单词 | 世界小姐选美 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 世界小姐选美 —Miss World Beauty PageantSee also:世界 n—world n 小姐 n—miss n • mistress n 小姐—young lady • (slang) prostitute 选美—beauty contest 世界 adj—global adj
学生主要来自美国, 但同时也从欧洲、韩国、日本、印度 和 世界 其 他 国家 遴 选。 china.blackstone.com | Students will hail predominantly from the U.S., but also from Europe, South Korea, Japan, India and other areas of the globe. blackstone.com |
影片的2006年爱尔兰小姐选美,在 节日公园举行,美国偶像,大卫总统Tabaré,西班牙的眼睛与音乐表演,参观今天的西班牙小姐,等等。 fidelcarrera.com | Videos of [...] Miss Ireland 2006 pageant, held at the Festival Park, with musical performances by American Idol, David Tabaré, [...]Spanish Eyes, visit [...]the Miss Spain today, etc. Work done for MBC Events. fidelcarrera.com |
更多有關高雄義大世界美國月的活動,請聯絡高雄義 大 世界 施 慧 瑩 小姐 ( 電 話: 07-656-8501)或美國在 台協會高雄分處范俊華小姐 (電話: 07-2387744 分機 620)。 ait.org.tw | For more information about the [...] Kaohsiung E-Da World America Month activities, please contact Ms. Monica Shih at Kaohsiung E-Da World (Tel: 07-656-8501) [...]or Ms. Daphne Fan [...]at AIT Kaohsiung Branch Office (Tel: 07-2387744 ext. 620). ait.org.tw |
现任世界小姐于文霞上周末前往美国 继 续她的环球之旅,本次出访的目的地是爱荷华州的Des Moines。 missworld.com | Reigning Miss World Wenxia Yu travelled to the USA this weekend continuing her extensive world tour in the [...] city of Des Moines Iowa, [...]for the 39th Iowa Variety Telethon. missworld.com |
包括第23届世界模特小姐大赛国际总决赛最佳上镜奖获奖选手MAI LANGE、最佳泳装奖获奖选手AURO DECASTRO、第22届世界模特小姐大赛 中国总决赛冠军曹青青、第23届世界模特 小 姐 大 赛 中国总决赛冠军李孟在内的多位国内外获奖选手齐聚会展中心1号馆,并带来了精彩的T台走秀演出,受到众多媒体、国内外嘉宾和参展方的热情关注。 world-missmodel.com | The Winner of Best Photogenic of the 23rd MMW, MAI LANGE, Winner of Best in Swimsuit, AURO DECASTRO and the Winner of the 23rd MMW China Grand Final, Li Meng gathered at the Hall 1 of the Convention and Exhibition Center, bringing wonderful catwalk show to the audience, which had attracted attention from press, exhibitors and the citizens. world-missmodel.com |
按照比赛用户的在线公开投票的结果6个最漂亮姑娘共度了Insta亚 洲 小姐 2 01 1 选美 的 35 000USD的奖金基金。 instaforex.com | According to the free voting results, [...] six most gorgeous beauties shared Miss Insta Asia [...]2011 prize fund of USD 35000. instaforex.com |
恒生银行副董事长兼行政总裁柯清辉先生在今天举行的奖学金茶聚上, 颁发今年的海外留学奖学金予三位香港得奖学生,分别为意大利联 合世 界书院的江晨欣小姐、新加坡华中初级学院的李小 宝 小姐 及 香 港李宝椿 联合世界书院的陆嘉殷小姐。 hangseng.com.cn | At a reception held today, Mr Raymond Or, the Bank's Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive, presented this year's overseas scholarships [...] under the Hong Kong [...] programme to Miss Jiang Chenxin, United World College, Italy; Miss Lee Siu Po, Hwa Chong Junior College, Singapore; and Miss Phyllis Luk, Li Po Chun United World College, Hong Kong. hangseng.com.cn |
2002年爱尔兰小姐选美,在节日公园举行,音乐表演,撒马尔罕娱乐节目的视频,请访问2002年西班牙小姐,等等。 fidelcarrera.com | Videos of Miss Ireland 2002 pageant, held at the Festival [...] Park, with musical performances, Samarkand Casino show, visit [...]the Miss Spain 2002, etc. for Mail Advertising / Grepsa. fidelcarrera.com |
因此,当讨论由人民通过公正的大选选出的国家 元首时,我们很难作出其他反应,因为 大 选 是 在 全世 界和许多国际组织的区域和其他观察 员 小 组 包 括申 明具有透明性的联合国的观察下进行的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, we could hardly react otherwise, when discussing a Head of State who was selected [...] by his people through [...] fair and general elections that were subject to observation by regional and other observer teams from all over the world, and from many international [...]organizations, [...]including the United Nations that affirmed their transparency. daccess-ods.un.org |
优翔为中国顶级客户提供的健康产品都是尊贵顶级,独一无二,无法复制,包括前往为总统服务的瑞士静港中心医院恢复青春;前往日本圣授会接受早期防癌综合检查和无创心脑血管综合检查;前往遗世独立在世界尽头的避世静修之所释放压力;前往欧洲私密独享的医疗SPA收获身、心、灵的健康;......这一切都根据个性独特的需求,由资深专家设计,并提 供 2 4 小 时 私人管家服务,让您以普通人难以知晓视角或深度去享受非凡的旅行体验,感悟生命之美,生活 之 美 , 世界 之 美。 lavion.com.cn | All L'AVION’s medical travel products made to its exclusive customers are top level, unique and unduplicated, including the anti-aging tour to Switzerland Biotonus Clinique where medical service has been made for presidents; early stage comprehensive Cancer prevention examination and comprehensive cerebral examination tour to Seijukai Japan; Relaxing tour to the places on the edge of the earth to release pressure; Medical Spa tour to European private site to make body and spirit healthy… All these products are designed according to [...] special needs, by expert [...] designers with the help of 24 hour private butler service, allowing you to enjoy extraordinary travel experience, learn the beauty of life, of livelihood and of the world. en.lavion.com.cn |
