

单词 专营者

See also:

专营 n

franchise n

External sources (not reviewed)

该国还在社区一级举办研讨会和讲习班,其间,媒体、营部门、学者专家和 非政府组织参与讨论了反对激进化的措施。
It had also conducted seminars and workshops, at
the community level, at which the media,
[...] private sector, academic experts and non-governmental [...]
organizations had discussed
measures to counter radicalization.
如售房者是个人,也就是说,不是由从事房地产 营 的 企 业家 者专 业 人士出售 时,无须对其执行有关保护消费者权益的法规。
They can be free-typed or state subsidised. The Consume protecting law will be applied only if they are sold by a businessman or someone who works on the area.
埃及还对联合国贩运人口受者专项基 金的设立表示赞赏,并邀请 营 部 门、 民间社会、地区和国际组织及会员国对其进行赞助。
Egypt also welcomed the establishment of a
new international trust
[...] fund for victims of human trafficking and encouraged the private sector, civil society [...]
and regional and
international institutions along with Member States to contribute to it.
有一种观点认为,卫星运营者会欢迎每天关于空间气象危害和相应风险的 信息,而 B 专家组和 C 专家组应考虑卫星营者可以 何种手段获得空间气象信 息,及交流轨道参数,从而得以进行最准确的风险分析。
The view was expressed that satellite operators would welcome information on space weather hazards and
conjunction risks on a daily
[...] basis and that expert groups B and C should consider means by which satellite operators could access [...]
space weather information
and exchange orbital parameters to allow the most accurate risk analysis possible to be performed.
这些讲习 班不仅出谋划策,提供经验,而且还促成建立了与 者专 业 联 网机制。
These workshops not only provided ideas and experience but also led to the establishment of professional networking
[...] mechanisms among the participants.
伴随着国专营使用 武力之演变的,是关于适 当和合法使用武力及民主管制的根深蒂固的概念;在这方面,有人提出,一个国家 可以以符合人权标准的方式把涉及使用武力的某些职能移交私营部门行 者。
As the State’s monopoly on the use of force evolved, it was accompanied by entrenched ideas about the appropriate and legitimate use of force and democratic controls; and in this regard, it was proposed that a State could, in a manner consistent with human rights standards, delegate certain functions involving the use of force to private actors.
委员会敦促缔约国指派更多 警方工作人员,包括更多妇女,负责难民和国内流离失 者营 地 的 安全,它还鼓 励缔约国继续与联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团以及实地的联合 专 门 机 构合 作。
The Committee urges the State party
[...] to assign more staff to, and include more women in, the police forces responsible for security at camps for refugees and internally displaced persons.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担者参 与 对话活动;两个地区的实习 者 和 资 深新闻工 者的 对 话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产专 业 人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue
activities; dialogue among student journalists and
[...] seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; [...]
the organization
of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
[...] 施、水净化和空调设备、杂项办公设备以及备件和用品;(b) 增购了发电机, 以支持境内流离失者营地以 及安全理事会第 1908(2010)号决议通过后立即部 [...]
署的新特遣队中的电力供应;(c) 为运送更多设备到海地增购了海运集装箱;
(d) 柴油的平均费用增至每升 0.60 美元,而预算编列的费用为每升 0.47 美元; (e) 在没有得到稳定团的法律审查结果之前处理稳定团燃料供应商以往索赔预 计所需费用;(f) 地震后在船上为工作人员提供住所的所需经费。
The additional requirements resulted primarily from: (a) the acquisition of prefabricated facilities, water purification and air conditioning equipment, miscellaneous office equipment, and spare parts and supplies for the new offices and accommodation as a result of the earthquake; (b) the acquisition of additional
generators to support power supply in
[...] internally displaced persons camps as well as for new [...]
contingents deployed immediately following
the adoption of Security Council resolution 1908 (2010); (c) the acquisition of additional sea containers for the shipment of the additional equipment to Haiti; (d) the increase in the average cost of diesel fuel to $0.60 per litre compared to the budgeted cost of $0.47 per litre; (e) projected requirements for the settlement of past claims by the Mission fuel supplier, pending the outcome of the Mission legal review; and (f) requirements to provide staff accommodation on a naval vessel following the earthquake.
教科文组织与几个重要的国际及地区媒体组织联手(例如,国际新闻工作者联合会, 亚洲媒体信息和传播中心,亚洲及太平洋广播发展研究所,地中海视听 营者 常 务 会议,国 际广播电视大学),一同启动了年度“妇女做新闻”(WMN)倡议,其主题为“实行注重性别 问题的媒体指标:媒体与媒体内容中的性别视角最佳做法”。
