单词 | 专美於前 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 专美于前—take advantage of the good reputations of others [idiom.]
e21摩奇创意成立於1989年,目前已成为一家专业的全球性整合营销公司,服务遍及美国及亚太市场。 ipress.com.hk | Founded in 1989, e21 Magicmedia has established itself as a global integrated marketing and technology firm, with expertise in the US and the Asia Pacific markets. ipress.com.hk |
不过,美国的传媒基於专业自律,仍然不会在个别选区的投票结束前,发表当区的票站调查预测。 hkupop.hku.hk | Nevertheless, due tothe media's professionalism and self-control, they will not release the exit polls' forecast of that statebefore the close of voting [...] in individual states. hkupop.hku.hk |
(i) 彼 等 已 侵 犯 并 继 续 侵犯专利V ,以及於 美国助成 及 积 极 促 成 他 人 侵 犯 专 利V 。 cre8ir.com | (i) they have been infringing and continue to infringe the Patent V, and contributing to and actively inducing the infringement of Patent V by others in the United Statesof America. cre8ir.com |
於二零零二年一月一日前,美国会计原则规定商誉按其估计可使用 年期进行摊销 ,惟不超过四十年 。 asiasat.com | Prior to 1 January 2002, goodwill was amortised over its [...] estimated useful life, not to exceed 40 years under US GAAP. asiasat.com |
如客户持有超过1张张生信用卡,永久免年 费优惠将适用於其中1张年费最高之信用卡(包括白金卡,如适 用),但不适用於於生Visa Infinite、万事达显贵卡、公司卡、 商务卡、美元Visa金卡及专享卡,而所有於客户接纳此优先批 核优惠前已缴交之年费恕不退还。 hangseng.com | If customer holds more than one Hang Seng Credit Card, the Perpetual Annual Fee Waiver will be applicable to one of the credit cards with the highest annual fee (including Platinum Card, if applicable) only but [...] will not be [...] applicable to HangSeng Visa Infinite, World MasterCard, Corporate Card, Business Card, Commercial Card, USD Visa Gold Card and Private LabelCard. hangseng.com |
该期权获行使後,除於该期间发生的期权回购开支(包括期权溢价以及利润分成)外,还对114百万美元的额外折旧开支加以确认,以 反映假设相关资产先前於期权期限内并无分类为持作出售而须对计提的折旧。 glencore.com | Following the exercise of the option, in addition to the option repurchase expenses (including the option premium and profit entitlement) incurred during the period, $ 114 million of additional depreciation expense was recognised to [...] reflect the depreciation that would [...] have been charged if the related assetshadnotpreviously beenclassified as held for sale during the option period. glencore.com |
(d) 倘「专用卡」因任何理由被「会员」或「「生」暂时停止或终止使用,由「会员」因使用其「专用卡」根据「本章则」欠下「「 生」之一切款项(不论是否已志入「专用卡户口」或不论於「专用卡」暂时停止或终止使用之前或之後产生或发现)需即时付清而 毋须经「「生」要求及(如适用)於产生或发现时即时付清。 bank.hangseng.com | (d) Upon suspension or termination of a Card by the Cardmember or by Hang Seng for whatever reason, all sums owing by the Cardmember to Hang Seng in connection with his/her Card or otherwise under these Terms (whether [...] debited to the Card [...] Account or not and whether incurred or discovered before orafter such suspension or [...]termination) shall become [...]immediately due and payable without demand and (where applicable) upon incurrence or discovery of the relevant indebtedness. bank.hangseng.com |
(b) 若「会员」以真诚行事,并於事前将「专用卡」妥为保管,及於遗失或被窃後於合理之可行范围内尽快根据第18(a)项条文报失, 则「会员」对於任何未经授权交易之责任,将袛限於任何或所有「会员」因其欺诈行为或严重疏忽(包括未能於「专用卡」遗失或 被窃後,於合理切实可行范围内尽快通知「「生」),而导致之未经授权交易。 bank.hangseng.com | (b) If a Card is lost or stolen and the Cardmember has as soon as reasonably practicable notified Hang Seng ofsuch loss or theft in the manner specified in Clause 18(a), and the Cardmember has acted in good faith, exercised reasonable care and diligence in safe-keeping the Card, the Cardmember’s liability for any unauthorised transactions shall be confined to any and all unauthorised transactions where the Cardmember has acted fraudulently or with gross negligence (including failing to notify Hang Seng as soon as reasonably practicable of the loss or theft of the Card). bank.hangseng.com |
