单词 | 专利局 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 专利局 noun —Patent Office n专利局 —patent officeSee also:专利 n—patents pl • patented pl • trademark n • proprietary n
特别在专利管理方面,许多国家或多或少依靠欧 洲 专利局 和 美 国、 日本专利局,以上专利局共同 负责对全球的大部分专利申请进行实质性的审核。 iprcommission.org | For patents in particular, many rely to a greater or lesser extent on the work of the EPO and the patent offices [...] of the US and Japan, [...]who together undertake the substantive examination for the majority of applications worldwide. iprcommission.org |
这种援助可以是双边的(主要由国家 专利局提 供),也可以是多边的。 iprcommission.org | This is done either bilaterally [...] (mainly by national patent offices) or multilaterally. iprcommission.org |
请注意,国家之间常 有重要差异,最好总是与有关国家的专 利局或者有关国家的法律事务所核对, 以获得有关程序和适用费用的最新情 报。 wipo.int | Note that there may be important variations between countries and [...] it is always best to [...] check with the patent office of the relevant country or a patent law firm [...]in the relevant country to [...]obtain up-to-date information on procedures and applicable fees. wipo.int |
能够在法庭上保持其有效性的专利虽然数量少了,但质量更高, 从长远的角度来看,这是减轻大型 专利局 工 作 负担的最有效方式,更重要的是能够获得对 [...] 专利制度的更广泛支持。 iprcommission.org | Fewer and better patents, which retain their validity in the courts, would in the longer term be the most [...] efficacious way of both reducing the [...] burden on the major patent offices and, more [...]importantly, securing widespread support for the patent system. iprcommission.org |
有两方面的原因使这一问题更加凸显:一是专利申请数 量剧增使许多专利局不堪 重负,二是专利系统中存在的大量重复做功的现象,尤其是需要 为同一个发明而向不同的授权机关递交多份专利申请。 iprcommission.org | This issue is raised by both the increase in the number of patent applications which is imposing heavy demands on the resources of many patent offices, and the recognition that there is considerable duplication of effort in the system, particularly with regard to the need to submit multiple applications for a single invention in different jurisdictions. iprcommission.org |
尽管第三方在专利获得批准之前或之后都可以提出质疑,但一般来 说 专利局 不 会 尝试质询 对专利权或发明人身份的最初声明。 iprcommission.org | Patent offices do not as a rule make any attempt to question prima facie statements relating to [...] entitlement or inventorship, although a third party may initiate a challenge both [...] before and after a patent is granted. iprcommission.org |
爱沙尼亚专利局颁发 保护文件,在爱沙尼亚,如果是发明,保护文件就 是专利证书;如果是商标、实用新型、工业设计、集成电路和地理标识,保护文 件就是证书。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Estonian Patent Office issues protection documents, which in Estonia entail letters patents in [...] the case of inventions and certificates [...]in the cases of trademarks, utility models, industrial designs, integrated circuits and geographical indications. daccess-ods.un.org |
欧洲专利局规定可在专利批 准后的九个月内提出质疑。 iprcommission.org | Before the EPO, the period for filing opposition begins after [...] granting of the patent rights and lasts nine months. iprcommission.org |
此倡议集合 了多边和双边援助组织(包括世界银行,联合国开发计划署,联合国贸易与发展会议以 及世界贸易组织,但不包括世界知识产权组织和欧 洲 专利局 ) , 以便为贸易能力的发展和 贸易改革进行共同需求评估与规划。 iprcommission.org | This initiative brings together multilateral and bilateral donors (including the World Bank, UNDP, UNCTAD and WTO but not WIPO or EPO) to undertake joint needs assessment and programming for trade capacity development and trade reform. iprcommission.org |
从实践角度来看,迈出的第一步可以 是由世界知识产权组织和欧洲专利局 正 式 加入《与贸易有关的技术援助综合框架》核心 援助组织的行列。 iprcommission.org | In practical terms, the first step could be for WIPO and EPO to join formally the Integrated Framework’s group of core donors. iprcommission.org |
发展中国家的专利局和立 法机构都应该充分认识到它们在制定和 执行专利政策时所采取的措施会带来什么样的商业和社会冲击。 iprcommission.org | Both patent offices and legislatures [...] in developing countries need be fully aware of the commercial and social impact of [...]the approach they take in devising and implementing patent policy. iprcommission.org |