美國,馬里蘭州,博薩斯達– 2013年1月29日電:全美癌症研究基金會(亞洲癌症研究會 在 美 國 的 姐 妹 機 構)今日宣布,將第八屆聖•喬奇癌症研究創新成就獎授予Alex Matter博士,以表彰他在世界首例 專門針對腫瘤病變分子的靶向藥物的研究上所取得的原創性成果。 afcr.org.hk | (Bethesda, Md., USA – January 29, 2013) The National Foundation for Cancer Research (NFCR) – AFCR’s sister organization in the United States – announced today that Dr. Alex Matter has been awarded the 8th afcr.org.hk |
煩請於2009年 6 月 16日或該日前向本人提供上述資料( 兼 [...] 具中、英文本及電子複本,發送電郵至:jmylee@legco.gov.hk, 李美 儀小姐收)。 legco.gov.hk | I would appreciate if you could let me have the [...] said information (in both Chinese and English and with [...] soft copy to Miss Joey LEE at jmylee@legco.gov.hk) [...]by 16 June 2009. legco.gov.hk |
该委员会是根据总干事于 2004 年提出、执委会于第 169 届会 议通过的章程(第 169 EX/3.5.1 号决定)设立的第 V 类咨询委员会,其成员由总干事与联合 国教科文组织各推选小组、第三世界 科 学 院、及国际科学理事会咨询协商后指派。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The monitoring of the IBSP is carried out by its Scientific Board, a category V Advisory Committee governed by Statutes proposed by the Director-General in 2004 and subsequently approved by the Executive Board at its 169th session (169 EX/Decision 3.5.1). unesdoc.unesco.org |
世界银行指出,选用碳氢化合物技术的依据如下:替代技术应该成熟,并为业界普 遍接受;当地市场上的发泡剂供应数量充足,价格也合理;以及根据中国政府减轻气候影 [...] 响的核心政策目标,优先采用低碳解决方案(这也符合缔约方的第 XIX/6 号决定)。 multilateralfund.org | The World Bank indicated that the selection of hydrocarbon technology [...] was based on the following: the substitute technology [...]should be mature and generally accepted by the industry; the blowing agent should be available in sufficient quantities and at a reasonable price on the local market; and, in line with the central policy objective of the Government of China to mitigate climate impacts, a low carbon solution takes priority (which is also in line with decision XIX/6 of the Parties). multilateralfund.org |
世界小姐机构 首席执行官茱莉亚·莫莉 和 世界小姐 团 队本周将与20 13 年 世界小姐 总 决 赛的主办单位Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia(RCTI)的代表会面,开始今年的赛事计划准备工作。 missworld.com | Miss World CEO Julia Morley & The Miss World Team this week have met up with the hosts of Miss World 2013, Rajawali [...] Citra Televisi Indonesia [...](RCTI) to begin the major planning of this years finals. missworld.com |
有机形式被 简化了,因为这代表的是原始的形式和生命的起源(“X [...] 公主”,1916 年;“第一声哭 叫”,1917 年;“新生儿”,1920 年;“Pogany 小姐”,“勒达”,1920 年;“世界的黎 明”,1924 年)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Organic forms were simplified as primary forms in allusion to the genesis of life (Principesa/The [...] Princess X, 1916; Primul strigat/The First Cry, 1917; Nou nascutul/The Newly Born, 1920; [...] Domnisoara Pogany/Miss Pogany, Leda, 1920; Inceputul lumii/The Dawn of the World, 1924). unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,陳小姐亦是美國人壽保險管理學會會士(FLMI),並獲得「優異」的榮譽,有關資格由壽險管理協會頒授。 aon.com | Kitty is also a Fellow of the Life Management [...] Institute (FLMI), a designation awarded by the Life Office Management Association [...](LOMA), and has attained this honour "With Distinction". aon.com |
影片的巴利阿里群岛小姐选美2005年,在节日公园举行,美国偶像,大卫总统Tabaré,西班牙的眼睛与音乐表演,参观2005年的西班牙小姐玛丽亚耶稣鲁伊斯(2004年西班牙小姐)。 fidelcarrera.com | Videos of Illes [...] Balears Miss pageant 2005, held at Festival Park, with musical performances by American Idol, David Tabaré, [...]Spanish Eyes, visit [...]the Miss Spain 2005 and presented by Maria Jesus Ruiz (Miss Spain 2004). fidelcarrera.com |
晚宴邀请了演艺界、文化界及财经界近200余位嘉宾,影视明星陆毅 和 世界小姐 冠 军 张梓琳作为“GIVE ME FIVE”专项基金代言人出席了盛典。 jinmao88.com | Also present were around 200 guests from the entertainment, culture and [...] business circles, including TV & film [...] star Mr. Lu Yi and World Mistress Zhang Zilin who [...]are the Fund’s image ambassadors. jinmao88.com |