UL 功能安全标志有数几种变异形式,其各自表示专用於美国和/或加拿大和/或欧洲等地区。 ul.com | There are variations of UL's Functional Safety Mark to indicate the intended use in the United States and/or Canada and/or Europe. ul.com |
因 此 , 尽 管 周 先 生 不再於贵集团 担 任 执 行 职 务 , 吾 等 认 为 , 就 作 为 贵 集 团 创 办 人之周 先 生 所 具 备 之 高 级 行 政 人 员 背 景 、 知 识及专业知识 而 言,前述薪酬 及 福 利 符 合 市 场 常 规 及 并 非 过 高 。 cigyangtzeports.com | Accordingly, although Mr. Chow will no longer have an executive [...] role in the Group, we considerthe aforesaid remuneration and benefits for a senior executive with the background, knowledge and expertise of Mr. Chow who is the founder of the Group are consistent with market norm and are notexcessive. cigyangtzeports.com |
我们一直继续(i)较重视我们於亚洲的高利润增 长,(ii)着重於美国的增长及赚取现金,(iii)英国方面,与增长相比,更侧重持续赚取现金及(iv)在资产管理业务 中,专注於创造强劲的投资表现,这是我们吸引流入及增加所管理资产的能力之基础。 prudential.co.uk | We have continued to (i) prioritise our highly profitable growth in Asia, (ii) put an emphasis on growth and cash generation in the US, (iii) focus on sustainable cash generation in the UK ahead of growth and (iv), in our asset management businesses, focus on generating strong investment performance, which is the foundation of our ability to attract flows and increase assets under management. prudential.co.uk |
采用美国专利设计(专利码7298362 B2)的动感式触控空中简报器科技,简报时,无论您处於简报地点的任何位置,皆可全面存取操控power point的简报、播放 (F5)/退出、最後一页/下一页、左键与雷射游标。 geniusnetusa.com | With the US Patent design (No 7298362 B2) touch control air-presenter technology, you receive full access to control power pointslides, Play (F5)/Exit, Last/Next Page, [...] Left button and Laser [...]pointer anywhere in the room when doing a presentation. geniusnetusa.com |
至於对泛民方案不表支持者中,有多少巿民会因为没有更佳选择而最终改变态度,前次调查已有专题探讨,在此不赘。 hkupop.hku.hk | As to how many people who do not support pan-democrats' proposals would finally change their mind if there is no better choice, we have already examined this issuein a former survey so we [...] will not go into that. hkupop.hku.hk |
Century 於十二月半年期之毛利率为 63.1%,略低於六月半年期之毛利率,但大幅高於前一个十二月半年期 之 52.7%(此期间包括因管道故障而产生非经常费用 5,480 万美元)。 mmg.com | Century’s gross margin was 63.1% for the December [...] half year, [...] slightly below the June half year but considerably ahead of 52.7% forthe previousDecember period, which included US$54.8 million of non-recurring [...][...]costs associated with the pipeline failure. mmg.com |
我们派出专业导师,前往校园为参与的同学提供为期 10 个月的舞蹈训练,其间更设有舞蹈导赏演出、舞蹈营、教师舞蹈日营及亲子舞蹈日营,并为他们编排作品於一年一度的结业演出《舞出艳阳天》上展示。 ccdc.com.hk | Our professionalinstructors go into campus to provide a 10-month training for students, which includes in-school introductory dance performance, dance camp, teachers dance workshop and children-parents' day camp. They also choreograph [...] works for students [...]to perform in the annual finale performance “Dancing in the Sun”. ccdc.com.hk |
其经营权将於二零二七年到期,要延长专营期限,需在专营期满前三年向天津市人民政府提 出申请。 cre8ir.com | The operating right will expire [...] in 2027, extension of [...] the operating right could be applied to Tianjin municipal government three yearsbefore expiration. cre8ir.com |
