

单词 专业的

See also:


main field of study (at university)
specialized field

External sources (not reviewed)

它的降噪功能可过滤背景噪音,帮助您为员工和客户创造 专业的 环 境
Its noise canceling features filter out background noise, helping you create a more professional environment for your employees and customers.
技能培训课程和管理、营销技能入门课程已成为能力建设的一部分,手工艺和设专 业的年轻 女学生已通过在专业手工艺者和设计师处的实习,获得了专业经验(拉丁美洲、亚 洲)。
Skills training courses and introductions to management and marketing techniques have been part of the capacity-building efforts, and young women students in crafts and design have gained professional experience through internships with professional artisans and designers (Latin America, Asia).
大会部通过三管齐下的办法努力提供高质量的笔译和口译服务:(a) 依靠严 格的标准,只通过相关语专业的定 期 竞争性语文考试征聘语文工作人员;(b) 在 初级语文工作人员初期试用期间和以后,对其进行培训,并进行严密、持续的监 督,并为长期服务的工作人员提供更多学习实质性和技术性技能的机会;(c) 实 施推广方案,旨在使伙伴语文培训机构的毕业生获得语文事务所需的整套技能, 以期增加可能应聘的后备人员总数。
The pursuit by the Department of high-quality
translation and interpretation
[...] services is based on a three-pronged approach: (a) reliance on exacting standards in recruiting language staff only through periodic competitive language examinations in the relevant language professions; (b) provision [...]
of training and close
and continuing supervision of junior language staff throughout their initial probationary period and beyond, as well as expanded opportunities for upgrading substantive and technical skills for longer-serving staff; and (c) an outreach programme aimed at helping equip graduates of partner language training institutions with the skill sets required by language services, with a view to expanding the pool of potential recruits.
对平民的人身保护应是优先事项,但刚果民主共和国平民面临 的众多威胁和东部地区仍不见减少的不稳定情况不会消除,除非根本问题得到有 效解决,包括建立有效的国家权力,建设装备及供应充 的专业的 安 全机构和法 治机构,特别是武装部队、国家警察和司法部门,制止非法开采自然资源,应对 国家存在薄弱或匮乏情况,并使外国和当地的非法武装团体丧失能力。
These include establishing of effective State authority; building professional and adequately equipped and supplied security and rule-of-law institutions, in particular the armed forces, the national police and the judiciary; curbing the illegal exploitation of natural resources; addressing the weak or absent presence of the State; and neutralizing illegal foreign and local armed groups.
英语已经成为学术界和国际贸易中使用的主要语言,这使 得很多科学、工程和业专业的学生都期望接受英语授 课。
The emergence of English as the primary language for academic discourse as well as international trade, resulting in a desire to receive instruction in English among many science, engineering, and business students.
领先的国际标准和 高水的专业律师 使得我们的团队能为客户创造令人满意的结果。
Top international standards and highly specialized lawyers enable our team to produce quality results for our clients.
了解我的专业产品 可以为您的业务做些什么。
See what our professional products can do for your business.
的专业团队 与当地和国际的金融合伙人保 持密切联系,可以提供必要的商业计划支持融资交易。
Our competent team works closely with local and international [...]
financial partners and provides the necessary business planning
to support financial transactions.
评价还得出结论认为,开发署“为国际环境工作作出 了重要贡献”,“现已成为在这些领域开展工作的主要全球组织之一”;“已在总部 和各区域中心建立了一支为该组织争 的专业 、 精 干的技术团队”;拿出了“高 质量的分析性知识产品,被公认为有助于政策对话、倡导和提高认识工作;制定 和实施了高质量的环境项目,“这些独立的举措成效显著,具有创新性”;高效率 地执行了全环基金项目,“对其总体成功作出了重大贡献” [4 ]。
The evaluation also concluded that UNDP made “significant contributions to international environmental efforts” and is now “among the leading global organizations working in these areas”; built up a “specialized and capable technical team at headquarters and in the regional centres that is a credit to the organization”; produced “high-quality analytical knowledge products recognized for their value in policy dialogue, advocacy and awareness raising”; developed and implemented highquality environmental projects that are “impressive and innovative as stand-alone initiatives”; and implemented GEF projects efficiently and “made a significant contribution to its overall success” [4].
此外,执行支助股定期收到专门用于向受害人提供援助 咨询服务数量不菲的财政支助,这或许是出于对执行支助股所拥有的向根据国情 申请已达成受害人援助协定的缔约国提供咨询时恰如其 的专业 技 能 的认可。
In addition, the ISU has regularly received significant financial support that is earmarked for providing victim assistance advisory services, perhaps in recognition of the niche expertise developed by the ISU in advising States Parties on applying, in their national contexts, the victim assistance understandings they have agreed to.
用以增强物流服务业者的专业精神 及 其服务质量的其他措施包括:在国家一级制订一套最低标准和行为守则、在 区域一级相互交流知识和经验、以及在国家、次区域和区域各级制订可持续 的培训和能力建设方案。
Other measures for enhancing the professionalism and competence of logistics service providers include the establishment of minimum standards and codes of conduct at the national level, the sharing of knowledge and experiences at the regional level, and the establishment of sustainable training and capacity-building programmes at the national, subregional and regional levels.