UNESCO joined forces with key international and regional media organizations (e.g. the International Federation of Journalists, the Asia Media information and Communication Centre, the Asia Pacific Institute, COPEAM and URTI) to launch the annual Women Make the News (WMN) initiative under the theme Towards Gender Sensitive Indicators for Media: Best Practices for Gender Perspective in Media and in Media Content.
贸发会议的 193 名成员均为联合国会员国者专 门机构或国际原子能机构的成员国。
The 193 members of the Conference are States Members of the United Nations or members of specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
根据澳 大利亚提供的资金,执行支助股着手开展加强援助受害者工作,协助两个缔约国
[...] 的努力,在常设委员会和缔约国第十届会议召开的同时组织关于援助受 者专家 方 案,并开始制订一个从更广泛残疾人问题角度理解《公约》援助受害者规定的 [...]
With funds made available by Australia, the ISU began carrying out enhanced victim assistance efforts in support of national
efforts by two States Parties, organised
[...] victim assistance experts’ programmes parallel [...]
to the meetings of the Standing Committees
and the 10MSP and began work on a guide to understanding the Convention’s victim assistance provision in the broader context of disability.
在移民领域,特设有关方网络(决 者 、 专 家 、非政府组织)就非洲移民问 题开展研究,重点是促进移民的权利,通过提出技术移民所带来的挑战,解决人才外流的问 题。
In the field of migration, research is
carried out by ad hoc networks of
[...] stakeholders (policy-makers, experts, NGOs) on African [...]
migration that focuses on the promotion
of migrants’ rights and addresses the brain drain by shedding light on the challenges raised by skilled migration.
讨 论会期间所讨论的专题包括国专营 使 用 武力、国家一级对私营军事和保安公司 的监管,以及对不同类型活动制定具体监管标准的可能性。
The topics discussed during the seminar included
the State monopoly on the use of force,
[...] national regulation of private military and [...]
security companies, and the possibility
of adopting specific regulatory standards for different types of activities.
关于文化财产的归还和非法贩卖的 预防的十一项建议,包括关于财产目录的编制及营 者国际伦理准则的建议已获通过。
Eleven important recommendations on the return of cultural property and the prevention of illicit traffic, including those on inventories and the international code of ethics of dealers, of particular importance in the region, were passed.
该体系由 美国绿色建筑委员会 (USGBC) 于 2000
[...] 年 3 月设立,旨在为建筑物业主和营者 提 供 一套框架,用于识别和实施实用且可量化的绿色建筑设计、施工、运营和维护解决方案。
Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council
(USGBC) in March 2000, LEED provides
[...] building owners and operators with a framework [...]
for identifying and implementing practical
and measurable green building design, construction, operations and maintenance solutions.
对于测试和审批在挪威制造或进口销售的电器产品和材料,Nemko在挪威具 专营 权。
Nemko had a monopoly in Norway for testing and approval of electrical products and materials manufactured or imported and sold in Norway.
德勤是全球最大的营专业服 务机构,也是制造行业里成就第一的服务提供商。我们跨职能和跨地区的专业人员团结一致,为我们遍及全球的客户提供卓越服务。
Deloitte is
[...] the largest private professional services [...]
organization in the world and we are Number One service provider in
manufacturing industry because our cross function and cross region teams of professionals work As One to serve our clients around the globe.
他们建立起了一个有利可图的公开武器交易 市场,奠定了这些黑帮本身作为贩毒集团、企业 营者 和 社 会上层私营保安提供 商的地位。
They have established an open market for a profitable arms trade, which
allows them to position themselves as the main
[...] providers of private security for drug cartels, entrepreneurs and the elite.
外部基础设施条件方面出现令人鼓舞的迹象,其中包括 一些有现有C-波段卫星能力的营者 有 兴 趣与太平洋小岛屿发展中国家合作,以 [...]
Encouraging signs in terms of external infrastructure conditions include the
[...] fact that some operators with existing [...]
C-band satellite capacity are interested
in working with Pacific small island developing States, leasing capacity to them at rates much lower than the ones currently in effect
这将增 加有关船只信息的透明度,使非法 营者 捕 获 、运输和销售非法鱼产品更加困难, [...]
This will increase the transparency of vessel-related information,
making it more difficult and more
[...] expensive for illegal operators to harvest, transport [...]
and sell illegal fish products.
[...] 络,而这些钻石和黄金往往得自在正式法律范围之外活动的个人小规模 营者, 因 此,要采用《采掘业透明度倡议》和《金伯利进程证书制度》之类的办法,就 [...]
The existence in many countries of entrenched illegal networks for trading diamonds
