单词 | 专访 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 专访 —exclusive interviewSee also:访 v—visit v • seek v • investigate v 访—call on • inquire
当地各种电台和电视台还播出了几个声明 和 专访。 multilateralfund.org | Several statements and interviews were also shown [...] in various local radio and TV stations. multilateralfund.org |
(c) 多媒体照片专题报道,专门介绍在摄影家马可·格罗伯跟随联合国排雷 行动处在阿富汗执行任务返回后对其进行 的 专访 ( h t tp ://bit.ly/umOwe2)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) A multimedia photo-essay featuring an original interview with photographer [...] Marco Grob upon his return from Afghanistan on mission [...] with the United Nations Mine Action Service (http://bit.ly/umOwe2). daccess-ods.un.org |
您能收看到本队的特色报告,独家 专访 , 特 请嘉宾和黄色潜艇的最佳图像等等。 chinese.villarrealcf.es | Special reports, exclusive interviews, special guests [...] on set and the best images of the Yellow Submarine are among the contents of the show. english.villarrealcf.es |
德事商务中心主席及首席执行官Paul Salnikow在接受南华早报专访时阐述了这一新需求如何促进服务式办公室市场的发展。 executivecentre.com.cn | Paul Salnikow, Chairman and CEO of The Executive Centre, explained to South China Morning Post Hong Kong how the trend benefits serviced office market. executivecentre.com.hk |
Jason在酒店业从业已达20年之久,曾接受过各种国际媒体 的 专访 , 并在新西兰以及海外的众多高端葡萄酒与饮食活动中担任客座厨师。 tipschina.gov.cn | Jason has been involved in the hospitality industry for 20 years, featured in various international media and appeared as guest chef at numerous high-end wine and food events throughout New Zealand and further abroad. tipschina.gov.cn |
同时参加两个非洲网络的参与者们报告了 从 专 家 专访 中 获得的惠益,其中 专访涉及:技术事项、提高认识、与立法和非法贸易有关的问题以及各项目的编制和执 行。 multilateralfund.org | Participants of both African networks reported [...] on some benefits obtained from expert visits on technical matters, awareness-raising, [...]issues relating [...]to legislation and illegal trade as well as on the preparation and implementation of projects. multilateralfund.org |
波士顿咨询公司(BCG)大中华区董事总经理、资深合伙人耐迪贤在2010天津夏季达沃斯论坛现场接受本报记 者 专访 时 表示,新兴城市代表着全球最大、最具活力的人口分布发展趋势,世界1/3的人口居住在新兴城市,且在未来20年内新增人口将达到13亿。 bcg.com.cn | Christoph Nettesheim, a senior partner and managing director of BCG Greater China, said at the 2010 Summer Davos Forum in Tianjin that emerging cities represent the largest and most active demographic trend in the world; one-third of the world's population live in cities that are located in the emerging markets. bcg.com.cn |
总商会会员都获赠本会出版的双月刊物《华商》,提供国内外的最新经贸发展信息、世界华商动态、会员活动报道和成功企业 家 专访 等 内 容。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Each member receives a complimentary copy of the SCCCI’s bi-monthly publication, Chinese Enterprise 《华商》, which provides the latest news on trade and economic development, happenings in the Chinese business community worldwide and reports on members’ events and success stories. english.sccci.org.sg |
此外,在赛后专访中, Carlos向MyOris表示:『我现在正在迈阿密进行一连串巴哈马冠军赛后的体能调适工作。 oris.ch | In an interview after the competition [...] Carlos told MyOris: “I’m now in Miami recovering from the world championships in the Bahamas. oris.ch |
美国《福布斯》杂志对说宝堂CEO潘鹏凯先生进行 了 专访 , 潘 鹏凯先生介绍了说宝堂的先进技术及成功经验,并对中国巨大的英语学习市场进行了展望。 alo7.com | Forbes magazine interviews Saybot CEO, Dr. [...] Pengkai Pan, to discuss the prospects of using advanced technologies in the Chinese learning market. alo7.com |