在某些情 况下专门化的和特定行业的能力 使得人们可以利用信通技术支持基因测序、组 织取样以及材料科学和化学方面日益增长的技术。
In some cases, specialized and industry-specific capabilities [...]
are enabling the use of ICTs to support gene sequencing, tissue
sampling, and a growing array of techniques in materials sciences and chemistry.
在大力发展基础设施和 追求出的专业管理 的同时,西班牙还花大力气培养年 的专业 歌 唱 家,他们将 有幸成为在过去半个世纪中统领抒情诗世界的一代人的继承者。
This development in infrastructure,
and in the quest for
[...] excellence in professional management, has been accompanied by the rise of an excellent young core of professional singers, worthy [...]
heirs of the generation
that reigned in the opera world in the mid-twentieth century.
一些代表团指出,由信托基金提供支持可以为在国家或区域一级利用发展中国家 学术机的专业知识提供良好的机会,确定可以利用哪些专家和数据来源来提供科学 建议。
Some delegations pointed out that the support of the Trust Fund was a good opportunity
to take advantage of
[...] the expertise available in academic institutions in developing countries at the national or regional level in order to identify experts and sources of [...]
data that could be used to provide scientific advice.
德美乐嘉的产品目前销往80多个国 的专业 皮 肤 护理中心,受到专业皮肤护理治疗师的推荐,德美乐嘉在加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡、纽约州纽约市,英国伦敦、德国柏林、新西兰奥克兰、阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜、印度孟买和Dermalogica.com网站设有品牌概念区。
Dermalogica products are currently sold in over 80 countries at select skin treatment centers on the recommendation of a qualified professional skin therapist in addition to the brand's concept spaces in Santa Monica, CA; New York, NY; London, England; Berlin, Germany; Auckland, New Zealand; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; and Mumbai, India and online at Dermalogica.com.
[...] 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化 业专业 人 士 的 对 话 ;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a
comparative study of school textbooks;
[...] dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; [...]
the organization of an interregional
conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
为各地的专家、专业人士、非政府组织的代表、政府和管理部门的 代表提供了一个机会,从全球角度探讨言论自由问题,如电子空间行使言论自由的新的机 [...]
遇、挑战和障碍,包括直接的(新闻审查)或间接的(无法获得信息与传播技术或信息)障碍; 以及对内容的管理等问题。
It provided experts, professionals, representatives [...]
of non-governmental organizations, governmental and regulatory agencies
from all regions with an opportunity to identify freedom of expression issues on a global basis such as new possibilities, challenges and obstacles of the exercise of freedom of expression in cyberspace, whether direct (censorship) or indirect (lack of access to ICTs or information); and the regulation of its contents.
但是,专家组从矿产与能源部得到了一张现有矿井位置图,并期待在任期余 下部分组织考察,以便就前专家组 有关矿 业的 调 查 结果采取后续行动(见 S/2011/271,第 175 至 182 段)。
However, the Group received from the Ministry of Mines and Energy a chart with the locations of all existing mines and looks forward, during the remainder of its mandate, to organize visits in order to follow up previous Groups’ findings related to the mining industry (see paras. 175-182 of S/2011/271).
同样,签订外地供应高价值系统合同要求 在合同谈判之前对供应商样机和(或)生产线进行技术检查(102 500 美元);参 加专业航空运输会议(28 800 美元);与外勤部合作在后勤基地举办一年一度的 航空承运人日,向业界介绍行业招标方法的新发展和经修订的合同范本,并获取 业界反馈(15 600 美元);出席与汽车行业相的专业交 易会,以确保在车队承包 合同和售后支助中采用最高的行业标准(9 700 美元);出席后勤基地的运输主任 会议,更好地了解维和特派团对车辆和燃料的相关要求(8 700 美元)。
Similarly, the establishment of high-value systems contracts for field supplies entail technical inspections of vendors prototypes and/or production lines followed by contract negotiations ($102,500); participation in specialized air transportation conferences ($28,800); organize the annual air carrier day in UNLB in cooperation with DFS to brief the industry on new developments regarding solicitation methods, revised model contracts and obtain industry feedback ($15,600); attendance of specialized trade fairs related to the automotive industry to ensure that the highest industry standards are applied to vehicle fleet contracting processes and after-sale support ($9,700); and attendance of the chief transportation officers’ conference in UNLB to gain better understanding of peacekeeping missions’ requirements related to vehicles and fuel ($8,700).
这些计划包括对公共网站适应性的分析及支持;在公共部门 及私人部的专业培训 ,包括对所涉及网站内容的改进和更新;推动实施新型技 术方案以发展用于维护信息社会接入水平的工具及服务,以及对于通用设计作为 [...]
The projects include analysis of and support for
the adaptation of public
[...] websites, the training of both public- and private-sector professionals involved in the [...]