and gold, often acquired from artisanal
[...] and smallscale operators operating outside [...]
the formal law, adds a degree of complexity
to the introduction of processes such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.
反恐执行工作队支助和关注恐怖主义受害者工作组正开展一系列后续行动,包 括:(a) 开发一个门户网站,作为受者、专 家 、政府官员、服务供应商和民间 社会分享有关支助恐怖主义受害者的信息、资源和最佳做法的论坛;(b) [...]
进行一 项关于为恐怖主义受害者提供资助的最佳做法研究;(c)
反恐执行工作队办事处 支持了全球幸存者网络的建立,并就一系列受害者支助项目与该网络和全球反恐 合作中心开展合作,首先是恐怖主义受害者的媒体培训计划;(d) 在即将召集的 一次专家研讨会的基础上编写一份关于恐怖主义受害者的研究报告。
The Task Force working group on supporting and highlighting victims of terrorism is undertaking a set of follow-up actions, including: (a) the development
of a web-portal that can be used as a
[...] forum for victims, experts, Government officials, [...]
service providers and civil society
to share information, resources and best practices on supporting victims of terrorism; (b) the development of a study of best practices for providing financial support to victims of terrorism; (c) the office of the Task Force has supported the establishment of the Global Survivors Network and is collaborating with it and the Centre on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation on a series of projects to support victims, beginning with a media training programme for victims of terrorism; and (d) compilation of a study on the rights of victims of terrorism based on an upcoming expert workshop.
拉丰还向专家组解 释说,他代表 Alsetex、Nobel Sport 和 Mag Force 公司(设在法国),者专门 供 应军用装备;他与科特迪瓦军队、宪兵、警察和安全行动指挥中心签署了合同。
Mr. Lafont also explained to the
Group that he
[...] represented Alsetex, Nobel Sport and Mag Force (established in France), which specializes in the supply of [...]
military equipment,
and that he had signed contracts with the Ivorian army, the gendarmerie, the police and CECOS.
考虑到原来在澳门特区实行的低税政策,《基本法》第106 条规定澳门特 区自行立法规定税种、税率和税收宽免 专营 税 制由法律另作规定。
Recognizing that the MSAR has always practised a policy of low taxation, article 106 of the BL stipulates that the MSAR enacts laws, on its own, concerning types of taxes, tax rates, tax reductions and exemptions.
根据不同的利益和要求,我们有各种為您而設的解决方案,包括青少年市场、教育和商業市场,更普遍的大众消费市场在内,当然 专营 零 售 商需要更具体的解决方案。
We have customized solutions for a wide range of interests and needs, including juvenile markets, education and trade markets, the more general mass-consumer market and, of course, specialty retailers needing a more particular solution.
本周早些时候,也就是在 8月8日,人道主义协 调员与安全和安保部、粮食署、联合国开发计划署(开 发署)以及人道主义事务协调厅(人道协调厅)一道, 同总理在摩加迪沙召开会议,讨论加大人道主义方案 的力度和加强境内流离失者营地安 全的问题。
Earlier this week, on 8 August, the Humanitarian Coordinator met with the Prime Minister in Mogadishu, together with the Department of Safety and Security, WFP, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), to discuss the scaling up of the humanitarian programme and improving security at IDP sites.
泽纳布支持妇女参与发 展协会通过提高认识方案,主要集中关注预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病:(a) 在世界艾滋
病日上举办座谈会,使不同级别的人们能够联合起来共同抗击艾滋病毒/艾滋病; (b) 在加达里夫州举办关于艾滋病的预防手段的培训课程;(c)
[...] 出版并在加达里夫 和喀土穆州各校及流离失者营地分 发关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病以及预防手段的宣 [...]
传材料;(d) 与其他地方非政府组织合作举办讲习班,以提供加达里夫市各医院
清洁工的认识,作为防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病和肝炎的一种措施,并纠正医院收集垃 圾的不良做法;(e) 在加达里夫州各村及地方举办关于预防艾滋病毒/艾滋病的教 育课堂,并对医务人员进行培训。
ZWD has concentrated on prevention of HIV/AIDS through awareness-raising programmes: (a) symposiums on the occasion of World AIDS Day as an opportunity for people at different levels to unite in the fight against HIV/AIDS; (b) a training course on means of AIDS prevention was conducted in Elgadaref State; (c) publication and distribution of materials about HIV/AIDS and means of
prevention in schools of Gadarif and
[...] Khartoum States and displaced camps; (d) a workshop [...]
in partnership with other local NGOs to
raise the awareness of the sweepers at the hospitals of Gadarif City as a protection measure against HIV/AIDS and hepatitis and to correct the way the hospital collected rubbish; (e) educational classes on prevention of HIV/AIDS in villages and localities of Gadarif State and training of medical personnel.




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