

单词 专门列车

See also:

专门 n

specific n

专门 v

specialiseBE v



External sources (not reviewed)

我们的Maxima机车专门为跨边界列车业 务设计。
Our Maxima locomotives are designed for cross-border [...]
rail service.
无论是排气管还车门封条,福伊特工业服务公司均能提供各类商品的全面工程解决方案,而我们 专 长 是车轮与轮胎装配。
Whether it be exhausts or door seals, Voith Industrial Services provides fully engineered solutions across a range of commodity group and specializes in wheel and tire [...]
行政首长应举行年度全体工作人员会议,议程 专门列 有 关于道德操守的项 目。
The executive heads should hold an annual “town hall” meeting with the staff including a specific agenda item on ethics.
预算文 件第 29C.35 段列出这 一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行 政管理职责的工作人员的人力和财政资源管 专门 知 识 ;提高秘书处工作人员的 信息技术技能;建立和强化语文能力;支持职业发展和提高实务技能。
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes designed to build and sustain the Organization’s leadership and managerial capacity; improve the human and financial resources management expertise of programme [...]
managers and staff with
administrative responsibilities; upgrade the information technology skills of Secretariat staff; build and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and support career development and upgrade substantive skills.
本公司是一专业生产系列产品 ,如LED及H ID 汽 车 灯 ,LED 汽 车 的 标 志图案激光灯,LED工作灯,LED射灯,LED越野灯,LED日间行车灯,LED手电筒,HID氙气灯,蓝牙免提车载试剂盒,兰 门 , 车 钥 匙壳,汽车诊断工具和多种汽车配件及汽车零件的。
Our company is specialized in producing series products, such as LED & HID auto lights,LED Car Logo Laser Lights,LED Work light,LED Spot light,LED Offroad lights,LED Daytime Running lights,LED Flashlight, HID xenon lights,Bluetooth handsfree car kit,Lambo Doors,Car key shells,Car [...]
Diagnostic Tools and
many kinds of auto accessories and parts.
最 后,会议提议将列专题作为文件 33 C/5 中未来跨门合作的内容:图书馆、档案馆和博物馆在建 设知识社会中的作用;将媒体的概念引入学校课程中;高等教育包括为培训者提供培训信息传播技 [...]
Finally, the
[...] following themes were suggested for future intersectoral cooperation in document [...]
33 C/5: the role of libraries,
archives and museums in the construction of knowledge societies; introduction of media concepts into school curricula; higher education including training of trainers; ICTs in science (including efforts to impede the brain drain).
[...] 厢内设有颜色分明及有纹理的扶手、特低地台并铺有防滑地板、伸手可及的按 铃、残疾乘客优先座位、车头设有大字体终点站及路线编号的电子显示、车身侧 面及后面设有大字体路线编号的电子显示、巴士出口设 车门 关 闭蜂鸣器及提示 灯及车厢内设有显示车牌号码及顾客服 专 线 的 点字板。
Ancillary facilities such as wheelchair space with back rest and restraint lap belt, front kneeling capability with wide entrance, high colour contrast and textured handrail system inside compartment, super low floor covered with non-slippery floor material, easily reached bell; priority seats for passengers with disabilities, large electronic destination and route number display on the front, large electronic route number display on the side and rear, closing door buzzer and warning lamp at exit and Braille registration number
plate and customer service
[...] hotline inside compartment are equipped in most buses to facilitate persons with disabilities in using bus services.
目前的奖项往往涉及到一列专门领 域 ,在国际媒体的广泛报道方面可能难以获 得突破。
The current spread of prizes across a range of specialized areas may make it difficult to further improve the general coverage by the international media.
委员会的建议将增强其效力,优化其与秘书处的关系,使其能够更好地执行 安理会第 1977(2011)号决议规定的长期任务,并重点开展 列 活 动:执行第 1540(2004)号决议第 1 段至第 3 段,包括应邀访问各国;建立机制,借鉴相专 门知识 ,包括酌情征得国家同意,借鉴民间社会和私营部门的相 专门 知 识 ;应 相关国家邀请促进技术援助;加强与相关国际、区域和次区域组织的合作;帮助 裁军事务厅管理好各国根据第 1977(2011)号决议第 22(c)段提供的资源。
The Committee’s recommendations serve to support its effectiveness, optimize its relationships with the Secretariat, make it more responsive to the long-term mandate established by the Security Council in resolution 1977 (2011) and focus on the implementation of paragraphs 1 to 3 of resolution 1540 (2004), including through visits to States at
their invitation; on
[...] mechanisms to draw upon relevant expertise, including of civil society and the private sector with, as appropriate, their State’s consent; on facilitating technical assistance at the invitation of the State concerned; and on enhanced cooperation with [...]
relevant international,