development and updating
of those websites, the launching of innovative technological projects designed to develop tools and services facilitating maintenance of the level of accessibility required by law and the promotion of awareness in society of the importance of universal design as a means of guaranteeing nondiscriminatory access to the services of the information society.
危地马拉环境和自然资源部下 的专业 技 术 臭氧股将协调项目的执行,并在牵头执 [...]
行机构工发组织和合作执行机构环境规划署的协助下负责整个氟氯烃淘汰管理计划方案的 国家协调。
The Specialized Technical Ozone Unit [...]
of Guatemala (UTOZ), within the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, will
coordinate the implementation of the project and will be responsible for the national coordination of the whole HPMP program with the assistance of UNIDO as the lead implementation agency and UNEP as cooperating implementation agency.
公司充分利用凭借丰富经验开 的专业 技 能和高技术提供广泛的服务,除了用电缆船提供服务外,还提供在日本近海安装地震探测系统、用AE2000自主水下机器人调查海缆埋设情况和鲸鱼习性、选择最佳海底电缆铺设路线等服务。
By making the
[...] best use of the expertise and high technologies [...]
cultivated through the rich experience, KCS offers a wide
range of services such as installation of earthquake detection systems in nearby seas in Japan, a survey on cable burial conditions and whale behavior using the autonomous underwater robot, AE2000, and the best route selection for submarine cable laying, in addition to the services using the cable ships.
性别问题和提高妇女 地位问题特别顾问办公室也鼓励扩大和平行动的征聘基础,将国际和国 的专业 组织 和民间社会组织包括在内,并定期向维和部、政治部和秘书长特别代表办公 室提供适当的妇女候选人名单,以担任特别代表和特使职务以及和平行动的正规 工作人员。
The Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women has also encouraged the broadening of the recruitment base for peace operations to cover international and national professional and civil society organizations and has regularly supplied lists of suitable women candidates for special representatives and envoy posts and for regular peace operations staff to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the Department of Political Affairs and the offices of the Special Representatives of the Secretary-General.
工作计 划的要素包括扩展信通技术培训中心名为《政府领导人信通技术基本 知识教程方案》的信通技术促发展能力建设旗舰方案、开发和更新学 院的培训单元、将培训单元优先排序和支持培训单元本地化、加强学的专业人员 队伍建设、扩大方案的受益人群、开展有关信通技术促 发展的专题培训、通过信通培训中心虚拟学院促进远程学习、不断加 强面向青年的信通技术促发展能力建设、通过各种新型信通技术促发 展知识产品和利用在线平台进一步促进研究和知识共享、推动为成员 国和伙伴提供咨询服务、促进有关信通技术促发展人员能力建设的多 边合作。
The key elements of the work plan included expansion of the APCICT flagship ICTD capacity-building programme, the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders, development and updating of Academy training modules, prioritization of the modules for training and supporting their localization, enhancing the pool of Academy resource persons, widening the beneficiary group of the programme, conducting thematic training on ICTD, promoting distance learning through the APCICT Virtual Academy, strengthening ongoing efforts for ICTD capacity-building for youth, furthering research and knowledge sharing through new ICTD knowledge products and leveraging online platforms, enabling the provision of advisory services for member States and partners, and the facilitation of multilateral cooperation on ICTD human capacity-building.
委员会吁请缔约国酌情在各个层次向学生及所有直接参与促进和保护经济、 社会和文化权的专业人员,如公务员、教师和社会工作者与警察提供有关 人权的教育,包括经济、社会和文化权利的教育。
The Committee calls on the State party to provide education on human rights, including on economic, social and cultural rights, to students at all levels as appropriate, and for members of all professions that have a direct role in the promotion and protection of economic, social and cultural rights, including civil servants, teachers, social workers and the police.
委员会还建议加强对所有从事儿童工的专业群体 、尤其是执法人员、移民官员、媒体、教师、医务人员、社会工作 者和儿童保育机构工作人员进行适当和有系统的培训。
It also recommends the reinforcement of adequate and systematic training of all professional groups working for and with children, in particular law enforcement officials, immigration officials, media, teachers, health personnel, social workers and personnel of childcare institutions.
[...] 际知识产权标准制定和知识产权与其国家利益关系评估方 的专业 知 识 和相关经验;他们 可能不太熟悉世界知识产权组织和《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》理事会所讨论的一些技 [...]
The second recommendation we make aims at ways to improve the quality of participation
by developing countries whose
[...] representatives may lack expertise and experience [...]
in international IP standard setting and
in the examination of the relationship between IP and national interests, and who may be unfamiliar with some of the technical subjects being discussed in WIPO and the TRIPS Council.




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