位于伦敦的全球能源研究中心(CGES)副执行主任Leonidas Drollas博士在接受雅典新闻社-马其屯新闻社(ANA -M P A ) 专访 时 表 示,现在是重新公开讨论希腊运用核能源的成熟时机。 grpressbeijing.com | The time is ripe to reopen the public debate on the use of nuclear energy in Greece, according to the deputy executive director of [...] the London-based Centre for Global [...] Energy Studies (CGES) Dr. Leonidas Drollas in an exclusive interview with the ANA-MPA. grpressbeijing.com |
2009 年 4 月,杨洁篪外长访问埃、巴、以、叙四国后接受新华 社 专访 , 阐述 中国推动中东和平进程的主张。 daccess-ods.un.org | In April 2009, after his visit to Egypt, Palestine, Israel and the Syrian Arab [...] Republic, Foreign Minister Yang [...] Jiechi, in an interview with Xinhua News Agency, elaborated [...]China’s position on promoting [...]the Middle East peace process. daccess-ods.un.org |
罗兰贝格国际管理咨询公司副总裁沈军在接受本刊记 者 专访 说 :“在未来5年到10年里,如果政府不去推动汽车产业结构调整,三分之二的自主品牌都将消亡。 rolandberger.com.cn | John Shen, a Senior Partner at Roland Berger, told China Economy & Informatization, "In the coming 5-10 years, if the government fails to boost auto industry restructuring, two thirds of homegrown brands will cease to exist. rolandberger.com.cn |
提供中山美穗电影、电视及音乐演出资料,含有 关 专访 及 新 闻。 business-china.com | Provides Zhongshan beautiful ear of movie, television and music performance material, [...] contains related specially visits and news. business-china.com |
提供古今中外的同志电影,有精英 专访 、 新 闻、电影及出柜故事。 business-china.com | Provides all times and in all countries comrade movie, has outstanding [...] person specially visits, news, movie and [...]leaves cabinet story. business-china.com |
另外,这也有助于在报纸或杂志上找到特定的栏目/页,以特别的格式向记者提供信息, 不管采取的形式是具体图象、数据统计或人 物 专访 , 都恰好符合版面的特点,提供真正需 要的信息。 animalmosaic.org | Also, it can help to identify a particular column/page in a newspaper or magazine and spoon feed the information to the journalist in a particular format that will exactly fit into that particular place, giving them exactly what they need, whether it is a specific image, a statistic or an offer of an interview. animalmosaic.org |
为了宣传是次活动,CRED [...] Communications为Covey先生取得了多个优质的采访,包括在CNBC 的Squawk Box节目中接受Bernie [...] Lo的访问,南华早报的两篇采访报道,被香港经济日报两次 的 专访 , 人 力资源杂志(HR magazine)的四页头版报道和英文虎报的跨页覆盖。 credcommunications.com | To publicise the event, CRED Communications secured many quality interviews for Mr Covey including an interview with Bernie Lo of Squawk Box for CNBC, [...] two interviews with the South China [...] Morning Post, two interviews with the Hong [...]Kong Economic Times, a four page spread [...]including front cover with HR magazine and a full page spread in The Standard. credcommunications.com |
您上月在另一所大学发表的讲话,去年报纸针对您 所在研究团体的成果发表的专访报道,或者去年的专利申请初稿 的全部细节,都是需要准确记录的重要事件。 biggerbrains.com | The talk you gave at another university last month, the newspaper item that featured your research group’s outcomes last [...] year, or the full details of last [...] year's preliminary patent application are [...]events that you will eventually need to accurately document. biggerbrains.com |
通过主流专业杂志《工程机械周刊》记者 的 专访 以 及展会在线平台所组织的现场访谈,各业务领域的代表都能够充分展示自己的企业、产品和服务。 contitech.cn | Together, the representatives of the business units had the opportunity to present the company and its products and services in an interview with journalists from the leading trade magazine, Construction Machinery Weekly, as well as in a live discussion with producers of the online platform for the trade fair. contitech.cn |
作为每月一期的系列视频,Junos Connect包含了对产品专家的专访、演 示、新闻亮点等内容。 juniper.net | Junos Connect is your monthly video [...] series featuring interviews with product experts, demos, news [...]highlights and more. juniper.net |