除上述五处遗址之外,这个项 [...] 目开发出来的方法还将应用于毛里塔尼亚 1996 年入选世界遗产 名录的四个城镇:互丹,欣 盖提,蒂奇和互拉塔,教科文组织世界遗产中心的一项世界银行资助项目,可为毛里塔尼亚 [...]政府提供技术帮助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In addition to these five sites, the methodology developed under this project will also be applied to the four towns of Ouadane, [...] Chinguetti, Titchitt and Oualata in Mauritania [...] inscribed on the World Heritage List [...]in 1996 as the UNESCO World Heritage Centre [...]is providing technical assistance to the government in a World Bank-financed project. unesdoc.unesco.org |
具体活动有编写工程科学方面的系列学习材料和教学材料“设计建造一个更 加 美好 的世界”, 开始一项“关于工程教育、资格鉴定和质量保证的国际调查”,举办关于“工 [...] 程、科学和技术方面的妇女与性别问题”、“资格鉴定--工程问题与专业惯例”和“工程和 技术促进消除贫穷”的专家讲习班。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Specific activities included the development of an [...] “Engineering A Better World” series of learning [...]and teaching materials in the engineering [...]sciences, the launch of an “International Survey on Engineering Education, Accreditation and Quality Assurance” and expert workshops on “Women and Gender Issues in Engineering, Science and Technology”, “Accreditation – Engineering Issues and Professional Practice” and “Engineering and Technology for Poverty Eradication”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
你将会非常高兴地知道爱尔兰现在是 世界 各 地 美 食 家的 首 选 , 美 食 之旅在爱尔兰正越来越流行,这得归功于爱尔兰美食复兴和当地独特的农场、热闹的市场、世界闻名的烹饪学校、艺术品般的美食和优雅的餐馆。 discoverireland.com | You’ll be pleased to know that Ireland is [...] now a top destination for international foodies. Gourmet food tours [...]are a growing area in Ireland [...]thanks to a renaissance in Irish food and exceptional local farms, buzzing markets, world-renowned cookery schools, incredible artisan produce and exquisite restaurants. discoverireland.com |
人们日益重视遴选 跨疆界生物 圈保留地并制定落实和管理这种生物圈保 留地的指导方针,这些活动表明了“人与生物圈计 划”的活力和实用性,以及“世界生 物 圈保留地网 络”的活力和必要性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Together with increased interest in [...] designation of Transboundary Biosphere Reserves, and the production of guides to implement and manage such Biosphere Reserves, these activities demonstrate the vitality and relevance of the MAB programme, as well as that of the World Network of Biosphere [...]Reserves. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他的抗争和光辉典范已经载入当代历史,并激励 各方人士矢志努力建设一个更加美好 的 世界 ; 一个更 加平等和公正的世界;一个尊重人权、差异、人人平 等和机会均等的世界;一个各民族和各国普遍相互理 解、精诚团结的世界;一个人人都应享有经济和社会 发展平等权利,而没有这种权利,稳定、和平与民主 就不可能实现的世界;一个没有歧视的世界。 daccess-ods.un.org | His fight and towering example are imbedded in contemporary history and constitute an inspiration for all those who strive for a better world, a more equal and just world, a world respectful of human rights, of difference, of equality and equal opportunities for all; a world where mutual understanding and active solidarity among peoples and countries should be the rule; a world where everyone should have an equal right to economic and social development, without which stability, peace and democracy cannot thrive; a world free of discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
俄罗斯联邦外交部长与联合王国外交事务大臣一致同意合力促进和支持奥 林匹克休战的理想,以建立一个更美 好 的 世界 并 使来自不同国家的多样化的人们 共同在和平的环境中通过体育而进行竞赛。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom agreed to work together to promote and [...] support the ideals of the Olympic Truce [...] to build a better world and bring people from [...]different nations and diversities together [...]to enjoy competition through sport in a peaceful environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
由於各地調查機構仍在整理數據,民意研究計劃暫時不會把有關調查結果上載到《民意網站》, 各 界 人 士 或新聞工作者可親臨民意研究計劃辦公室免費索取有關聯合民意調查的初步報告,惟請事先致電2859 2988聯絡周小姐。 hkupop.hku.hk | Because the participating research organizations are still analyzing the data, we will not upload the findings onto our HKU POP Site for the time being. Members of the [...] press and the [...] general public are welcome to obtain the entire preliminary report of the international survey from our POP Office, free of charge, but please call our Miss Chau at 2859-2988 first. hkupop.hku.hk |