国际知识产权组织也正在从事这类图书馆方面的工作,该组织有一个专门的特别工作组, 由来自中国、印度、美国专利局和欧 洲 专利局 的 代表组成,该工作组正在研究这些图书 馆如何能够被并入专利办公室使用的现有搜索工具。 iprcommission.org | Work on such libraries is also being pursued in WIPO where a specialized Task Force including representatives from China, India, the USPTO, and the EPO are examining how such libraries can be integrated into the existing search tools used by patent offices. iprcommission.org |
知识产权统计是各专利 局进行业务规划的重要依据。 wipo.int | IP statistics are an important input into [...] operational planning at patent offices. wipo.int |
问题的焦点在于, 主要的知识产权援助组织(如世界知识产权组织和欧 洲 专利局 ) 没 有工作人员驻扎在受援 国,因此在某种程度上妨碍了援助的策划和提供工作的协调。出于这方面原因,也许援助 国可以考虑试点性地在有关发展中国家或地区派驻国家内或地区内实地经管人员,以便在 发展中国家实地改善其与知识产权相关的技术援助的协调工作。 iprcommission.org | In this respect, it might therefore be useful for donors to consider experimenting, on a pilot basis, with in-country or in-region field managers to improve co-ordination of their IP-related technical assistance programmes on the ground in developing countries. iprcommission.org |
这一既能节约申请人的成本又能减轻 专利局 工 作 量的相互认可制度对所有各 方都很有吸引力。 iprcommission.org | We have suggested [...] above the sort of patent system that we believe would be appropriate to the interests of developing [...]countries. iprcommission.org |
即使之后的欧洲专利局 (EPO) 惯例和法学从某种程度上淡化了这些条款的范围,13 [...] 但对大 多数发展中国家来说,采用这一最低限度的排除清单是完全合理的。 iprcommission.org | Even though subsequent EPO practice and [...] jurisprudence have to some extent diluted the scope of these Articles,13 it would [...]seem entirely reasonable for most developing countries to adopt this list of exclusions as a minimum. iprcommission.org |
例如,欧洲专利局为东 欧的一些国家提供专利调查和审核服务。 iprcommission.org | For example, the EPO offers a service for search and [...] examination for patents for some countries [...]in Eastern Europe. iprcommission.org |
我们还 得到英国国际发展部 (DFID) 及专利局提供 的秘书处的支援,特此鸣谢。 iprcommission.org | We have been supported by a wonderfully capable Secretariat supplied by the [...] DFID and the UK Patent Office, and we [...]want to thank them especially. iprcommission.org |
正如我们在第 7 章中所说,发展中国家从各种各样的国家 [...] 和国际机构接受知识产权领域内的技术援助,如欧 洲 专利局 (EPO),美国专利商标局 (USPTO) 以及发达国家的知识产权机构。 iprcommission.org | As we note in Chapter 7, developing countries receive technical assistance in the IP field from a wide [...] range of national and international institutions, such as the [...] EPO, the USPTO, and the IP authorities of developed countries. iprcommission.org |
目前,如果一项发明对该行业中的熟练人员19 来说不是显而易见的话,它就会被认为是有 创造性的。也许有人会认为现在所用的标准太低,如美 国 专利 商 标局 (USPTO) 和欧洲专 利局 (EPO) 标准,从而致使不重要的小发明专利泛滥,而这些小发明专利可能对专利制度 最重要的目标——为了公众利益而推动科学进步——并无益处。 iprcommission.org | At present an invention is typically considered to be inventive if it is not obvious to a person skilled in the art.19 Some would argue that this standard as it is now applied, for example by the USPTO or the EPO, is too low resulting in a proliferation of patents for trivial inventions which may not contribute to the over-riding objective of the patent system which is the advancement of science for public benefit. iprcommission.org |
在 2010 [...] 年 4 月 12 日的例行检查中,在商标专利局的网 站上发现,尼罗·赫 雷斯仍是古巴机构 [...]CIM、CNIC 和 Dalmer 登记的指定持有者。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the course of a routine check on 12 April 2010, it was noted that [...] the United States Patent and Trademark [...]Office website still identifies Nilo Jerez [...]as the assignee of the registrations of the Cuban institutions CIM, CNIC and DALMER. daccess-ods.un.org |
