huston 到Richard
Avedon 拍摄的Marella Agnelli 和 Gloria Vanderbilt。
The basis of my research into the
iconography there are pictures of
[...] beautiful women and aristocratic protagonists of [...]
the beautiful socialite in the late 60's
and 70's. From Marisa Berenson and Anjelica Huston portrayed by Gian Paolo Barbieri to Marella Agnelli and Gloria Vanderbilt in the shots of Richard Avedon.
作为一名雕塑家与作家,克鲁兹威力戈斯在 世纪 80 年 代 末 和 90年代参与了发生在墨西哥城的观念艺术浪潮,该运动常常被拿来与英国YBA的蓬勃时代相类比。
As a sculptor and writer, Cruzvillegas participated in the Conceptual Art Movement in Mexico City at the beginning of the 1980s and the 1990s, which is often compared with the prosperous times of “Young British Artists” in UK.
有一份报告 指出,有证据显示,世纪末释放的碳当量可能等于 270 年的今 日碳排放量——这是温度上升导致的永冻 土解冻产生的次级效应。
According to one report, there is evidence that an
[...] amount of carbon equivalent to 270 years of emissions at today’s level could [...]
be released by the end
the century — a secondary effect of the increase in temperatures leading to the melting of the permafrost.
然而,经历了20世纪80年代 末政治 、社会和经济转型,工业的种类不再 由政府决定,政府有责任改变并减少这方面 [...]
After the political, social and economical turnaround [...]
of the late 1980s however, this kind of industry was no longer supported
by the government who needed to change and reduce the nature of its employment.
Due to both Sino-Soviet split
[...] starting from the end 1950's and the [...]
outbreak of cultural revolution in China in 1966, relations
between Finland and China lead a quiet life in 1960's and the beginning of 1970's. However, Finland remained among the few Western European countries that have never suspended relations with China.
19 世纪 20 年代末,戴 维斯凭借自己的本事成为一位建筑师,1829-31 年间完成了他的首份设计,该设计是一栋位于康涅狄格州纽黑文的希腊复兴式建筑,同时他还加盟了 Ithiel Town(1784-1844 年)并成立新公司 Town & Davis。
In the late 1820s, Davis became an architect in his own right, completing his first design, for a Greek Revival house in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1829-31, and joining the new firm of Town & Davis, with Ithiel Town (1784-1844).
20 世纪 80 年代末,230 000 名阿塞拜疆人从其在亚美尼亚的家中被强行驱 逐,同时在整个亚美尼亚境内还发生杀戮、酷刑、强迫失踪和其他罪行,甚至儿 童也不能幸免。
Thus, the forcible deportation of about 230,000 Azerbaijanis from their homes in Armenia at the end of the 1980s [...]
was accompanied by killings,
torture, enforced disappearances and other crimes throughout Armenia, and even children were not spared.
20 世纪 50 年代末,战后问题解决, 学会经历了 惊人的发展,这些发展导致 [...]
CIGR 会员人数的逐渐增 多,这就必须修改并扩大其基本结构。
From the end of the 50s, once the problems [...]
of the post-war period were concluded, the sector experienced considerable and
unexpected growth which led to a gradual upturn in CIGR’s membership which made it necessary to modify and expand the underlying structure.
虽然自 1960 年代末以来,人口的增长率 一直在下降,但从 1950 年到 1980 年代末,世界人 口增加了一倍,这意味着在过 去的半个纪中, 每新增一个 10 亿的速度之迅速,超过历史上的任何时期:最 后的两个 10 亿,每个只用了创纪录的 [...]
12 年时间。
Although the rate of population growth has been declining
since the late 1960s, the
[...] doubling of the world population between 1950 and the late 1980s has meant that, over the past half century, each additional [...]
billion has been added
more rapidly than at any other time in history, with the last two in a record 12 years each.
