

单词 专营的

See also:

专营 n

franchise n

External sources (not reviewed)

另一名专家解释说,在过去数个世纪中,许多国家对使用武 力是实专营的,但继续使用雇佣军。
Another expert explained that over the last several centuries, many States had held a monopoly on the use of force, but continued to use mercenaries.
随着信息化发展,我国烟草行业实行统一领导、垂直管理、专 专营的 管 理 体制。
With the development of information
technology, China's tobacco industry adopts a unified leadership, vertical
[...] management, monopoly franchise management system.
专营团体青年旅的预定 ,针对青少年、学生和预算不多的爱尔兰游客。
Specialising in group hostel bookings for [...]
youth, students and low-budget visitors to Ireland.
会议期间,工 作组主持召开了一场专家讨论会,讨论国 专营 合 法 使用武 的 内 容和地位以及 对监管私营军事和安保公司可能造成的影响。
It included an expert seminar to discuss the content and [...]
status of the State monopoly on the legitimate use of force and
possible implications for the regulation of private military and security companies.
香港特区 政府关注有关的意见,并已专营巴 士服 务 的营 办 商反映有关意见。
The HKSAR Government is mindful of this
[...] request and has reflected it to franchised bus operators.
Ben 10的是一个著名的美国媒体创造的“实干家 的专营 权 ( 一组由邓肯鲁洛,乔·凯西,乔·凯利和史蒂芬·西格尔),制作的卡通网络工作室。
Ben 10 is an acclaimed
[...] American media franchise created by "Man [...]
of Action" (a group consisting of Duncan Rouleau, Joe Casey,
Joe Kelly, and Steven T. Seagle), and produced by Cartoon Network Studios.
墨尔本提供一流的购物体验,从高 的专营 店 到 南半球最古老最大型的露天市场维多利亚女王市场,这里应有尽有。
Melbourne offers exceptional shopping, from top-end specialty stores to Queen Victoria Market, the oldest and largest open air market in the Southern Hemisphere.
伴随着国专营使用武力之演的, 是 关于适 当和合法使用武力及民主管制的根深蒂固的概念;在这方面,有人提出,一个国家 可以以符合人权标准的方式把涉及使用武力的某些职能移交私营部门行动者。
As the State’s monopoly on the use of force evolved, it was accompanied by entrenched ideas about the appropriate and legitimate use of force and democratic controls; and in this regard, it was proposed that a State could, in a manner consistent with human rights standards, delegate certain functions involving the use of force to private actors.
这是LEXUS雷克萨斯品牌连续第五次举办这一全国性品牌体验及试乘试驾活动,在此活动中,济南天泓雷克萨 专营 店 邀 请 的 各 界 客户共同感受了雷克萨斯品牌所带来的绿色环保理念及激情难忘的驾驭体验。
Focusing this year on the theme “Perfect Experience, Perfect Sharing” the 2011 Taste of Lexus brand experience and test drive event, now in its 5th consecutive year, invited customers from various backgrounds to the Jinan Tianhong Lexus dealership to share both the unforgettable Lexus driving experience and the company’s latest environmental technology.
塞尔维亚电力工业想控制科索沃北部供电业的企图有损这专营权, 也有损普通公 的 福 祉 ,并 且有可能导致科索沃内部出现对峙与分裂。
Attempts by the Electric Power Industry of Serbia to take control of power distribution in northern Kosovo undermine that exclusive authority, harm ordinary citizens’ well-being, and risk confrontation and division within Kosovo.
根据不同的利益和要求,我们有各种為您而設的解决方案,包括青少年市场、教育和商業市场,更普 的 大 众 消费市场在内,当然 专营 零 售 商需要更具 的 解 决 方案。
We have customized solutions for a wide range of interests and needs, including juvenile markets, education and trade markets, the more general mass-consumer market and, of course, specialty retailers needing a more particular solution.
讨 论会期间所讨的专题包括国专营 使 用 武力、国家一级对私营军事和保安公司 的监管,以及对不同类型活动制定具体监管标准的可能性。
The topics discussed during the seminar included the State monopoly on the use of force, national regulation of private military and [...]
security companies,
and the possibility of adopting specific regulatory standards for different types of activities.
9/83/M 号法律关于消除建筑障碍的规则,订定了一系列技术规则和要求,适
[...] 用于所有将由公共实体兴建或供公共实体使用的楼宇,包括由公共企业或公共服专营公司所兴的楼宇 、对大众开放的设备及楼宇,如博物馆、公共图书馆、 [...]
In order to improve the participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life, in particular in what concerns mobility, Law 9/83/M, of 3 October, on the suppression of architectural barriers, establishes a series of technical rules and requirements applicable to all buildings to be constructed by or
for public entities, including
[...] public enterprises and concessionaries of public services, [...]
buildings and facilities that are
public or open to the public, such as museums, libraries, theatres, cinemas, congress facilities, churches, hospitals, schools, courts, telecommunications and post offices, banks, hotels, restaurants and similar establishments, shops, swimming pools, public toilets, parking lots and sidewalks and so on.
对于测试和审批在挪威制造或进口销 的 电 器 产品和材料,Nemko在挪威具 专营 权。
Nemko had a monopoly in Norway for testing and approval of electrical products and materials manufactured or imported and sold in Norway.
加入通用前,Recchi 先生在 Recchi General Contractor 工作,这是一家在 25 个国家有业的承包公司专营基建 项目。
Prior to joining GE Mr. Recchi worked at
Recchi General Contractor, a
[...] contracting company operating in 25 countries and specializing in infrastructure [...]
2010 年 10 月在设于德国达姆施塔特的欧空局欧洲空间业务中心举行了一 个与此类的飞行任务规划与营专 家 讲 习班。