此类组织包括经合发组织、欧洲 专利局 、 欧 洲核研究组织、国际货币基金组织以及国际 [...] 清算银行。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This included the [...] OECD, European Patent Office, CERN, IMF [...]and the Bank for International Settlements. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此次复审同样非常严格,专利局认为 ,在'7 45 号 专 利 的 原审过程中,未考虑包括许多新专利在内的70多项现有技术引用。 tipschina.gov.cn | This re-examination was [...] certainly very thorough, as the Patent Office considered more than [...]70 prior art citations including [...]dozens of new ones not considered during the original examination of the '745 patent. tipschina.gov.cn |
参见判决 1496(粮农组织),Güsten [...] 案,陈述部分 7 和 8 以及判决 2191(欧洲专利局)“ 由于起诉人的职位变动了, [...]对其利益的损害就更大了。 unesdoc.unesco.org | See Judgement 1496 (FAO), in re Güsten, Considerations [...] 7 and 8 and Judgement 2191 (EPO): “The [...] complainant’s interests were disregarded [...]all the more since he was opposed to the transfer. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本事务所的专利代理人也有资格在欧盟内部市场一体化管理局(OHIM)和欧 洲 专利局 ( E P O) 内作 为 专 利 代理人代表客户。 isarpatent.com | The attorneys in our chambers are furthermore permitted to appear before the Office for the Harmonization of the Internal [...] Market (OHIM) and, in their role as [...] European patent attorneys, they may also appear before the European Patent Office (EPO). isarpatent.com |
12.4 在 IPC 专家委员会的主持下,将通过对三个分类系统(欧 洲 专利局的 ECLA、日本特许厅 的 File Index(FI)和美国专利商标 局的 USCLA)进行简化(第一阶段取得成功,并于 2011 年开 [...] 始运行)并将其聚合或整合到 IPC 之中,并考虑 IP5(欧专局、韩国知识产权局、特许厅、中国国 [...]家知识产权局和美国专商局)基金项目的共用混合分类,以继续加强 IPC 的工作。 wipo.int | Enhancement of the IPC will [...] continue within the auspices of the IPC Committee of Experts through simplification (an initial stage was successfully [...]implemented [...]and became operational in 2011) and possible convergence or integration of the three classification systems (the European Classification System (ECLA) of EPO, the File Index (FI) of JPO and the US Classifications (USCLA) of USPTO) into the IPC, taking into account the Common Hybrid Classification of the Foundation project of IP5 (EPO, Korean Intellectual Property Office, JPO, China State Intellectual Property Office and US{TO). wipo.int |
在某种程度上,欧洲专利局 (EPO ) 现在也采用了 这样的要求22 。人们希望,这一新的标准将防止那些只公开其具有的推测效用的发明被授 [...] 予专利权,但新的标准可能仍不够高,因此将需要密切监控上述新指导原则产生的影响。 iprcommission.org | Such a requirement is now to some extent also [...] being applied by the EPO.22 It is to [...]be hoped that this new standard will prevent [...]patents being granted on inventions for which only a speculative application is disclosed, but it may be that it does not go far enough and the impact of the new Guidelines will therefore need to be closely monitored. iprcommission.org |
而美国专利商标局 所采取的支持专利的方法,导致很多 专利局 采用 相对较松的标准来确定专利申请的新 颖性和发明性。尤其是在药品领域,这 些专 利局经常会给药品配方74 、某些已知产品的 组合75 、光学异构体76 、同质异构体77 、某 已 知物质的盐78 以及生产工艺的变化授予专 利。 cgfwatch.org | The pro-patent approach promoted by the US PTO has led many patent offices to apply very loose criteria to establish novelty and inventive steps, particularly in the pharmaceutical field where patents are granted in [...] some cases with regard [...]to, inter alia, pharmaceutical formulations74 , combinations of knownproducts75 ,opticalisomers76 ,polymorphs77, salts of known substances78 and variants of manufacturing processes. cgfwatch.org |
世界知识产权组织、欧洲专利局和发 达国家应增加与知识产权有关的技术援助计划,所需 额外资金可以通过适度增加专利合作条约费用等知识产权使用费筹集,而不能通过减少本 已吃紧的援助预算筹集。 iprcommission.org | The additional financing required could be raised though modest increases in IPR user fees, such as PCT charges, rather than from already over-stretched aid budgets. iprcommission.org |
我们会将您的国家阶段申请提交到澳大利亚专利律师事务所BAXTER [...] IP或任何一个您选择的专利律师事务所,他们会帮您完成接下来的步骤直 到 专利局 颁 发 专 利 授 权书。 nationalphase.com | We refer your national phase filing to [...] Australian patent attorney firm Baxter [...] IP or any Australian patent attorney firm of your [...]choice who will work with you to progress your filing towards grant. nationalphase.com |