单词 | 世界第一 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 世界第一—world firstless common: number one in the world Examples:全世界第一—world's first 第一次世界大战—World War One See also:世界n—worldn 世界adj—globaladj 第一adj—firstadj 第一—number one
(e) 新世界第一巴士服务有限公司(下称"新巴"),亦是新创建 交通服务有限公司的成员。 legco.gov.hk | (e) theNew World First Bus Services [...] Limited (First Bus), which is also a member of the NWS Transport Services Limited. legco.gov.hk |
该公约是全世界第一项公 共健康条约,大约 170 个国 家已批准该公约。 daccess-ods.un.org | They carry out the intent of the [...] historic Framework Convention on [...] Tobacco Control, theworld’s first publichealth treaty, [...]which has been ratified by some 170 nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界第一座防波堤波能电站于 2011 年夏天在西班牙 Mutriku 大西洋海岸边投入运行。 voith.com | The world'sfirst breakwater wave power plant was commissioned in the summer of 2011 on the Spanish [...] Atlantic coast at Mutriku. voith.com |
以Agilent [...] Technologies为例,这家世界领先的测量组织与UTS科学院携手合作,研发出世界第一台生物成像设备,将科技转化成成像技术,有助于临床诊断并能有效研究药物对阿尔茨海默和帕金森等疾病的功效。 australiachina.com.au | One such example is Agilent Technologies, a world-leading measurement [...] organisation collaborating with UTS [...] Science to producea worldfirst bio-imaging [...]facility, which developed technologies into [...]imaging techniques that have assisted clinical diagnosis and allowed investigation of effect of drugs on a range of diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. This relationship has had significant benefits for both partners. australiachina.com.au |
观澜湖高尔夫球会,成立於1992年,世界第一大高尔夫球会。 smartinfo.com.hk | Stretching across Shenzhen and Dongguan, [...] Mission Hills is the World's No.1 golfclub. smartinfo.com.hk |
本命令废除《2004年路綫表( 新世界第一巴士服务有限公司) 令》(2004年第206号法律公告),以更新新世界第一巴士服务有限公司 经营的巴士路綫路綫表。 legco.gov.hk | This Order repeals the Schedule [...] of Routes (New WorldFirst BusServices Limited) Order 2004 (L.N. 206 of 2004) to update the schedule of bus routes operated bythe New World First Bus Services Limited. legco.gov.hk |
在去年圆满成功所作的努力,并在1771年他返回他能够给世界第一的翻译阿维斯塔。 mb-soft.com | Success at last crowned his efforts, and on his return in 1771 he was [...] able to give tothe world thefirst translation of the Avesta. mb-soft.com |
Jabra BIZ 2400 USB 加入 Jabra [...] SafeTone 技术以确保安全的平均声级,这使它成为世界第一款通过内嵌技术符合严格的欧盟国家工作场所噪音法规的有线 [...]USB 耳麦。 jabra.cn | The Jabra BIZ 2400 USB incorporates Jabra SafeTone [...] technology to ensure safe average sound [...] levels, making ittheworld’s firstcorded USB headset [...]with built-in compliance to the strict [...]noise-at-work regulations in force in EU countries. jabra.com |
经过近十年的使用,该中心已帮助 UL 确立世界第一灭火检测机构的地位。 ul.com | This facility has served, through nearly a decade of use, to help [...] positionUL as theworld's premier fire suppression [...]testing organization. ul.com |
玛拉公司对技术革新和解决方案的热情驱动它完成了许多“世界第一”,如钻孔雷达,全数字雷达,便携式超强地面耦合天线,并行处理技术,以及第一台全集成的三维雷达MIRA系统。 malags.com.cn | MALÅ's passion for innovation and solution driven approach has madea [...] numbers of"industry firsts" possible, such [...]as Borehole GPR, all-digital [...]GPR, flexible Rough Terrain Antennas, parallel processing, and the first fully integrated GPR Array with the MALÅ MIRA System. malags.com |
建立了全国法律机制,赔偿人权遭到侵犯的受害者家属,包括恐怖主 义受害者家属 妇女在立法机关及各级议会中的比例排名世界第一 daccess-ods.un.org | The creation of a national legal mechanism to compensate the families of victims of human rights violations, including terrorism crimes daccess-ods.un.org |