A similar workshop of experts on mission planning and operations was held at the European Space Operations Centre of ESA in Darmstadt, Germany, in October 2010.
每年为超过半数的美国家庭服务,J. C. Penney 品牌提供了大的私有、专营民族 品牌,这反映了该公司的愿景,那就是希望以具有竞争力的价格发现好的风格,成为美国购物的好去处。
Serving more than half of America's
families each year, the jcpenney brand
[...] offers a wide array of private, exclusive and national [...]
brands which reflect the Company's
vision to be America's shopping destination for discovering great styles at compelling prices.
BSI是瑞士历史最为悠的银行之一 专营 私 人财富管理,为客户提供高效优质的全球管理服务。
BSI is one of Switzerland’s
[...] oldest banks and specialises in private wealth management [...]
through top flight global management.
联合计划将会涉及以下六个领域,为联发援框架下各个次 专 题 成果 做出贡献:(i) 更高的入学率;(ii) 改善五岁以下儿童、孕妇和哺乳期妇 的营 养 状 况;(iii) 减少产妇发病率和死亡率;(iv) 扶贫与经济发展;(v) 增强监管效率、问责制、透明度和参与 性;(vi) 针对前难民和当地社区开展可持续融合与建设和平。
The joint programme will address the following six areas contributing to the respective UNDAF sub-outcomes: (i) higher primary
school participation; (ii) improved nutritional status among children under five, pregnant and lactating women; (iii) reduced maternal morbidity and mortality; (iv) poverty alleviation and economic development; (v) strengthened effectiveness, accountability, transparency, and participation in governance; and (vi) sustainable integration and peace-building for ex-refugees and host communities.
依照科索沃特派团的规定,设 立了一个科索沃电力管理局,该管理局则把科索沃各 地供电与收取电的专营许可 权给予了科索沃能源 公司。
UNMIK regulations established an electrical regulatory office in Kosovo, which in turn gave the Kosovo Energy Corporation the sole license to distribute and bill for electricity throughout Kosovo.
德勤是全球最的私营专业服 务机构,也是制造行业里成就第一的服务提供商。我们跨职能和跨地区的专业人员团结一致,为我们遍及全球的客户提供卓越服务。
Deloitte is
[...] the largest private professional services [...]
organization in the world and we are Number One service provider in
manufacturing industry because our cross function and cross region teams of professionals work As One to serve our clients around the globe.
考虑到原来在澳门特区实的低税 政策,《基本法》第106 条规定澳门特 区自行立法规定税种、税率和税收宽免 专营 税 制由法律另作规定。
Recognizing that the MSAR has always practised a policy of low taxation, article 106 of the BL stipulates that the MSAR enacts laws, on its own, concerning types of taxes, tax rates, tax reductions and exemptions.
爱尔兰在消费产品和服务的经验涉及到商业的各个方面,突显了适用于EMEA地区及在爱尔兰以全球范围来跨国 营的专 业 技 能的多样性。
The Irish experience for Consumer Products and Services covers every aspect of
business and highlights the
[...] diversity of expertise available for EMEA and globally focused multinationals operating internationally [...]
from Ireland.
第一次是 2011 年 7 月访问班加西,处于冲突的利比亚当时分为两大营,专家小 组会见了全国过渡委员 的 代 表 (外交部长、 国防部长和财政部长)。
The first visit was to
[...] Benghazi in July 2011 when Libya was divided into two camps during the conflict and the Panel met with representatives [...]
of the National
Transitional Council (Foreign Affairs, Defence and Finance ministers).
在此之后的培训计划,是您符合资格获取VYTAL mei的专营权或在VYTAL mei工作。
After this educational program you are eligible to open your own
[...] VYTAL Mei franchise or work in a VYTAL Mei franchise.
在考察期间,与 Burj Luq Luq
[...] 社会中心 (参与行动计划第一阶段合作开展前一批文化活动-DREAMs 中心项目--的一个非 政府组织)商定,他们将把世界遗产问题作为其 2009 年 7/8 月的两期夏营的专 题。
During the mission, it was agreed with the staff of the Burj Luq Luq Social Centre (a nongovernmental organization with which the previous cultural activities – the DREAMs Centre project – had been carried out in the first
phase of the Action Plan)
[...] that they will dedicate to World Heritage issues two of their summer camps in July/August 2009
通过在 Equinix International Business Exchange
[...] (IBX®) 数据中心的主机代管,您将获得行业领 的 运 营专 长 、 标准合规性、世界一流的物理安全以​及与持续增加的大型企业连接,更可得到扩大云计算及 [...]
By colocating in an Equinix International Business Exchange
(IBX®) data center, you’ll get
[...] industry-leading operational expertise, standards compliance, [...]
world-class physical security
and access to an increasing number of large enterprises, as well as to expanding cloud & IT, digital content, mobility and financial services ecosystems.
新《宪法》引进或加强了经济、社会和文化权利和基本自由。除其他外, 这特别包括:获得足营养丰富的食 物 和清洁水的权利;适足住房权;获得良好 [...]
卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统和电力的权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 产的权利。
Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms introduced or strengthened under the new
Constitution include, inter alia: the
[...] right to adequate, nutritious food and clean water; [...]
the right to adequate housing; the
right to a good standard of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage and family; the right to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property.




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