这幅 Arnold Borret(1848-88 年)的水彩画对 19 世纪 80 年代末荷兰 苏里南殖民地社会中的不同成员进行了描绘,这些社会成员都有着不同的种族背景。
This watercolor by Arnold Borret (1848-88) consists of small sketches of different members of society and their various ethnic backgrounds in the Dutch colony of Suriname in the late 1880s.
[...] 家、特别是主要的工业化国家和迅速增长的经济体的排放,否则马尔代夫在世 纪末将为国家的生存而挣扎。
Unless drastic action is taken to reduce emissions by all countries, but especially by the major industrialised
nations and rapidly emerging economies,
[...] then by the end of the century, the Maldives [...]
will struggle to function as a viable State.
该项目于 20 世纪 90 年代末与 PNUE 共同商定,为各项不同的活动投入了资金:研究 (与西非国家对沿海公用含水层水资源的共同管理,城市地表与深层含水层的污染)、54 [...]
培 训、会议和讨论会。
The programme, established in cooperation
with the United Nations Environment
[...] Programme (UNEP) at the end of the 1990s, funded [...]
a variety of activities: studies (joint
management of water resources in shared coastal aquifers of West Africa, pollution of shallow and deep aquifers in urban areas),54 training sessions, meetings and theses.
区域海计划、公约和行动计划:从 20 世纪 60 年代末起,人们认识到控制海洋污染 最有效的途径是通过具体的地区协议。
JCOMM is to consider (1) the extent to which efficiencies can be achieved by maximizing the types of observations obtained from various platforms (satellites, aircraft, drifters, gliders, moorings, ships, etc.) and (2) the boundary between the data and information provided by the observing system and their applications.
世纪60年代末的社 会动荡期间,居住在底特律城东的居民对这种舞蹈风格进行了改良,变成了影射政治的艺术形式,其特点是步法快速激越,或跳跃,或停止,或拍打,或回转,忽又戛然而止,恢复平静。
During the unrest of the late 1960s, Detroiters in an eastside neighborhood retooled that dance style into an implicitly political art form characterized by fast and aggressive footwork, hopping, stopping, slapping, and gyration, interrupted by moments of complete calm.
20 世纪 60 年代末,据估计,共有 10 万名中国人以及 40 万名印度人和英裔缅甸人因饱受歧视而离开了缅甸。
By the end of the 1960s, an estimated 100,000 [...]
Chinese as well as 400,000 Indians and Ango-Burmans had left Myanmar due to widespread discrimination.
2002 年签署《蒙特雷共识》时,各发展中国家特别是拉丁 美洲的发展中国家尚在摆脱世纪末 俄 罗斯和亚洲 各经济体面临的经济问题所导致的深刻危机。
In 2002, when the Monterrey
[...] Consensus was signed, various developing countries, in particular in Latin America, were still emerging from a deep crisis associated with the economic problems that were faced at the end of the century in Russia and [...]
the Asian economies.
例 如旧的著作中就提到 19 世纪末将一 个三口人的法国家庭(贝延格家庭)驱逐出瑞 士索勒尔州的案例,理由不仅是因为这个家庭长久以来需要公共援助,而且因为 父子都完全放荡,再找不到住宿地方,整个家庭没有一个人能够工作。378也是 在瑞士,1885年9月1日 ,巴勒乡一名公民要求联邦委员会将一名维也纳人George Grüner驱逐,因为他“进行不道德行为,扰乱许多家庭的和平”。
Older works refer, by way of illustration, the expulsion of a three-member French family, the Bettingers, from the Canton of Solothurn in Switzerland towards the end of the nineteenth century not only because the family had been for a long time been a public charge, but also because the father and the son had fallen into complete dissoluteness and were no longer able to find anywhere to live, and all the members of the family had in addition become unfit for work.378 Still in Switzerland, on 1 September 1885 a resident of Basel-Landschaft requested the Federal Council to expel one Georg Grüner, of Vienna, who, the author of the request alleged, “is engaging in immoral conduct and disturbing the peace of a number of families”.