有象征上海的外滩;有被誉为”城市绿肺”的人民广场;有创造了十个”世界第一”的东方明珠广播电视塔;有中国第一摩天大楼金茂大厦;以及南京路步行街、上海博物馆、上海大剧院、上海城市规划展示馆等。 shanghaibiennale.org | Shanghai symbols are the Bund, People Square, the Oriental [...] Pearl Tower, the first skyscraper built [...]in China called Jinmao Tower and also Nanjing [...]Road, Shanghai Museum, Shanghai Theatre, Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, etc. shanghaibiennale.org |
IECEE 是多个国家及认证机构共同参与的多方协议,它所建立的 CB 架构是全世界第一个落实相互认可电气和电子零件、设备与产品安全测试报告及认证的国际体系。 ipress.com.hk | The IECEE is a multilateral agreement among participating countries and certification [...] organizations. The [...] IECEE-CB Scheme is theworld's first truly international [...]system for mutual acceptance of test reports and certificates dealing with the [...]safety of electrical and electronic components, equipment and products. ipress.com.hk |
从1932年研发出世界第一款真 正的专业潜水表,到赞助拍摄备受好评的环保影片,八十多年来欧米茄与海洋的深厚渊源已经成了品牌的标志性基因。 wthejournal.com | From the [...] development of the first true dive watch in 1932 to our sponsorship of an acclaimed [...]environmental film, OMEGA’s [...]connection to Earth’s watery surface is deeply-rooted and a defining element of our brand. wthejournal.com |
我借此机 会以最真诚的方式表达非洲和刚果人的好客传统,欢 迎所有前来参加这次首脑会议的代表来到世界第一大陆的中心城市金沙萨,无论你们讲的是 Lomongo 语、 林加拉语、基孔果语、契卢巴语还是斯瓦希里语。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the purest expression of the African and Congolese tradition of hospitality, I would like to take this opportunity to say to all those whowill come to the Summit — whether they speak Lomongo, Lingala, Kikongo, Chiluba or Swahili — that they are welcome in Kinshasa, a city in the heart of the first continent. daccess-ods.un.org |
在其年度新闻发布会在梅斯的专业人士介绍 缆普集团世界第一的充电器:“拉普螺旋”。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | At its annual press conference professionals in Metz [...] presented Lapp Group a worldfirst for the Chargers: [...]the "Lapp Helix". en.developmentscout.com |
创立于 1881 的日本公司 Seiko [...] 在众多品牌中脱颖而出,被誉为全球独一无二的手表制造商,它曾开创多个世界第一,并重新改写了钟表历史。 hk.ashford.com | Considered the only watch manufacturer with every watchmaking expertise, [...] Japanese company Seiko, created in 1881, [...] claims a number of world firsts, manyof which [...]changed the history of timekeeping. ashford.com |
塞浦路斯境内流离失所者所占人口比例位居世界第一,并且流离失所的希族塞浦路斯人自由获 [...] 得和享有其财产的权利继续被剥夺。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cyprus had the highest proportion of internally [...] displaced people (IDPs) as a percentage ofits [...] population inthe world, andGreek Cypriot [...]displaced persons continued to [...]be deprived of their right of free access to and enjoyment of their properties. daccess-ods.un.org |
沃尔沃(Volvo)宣称其最新FH系列成为全世界第一款配备独立前悬架的重型卡车,而几乎就在同一时间,德国变速器及车架部件供应商ZF推出了自己的独立前悬架模块,其型号为IS 80 TF,该产品同样是针对重型卡车市场。 cn.drivelinenews.com | At almost exactly the same time as Volvo was proclaiming its new FH series astheworld’s firstheavy truck with [...] independent front suspension, [...]Germany-based transmissions and chassis components supplier ZF launched its own independent front suspension module, labeled IS 80 TF, also aimed at the heavy truck market. drivelinenews.com |
优美、绿色的自然环境及优质的土壤成就了最佳的奶源,也使荷兰可以生产出世界第一流的高品质奶粉。 bnm.com.hk | After World War II develops Nutricia is increasingly becoming a manufacturer of knowledge-intensive foods, with its own research department and a pilot plant. bnm.com.hk |
从世界第一台声 学分析仪,直至今天的beamforming系统,当人们需要噪声及振动解决方案时,总是来我们这里寻求答案。 bksv.cn | From the world’s first acoustic analyzer [...] to the flyover beamforming systems of today, when people need solutions in sound [...]and vibration, they turn to us for the answers. bksv.com |