参加者同意:(a) 与该推广活动有关或由该推广活动引起 (推广活动的行政外) 的一切争议、索偿以及请求将专门由位於美国加州阿拉米达县具司法管辖权的法院个别解决,而不会诉诸於任何形式的集体诉讼;(b) 一切索偿、判决以及奖品将仅局限於实际支付成本,包括参加该推广活动的相关费用,但是在任何情况下不得索偿律师费;以及 (c) 参加者决不领取赔偿以及参加者特此放弃所有索取惩罚、附带及间接损害以及任何实际支付成本以外的损害,以及所有增加或上升的损失的权利。 logitech.com | Entrant agrees that: (a) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this promotion, other than the administration of the promotion, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by a court having competent jurisdiction located in Alameda County, California, U.S.A.; (b) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this promotion but in no event attorneys' fees; and (c) under no circumstances will registrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and registrant hereby waives all rights to, claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. logitech.com |
继位於日本青山的首间专店成立,来自澳洲的天然护肤品牌Aesop第二间开设於银座的专店亦於月前开业。 think-silly.com | Following the launch of Aesop’s Aoyama store, the Australian natural skincare brand’s second store in Japan is recently opened in Ginza. think-silly.com |
为回馈喜爱西洋艺术的爱好者,睿芙奥更特别邀请曾任职於巴黎罗丹美术馆的专业艺术顾问Jerome Le Blay亲临会场,分享世界当代艺术市场脉动及重要趋势。 ravenelart.com | Ms. Clara Kuo, CEO and President of Ravenel Art Group, gave an opening speech titled "Ravenel's unparalleled success over the last 10 years", followed by the address "Market Movements and Trends in Global Contemporary Art" presented by Mr. Jerome Le Blay, world-renowned Parisian art specialist and Auguste Rodin expert. ravenelart.com |
分 期 计 划 不 适用於附属卡 、 人 民 币 信 用 卡 、 公 司 卡 、 商 务 卡 、 e-shopping 万 事 达 卡 、消 费 卡、美元Visa 金 卡及专享卡。 bank.hangseng.com | The Instalment Plan is not [...] applicable to Supplementary Card, Renminbi Credit Card, Business Card, Corporate Card, Commercial Card, e-shopping MasterCard, Spending Card, USD VisaGold Cardand privatelabel card. bank.hangseng.com |
(a) 取得太原街/交加街露天市集小贩支持美化露天市集:专责委员会由 2009 年 起试行为小贩档位安装电表箱,整个项目预计於2011年第 3 季完成。 devb.gov.hk | (a) obtaining support from the on-street hawkers at [...] Tai Yuen Street/Cross [...] Street for thebeautification of the hawker bazaar: The Special Committee has been installing pilot metered electricity boxes for the hawkerstalls since2009. devb.gov.hk |
阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、阿根廷、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、比利时、贝宁、保加利 [...] 亚、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中国、刚果、刚果民主共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米 [...] 尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、危地马拉、冰岛、印度、爱尔兰、以色列、 意大利、日本、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马里、摩洛哥、波兰、大韩民国、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、西班牙、泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其 顿共和国、土耳其、乌克兰、美利坚合众国和津巴布韦随后加入为提案国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequently, Albania, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, China, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Morocco, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, [...] Rwanda, Senegal, Spain, [...] Thailand, theformer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, the United States of Americaand Zimbabwe joined [...]the co-sponsors. daccess-ods.un.org |
他毕业於北京对外贸易学院(现名为北京国际经济贸易大学),并於美国国际商学研究院取得 国际管理硕士学位。 asiasat.com | He graduated from Beijing Institute of Foreign Trade (now renamed Beijing University of International Business and Economics) [...] and obtained a Master of International [...] Management degree from the AmericanGraduate School of [...]International Management. asiasat.com |
如 警 方 已 在 落 案 貣 诉 被 控 人 後 会 见 被 控 人,而 会 见 是 在 按 照 建 议 1 的 规 定 会 见 属 恰 当 者 的 [...] 情 况 下 进 行 的,则 我 们 预 计 任 何 因 [...] 会 见 而 取 得 的 供 认 均 顸 展示於 专责小组 成 员陎前,即使 这 代 表 了 被 控 人 顸 被 [...]带 往 专 责 小 组 成 员 席 前 两 次 , 一 次 [...]在 被 落 案 貣 诉 之 前 , 而 另 一 次 则 在 被 落 案 貣 诉 之 後 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Where the police have interviewed an accused after charge in circumstances where it was proper to do so in accordance with Proposal 1 it is [...] envisaged that any resulting [...] confession would have tobe putbefore a panelist even if this meant [...]that the accused had to be [...]brought before a panelist on two occasions; before and after charge. hkreform.gov.hk |
在全球化布局的经营策略下,宏正自动科技将持续进行海外市场的拓展计画,目前宏正除了新成立的韩国子公司,於美国、英国、比利时及日本等地也拥有分公司据点,充份展现宏正於全球KVM市场的营运承诺与决心。 aten.com.tw | In line with its global business strategy, ATEN will continue to expand its overseas market. Apart from the newly established Korean subsidiary, ATENhas subsidiaries in the United States, England, Belgium, and Japan, thus demonstrating its commitment in the global KVM market. pl.aten.eu |
MPOWER 卡 学 生 卡 只 适用於就读下 列 院 校 或 其 附 属 学 院 颁 发 之 证 书 或 以 上 课 程 ( 毅 进 计 划 除 外 ) 之 全 日 制 大 学 / 大 专 学 生 , 包 括 本 地 认 可 之 大 学 、 香 港 教 育 学 院 、 珠 海 学 院 、 职 业 训 练 局 、香 港 专 业 教 育 学 院 、 恒 生 商 学 书 院 、 恒 生 管 理 学 院 、 香 港 演 艺 学 院 、 明爱专上学院(前称明爱 徐 诚 斌 学 院 ) 、 明 爱 白 英 奇 专 业 学 校 、 香 港 科 技 专 上 书 院 及 香 港 专 业 进 修 学 校 。 bank.hangseng.com | MPOWER Card Student Card is only [...] applicableto full-time University / Tertiary students attending certificated-level or above course (exclude Project Yi Jin) offered by following accredited education institutions and their subsidiaries, including accredited universities in Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Vocational Training Council, The Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hang Seng School of Commerce, Hang Seng Management College, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Caritas Institute of HigherEducation(formerly known as Caritas [...]Francis Hsu College), [...]Caritas Bianchi College of Careers, Hong Kong Institute of Technology or Hong Kong College of Technology. bank.hangseng.com |
可 交 换 债 券 将 依 赖 美 国 一九三三年 证 券 法 S 条例於 美国境外 发 售 , 并 将 向 香 港 及 其 他 地 区 ( 不 包括美国) 的专业投资 者 ( 定 义 见 公 司 条 例 ) 发 售 , 但 可 交 换 债 券 将 不 会 向 香 港 公 众 发 售 , 亦不会 向 本 公 司 的 任 何 关 连 人 士 配 售 ( 定 义 见 上 市 规 则 )。 realgoldmining.com | The Exchangeable Bonds will be offered outside the U.S. in reliance upon Regulation S of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and to professional investors (as defined in the Companies Ordinance) in Hong Kong and elsewhere (other than the U.S.) but none of the Exchangeable Bonds will be offered to the public in Hong Kong nor will they be placed to any connected persons (as defined in the Listing Rules) of the Company. realgoldmining.com |
人权观察社还与另外四人作了谈话,他们声称,“他们被送到阿 拉伯利比亚民众国之前,美军在阿富汗拘留营中对他们实施了酷刑,并在巴基斯 坦 和 泰 国 指 挥 别人向他们实施酷刑” 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Human Rights Watch interviewed four other men, who [...] claimed that,“before they were sent to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, UnitedStates [...]forces had tortured them [...]in detention centers in Afghanistan, and supervised their torture in Pakistan and Thailand”. daccess-ods.un.org |