regional and subregional organizations, and management by the Office for Disarmament Affairs of resources that States may provide according to paragraph 22 (c) of resolution 1977 (2011).
列联合国专门机构 和相关组织派代表出席了会议:联合国粮 食及农业组织、联合国工业发展组织、万国邮政联盟。
Representatives of
[...] the following specialized agencies and [...]
related organizations attended: Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations; United Nations Industrial Development Organization; and Universal Postal Union.
列专门机构 的代表以咨商身份列席了会议:联合国粮食及农业组织、 国际电信联盟、联合国工业发展组织、万国邮政联盟、世界卫生组织和世界 [...]
Representatives of
[...] the following specialized agencies were [...]
present in a consultative capacity: Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations; International Telecommunication Union; United Nations Industrial Development Organization; Universal Postal Union; World Health Organization; and World Meteorological Organization.
一些国家在警察、检察、移民、卫生、收容和劳动监察部门建立了一 列专门 机构 ,以确保它们能够参与打击贩运人口的行动。
Some States
[...] created a series of specialized units in sectors, such as police, [...]
prosecution, immigration, health, asylum and
labour inspection, in order to ensure their involvement in the fight against trafficking in persons.
但是,似乎可以清楚地看出,由于这些技巧产生的 效力几乎与保留所产生的效力相同,应该 专门 载 列 保 留 定义的《实践指南》的 那一章中予以提及,至少能够更加明确地鉴别这个概念的关键内容,把它们同保 留区别开来,并且在可适用的情况下,针对保留的法律制度得出适当的结论。
As they produce effects almost identical to those produced by reservations, these techniques nevertheless deserve to be mentioned in the part of the Guide to Practice devoted to the definition of reservations, if only so as to identify more clearly the key elements of the concept, distinguish them from reservations and, where applicable, draw appropriate conclusions with regard to the legal regime of reservations.
在各级教育所有班级的公 民权课程中列入了一个专门的人 权科目。
A special subject on human rights has been included in the citizenship course for all classes at different levels of education.
欧盟驻科法治团的海关部分继续在科索沃北部 1 号关口和 31
[...] 号关口复印/扫 描商业通关数据,包列车运货 进入科索沃北部的数据。
EULEX Customs continued to copy and scan data on
commercial traffic at gates 1 and 31 in northern Kosovo, including data on cargo
[...] carried into northern Kosovo by train.
列车专用的 控制器,灵活而紧凑,作为一个子系统控制器或信号网关来处理多种多 [...]
Works as subsystem controller or as a powerful gateway
[...] linking various vehicle-specific bus [...]
学院共开设300多门课程,其中包括一 列专门 面 向留学生的全日制课程,专业涉及会计、养老、美容疗法、酒店管理、信息技术与 车 机 械
The Institute offers more than 300 programs with a range of full-time courses designed for international students in the areas of accounting, aged care, beauty therapy, hospitality, information technology and automotive mechanics.
这一次级门包括在冷藏室或卡车上装配或安装预 制制冷系统的企业,或者对从客车或公共 车专 业 供 应商处获得的安装空调系统进行安装 的企业;其安装工作在制冷设备制造商厂房之外进行,或者由分部、代理或独立承包人承 担;可能会进行个别非氟氯烃安装,基于成套制冷设备制造商所指定的制冷剂,或者基于 客户的选择;并且不存在制造中间产品所产生的消耗。
This sub-sector includes enterprises involved in the assembly or installation of prefabricated refrigeration systems in cold rooms or trucks, or the installation of air-conditioning systems obtained from specialized suppliers for trucks or buses; where [...]
the installation is
outside the premises of the refrigeration equipment manufacturer or may be undertaken by a branch, agency or independent contractor; the individual installation may be non-HCFC, based on the refrigerant specified by the manufacturer of the refrigeration unit or based on the choice of the customer; and there is no consumption for manufacturing as intermediate goods.
包括收音机和空调在内的功能单元从方向盘旁的出风口开始,继而线状 列 环 绕 于转向柱,连接至副驾驶座,然后到副驾驶 车门 前 方 向上并转回到驾驶室中央位置,最终到达位于收音机及空调控制面板上的中控信息显示器(CID)屏幕上。
It begins at the air vents next to the
[...] steering wheel, continues in a line around the steering column, including the radio and climate controls, and finally [...]
moves on to the
front passenger. Shortly before the front passenger door it then shears upwards, heads back towards the centre of the interior and reaches the end of its journey in the central information display (CID) monitor positioned above the control panel for the radio and climate system.
提高乘客和货物运输速度及安全性有赖于动力 学、空气动力学以及交通安全技术的广泛应用——在高列车和低 噪音轨道车辆研发领域尤其如此。
The faster, safer transportation of people and goods is a question of
dynamics, aerodynamics and travel security – especially in the development of
[...] high-speed trains and low-noise railway vehicles.