其他功能包括每日圣经电邮、信仰电子贺卡、网上收听(收看)培育讲座或教友证道、人 物 专访 、 国 际及本地教会最新动态、培育活动介绍、网上订购信仰及灵修书籍等,有助形成信仰培育的大气候。 catholic.org.hk | Other functions including daily bible emails, electronic faith cards, to listen (or [...] watch) formation talks or testimony [...] given by the laity, interviews with special guests, [...]recent events both of the universal [...]and local Church, advertising of formation activities, ordering of religious and spiritual books etc., all the above may enhance the interest and demand for faith formation. catholic.org.hk |
向InstaForex国际经纪商表示专访的时 候伊洛娜问了关于篮球队长作用的问题:”决定关头时所有五位篮球运动员不能同时扔球。 instaforex.com | In an exclusive interview to InstaForex [...] broker Ilona answered the question concerning the role of the captain in a basketball [...]team: “All the five players cannot score at the same time at a relevant moment. instaforex.com |
专访六名在本地负威望的公司领导人和学者兼总商会会经济委员会委员,对2007年的展望和预测。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Perspectives and insights into growth prospects for 2007 english.sccci.org.sg |
辛子龙在「中国日报」专访中谈 论中国对波尔多红酒的需求 chi.mazars.cn | Gilles-Alexandre Salansy's article in China Daily mazars.cn |
一定要关注最新一期的Computers Arts ,其中有Stan的独家专访。 ba-repsasia.com | Be sure to keep your eyes out for the latest issue of Computers Arts [...] for an exclusive interview with Stan. ba-repsasia.com |
论坛茶歇期间,英国最大的新闻广播机构British Broadcast Company(缩写为BBC)专题栏目CEO Guru的记者,就此次论坛主题以及国际化发展战略等方面内容,对梁小雷董事长作 了 专访。 sinopacificshipbuilding.com | During the coffee break, the reporter of feature column “CEO Guru” in the biggest news broadcasting institution of UK - British Broadcast Company (BBC) made an exclusive interview with President Liang on the forum topic, international development strategy and other hot topics. sinopacificshipbuilding.com |
第一财经日报》对说宝堂CEO潘鹏凯先生进 行 专访 , 采 访 中 ,潘鹏凯先生重点论述了教育市场对产品本身创意和品质的高要求,以及教育市场巨大的发展空间。 alo7.com | The China Business News interviews Saybot CEO Dr. [...] Pengkai Pan, discussing the requirements of the education market, the [...]high quality and creativity of the product itself, and the huge education market Saybot aims to develop. alo7.com |
这期专刊介绍了大量挪威艺术家和艺术风格,并且刊登了数位艺术家 的 专访 文 章 ,包括:挪威著名漫画家及专刊封面设计者克里斯托弗·尼尔森(Christopher [...] Nilsen)、其作品《外出盗马》(Out stealing horses)中文版刚刚出版的挪威作家培尔·佩特松(Per [...] Petterson)、挪威歌唱家玛丽·博伊娜(Mari Boine)、挪威著名画家奥德·纳德卢姆(Odd Nerdrum)和流行艺术家普什瓦格纳(Pushwagner)。 norway.org.cn | The magazine introduces a broad selection of [...] Norwegian artists and art forms and just a [...] few of the people interviewed in the magazine are: [...]Christopher Nilsen, a famous cartoonist, [...]who also made the cover art of the magazine, author Per Petterson, who just had his book “Out stealing horses” translated into Chinese, Norwegian singer Mari Boine, the famous painter Odd Nerdrum and the pop artist Pushwagner. norway.cn |
还组织了几场新闻发布会,多次安排记者在教科文组织总部或现场采 访专家和决策者。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several press conferences were also organized [...] and scores of interviews arranged for journalists with UNESCO experts and decision-makers, [...]both at Headquarters and in the field. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在奥斯陆访问期间,代表团的采访专 题 是 挪威的经济与财政政策。 norway.org.cn | The visit to Oslo mainly focused on [...] Norwegian economic and financial policy. norway.cn |