[...] 会,但不足以可持续地恢复成长和减少失业,而失业率在 20 世纪 90 年代末达到 惊人程度。
While the economic adjustments and reforms helped to stabilize key economic indicators and gave rise to new opportunities for Algeria, they were nonetheless insufficient to
sustainably restore growth and reduce unemployment, the latter of which had
[...] reached alarming rates by the end of the 1990s.
年纪念活动上提出了一项“海洋呼吁”,吁请对沿海及海洋管理计划、海洋科学和 海洋技术给予更多优先关注;此外,还有一封“海洋 世 界 各国及人民的信”。
During the
[...] anniversary ceremony, an Ocean Call was presented, appealing for greater priority to be given to programmes in coastal and ocean management, ocean sciences and ocean technologies as well as A Message to the Peoples and Nations of the World on behalf of the Ocean.
安全理事会还回顾《北京宣言和行动纲领》(A/52/231)以及联合国 大会第二十三届特别会议题为“2000 年妇女:二十世纪两性 平等、发展与 和平”的结果文件(A/S-23/10/Rev.1),特别是关于妇女与武装冲突的承诺。
The Security Council also recalls the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (A/52/231) and the outcome document of the twenty-third Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly entitled “Women 2000:
Gender Equality, Development and
[...] Peace for the Twenty-First Century (A/S23/10/Rev.1), in particular [...]
the commitments concerning women and armed conflict.
华铭自世纪末开始 自主研发自动售检票系统设备,十 年 来 已先后研发出各种制式自动售检票系统设备的核心模块20多种,包括各种阻挡模块、薄型票卡发售模块与回收模块、Token(筹码)型票卡发售模块与回收模块、硬币处理与循环找零模块等部件,已获得国家多项发明专利授权及软件著作权登记,并大量产业化应用到国内外地铁项目。
After more than one decade of endeavor, Huaming has completed more than 20 core modules of AFC for various systems, including Barrier Module, Thin Ticket Issuing Module and Recycle Module, Token Ticket Issuing Module and Recycle Module, Coin Processing and Dispensing Module etc. By these competitive modules, we have obtained many national invention patents and software copyright registration.
该项目的负责人是尚德的总裁施正荣博士和斯威本科技大学微光子学中心的主任顾敏 教授。他们在大学时代建立了友谊,随后 从 2 0 世纪 80 年 代 末 开 始 在澳大利亚新南威尔士大学(University of New South Wales)共事。
The project is led by Suntech CEO, Dr Zhengrong Shi and the head of Swinburne’s Centre for Micro-Photonics, Professor Min Gu, and builds on a friendship that began at university and continued in Australia when they began working side-by-side at the University of New South Wales in the late 1980s.
为减缓和适应气候变化以及环境可持续性而采取的行动将依据《 21 世纪议 程》、《约翰内斯堡执行计划》和 年 发 展 目标 7 以及多边环境协定的承诺中为最 不发达国家界定的具体目标。
Actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation and environmental sustainability will be based on least developed country-specific objectives defined in Agenda 21, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation and Millennium Development Goal 7, as well as commitments from multilateral environmental agreements.
如果基督教不存在于所有在上埃及,公元150之前,那么我们就必须降下来的德米特里版本尽早日期,但如果像更容易,基督教传播的手段尼罗河立即开始鼓吹在亚历山德里亚,并已成为感染邪教和半异教迷信,在第二 世纪 , 我 们可能会暂时结束Sahidic版本,这是当时的性格“(”科普特版本在南方方言的新约圣经“,三,牛津大学, 1 9 1 1 年 , 第 398页)。
If Christianity did not exist at all in Upper Egypt before AD 150, then we must come down to the date of Demetrius as the earliest possible date of the version; but if, as is more likely, the Christian religion had spread by means of the Nile immediately after it began to be preached
[...] Alexandria, and had already become infected by heretical and semi-pagan superstitions in the second century, we may provisionally conclude from the character of the Sahidic version that it was made [...]
at that time"
("The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect", III, Oxford, 1911, p. 398).




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