[...] 儿童基金会一直率先对各种问题开展深入统计分析,推动编写了一 列 部 门专项 报 告,包括有关腹泻病、疟疾、儿童和孕产妇营养、获得安全饮用水及环境卫生 [...]
At the global level, UNICEF has taken a leading role in conducting in-depth
statistical analyses on a range of issues,
[...] contributing to a series of sector-specific reports [...]
including those on diarrhoeal disease,
malaria, child and maternal nutrition, access to safe drinking water and sanitation, and HIV/AIDS.
夏芬博格半永久车钩提列车内部 紧密的安全的连接,由于连挂和解编不会在正常运用的过程中进行,所以无需自动操作功能。
Scharfenberg semi-permanent couplers provide secure and safe connections within a trainset.
位于昆士兰科技大学的引人入胜的 昆士兰科技大学艺术博物专门陈列绘画、版画和陶瓷作品。
The challenging QUT Art Museum at the Queensland University
[...] of Technology specialises in paintings, [...]
prints and ceramics.
为纠正这些问题,泰国正在对交通运输业采取多 管齐下的战略:(a) 通过改善公共交通服务促使人们摈弃私家车转向使用公共交
通,例如在曼谷开发公共汽车快速交通系统、扩大地铁/高架轻轨系统并实现城 际铁路双轨化;(b) 收紧车辆废气排放标准,并改进车辆检查和维修;(c) 促进 清洁燃料,如压缩天然气和生物柴油;(d)
[...] 加强非机动车运输(例如提供自车 专用道和停车位);以及(e) 通过提供多模式运输改善城市规划。
To rectify those issues, Thailand is taking a multipronged strategy in transport by: (a) shifting people from private vehicles to public transport by improving public transport services, such as the development of a bus rapid transit system in Bangkok, expansion of the subway/SkyTrain system, and double-tracking of the inter-city railway; (b) tightening vehicle emission standards and improving vehicle inspection and maintenance; (c) promoting clean fuels such as compressed natural gas and biodiesel; (d)
enhancing non-motorized transport (e.g.,
[...] by providing bicycle lanes and parking); [...]
and (e) improving city planning with
the provision of multimodal transport.
可悲的是9.11事件过去多年后,仍有多起重大恐怖袭击发生,包括2003年8月对联合国驻巴格达总部,2004年3月对马德里的四起通 列车 , 2004年5月对沙特阿拉伯铝拜尔西方人的办公室和公寓楼,2005年7月对伦敦地铁,2005年10月对巴厘岛的一个海滨区和购物中心,2008年11月对孟买的多个地点,2009年7月对雅加达万豪和丽思卡尔顿酒店,以及2010年3月对莫斯科地铁等恐怖袭击,这里仅列出了少数几个。
Sadly, major terrorist assaults have continued over the years since 9-11 — including attacks on UN
headquarters in Baghdad (August 2003), on
[...] four commuter trains in Madrid (March [...]
2004), on an office and an apartment block
used by Westerners in al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia (May 2004), the London Underground (July 2005), a seaside area and shopping hub in Bali (October 2005), multiple sites in Mumbai (November 2008), the Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta (July 2009), and the Moscow Metro (March 2010), to name only a few.
该组织成功协助组办了从中国到德国 的集装列车运行,并将参与组办 2012 年从中国乌鲁木齐到德国柏 林的集装列车示范运营。
It had successfully assisted in the organization
[...] of container trains operating from China to Germany and would also be involved in organizing demonstration container trains from Urumqi, [...]
China, to Berlin, Germany, in 2012.
列专门机构和相关组织派代表出席了会议:联合国粮食及农业组织、国际 农业发展基金、国际劳工组织、国际货币基金组织、联合国教育、科学及文化组 [...]
The following specialized agencies and [...]
related organizations were represented: Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations, International Fund for Agricultural Development, International Labour Organization, International Monetary Fund, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Bank, World Health Organization, World Tourism Organization, World Trade Organization.
在 2008-2010 年《减贫战略文件》中,两性平等同 列专 题 一 样列为治理 领域的问题:㈠ 政治治理;㈡ 行政和司法治理;㈢ 经济和金融治理;㈣ 权 力下放;㈤门和地方发展;㈥ 环境;㈦ 和平与安全。
In the poverty reduction strategy paper 2008-2010, gender comes under the sectoral analysis of governance, together with: (i)
political governance; (ii)
[...] administrative and judiciary governance; (iii) economic and financial governance; (iv) decentralization; (v) departmental and local development; (vi) environment; and (vii) peace and security.
宣传战略还应包括一个联合网站(另见上文 a)和 b)小段),一个用于合
[...] 作活动和信息交流的内部互联网平台,一本关于第 2 类中心的共用手册,一列 专门出版 物,若干符合教科文组织现有政策的最新标识,以及一个载有电子邮件 [...]
(a) and (b) above), an intranet platform for collaborative activities and information
exchange, a common brochure on category
[...] 2 centres, a dedicated publications series, updated logos [...]
conforming to existing UNESCO
policies and potentially a joint information system, including e-mail lists and newsletters.




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