据世界经济论坛去年12月发布的第四期年度经济发展报告,香 港首次超越美国及英国,跃居2011年金融发展指标世界第一,并成为首个夺得此殊荣的亚洲金融中心。 pacnet.com | According to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) fourth annual Financial Development Report released in December last year, the city overtook the United States and [...] the United Kingdom for [...] the first time to top the Financial Development Index 2011, becomingthe firstAsian financial [...]center to achieve this rank. pacnet.com |
自推出第一款玻璃真空保温瓶以来,象印在真空保温技术领域一直领先,先後引进Air Pot保温瓶系列以及研发世界第一个不 易破损的不锈钢真空保温瓶。 sogo.com.hk | From the launch of its first glass-lined vacuum bottle, to the introduction of the Air Pot brand beverage [...] server, and to the [...] developmentof the world'sfirst unbreakable stainless steel vacuum bottle, Zojirushi has led the way in vacuum insulation technology. sogo.com.hk |
作为世界第一台计算机的“监控摄像机”,“Carbon Black 3.0”收集和保留关键的信息,可供安全及商业专业人士用于更好地了解其企业的安全和效率情况。 china.blackstone.com | Billed as the world’sfirst ‘surveillance camera’ [...] for computers, “Carbon Black 3.0” collects and retains key pieces of information [...]that security and business professionals can use to better understand the safety and efficiency of their enterprises. blackstone.com |
根据制造商,它是世界第一,特别是在安全性方面带来好处。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | According to the [...] manufacturer it is a worldfirst which particularly [...]brings benefits in terms of safety. en.developmentscout.com |
2004年化工总产值是578,000百 万欧元,化工进出口也居世界第一位。 gruposodercan.es | The region’s chemical business turnover stood at 578,000 million euro in 2004, and it was also the top import and export market. gruposodercan.es |
世界第一个专业指挥应是德国人Hans von Bulow,是Wagner的学生,他不但将指挥视为推动节奏前进、向乐团发出信号的领导人物,而且更通过对音乐独有的诠释能力,确立了指挥作为乐团演奏中心角色的地位。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Thefirst person to become a [...] professional conductor was a German who studied under Wagner, Hans von Bulow. He saw the conductor [...]as more than just a tool for setting the tempo and sending signals to the orchestra, and established the role of the conductor as a central figure in the performance by virtue of his interpretation of the music. tomleemusic.com.hk |
後冷战时代的美国虽然因苏联的瓦解而继续稳坐世界第一超级大国的宝座,然而从九十年代初干预前南斯拉夫问题而被讥为「世界警察」,到强势发动伊拉克战争而被冠上「单边主义」,十几年来美国在国际社会的声誉每况愈下。 hkupop.hku.hk | America's [...] positionas the world'snumber one super power was [...]consolidated because of USSR's breakdown after the Cold War, [...]but her interference into the ex-Yugoslavia issue from the early 1990s has earned her the ironic name of "the World Police". hkupop.hku.hk |
年,我们捐赠32,100M 的环保电缆给位於成功大学校区内,荣获内政部钻石级 绿建筑标章的台湾第一座零碳建筑、世界第一座亚热带绿建筑教育中心「孙运璿绿建筑研究 大楼─绿色魔法学校」,期能为未来绿建筑做出示范。 taya.com.tw | In 2009, we donated [...] 32,100 metersof green wires to the “Educational Center of Subtropical Green Building”, or “Y. S. Sun Green Building Research Center MSGT”, hoping to create an example for other [...]green buildings in the future. taya.com.tw |
在审议期间,主要活动包括促进提高认识的政策和标准,以及监测在实现普遍获取信息方面的 进展,特别是通过重点落实信息社会 世界首脑 会议( 第一阶段,日内瓦,以及第二阶段,突尼斯) 的成果以及在全民信息计划及其三个战略重点——信息扫盲、信息伦理和信息保护——的框架内, [...][...] 通过实施具体活动巩固行动职能。 unesdoc.unesco.org | During the period under consideration, main activities included the promotion of policies and standards to raise awareness and monitoring progress towards universal access particularly [...] by focusing on the [...] implementation of the outcomesof the WorldSummit onthe Information [...]Society (WSIS, Phases I, Geneva, [...]and II, Tunis) and within the framework of the Information for All Programme (IFAP) and its three strategic priorities – information literacy, information ethics and information preservation – by consolidating its operational functions through the implementation of concrete activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |