

单词 专卖的

See also:


exclusive right trade

show off or flaunt
spare no effort

External sources (not reviewed)

坐落于香港的购物中心九龙弥敦道,O r i s 专卖 店 的 设 计 时尚优雅,店内展示Oris全系列腕表,提供消费者全新的购物体验。
Located in the heart of the shopping area at
Nathan Road in Kowloon, the new and
[...] elegantly designed Oris boutique displays the complete [...]
Oris collection and offers the customers
a professional shopping experience.
这场纠纷一度导致中国苹专卖店的I P A D被 迫下架。
This trademark problem forced Apple to remove some of their iPads from stores in Chinese cities.
为了填补豪专卖店的空缺 ,2012年4月底,豪雅与宝齐莱(Bucherer)在卢塞恩合作新开了一家面积达84平方 的专卖 店 ;5月初,又有一家豪雅与Türler 合作,占地20-60平方米的活动式品牌店(Pop-up store)在苏黎世机场亮相;今年底,将有一家63平方米的豪雅专属专卖店在日内瓦盛大揭幕。
Previously missing from the map of TAG Heuer stores, Switzerland opened its first 900 sq ft TAG Heuer store in Lucerne at the end of April 2012, in association with Bucherer Handels AG, followed in May by a modular pop-up store of 215 to 645 sq ft at Zurich airport with Türler.
[...] EVA”(无箴衣坊)品牌女装及服饰系列产品以其特殊的文化品味、鲜明的风格特点和不断推陈出新的系列化产品受到消费者的青睐,产品遍及全国各个地区,在全国数十个城市设 专卖 店 的 形 象 专柜,部分产品远销海外。
Vocci Eva with its unique cultural taste, distinctive features and style of the series continues to introduce new products by consumers, the product in various regions throughout the country, and in dozens of cities across the country with the image of store counters, which
apparel products also exported to Japan, South Korea,
[...] Taiwan, Europe and the United States and other [...]
countries and regions.
当摘下腕表后,请用柔软干布擦去湿气和汗水;可使用在伯 的专卖 店 中出 售 的 专 用 人造麂皮把湿气和汗水擦去。
When you remove your watch, wipe off moisture and perspiration with a soft cloth.
维多利亚女王大厦(Queen Victoria Building)用够150多家设计师品牌店 专卖 店 , 是购 的 绝 佳 选择。
With over 150 designer label and specialty stores, The Queen Victoria Building is an excellent choice for shopping.
尽管街道的布局大体上保留着中古时期的特色,我 的专卖 店 却进驻一座18世纪建造的楼层中,在古典的氛围中衬托出更为“现代的”风采。
Even though the thoroughfare was laid out in the middle ages, the boutique resides in a more “modern” building constructed in the 18th century.
您可以在爱彼遍布全球的零售商处和我们独一无 的专卖 店 内沉浸于您对我们时计的迷恋中。
You can indulge your fascination with our timepieces at retail locations and at our exclusive boutiques, all over the world.
另一方面,墨西哥鼓专卖人严 格遵守这方 的 三 项 法律:《联邦火器和炸 药法》;《关于易转用于制造化学武器的化学物质联邦管制法》;《关于用于制造胶 [...]
The transport industry has been encouraged to adhere strictly to three [...]
relevant acts: the Federal Firearms and Explosives
Act; the Federal Act to Control Chemical Substances Capable of Being Diverted to the Fabrication of Chemical Weapons; and the Federal Act on Chemical Precursors, Essential Chemicals and Machines for the Manufacture of Capsules, Tablets and/or Pills.
这里有许多出售各种各样廉价服装和鞋类商品的超市,例如 K-Mart 和 Big W;而 Myer 及 David Jones 等百货公司专卖店则以经营较为昂 的 高 档服装品牌为主。
There are a number of quality variety stores such as K-Mart and Big W where you can find low cost clothing and shoes of all varieties.
这些教训是,中国消费者可能愿意为质量较好的著 名品牌玩具支付更多的钱,但是他们可能不愿意支付太 的 溢 价,就像芭比娃 专卖 店 等 通常索 的 高 价 格。
The lesson in this is that Chinese consumers may be ready to pay more money for better quality, famous-brand toys, but
perhaps they’re not quite ready to pay a
[...] huge premium like the ones typically charged in branded stores like House of Barbie.
现在大家看到的壁纸店基本是店名(部分是以店内销售的其中一个壁纸品牌 来命名),真的单一壁纸品专卖 店 是极 少 的 , 所 以并不是店大样本多买到的壁纸最中意(包括价格),要问清他们每个店一手代理的品牌或主打什么品牌,这样得到的价格才可能最真实最靠谱,当今许多样本在各店重复销售重复加价的现象非常常见。
Now we see of wallpaper shop Basic is shop name (part is to shop within sales of which a wallpaper brand to named), real of single wallpaper brand stores is very less of, so is not shop large samples more buy to of wallpaper most Italian (including price), to asked Qing they each shop hand agent of brand or main what brand, such are of price only may most real most Corp, today many samples in the shop repeat sales repeat increases of phenomenon very common.
5.3 如果买方没有履行约定的付款义务,我方对已供货品的任 何要求立即生效,货物的占有权仍在我方,我方有权禁止买方 对货的专卖和加 工,并在买方承担费用的前提下要求从买方 或第三方处归还货品。
We also have the right to forbid resale or processing of the goods delivered under reservation of ownership, and to request their return or assignment of indirect possession at the customer’s expense.
由于瑟雅属于高端品牌并专卖店内 销售,这一品牌收购可以使宝洁公 的 产 品 适合较富 的 消 费 者。
As Zirh is a high-end brand sold in specialty stores, its acquisition could serve to position P&G products for more affluent consumers.
能说话,创新包装不只是为了好看,还有拓宽渠道的职能!能够在香港一个小罐子后出售;;四川榨菜与一个大的,大筐包装,在国 的专卖 店 销 量只有咸菜JAR和块榨菜的形式进入真空小袋包装,薄膜,电线,我们可以卖到国外。
Sichuan mustard jar with a big, big basket packing pickles in the country store sales only; to be able to sell in Hong Kong after a small jar; and to block, film, wire in the form of mustard into the vacuum pouch packaging, we can sell abroad .
在合作20年的日本合作伙伴的支持下,VERRI在全日本开设了许 的专卖 店 ,迅速扩张了在日本东部的市场。
The expansion of the eastern market in the Empire of the Rising Sun became much more efficient with the assistance of a twenty-year partnership which sustained Verri during the opening of many shops throughout Japan.
这种专利授予用计算机技术完成传 统工艺的公司广的权利(网上 卖专 利 和网 上购物专利就是两个出名的例子)。
Business-method patents essentially give broad rights to corporations who perform established
processes using computer technology (two famous
[...] examples are patents on online auctions and patents on online shopping).
23. 《行政与财务手册》就可不一定非通过广告和竞标规定的情况作了规定(1025.13 项规 定)9 :“如遇下述情况,可不经做广告也无需竞标即可分配合同: a. 有关货物或服务的价格或价目表是由法律规定的; b.
[...] [...] 提供来源确实绝无仅有; c. 经证明是刻不容缓的需要,已没有时间搞竞标; d. 必须确保设备、用品或零件标准化或替换,而且已证明本组织得从确定的来源购 得; e. 订单涉的是专卖品、 医疗用具、生鲜食品等,人们认为竞标将遇到实际困难; f. 联合国已选定的、为联合国系统各组织提供标准价的供货来源; g. 供货来源是联合国系统另一组织,它所提供的货物或服务是非赢利性的市场最低 价。
(g) the source of supply is another United Nations organization which offers such goods and services on a non-profit making basis at best competitive market prices.
如果您所拥的伯爵产品无法在线浏览使用说明,请通过“联系我们” (@)栏目与我们联系,或者请您与伯 专卖 店 和指定经销商联系。
If the instructions for use for your watch are not available below, please contact us via the Contact section of this website or visit your Piaget boutique or dealer.
(i) 一般性文化遗产:审查国家保护文化财产法,并帮助文化部建立一项文化基金 (2004 年); 在寻找和追回那些被卖的文化艺术品,特别是在如何运用物品标识清 单方面 ,对政府官员、文化遗专业技 术人员、管理人员、警察和海关人员及博 物馆官员进行培训 (2004 年)。
(i) Cultural heritage at large: a review of the National Law on the Protection of Cultural Property and assistance to the Ministry of Culture in establishing
a cultural
[...] foundation (2004); training of government officials, cultural heritage professionals, administrators, police and customs officials, and museum officials, [...]
in the identification
and tracking of cultural objects being trafficked, with particular regard to the use of Object-ID inventories (2004).
而在美国的波士顿、芝加哥、达拉斯、明尼阿波利斯、旧金山、华盛顿与纽约,Thomas Pink 都拥有全球最的衬衣专卖店, 仅Madison大道一处就有575平方米的店面。
The US boasts stores in Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Washington, Michigan, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami and New York, where Thomas Pink has the world's largest shirt store, with 575 square metres on Madison Avenue.
为凸显地区业务的重要性,品牌选择在意大利首 的 心 脏地带西班牙广场(Piazza di Spagna)开设其首家意大专卖店, 展示多款标志性腕表。
To underline the importance of the region to its business, the Swiss watch
manufacturer chose the very heart of
[...] Italy’s capital, Piazza di Spagna, as home to its first Italian boutique and showcase for its iconic timepieces.
我们的伦敦培训中心位于 Fulham Broadway 市中心,附近有酒吧,商店,电影院和餐馆,步行至切尔 西足球俱乐部、泰晤士河及国王路和富勒姆路 的 时 尚 专卖 店 也 十分方便。
Our London training centre is in the heart of Fulham Broadway, with its bars, shops, cinemas and restaurants, and with easy access on foot to Chelsea Football Club, the River Thames, and the fashionable shops of the Kings Road and Fulham Road.
专卖店位于大连繁华商业区,占地超过1000平方米,包括:大连友谊购物中心 1 楼 的 锦 华钟表、大连百年城1楼F10 1- 1 0 6 的 锦 华钟表(销售品牌包括:Vacheron Constantin, Montblanc, Piaget, Audermars Piguet和Chopard),以及西安路大连友谊购物中心瑞士手表中心。
The boutiques located at Dalian prosperous business district with over 1000 square meters, they included: Jinhau Watch at 1/F DaLian Friendship Shopping Centre; Jinhau lWatch [...]
at F101-106, 1/F,
DaLian Parkland which include brands such as Vacheron Constantin, Montblanc, Piaget, Audermars Piguet, and Chopard; Swiss Watch Centre at DaLian Friendship shopping Centre, Xi-An Road.




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